Wesley Clark Suggests Internment Camps For ‘Radicalized’ Citizens

Posted by | July 18, 2015 10:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

I’ve always liked Wes Clark. I interviewed him in 2005, when the topic of torture was new and fresh in our minds and he told me how disappointed he was in Dick Cheney. Our cell phone connection was horrible, but he called me back from the airport. I say this because when I watched this segment…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

276 responses to Wesley Clark Suggests Internment Camps For ‘Radicalized’ Citizens

  1. john700 July 19th, 2015 at 09:06

    By 2040, the percentage of Muslims in the US will reach 25%. Do you think in 2040 the situation in the US will be better or worse than it is now?

    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 09:21

      Thanks to Obama and deluded, leftist immigration open borders idiots, not being able to distinguish between those who would improve the country and those who would destroy it…. all “cultures being equal” and all that nonsense….

      • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 13:35

        I do believe your “culture” is dangerous to our country.

        • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:49

          Dear Tracy Marie: Put on a yarmulke, go to Dearborn Michigan (or some minority/majority Somali community) and start passing out literate to encourage conversion to Judaism, and report back after that experience…

          • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:54

            Maybe someone needs to hand some “literate” to you. Ever been to Dearborn? Know anyone that lives there?

          • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 13:56

            “literate to encourage…” ?

          • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 14:03

            Why are you suggesting that someone misrepresent their faith in order to validate your delusions? Maybe you should talk to James O’Keefe, he’s proven himself that much of an unprincipled slimeball.

            • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 14:45

              Dear BDWG: Weak response. Let’s have a Jewish volunteer! Maybe Tracy Marie is Jewish? Seems to me that you are very intolerant and judgmental, not to say culturally insensitive

              • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 14:47

                Dear Sailor12: Stupid idea in the first place. Maybe if you could prove your point without resorting to lies and underhandedness, people might take you more seriously. Maybe she is, but the odds are overwhelmingly in my favor.

                • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 14:56

                  Dear BDWG: Check out the links I provided in various posts…. You have been “asleep at the wheel”. Your PC life has passed you by when you weren’t looking….

                  • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:05

                    Dear Sailor12: I checked them all out. Can I send you the bill for all the malware that’s likely on my computer now? They’re overwhelmingly biased and most of them only tangentially support your claims. You are a paranoid delusional, and the capacity for critical thinking has completely passed you by.

    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 10:21

      Citation needed. What percent of the US population do you think is currently Muslim?

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 12:35

        2%. 5%, 7%: The inevitable consequence is that, the greater the percentage, the more terror to expect… It’s inevitable; it’s mathematics (check France/England?other European countries)… I’m sure that’s what John700 was referencing…. “The more, the more Sharia”

        • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:10

          For starters, I didn’t ask you. Let john700 be a big boy and defend his own factually inaccurate posts. If you’re going to do it for him, you need to get a whole lot better at it. The request was for a reference supporting his claim that fully a quarter of the US population will be Muslim by the year 2040.

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:27

            Stop being a leftist bully “BigDumbWhiteGuy”, trying to seize the conversation and pick who can speak; typical….

            It’s pretty obvious where John700 was going….. Check out the existence/creation of problems by minority Muslims in a country as their % grows. Sharia demand and then violence.You are on the wrong side of the argument “Big Guy”.

            • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 13:35

              the only sharia law attempts in this country is xtian style sharia law.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:45

                Have no idea what you mean. Sharia now in Oregon. Sharia style finance programs just announced. (Muslims don’t allow interest….). Sounds “reasonable”, right? Sharia-style public swimming pool events organized in many places, and growing (Muslim “modesty” and all that… sexes segregated… Hmmmm). Muslim “Family Honor killings” increasing. Sharia enforced “Muslim days” at Amusement Centers… no immodest behavior; segregate sexes. Sounds “reasonable” right? No non-Muslims allowed… Sharia, sex segregated sports events…. Sharia compliant sports attire… Don’t criticize Mohammed: assassination will follow. (Seems “reasonable”, right; must not cause embarrassment/make people feel uncomfortable, right?)

                Seems like your eyes are closed. Seems like you are the insane one. Seems like you have been taking your “meds” at too frequent intervals…

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:59

                  Sharia law in Oregon? Where, specifically? Cite examples.
                  Which amusement parks are being forced to hold “Muslim Days”?

                  • Obewon July 19th, 2015 at 14:06

                    Here’s his ‘poof: Discussion on WND 4463 comments on:
                    Psych-major judge overrides doctors on D’Souza

                    Sailor12 5 days ago “…tends to deny problems, that [it] lacks insight into [its] own behavior, that [it] is arrogant and intolerant of the feelings of others, while projecting an overly positive image of [itself].”

                    IT”S ISLAM!!!!

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 14:42

                    Sharia Finance Seattle (occurring in many other places too):



                    Sharia Compliant Sports Uniforms:


                    (Seems reasonable, right?)

                    Sharia Compliant School Lunches:


                    (Even Michelle Obama is getting in on the act: Halal = animal torture/slaughter, and more expensive. Is there a Kosher versin served in this school district? Hmmmm).

                    Amusement Parks (note controversy/lying/violence ensues):




                    Swimming Pools (note extreme restrictions on non-Muslims; exclusivity and special privileging):



                    http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/preserving-modesty-in-the-pool/ (From 2005. I’m surprised you didn’t notice….)

                    http://moralcompassblog.com/2013/04/09/toronto-pools-ban-dads-after-muslims-demands/ (Canada also, and Great Britain, France, etc. in case you are interested)

                    Sharia enforced Dog Free parks.. arrests for being “insensitive” to Muslims:




                    • Obewon July 19th, 2015 at 14:51

                      Your own NPR link, debunks your other link to mental hospital escapee Pam Geller!

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:05

                      In what way. Mental hospital escapee? Typical….

                    • Obewon July 19th, 2015 at 15:26

                      Grifter Pam Geller’s inspired murders, place her squarely in league with Charles Manson’s inspired murders.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:33

                      Geller inspired the Muslim assassins to attempt murder on a grand scale, but thankfully were killed beforehand? That inspired murder? Muslims are murder programmed. Don’t “insult” the Prophet! Drawing a cartoon is justified inspiration for murder? That kind of “inspired” murder?

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:03

                      Anders Breivik cited Pamela Geller’s work extensively. She also says it’s cool that he killed all those kids. She’s sick in the head.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 16:44

                      Where did she say/write that it was “cool to kill all those kids” (or some such)? Cite please?

                      So, I suspect that you cite Che, Mao, Lenin, Ho (and other insane mass murderers on the tens of millions of deaths scale)…. You must be a nut.

                      Speaking of “nuts”, it was the “nut” Breivik who cited Geller, not the other way around. Does a nut citing Geller make Geller a “nut”. Pretzel logic, worthy of a 3 year old….

                      Why, I bet many people even “cite” the mass murderer Mohammed, creator of the death cult Islam…. Oh right, he has a whole book devoted to his incitements to murder: the Koran… read it sometime…

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:02

                      You’re obviously a Geller groupie, it’s on her website. She condemns the violence by Breivik, but follows it with a complete demonization of the people killed. So she says it was wrong to kill on the one hand, but on the other we should keep in mind that they were bad people.

                      You suspect, but you cannot provide proof. Nice try, you fail.
                      No, Breivik’s citation of Geller does not make her a nut. I suspect that occurred long before Anders Breivik rolled around.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:10

                      Give me the exact webpage cite where what you write occurred…

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:44


                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:57

                      “The day of the Norway shooting, I was blindsided by one of the
                      survivor’s statements to the press immediately after the shooting (see above). It was so outside the box, I thought it was the kneejerk response of an anti-semite in shock. I didn’t blog on it because I thought it anecdotal, badly anecdotal. But the more that is revealed about that youth indoctrination center, the more grotesque the whole story becomes. Of course, the genocidal leftists will twist what I write here; I am not condoning the slaughter in Norway or anywhere. I abhor violence (except in regard to self defense). But the jihad-loving media never told us what antisemitic war games they were playing on that
                      island. Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda.

                      Only the malevolent media could use the euphemism summer camp and get away with it.

                      The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and
                      instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no
                      justification for Breivik’s actions whatsoever. There is also no
                      justification for Norway’s antisemitism and demonization of Israel.”

                      Seems like she is condemning violence by Breivik and Palestinian Jew killers. Giving context to the story. Just like the NYT might do in “humanizing” the Tennessee Muslim killer, or the Boston Bomber…

                    • Obewon July 19th, 2015 at 18:27

                      You’re own NPR link says ‘1 day per month swimming at public pools.’ You know even less about Jewish bath, swimming and sauna Shvitz ‘women only days’ because you’ve well proven yourself ignorantly in denial of factbased reality.

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 15:40

                      Thank you for not answering the question. I’m honestly not going to click on all of the links to your amazing biased sources.
                      The mayor of Seattle is trying to increase home ownership amongst the Muslim community. Oh noes! No evidence that such a program was in any way requested or demanded by members of the Muslim community in Seattle.
                      Second source: completely biased.
                      Sharia compliant sports uniforms: Biased source. No evidence that the girls demanded anything. They want to play sports, their religion demands certain dress requirements. The uniforms were designed by an outside group, and sewn by members of the community. Why do you hate girls and athletics so much?
                      Amusement parks: One incident, the last two links are the same. You claimed it was sex segregated and that no non-Muslims were allowed. Both stories debunk your claims. Yes, the Muslims at that park falsely claimed that they weren’t allowed to wear headscarves on the ride because of their religion. Obviously not the case.
                      OMG, they’re letting Muslim women in the pools now! Quick, call the National Guard or something. Go figure that a community is trying to reach out to a segment of it’s population and get them involved in one of best physical activities there is. Guess what? When I was a kid the local community pool was closed to the general public for hours each day. You know why? So I and the rest of my classmates could learn how to swim. OH NOES! Restrictions and special privileges for kids!
                      As for the first post involving dogs, dicks on both sides. I condemn the actions of the Muslims, but the one attacked is not blameless. Yeah, let me bring a dog wearing an Israeli flag as a scarf to a Muslim celebration. Brilliant plan. He was there to incite discord and he got what he wanted. No sympathy or respect for either side.
                      As for the second one, headline’s a lie. No video of the purported beating was produced. She was supposedly thrown into a lake, but appears dry as a bone. Also she found it more important to film her rant than take her dog to the vet. Highly suspect.
                      Yeah, claiming that Scottie dogs at the Commonwealth games are offensive is stupid.
                      None of your posts support your claim of Sharia law in Oregon, or that amusement parks are holding Muslim days where non-Muslims are not allowed. Fail.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 16:30

                      Dear BDWG: your dismissal fails on all levels.

                      Pool closures for ALL kids to learn to swim, vs. sex and religiously segregated pools? Hmmm… No Negroes allowed?

                      Trying to increase home ownership by Muslims = implementation of sharia compliant banking, i.e. “Sharia compliant”. So, where was I wrong? Seems reasonable right? Wait for the inevitable lawsuit against a bank that refuses a Sharia compliant loan… what will you say… what will the Courts do?

                      “Second source completely biased”. Check out the references first, and get back to me…

                      You have in major ways distorted every link given….

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:49

                      Your evidence fails on all levels. There are no external references offered in that link. A lawsuit against a bank for not granting a Sharia compliant loan should fail if the bank doesn’t offer them. What will I say? Let the justice system work it out. What will the courts do? Probably reject it.
                      You have completely distorted your own evidence. It’s not as if the pools were given over exclusively to the use of Muslims forevermore. They set aside a time to serve a segment of the community. They do this for all sorts of groups.
                      Still no evidence to support your claim of Sharia law in Oregon, or that amusement parks were being forced to have Muslim days and keep all non-Muslims out.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:15

                      So, check them out on your own time….

                      Really the lawsuit will fail? Kind of like the lawsuits based on “disparate treatment/disparate outcome” where blacks sue banks for not financing home loans they cannot afford? Kind of like the Billion Dollar settlements the Obama administration is extracting from banks/mortgage institutions?

                      Whoever wrote that the pools are/would be segregated “forevermore”? Hey, there is so much black violence; let’s have Blacks only swimming on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays….

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:54

                      Check what out? They’re not there to check out.
                      False equivalency. Blacks were suing banks for not approving standard loans, which they offer. If the bank can prove that the applicant is an unworthy credit risk, then I have no problem with them denying the loan. However, there are plenty of cases where evidence exists that major financial institutions gave preferential treatment to less qualified white applicants.
                      Community pools regularly host events for specific groups to the exclusion of others on a regular basis. So freaking what? What are you trying to prove with your suggestion of blacks only swimming days?

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:07

                      You completely misunderstand the concept of disparate impact analysis (which the US Supreme Court crazily just approved, by the way).

                      To show “disparate impact”, it no longer is necessary to prove individual discrimination. All that has to be done is look at statistical evidence: Neighborhood/city/county 50% “Black”, but mortgage financed home ownership for Blacks 30%. Disparate impact. Fines, mortgages passed out to undeserving applicants (can’t afford) and so on….

                      Analysis and “redistributive justice” will follow for many other areas.

                      Let’s see: Muslim visits a bank; demands a sharia compliant loan; is refused. Goes to the DOJ and complains that he is being discriminated against because of his religion and that the denial of sharia compliant loans has a disparate impact on him because he is a Muslim and therefore cannot participate in home ownership….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:17

                      or in the real world…redlining is now illegal and equal opportunity for credit is the norm.You seem to not undertsand that theocratic beliefs are not allowed to be pushed in this country.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:30

                      Not exactly. Forcing banks/lending institutions to abandon traditional lending practices (or be fined tremendous sums) brought us the recent housing crisis and economic collapse, etc. that Obama is still fumbling with.

                      Disparate impact is round two of that disaster…

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:32

                      What was made law that caused the crisis, specifically. remeber, sub prime loans are not government backed because they do not conform to HUD guidlines, they were illegally bundled and hidden with conforming loans…your turn

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:38

                      Sub prime loans were first forced on banks/lending institutions by the Clinton administration. They were bundled to try (unsuccessfully as it turns out) to avoid the financial disaster caused by the original policy… It’s simple. It’s economics, which can’t be defeated by insider corporate self-dealing with politicians, or nonsensical social policy pushed by the ignorant on the gullible…

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:43

                      nope, wrong again. so you can’t dispute my facts so you use rhetoric to try and deflect. Higher interest loans that still met guidelines , just lower DTI. sub prime loans are liar loans, no proof of income or ability to pay.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:18



                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:20

                      2 ignorant sources….bush ordered fannie freddie to but loans in excess of 20% they refused.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:25


                      “Ignorant sources”?

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:26

                      google is your friend

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:02

                      Ditto remarks above….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:34


                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:30

                      We are not a theocracy and no one may demand a theocratic loan.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:45

                      Why not? Muslims are demanding such things now, in many areas… Theocratic special places to pray; perform wudu; not be around dogs in taxicabs; not handle pork when working in stores; not handle/sell liquor, etc….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:45

                      nope, keep lying

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 18:55

                      a 20 y/o working in a grocery store isn’t allowed to sell liquor either and they don’t have to be muslim. so that’s just stupid. and there are places for anyone who wants to pray. it’s called their house of worship. and what is this about being around dogs in taxi cabs? wth?

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:10

                      Stupid comment. 20 year old rule applies to all 20 year old persons, based on social policy. Islamic supremicism demands, on a strictly religious basis, that a Muslim employee, for religious reasons only, can refuse to handle pork and still retain employment…

                      As places to pray? You obviously are not aware of the increasing demands by Muslims that work be halted every day (up to 5 times) for prayer, and that special places be provided for ” wudu” (ritual foot washing, etc.) so that bathroom sinks not be used… All part of that religious sensitivity and accommodation we here so much about…

                      As to dogs/liquor in Muslim operated taxi cabs…. Plenty of evidence available about that… Happens quite frequently in Muslim enclaves. Drivers refuse to carry dogs in cabs (even service dogs) or transport liquor…. Check it out…

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:18

                      happend quite frequently with dogs in general, many cabbies do not want animals in their cabs, not just muslim ones. In 1964 the law concerning prayer time was adopted, if a place can be found then it should be offered, muslims do not have to pray in seclusion, during the average work day only 2 prayers are said, not 5. This applies to all religions. Service dogs are not included in the ability to ban dogs. try again

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:44

                      WRONG AGAIN. Service dogs MUST be taken in cabs…



                      Obama’s Sharia friendly Administration strikes again:


                      Wudu at work:

                      Here is the insane wudu policy in one aspect that you say requires accommodation (As Muslims have no free will, and cannot think for themselves, they must be told by Imams what to do in minute detail…



                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:50

                      I said that you moron.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:04


                      And no you didn’t. You just wrote that many cabbies don’t want dogs in their cabs… So what? They have to take them; even for Muslims who have a religious objection.

                      You really should work on your ability to think… it’s holding you back…

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 20:06

                      read it again

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:28

                      “happend quite frquently with dogs in general, many cabbies do not want animals in their cabs”,

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 19:31

                      with regards to 20 y/o, why bring it up as if it only applies to muslims in the first damn place when you know for a fact it doesn’t. as for working with pork, if they are working in a grocery store there are other positions to hold. as for the: up to 5 times praying, working 9 -5 , 8 hr shifts still doesn’t apply to your stupid rant: prayer times: 7:30 am (before work) 2:10 pm (8 hour employees are allowed two 15 min. breaks in there work day – i take my 15 min. at 3:30) so that’s not interrupting anything, 5:30 pm, well after the they clock out of work, 7:10 pm, likely at a mosque if not at home and 10:15 pm, before bedtime. so explain to me how this is interferring with their employment? i can’t speak to the dog issue, but not being muslim myself, i don’t like dogs in my car either. as for the liquor, that’s just stupid. so are you saying that the driver is going to inspect lugage or grocery bags before allowing a passenger in the car? stop being so stupid. i would say you’re being stupid on purpose, but that would saying you’re just not completely stupid period.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:02

                      Read the links posted in other replies….

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:09

                      i don’t need to read any links or other replies, i responding to your post to me. but, you haven’t replied with an answer just a diversion. don’t look over here look over ———–>

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:11


                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:17

                      thought so.

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:16

                      wow, you really are an ignorant racist. The red lining law suits were won by minorities and the law was chaged to make banks offer EQUAL credit OPPORTUNITY to all.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:23

                      Kind of like equal credit opportunity for all, including Muslims whose religion FORBIDS them from being like all others, taking out interest bearing loans”.

                      How to solve this problem, engendered by Islamic supremicism, and not “discriminate” against Muslims?

                      Obvious: force banks to provide sharia compliant loans… Snap of the finger….

                      Would you agree with banks refusing to provide mortgages to Muslims, keeping them out of the housing market?

                      Would you agree that Christians can refuse baking gay wedding cakes? Oh, right; Oregon and the US Supreme Court have answered that question already….

                      Be careful how you throw that “ignorant racist” language around. Someone might think you are a Christian baker….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:28

                      stop being a stupid troll.

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:30

                      special privelages is what your trolling is attempting to imply, just stop with the lies.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:34

                      What lies? Don’t gays get “special privileges” and Christians “special disadvantages”?

                      Not trolling at all. You are confusing trolling with a simple question that you are unable to answer logically, so I must be a “stupid troll” and “racist”.

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:34

                      wrong again

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:48

                      what special privelages do gay people have? Once again remember, equality is not special rights.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:54

                      For example, gays are allowed the special privilege of forcing Christians to violate their conscience and deeply held religious beliefs, but Christians cannot exercise their sincere beliefs. They are discriminating, you say…

                      Depends on what side of the fence you are on, right? Tolerance is a one way street for some… Are there not enough gay bakers? Do Christian bakers have to be bankrupted and lose their businesses to prove your point?

                      Can’t wait to see that lawsuit against a Muslim baker… All hell will break loose….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:57

                      violate American laws is what you are whining about, try again with facts.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:03

                      Exactly! “American laws” have enshrined anti-christian bigotry… You just approve of it, that’s all….

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:21

                      Nope, a business has to follow the laws, period.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:45

                      But what laws? The German Nazi laws forbidding Jews from working or owning business for example?

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:46

                      still trolling poorly

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:01

                      Ditto my last remarks above

                    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 20:04

                      Sailor12: “But what laws?

                      Good grief, this guy doesn’t even know what laws we follow here!

                      HELPFUL HINT: It rhymes with “you less monstitution.”

                    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:55

                      Gawwwwwd, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel with this guy.

                      Sailor12: “For example, gays are allowed the special privilege of forcing Christians to violate their conscience and deeply held religious beliefs, but Christians cannot exercise their sincere beliefs

                      Can’t you see that by denying gays equal rights that the Christians and our secular government are imposing THEIR beliefs on others by forcing them to live as second class citizens who have only some of the rights of others, but not the one the Supreme Court ruled “has long been held to be a right essential to the pursuit of happiness”?

                      You’d get it if someone else had “deeply held beliefs” that mandated you not have freedom of speech or the right to keep and bear arms.

                      It all has to start with everyone having equal rights. If your beliefs take away my rights, sorry, but you have no right to reduce anyone else’s rights.
                      If you’re going to take away a right all, including gays enjoy, you can’t take that right away from some of us, you have to take that right away from all of us.

                      Me, my, er, orientation is a bit different than yours. Rather than seeking to reduce someone else’s rights I am for expanding the rights we all have. That’s the key. It has to be all of us, noit just some conservative pinheaded elites getting to have rights no one else gets to have, sorry.

                    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:44

                      Ahh, so you’re in favor of Big Government stepping in and controlling private money transfers between individual citizens?
                      How soon before fraidy cat big government conservatives impose a tax on office betting pools?

                • Obewon July 19th, 2015 at 14:02

                  You’re truly a delusional WingNutDaily devoted xenophobe!

                  • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 14:03

                    He’s not even making it moderately difficult.

                    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 20:05

                      Yeah, I think I am going to have to renew my campaign to convince Alan we need a jayvee board here…..

                • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 14:33

                  seems in your rant od stupidity to me you have confused yourself and comment on things I have not said. Try again wing nut.

                • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 20:28

                  If I were to loan you $5 and you paid me $5 back next week and I didn’t charge interest, that would be the Sharia finance law you are so scared of.

                  So what’s your solution, MORE big government regulation of our private affairs?

      • john700 July 19th, 2015 at 23:20


        • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 06:10

          Thank you for not attempting to support your ridiculous assertion that 25% of the US population will be Muslim by 2040.

          • john700 July 20th, 2015 at 07:14

            well, it doubles every 5 years.

            • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 17:02

              No, it doesn’t. It is abundantly clear that you know next to nothing about the Muslim population in the United States.
              Side note: If it’s currently 1%, and it doubles every five years, then in 2040 it would be around 32%. Wingnut math is not applicable to real world situations.

              • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:41

                It doesn’t even work thataway.
                The reason it doesn’t is the model does not take into account the growth in other demographics. Last I heard, the Latino demo was the fastest growing group in the U.S. So even if there are 3 million Muslims in the U.S. now, and that number doubles every 5 years, the growth in larger demos growing at a faster rate means that even as their numbers grow, the overall percentage of Muslims in the population will drop, solving Sailor and John700”s problem by doing nothing at all!.

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 20:02

                  Well, to be fair, there will be more Muslims in the US by that time, that’s just plain obvious. And they will compose a larger percentage of the population, but john700 is off by at least a factor of 10. Unless he knows something that the Pew Research Center doesn’t. I don’t think that’s likely.

                  • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 20:21

                    I’m kinda rusty on this.
                    Rounding off, 1% of 315 million is about 3 million.
                    Let’s say it doubles in 5 years to 6 million.
                    If the Hispanic population is 30 million, and doubles in 4 years, and the rest of the population remains unchanged, the Muslim percentage of the overall population would still decrease.
                    But the rest of the population is rising. Latinos are the fastest growing demo, I think followed by African Americans. The growth in these two demos spell doom for either the GOP or GOP policies, if they wise up.
                    They gotta either change their policies or go the way of the Dodo bird.

                    The numbers may double but the percentage won’t because they are not outgrowing other demos. If Sailor12 were to run numbers with his percentages and factor in the rates of growth in other demos he would quickly see his numbers don’t work out and he can come out from under the bed, thanks to the fearless libruls out here protecting him.

                    I bet we could get him to go along with a pyramid scheme, though. He has no idea why those numbers never work out either…

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 21:12

                      The Pew Research Center says Muslims will comprise 2.1% of the population by 2050. I’m gonna trust ’em.

              • john700 July 20th, 2015 at 19:52

                Can you afford to wait and see whether I am wrong or not?

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 19:56

                  I don’t have to wait. I know you’re wrong right now.

                  • john700 July 20th, 2015 at 20:13

                    If someone would have told you in Oct. 2001 that the POTUS in 2009 would be a guy named Hussein, you would have called him crazy.

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 20:38

                      Thank you for continuing to fail at supporting your original claim.

            • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:30

              Please do yourself a favor and take a class in statistics and learn the error of employing static analysis.

              In your model you have failed to consider that while the Muslim population is growing, so too will the non-Muslim population be growing.
              Latinos are a much larger group than Muslims here and Latinos are growing at a faster rate than the Muslims are.

              Back to the drawing board for you!

              • john700 July 20th, 2015 at 19:54

                You mix ethnicity with religion. You have no clue.

                • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 20:35

                  As a percentage of the population the proportion of Muslims would still decrease because the rest of the population will be growing faster than the Muslims.
                  Try working your model with the numbers those percentages represent and you will quickly find it doesn’t hold up.
                  If present trends continue, even if the Muslim population doub les every 5 years as you claim, the rest of the population will be growing even more so the Muslims will be more numerous but a smaller percentage of the population.
                  Be glad I’m not a con artist because you are a sucker in waiting for any crook with a pyramid scheme.

  2. rocquedog July 19th, 2015 at 09:21

    W. Clark is and has been a globalist elite for over a decade now. He has shown his true colors and they are not American. He would just as soon eliminate the constitution completely. He will play hell trying to do it!

  3. Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 09:37

    Says it all!

  4. rg9rts July 19th, 2015 at 10:00

    The concentration camp solution

  5. Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:14

    What’s up with Obama and Muslims anyway?

    Obama fails to require Flags to be lowered to half-staff for Marine slaughtered by a Muslim “extremest”, but does for Aurora Colorado?

    Soldiers slaughtered because of his insane policy or forbidding military to be armed for self defense, particularly after specific ISIS threat to kill soldiers in US, and after Ft. Hood “workplace violence”.


    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 18:38

      you jackass. it wasn’t President Obama’s admin. that forbid them from being armed. it was the bush admin.

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:01

        See above posts…. Bush has nothing to do with Obama’s Orders now, does he? Why is Obama continuing the policy, when times have changed?

    • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 18:43

      what’s up with clueless Obama-hating religious bigots who have their craniums shoved so far up their anus, they use a blog site as a reference.

      The DOD policy on who can and cannot carry firearms on military property dates from the administration of President George H.W. Bush.

      If there was any doubt remaining that you are the typical know-nothing full of sh*t right winger, I think your ignorance of the basic facts on this issue, has erased those doubts.


      Department of Defense
      DIRECTIVE -‘
      February 25, 1992

      It is DoD Policy:
      1. To limit and control the carrying of firearms by DoD
      military and civilian personnel. The authorization to carry
      firearms shall be issued only to qualified personnel when there
      is a reasonable expectation that life or DoD assets will be
      jeopardized if firearms are not carried.

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:49

        Yeah, so? Have things changed since then? I am aware who started the policy, but suggest that it is now madness to insist that the policy continue, wouldn’t you agree?

        Also, you didn’t answer the part about refusing to lower the flag.

        Personal abuse is no answer to Obama’s “oversights” that, in so many areas are complete predictors of his strange policies. Just why is it, do you think that Obama refuses to have flags lowered?

        • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 18:55

          These were your words

          “”Soldiers slaughtered because of his insane policy or forbidding military to be armed for self defense,””

          Nowhere did you indicate in any way that you were aware of who started the policy. When presented with a photostat of the DoD directive, now you claim you knew all along. So either you are not telling the truth about your knowledge of the DoD policy, or your original post was deliberately misrepresenting the facts. I could care less which is the case. Neither conclusion indicates you have any credibility.

          As far as the President not lowering the flag, I suggest you ask him directly. I am not a right winger so I do not make up BS out of thin air, then present my fiction as a factual representation of what other people think.

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:00

            Jesus! Give up! It’s an insane policy now… right?

            And, there have been numerous stories about the genesis of the order, put out by morons who wish to defend Obama’s incompetence, or worse….

            “BS out of thin air”? OK, show the order to lower the flag. Should be easy for a great BS spotter like yourself….

            • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 19:17

              According to right wingers, everything President Obama does is an “insane” policy, even policies they supported when a Republican occupied the Oval Office.

              Yes we liberal “morons” who insist that debates should rely on facts have posted factual information about the origin of the DoD policy. Fortunately, we liberal “morons” are a great deal more intelligent than the brainless right wingers who blame President Obama for an order issued 23 years ago.

              I do not share the right wing’s psychotic obsession with raising or lowering the flag. It would have been fine with me if the flag had not been lowered for Aurora or Charleston. It would have been fine with me if the flag had been lowered for Aurora or Charleston or Chattanooga.

              The websites and pundits whose paychecks and livelihoods depend on generating hatred of the President of the United States, need some issue to obsess over.

              A couple of years ago, it was the unspeakable outrage that the cafeteria at the Obama daughters’ school, served Asian cuisine on Pearl Harbor Day.

              Now, we have the usual suspects bleating about flying the flag at half staff. I suspect there are tragic, senseless deaths that occur almost daily in this country. The flag would never be flown at full mast, if we commemorated all of them. Trying to make the flag display some kind of political issue, I think shows the pathetic desperate irrelevance of the President’s more strident critics.

              When you have no real issue, just sling some BS. Your posts are exhibit A.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:50

                An Order can be changed if circumstances change, can’t it? It is now “insane” to require soldiers to be defenseless when there are calls/acts of murder… Right…

                So, let’s do an experiment> We will parachute you into Detroit with $100.00 bills sewn to your clothes and forbid you to call the cops if you are getting robbed or assaulted… (not that the cops would get to you in time anyway)….

                Admit it. Obama’s current policy is insane!

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 17:39

                  The current policy of restricting all service members from carrying is insane, but your dogged attempts to link it solely to President Obama are silly. And the policy should not be lifted wholesale. If Obama declares that any service member is allowed to carry and possess personal and/or service weapons at will, I would bet good money that more deaths would occur from them coming down with a case of the dumbs than from any terrorist attack.

                • tracey marie July 20th, 2015 at 18:03

                  Detroit, how about alabama, mississippi, texas or any white supremacist state.

            • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:24

              When did the policy become “insane”?

              January 21, 2009?

        • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:19

          Not refuses, just following protocol.

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:53

            Protocol for the COMMANDER IN CHIEF would be to lower the flag. If it’s good enough for Aurora or Newtown (more gun control), it’s good enough for the soldiers who Obama is Commander in Chief of, wouldn’t you agree?

            • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:56

              Nope, how do you chose which military deaths to honor, thanks to bush and your kind there are too many

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:00

                So now I have gotten to “know” you a bit through your posts and I must say trhat you are a moron of the first order, not worthy of any more interaction. dumb as a rock and proud of it, I’m sure…

                • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:26

                  you’re the damn moron. whenever she, like i and others, who have set you straight with facts, you run off like a coward.

                • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:11


                  Tracey Marie is a sweetheart who just happens to be a dead ringer for Kate Upton, but tracey marie has a more pleasant personality, is a better dancer and is more fun to be around….To know tracey marie is to love her and that’s that.

        • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:21

          None of the Marine Corps bases I was on going all the way back to the 60s allowed anyone but MPs to open carry or carry concealed on base. Weapons transported to the ranges were typically carried in the trunks of cars.

          While your attraction to big government is noted, you should be aware that places like the recruiting station where those 4 were killed are covered by state and local laws. That you would want the feds to take over state and local governments is clear, but at least for the moment state and local ordinances have to be followed.

    • NW10 July 19th, 2015 at 19:04

      Obama fails to require Flags to be lowered to half-staff for Marine slaughtered by a Muslim “extremest”,

      If you’re referring to the Chattanooga shooter, you might want to get your facts straight. The shooter was a mentally ill drug addict who happened to be Muslim:


      That you get your information from the Dumbest Man on the Internet, Dim Jim Hoft, speaks volumes.

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:13

        Really? Well even Obama’s politically correct administration has been forced to admit “terrorism”, despite so many people/news outlets trying desperately to avoid the dreaded words “Islam” and “terrorist” in the same sentence.

        Kind of like Ft. Hood whic, if I believe correctly, is still classified as “workplace violence”

        • NW10 July 19th, 2015 at 19:16

          The shooting had as much to do with Islam as the Charleston shooting had to do with Christianity. So when do all white Christians take the blame for the nine dead in Charleston?

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:53

            So stupid its not worthy of a reply

            • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 19:55

              it’s not a stupid question. it’s just one you can’t answer because you’re a bigot and it doesn’t sit well with you to discuss.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:59

                Did the Charleston shooter quote the Bible (as did the Tennessee shooter quote the Koran)? The Charleston shooter killed people in a Christian Church, after praying/talking with them for over an hour. Seems like a Christian-style killing to me…. What a moron…

                • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:05

                  you fk’n fool. he sat with them to (in his warped mind) and allowed these people to get comfortable and at ease with his being there. he waited until there no reason to have their guards up and murdered them. he’s a white supremacist, confederate rag lover and racist.

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:11

                    Now, now whatthe46, get a grip. The Charleston shooting had nothing to do with Christianity, bit the Tennessee shooting had everything to do with Islam.

                    Writing “seems like a Christian-style killing to me” was a bit of irony, which you obviously missed, proving my point…

                    • NW10 July 19th, 2015 at 20:20

                      bit the Tennessee shooting had everything to do with Islam.

                      According to who, right wing Islamophobes?

                      And, incidentally enough, in blaming Islam for these atrocities, you legitimize ISIL/Daesh’s cause, don’t you get it? They WANT you to fear them and be keeping them in your head. Not to mention that there are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, many of whom aren’t going around chopping off heads or killing people, same with Christianity. The point is, when a Christian shooter goes and blows up an abortion clinic or shoots up a church, no one said that radical Christianity was to blame, so why are you going around blaming radical Islam because a Muslim shooter shot up a recruitment center?

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:24

                      because fear sells.

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:20

                      not according to your fox spews lies network. they contended that it the charleston murders was about the christian religion.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:27

                      Yeah! Some Christians got slaughtered by an insane person, so I guess it “was about the christian religion”!

                    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:32

                      you need to make up whatever is left of your mind.

                    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:07

                      If it had everything to do with Islam then 1.3 billion Muslims would be out committing mass murder.
                      Ever take a class in statistics, Sailor12?
                      How about logic, y’know, p->q stuff….?

                • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:05

                  How would any of us know what the shooter said in that prayer meeting. Ever been to one, Sailor12?
                  What kinda stuff did you talk about? Did the Bible even come up or are you a Buddhist or something?

            • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:03

              I agree with whatthe46, below.
              The question shows the weakness of the point and how the principle employed does not work.

            • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 21:05

              No, it’s actually quite indicative of the delusional paranoid’s habit of selective outrage and hypocrisy.

        • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:01

          Obama didn’t need to be “forced” into anything when he killed bin Laden.

          Rather than get hung up on saying the magic word, Obama has been putting Hellfire missiles up they aysh to such a degree we haven’t had attacks on the same scale as the ones we saw when Bush Jr. was floundering about.
          9/11, Bali, Madrid, London, al Qaeda carried out its biggest, most lethal operations when Bush was in there, and logically so.
          When we had bin Laden and al Qaeda cornered at Tora Bora, not only did Bush refuse to dog the escape hatches, but when the terrorists fled one country one country over to the east on the map, the Bush Jr. braintrust decided the appropriate response would be to pull out the troops and invade 3 countries over to the west.
          Now you know why there was an al Qaeda at all for Obama to deal with.

    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 19:12

      The flag can not be flown at half mast whenever any military person is killed, because of the renj wars we would never be able to raise the flag. he orders the flags to be flown at half mast when civilians are killed. That is why fort hood had the flag lowered.

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:56

        Jesus! Well maybe if its 1,000 killed by terrorists at one time? How about 200/100? Get the point? Its the shocking nature of the event…. not the number. Why lower the flag for Aurora and not this?

    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 18:52

      Quick, someone do the math.
      If we lowered the flag at half staff for every American servicemember killed in Iraq and Afghanistan for a month, how many years would it take to get to the end of it?
      We’re talking, what, 6,000 months or so?
      What’s that, 50 years or something?

      Great idea, Sailor12.

  6. BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 18:27

    No, what she’s actually doing is claiming that Anders Breivik and his victims are morally equivalent.

    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:40

      Ahhh BDWG: What she was “.. actually doing” was condemning both acts, while pointing out the selective dishonesty of your side of the fence…. take your ideological blinders off and do a better job of reading….

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 18:42

        In one sense they ARE morally equivalent. Both are horrendous acts, committed by horrendous people… Is that the “moral equivalence” you meant? Pam Geller did…

      • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 18:47

        Ahhh, Sailor12: The only selective dishonesty exists solely with you. You want to intern and deport Muslims, yet you ignore calls for violence from Christians right here in America.
        No, she really was using a tragedy to promote her hate and put the slain on the same moral level as their killer. If you cannot see that for what it is, then you need your head examined. Oh, who am I kidding? You want to lock up people just because they’re Muslim.

        • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 19:24

          Not at all. I want to now take prudent, measured steps to reduce the probability of future terror (immigration, surveillance, etc.) with a view to minimizing the impact of militant Islam. When/if the violence becomes too great, I would like policies to isolate/expel the violent, fundamental Islamists, not the law-abiding.

          I wold like to see realistic and peaceful Muslims, like Dr. Zudi Jasser, Noni Darwash and Ayann Hirsi Ali (all of whom believe in and support Western values) come to the forefront and be recognized as representative of Islam.

          Then we can talk….

          • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 19:28

            Sounds reasonable. However, I would caution you that giving the government this power and permission may well be turned against other groups that are not so dangerous. Once it is given, it is not easily taken away.

  7. Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:15

    Here is something to get your blood boiling….


    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 21:02

      Wow, Pam Geller and Breitbart? The human brain was simply not designed to process that much BS at one time.

  8. Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 20:38

    Even the Mayor of a small Pennsylvania town has more decency than Obama. He lowered the Flag on his own authority, in defiance of Obama, graciously excusing that POS refusal:

    “It was the right thing to do,” Panto said Saturday afternoon.
    “Sometimes the inappropriate thing is the right thing. I’m sure the
    president just forgot.”

    “Forgot” my ass…


    • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 20:39

      you sure are one seriously fk’n cry baby. you must run through depends. damn.

      • Dylan Davis July 20th, 2015 at 10:39

        So American soldiers murdered by a POS muslim on American soil is not enough for you to get pissed off huh?

        • whatthe46 July 20th, 2015 at 11:12

          not when you’re implying i should condemn an entire race or religion over one asswipe. should i condemn the entire white race over because of a racist white bastard that murdered 9 people who welcomed him into their church? and this “pos” muslim was an American, whether you like it or not.

        • Foundryman July 20th, 2015 at 11:34

          You and many more far right wingers are going to look awfully silly if the evidence shows this guys religion had nothing to do with the killings. Which BTW, it’s beginning to look as if it’s more to do with mental illness than religion.
          I don’t suppose your news sources are reporting that are they?

        • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 21:01

          I’m sure you expressed the same continual outrage over Dylann Roof, Adam Lanza, and James Holmes’s actions. You did do that, right? Right? Or do you only get your knickers in a twist when it’s people that don’t look like you killing people? When a white kid who reads crap from the Council of Conservative Citizens, takes selfies with the Confederate flag, and posts racist manifestos online kills 9 black people, righties trip over themselves to blame it on depression and drugs. But when it’s a brown guy with a name that’s not Steve (hat tip to Allen West) it’s Islam’s fault! Every single Muslim in the country must publicly denounce these actions or their radicals too!
          Get bent.

    • bpollen July 19th, 2015 at 21:18

      Thay, Thailor, what’th the criteria for lowering the flag? By 2012, we had lotht 4000 tholdiers thince the beginning of the Iraq War. If it’th one tholdier per half-staff, then those nine yearth wouldn’t have been enough dayth, it would have taken more than 10 yearth. If it’th 4 tholdiers per half-staff, it would have taken over 2.5 yearth. Do YOU remember that happening? I thure don’t. George Buthh wathn’t vewy wespectful either, huh?

      • whatthe46 July 19th, 2015 at 21:25

        bpollen. are you posting from your phone? lol.

        • bpollen July 19th, 2015 at 21:42

          Reich-wingers tend to have therious ithueth about their thexuality. Tho I cranked the ridicule up to ludicrouth thpeed!

      • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 19:14

        Grammar police stepping in.
        It’th “wethpectful.”

    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 20th, 2015 at 20:50

      You know why he lowered the flag on his own authority? Because he has that authority.
      You remember when it was considered unpatriotic to even so much as question the President’s policies? Now there is absolutely no level to which you, and people like you, will not lower yourselves to.

  9. Mann T. July 19th, 2015 at 21:51

    Crazy trolls are strong on this one.

    • The Duke July 20th, 2015 at 06:02

      Do you have a troll fetish, dummy.

  10. The Duke July 20th, 2015 at 06:01

    Obama said the war on terrorism was over, the demwits stopped waterboarding actual killer terrorists because they love them and would rather drone them to death like that 16 year old American citizen boy Obama blew to bits, so now they are talking about bringing Nazi concentration camps to America. Crazy! I rest my case.

    • burqa July 20th, 2015 at 18:47

      The reason we stopped waterboarding prisoners is twofold: 1) it is contradictory to principles established during the American Revolution by our Founding Fathers. If you need a history lesson on the topic featuring George Washington, John Adams and the Continental Congress, for openers, I will gladly oblige.
      2) It doesn’t work and humane approaches to interrogation are far more effective. I am likewise prepared to offer you a tutorial featuring the best experts on the topic – career, professional interrogators from the U.S. military, CIA, FBI and from foreign services like MI5.
      If you would prefer to debate the topic on your home turf where your pals can back you up, I’ll be happy to post in another forum, just as long as it is public. My only request is you directly address the posts I put up and be a grownup about it.

      I can tell you not to worry about the usual childishness we see. There is no need when the best experts in the field, including a number of instructors from the U.S. Army and Marine Corps interrogation schools speak up about the incredible successes acheived through history by interrogators employing humane approaches.

      Wanna dance or are you just blowing smoke?

  11. Warman1138 July 20th, 2015 at 20:24

    Thar aint enough billy goats for all them thar bridge haunting trolls here. ( 256 comments and counting….WOW! )

  12. amersham46 July 20th, 2015 at 21:40

    Tea Baggers form a line on the right

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