Wesley Clark Suggests Internment Camps For ‘Radicalized’ Citizens

Posted by | July 18, 2015 10:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

I’ve always liked Wes Clark. I interviewed him in 2005, when the topic of torture was new and fresh in our minds and he told me how disappointed he was in Dick Cheney. Our cell phone connection was horrible, but he called me back from the airport. I say this because when I watched this segment…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

276 responses to Wesley Clark Suggests Internment Camps For ‘Radicalized’ Citizens

  1. tracey marie July 18th, 2015 at 10:33

    “blessings”. That says more then most realize, he wants to incarcerate none xtians illegally and indefinetly because of speech.

  2. labman57 July 18th, 2015 at 10:45

    Round up the ‘usual suspects’ … and then repeat the unethical, unconstitutional mistakes made to Japanese Americans during WWII.

  3. Tommie July 18th, 2015 at 10:50

    It would be hard to do that, because most people who commits these atrocities, they act like normal citizens. Look at the latest attack on the military, everyone had nothing but good comments about the shooter and if they didn’t i admit i didn’t hear it!

  4. William July 18th, 2015 at 11:13

    Wesley Clark Suggests Internment Camps For ‘Radicalized’ Citizens
    (we’d have to feed them).

  5. Larry Schmitt July 18th, 2015 at 11:15

    Since there are few more radicalized than the KKK, make sure they are included in any internment plans.

  6. greenfloyd July 18th, 2015 at 11:35

    Oh boy! That’s no way to strart the weekend… We don’t need to get tougher, we need to be smarter.

    I believe we need a much more inclusive approach to national security with all young Americans required to participate. It should be something like a right of passage in the process of becoming an adult member of American society. Military training and public service, in exchange experience and govt help with college, employable skills, infrastructure, social welfare are just some of the things that will require massive mobilization.

    • Southernationalist July 19th, 2015 at 08:57

      My sons do not owe the foreign, enemy government in Washington DC a damn thing, nor do we need it’s help with life lessons. Our sole responsibility is to grudgingly obey the law until this miserable empire finally breaks up. My boys will serve it in any way over my dead body.

      • greenfloyd July 19th, 2015 at 09:54

        What if one of your “boys” wants to serve in the US military when he gets old enough?

      • Jim Trebowski July 28th, 2015 at 18:31

        Your sons? BWAHAHAHA!!!! The only way you got any woman pregnant is by asking your father if you could have ‘sloppy seconds” with your sister.

  7. Budda July 18th, 2015 at 11:36

    We already have such a camp…it’s called Texas

  8. craig7120 July 18th, 2015 at 12:28

    Wait! What?
    Can’t we just run subliminal messages on a TV show(s) that run continuous anti american rhetoric? Ok, what TV programs are out there that has the right addicted?

    It worked at drive inns in the sixties and seventies

  9. Gindy51 July 18th, 2015 at 12:35

    Take out the “young” and you get the tea baggers.

  10. eyelashviper July 18th, 2015 at 13:22

    “Clark: We have got to identify the people who are most likely to be radicalized.”
    This first statement demonstrates his complete ignorance. Predicting the behavior of any individuals is hardly a feasible task, and even with profiling, cannot be done.
    The real solution to such extreme behavior is education, good employment opportunities, and a society that is open and offers both freedom and security.
    Such statements sound like rw blatherish.

    • D Hunter Sanchez July 18th, 2015 at 21:48

      Your points are well taken. However, radical Islamists believe Allah spoke to their Prophet and Islam must be the rule of all lands. Therefore, education, a good job, and freedom take a back seat to radical beliefs because these things are part of “their” form of Islam. Hence, if Americans start to be murdered in the streets by radical groups or individuals, I believe you’ll be singing a different tune. Don’t equate this with the internment of the Japanese. That was unjust because there was no evidence of Japanese Americans adding the enemy, much less killing Americans outright.

      • fahvel July 19th, 2015 at 04:29

        and the bible following american sheep who have been trying to dominate the globe for at least one century are the kind religion, right? When idiots, and I mean idiot with a big I, speak, the ears of nice people just burn with disgust.

        • D Hunter Sanchez July 19th, 2015 at 18:04

          There’s a great difference between Christians and Fundamental Islamists. If you can’t recognize the difference you need to educate yourself.

          • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:21

            what about fundemental xtians who call for the death of GLBT, who want to make all Americans subject to theocratic laws, for attacking countries that are Islamic just because or for oil, xtians who travel to Africa and write kill the gays laws…the list is endless…I should add neo-nazi white supremacists, teabaggers and birther to the list of killer xtians.

            • D Hunter Sanchez July 20th, 2015 at 20:55

              In the case of Christians and the accusations you made, they only apply to either individual nuts or small bands. Sorry, but the fundie Islamists hold to killing Americans (Christians, Jews, atheists) as an ideology. We police our own. Christians who call for the death of anyone person or group disqualify themselves as Christians whether they like or not.

              • tracey marie July 20th, 2015 at 21:10

                so do the xtians like the teabaggs.

      • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 18:26

        xtians believe the exact same thing, why do you think their are xtian missonaries all over the world, why do you think xtians killed those who would not convert, why do you think we had bible phrases engraved on the sites of our militaries weapons during the recent(bush) invasions?

  11. Red Eye Robot July 18th, 2015 at 14:03

    “I realized I was either going to be the loneliest Republican in America or I was going to be a happy Democrat.” Wesley Clark

  12. Warman1138 July 18th, 2015 at 14:07

    Clark has had an ” Orwell ” moment.

  13. r_dale July 18th, 2015 at 15:10

    Does this count for white, right-wing radicals? Like, hmm, Texas and Arizona?

  14. Dwendt44 July 18th, 2015 at 16:36

    I can see the headlines on FixedNews now: “Extremist internment camps advocated by former Democratic candidate’. Should conservative christians be worried?”

  15. uzza July 18th, 2015 at 20:14

    But if we lock up all the people who “don’t support the United States and they are disloyal to the United States”, who will get the Republican nomination?

    • Somebody July 18th, 2015 at 21:30

      Rand Paul. Assuming of course by “United States” you mean the Constitution of the United States, the basis of its laws.

    • burqa July 18th, 2015 at 23:29

      I nominate Uzza’s post for “featured comment” or whatever you call it…..

    • Scott July 19th, 2015 at 08:06


      The left in the USA have a long history of undermining the country. The last president killed was killed by a radical leftist.

      The right are so ridiculously loyal that when liberal New York was attacked, they immediately cried out for vengeance while some on left were saying the US deserved to be attacked.

  16. amersham46 July 18th, 2015 at 20:43

    Do process ,,, only available to some of our citizens

  17. ArthurFrayne July 18th, 2015 at 22:52

    And of course, who would decide if a person was “radicalized?” Ann Coulter, maybe? …. I can’t be the only one thinking Ann Coulter would be the FIRST to be interred.

    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:46

      Personally, I can’t wait until Ann’s interred. Until then I can only hope that she does get interned.

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:04

        Clever! But it always comes down to leftist “tolerance” calling for death, doesn’t it?

        • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:27

          Where did I call for her death?

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:08


            • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:10

              Implying that I will shed no tears over her death is a far cry from calling for it.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:34

                Too clever by half boy! Juvenile boy! Insensitive boy! Dishonest boy!

  18. burqa July 18th, 2015 at 23:28

    Like the author of the OP, I, too, have long liked Wes Clark.
    The notion of internment camps is ridiculous and I expect he will retract what he said.
    He certainly deserves a fair chance to do so.

  19. Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 08:28

    I see no problem with Clark’s recommendation. “Radical Islam” is as great a danger as that faced in WWII, perhaps greater given the foolish left policies of encouraging immigration of Muslims, more dangerous nature/lethality of the threat and the insane “tolerance” of supremicist Islam by the left, for example. Obama being the prime example of this lunacy…

    Islam is anti-democratic/anti freedom and will never be anything more than a sophisticated war strategy to defeat/kill non-believers by Koran sanctioned terror and subversion. ISIS is Islam. ISIS are the true Muslims. The “moderates” are the non-believers and fallen-away heretics. Moderation is a dream, bound to crumble when confronted by the unchangeable Koran/Hadith.

    Face reality; it’s “us or them”, and they are now winning because the “great and good” among us are deluded and blinded by self-defeating “tolerance”…
    Fear as “tolerance”; weakness as “tolerance”; ignorance as “tolerance”; deliberate misinformation as “tolerance”; PC as “tolerance”…

    Sad lessons that should have been learned long-ago, but are always forgotten by the deluded.

    • uzza July 19th, 2015 at 09:46

      Get well soon!

      • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 09:49

        Seems to me you need that advice, particularly after Tennessee, Fort Hood, the Texas Islamic would be assassins, etc., etc., etc., wouldn’t you say? Islam is a death cult, and Mohammed is its messenger…

        • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 11:10

          Okay, so we force people into internment camps based upon their religious beliefs in an attempt to prevent tragedies such as the ones you mentioned. Now, what is your solution to prevent tragedies such as San Ysidro, CA, Edmond, OK, Stockon, CA, Jacksonville, FL, Killeen, TX, Iowa City, IA, Olivehurst, CA, San Francisco, CA, Garden City, NY, Jonesboro, AR, Columbine, CO, Atlanta, GA, Fort Worth, TX, Honolulu, HI, Wakefield, MA, Santee, CA, Tucson, AZ, Meridian, MS, Red Lake, MN, Nickel Mines, PA, Blacksburg, VA, Omaha, NE, DeKalb, IL, Binghamton, NY, Huntsville, AL, Manchester, CT, Tucson, AZ, Seal Beach, CA, Oakland, CA, Aurora, CO, Oak Creek, WI, Minneapolis, MN, Brookfield, WI, Newtown, CT, Santa Monica, CA, Washington, D.C., the 2nd Ft. Hood shooting, Isla Vista, CA, and Charleston, SC?

          • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:12

            Well, BigDumbWhiteGuy, you are making several mistakes…

            First, much of the Muslim terror related activity is related to immigration.

            First step: No more immigration of Muslims…

            Second step: All Muslim non-citizens back to their country of origin. (If you must import refugees from the Middle East, Europe. Far East, bring in the Christians; they are the real victims of Islam. Why “fundamentally change the country” by importing our enemies?

            Third step: Close down all Muslim terror training camps in the US. Don’t believe they exist? Do some research… Round up all people associated with them… Deport/Jail…

            Fourth step: Bug/survail all Mosques. Mosques are the first stage “barracks” of Islamic conquest. Close all Mosques that are radical/have radical Imams (i.e. Salafists, for example).

            Fifth step: Expel all Muslim Brotherhood adherents from Federal/State/Local Government. Utilizing them has been an Obama/Clinton specialty. Check it out… Google Clinton/Huma Abedin/Muslim Brotherhood. Google Muslim Brotherhood/US government…

            Sixth step: Close down all Muslim front groups, such as the Brotherhood; CAIR; INSA; MSA, etc. and expell/jail all their leaders.

            Seventh step: Close down all said groups on College campuses, etc. expel/jail leaders.

            Eighth step: Abandon all “PC” denial of the reality of Islam.

            Ninth step: Unshackle all government surveillance efforts. Allow/promote retraining on the dangers of Islam. Be realistic and not PC. No more Islamic “Muslim consultants”, etc.

            Tenth step: Massive public re-education in schools, etc. on the historic dangers of Islam. Wherever Islam goes, slaughter follows: India approximately 100 million, etc…

            Eleventh step: In such education, teach the absolute incompatibility of Islam free will/thought/democracy/women’s’ rights, science, free thinking, literature, music, etc. Understand that ISIS is “True Islam”.

            Twelfth step: If that does not produce sufficient results, internment and mass expulsion/strip citizenship from undesirables. It is your fault that you have been so naive and foolish to intentionally permit the problem to become so desperate (as it surely will become over time… look to France, etc. it’s only a matter of time)

            Thirteenth step: Realize that Islamic terrorism is not domestic crime, but an organized act of war.

            Fourteenth step: Seal the boarders. No more immigration of any kind, from anywhere for 10 years.

            Fifteenth step: stop trying to be so “clever” to insert white crime into the equation. If you want to concentrate on domestic crime, focus on Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Los Angles, etc. If you took Black/Hispanic crime out of the equation, the US, by far, would be the safest place on earth… Concentrate on the real source of crime, not your PC “blame whitey” BS, phony crime statistics and white guilt/white privilege nonsense.

            • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:22

              You are obviously too insane to deal with. Hopefully you taking your meds is only a matter of time.

              • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 13:25

                How bout that utopia?

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:26

                  It sounds like a fascist wonderland. I wonder how Sailor12 will feel when he becomes a victim of all that he proposes?

                  • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 13:31

                    Some people do quite well institutionalized, remembers Brooks in shawshank? I mean he hung himself in normal America so let’s up sailor finds a way to cope.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:34

                Ever consider that your naivete creates the bigger problem….

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:38

                  Ever consider that your inability to see the forest for the trees makes you come off as completely unhinged?

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:03

                    Really, well go to Lybia and check that theory out. Or, better still, ask Hillary how her planning went on that CF.

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:23

                      Should have figured you’re a Behghazi conspiracy theorist.

                    • bpollen July 19th, 2015 at 16:36

                      Welcome to Klanistan! All inbred nativists, all the time! Come and smell the desperation, but you’ll stay for the hatred and fear!

            • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 13:24

              Did you mention no traveling between states unless authorized?
              Surveillance everyone, being suspicious of people of all walks of life is a practice of better safe than sorry
              Because the land of free and home of the brave ain’t just words, it’s a way of life.

              It’s as if you have never heard of America and its guiding principles, you paranoid kook

              • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:25

                Why is it that the ones claiming to be such great Americans are actually the worst at embracing American ideals?

                • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:33

                  One victim in your family will most likely change your mind…. You are a statistical anomaly, nothing more… And quite cold bloded: unable to appreciate suffering and danger until it happens to you or your family…

                  • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:37

                    I doubt that one of my family members falling victim to a psychopath that adheres to the Muslim faith will somehow lead to me suspending my capability for rational thought, or make me want to suspend due process.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:31

                Really! Well, its YOUR FAULT/PROBLEM that the issue will metastasize! One dirty bomb in NYC and you will be swept aside…. Think it won’t be attempted?

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 13:34

                  Yes, I’m sure conservatives such as yourself will go to great lengths to shred the Constitution in order to protect us.

                • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 13:53

                  As long as we lob bombs on people in other countries, I just normally assume the receiver of our bombs will retaliate. Wouldn’t you?
                  So your solution is to kill people and then assume the turtle position?

                  Here’s what I would do, no more drones kills, no more invading countries, let the civil wars of other countries play itself out, take in the refugees, clothe, feed, aid the injured. Simple stuff.

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 14:02

                    Ah, well the false equivalency argument…. Islam has been a “problem” for 1,400 years. It is a totalitarian/expansionist/supremicist “religion”. Resis and you die; accommodate and you either die or convert and submit (if you are the “people of the Book” Christian/Jew) or simply die, if you are a polytheist/atheist/gay, etc. Check out the Muslim conquest of India: 100 million or so slaughtered in that episode. Hmmmmm; what to do?

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 14:04

                      Check out the Christian conquest of America.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:01

                      You mean the savages who couldn’t invent the wheel and had no written language… And, maybe if you feel so guilty, you should leave…

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 16:22

                      Wow, you’re disgusting.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:06

                      Well, not really….. You have been brainwashed and have no idea of the end consequences of your beliefs…

                      Perhaps you are disgusting….

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:13

                      No, really. You denigrate Native Americans for their lack of technological advancement.
                      You’ve gone off the rails with your fear of Islam and its adherents, and are willing to shred the founding document of our country in order to feel safe.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:31

                      Don’t fear Islam, but am struck by your ignorance about it and apparent unwillingness to be realistic.

                      I understand that it was common for Jews to believe a similar narcotized “reality”, and be marched off to the ovens, disbelieving it could be happening: “But why, I’m a good German. I fought in WWI”.

                      Western/Christian civilization is superior to Native American… Is there some question about this?

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:40

                      You’re willing to circumvent and/or outright disregard the Constitution. You’re telling me you came to the conclusion that that’s somehow justified because someone believes in a certain religion by way of rational thought?
                      Yes, Western technology was superior to that of Native Americans. This justifies their subjugation and marginalization how?

                    • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 15:53

                      False equivalence? No really, we are killing people in other countries, how do you not know this? Are you like the sailor on a box of cracker jacks? Now that’s a false equivalency

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:04

                      Islam “out of the bottle” will never modify/submit, etc. History has proved this over and over. They REALLY BELIEVE, get it?

                      Everything is an “insult to the Prophet”. Everything that resists is an enemy of Islam. There are only two states: Dar al Harb and Dar al Islam. Look it up.

                      Trying to insult me is not and answer….

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 13:58

                craig7120: Didn’t mention the travel restriction…. good idea if things get desperate…

                What would you do if, for example, deadly communicable disease deliberately introduced into the country? Don’t think there is an effort to do this?

                Well, remember the “panic” over the accidental introduction of Ebola? Travel restrictions, and other measures/isolation “for your own good” and all that…..

                And what was that when the Boston Patriots Day event occurred, and the “hunt” was on? Orders to remain in homes/travel restrictions.

                Were you protesting those restrictions?

                You dope

                • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 14:01

                  Yes, most people do remember the nutjob inspired and irresponsible media perpetuation of the Ebola “panic”.

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 15:00

                    Not so nutty to those exposed and quarantined or those who died. AND, by the way, the quarantine worked! Didn’t you get the point?

                    How come you didn’t mentioin Boston?

                • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 16:32

                  Why are you so afraid of sharia law? Everything you’re proposing is alive and well in a strict theocracy, lemme guess, you want a xtian theocracy and put a nice big burning cross on its borders as a warning. Heil Jesus!

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 16:59

                    Jesus, what the hell is a “xtian” theocracy? Is that some clever way of saying Christian, or what?

                    Sharia law is chopping off hands for theft; throwing gays off buildings; decapitating, Lex Talionis, “convert or die”, etc. and on the civil side its subjugation of women in so many ways; no free speech; no democratic elections; no “free will”; no human based art, etc. It’s ISIS, who really are the “true Muslims”. It’s a Seventh Century legal code

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:05

                      Xtian is semi-common way of expressing the word “Christian.” Perhaps you’ve come across “Xmas” once or twice in your life? No? Google it.

                    • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:27

                      Thanks for the information. Why the reluctance to write “Christian”? Are you a bigot?

                    • BigDumbWhiteGuy July 19th, 2015 at 17:41

                      Can you not see that I most definitely wrote “Christian” in my post? Are you blind?

                    • craig7120 July 19th, 2015 at 17:48

                      For you I suppose it’s clever but folks been using x in brevity for a long time. Xmas, Xing, Xtian it’s even in spell check for Xrists sakes..lol that’s a new one I threw in.

                      Pardon me while I yawn over your bombastic views of Islam.
                      Did you know the republicans in Oklahoma were trying to pass legislation that restricted a American citizens rights based on their sexual preference? Did you know xtian pastors were calling for gays to be killed in America? Never seen you on here denouncing any of that rhetoric, but if a Muslim country does it than its wrong in your skewed view of world rules and laws.

                      So it’s their method of punishment that’s upsetting you. Well, I’m no fan of Saudi Arabia either but supposedly their our allies. I feel bad for you once you learn who’s the largest incarceration country, but if it’s any consolation both sides of our political parties are looking into our criminal justice system. So there’s that, but I’m not holding out much hope, lots a money tied up in prisons and people like you are not with it mentally yet for their to be a ground swell of real change on how we treat poor American citizens

            • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 16:47

              Fortunately, the United States Constitution effectively prohibits most of your “ideas”.

              Your suggestions to “google” things are pointless.

              I can google “flat earth” and get all kinds of hits.


              Is this site a joke?

              This site is not a joke. We are actively promoting the Flat Earth Movement worldwide. There are, admittedly, several non-serious flat earth posters, but they are fairly easy to identify.

              What evidence do you have?

              The evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The simplest is by relying on ones own senses to discern the true nature of the world around us. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what’s called an empiricist approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses. Alternatively, when using Descartes’ method of Cartesian doubt to skeptically view the world around us, one quickly finds that the notion of a spherical world is the theory which has the burden of proof and not flat earth theory.

              • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 16:51

                Ah, a “reality is a social/personal construct” guy. No time for your foolishness…. Word games by badly educated fools. Behold, the “flinger” of words un-moored from reality…. Back to college for you!

                • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 16:55

                  So you put words in my mouth that I never said and do not believe. and evade the reality that simply finding something in google in no way implies that the information is accurate.

                  For icing on the cake, you ignore the argument that most of what you propose is blatantly unconstitutional.

                  We can only conclude that you are a “Ah,I have no intelligent argument so I will respond with juvenile BS” guy. Back to middle school for you.

                  • Sailor12 July 19th, 2015 at 17:25

                    Unconstitutional? That didn’t stop Roosevelt from interning the Japanese. Want to bet it can’t happen again? Big enough threat (as it appears at the time; no “second guessing” allowed) and the same result. It is a shame that a little realistic/honest foresight could prevent that eventuality, for which I blame most of the posters here…

                    So, arc99, you are not that well read, and are overly credulous… Check out the Koran: the whole thing, not the specially selected portions cited for the Mohammed of Mecca (when Islam was weak) vs. the Mohammed of Medina (when Islam was ascendent).

                    What you “said” is a confusing word salad, no doubt picked up by way of the laughable education you appear to have received.

                    Good luck with your review of the Koran/Hadith….

                    • arc99 July 19th, 2015 at 17:42

                      having my education questioned by a clearly uneducated ideologue is laughable. good luck arguing with yourself as you clearly have no clue as to how an actual debate is conducted. you respond to what people say. you do not make up BS out of thin air, pretending it is what the other person said.

                      I clearly overestimated your educational background in my prior post. Back to elementary school for you.

                      Here, let me start your education on the constitutionality of incarcerating law abiding citizens. In addition, Article 6 of the Constitution would clearly prohibit expelling Muslims from government service.

                      So good luck to you on your review of the United States Constitution. If you need help with your review, let me know. I might know a couple of 6th graders who can assist you.


                      United States Supreme Court

                      EX PARTE MITSUYE ENDO, (1944)

                      No. 70


                      A citizen who is concededly loyal presents no problem of espionage or sabotage. Loyalty is a matter of the heart and mind not of race, creed, or color. He who is loyal is by definition not a spy or a saboteur. When the power to detain is derived from the power to protect the war effort against espionage and sabotage, detention which has no relationship to that objective is unauthorized. – See more at: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/323/283.html#sthash.8aCZkwph.dpuf

                      Argued: October 12, 1944 Decided: December 18, 1944

                      – See more at: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/323/283.html#sthash.8aCZkwph.dpuf

                    • tracey marie July 19th, 2015 at 17:55

                      Everytime you are bested in an argument you resort to word sald…that belongs to your kind, the palintrump teabagger babblers

  20. Dodd Flea July 19th, 2015 at 08:44

    Is there room for the entire federal government? That’s the only radicals I know.

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