Anonymous Takes The Hoods Off The KKK After Threats Of ‘Lethal Force’ On Ferguson Protesters

Posted by | November 15, 2014 09:30 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

With tension already on the rise while waiting for the Grand Jury decision to be handed down in the case of Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, the KKK has promised to use “lethal force” against protesters.

That didn’t go down well with Anonymous, so the loosely-knit Internet collective has responded in the best way possible, taking the hoods off of Klan members.

The irony here is palpable.

Anonymous members are masked while ripping the hoods off of Klan members who promise violence against protesters who are exercising their right to free speech.

KKK sites are being DDOSed, faces are exposed and the Klan’s 1-800 number is being trolled.

Watch [UPDATE – YouTube had removed the video due to what they claim is a violation of their policies, but you can’t keep a good video down]:



Hands up, hoods off.  Faces of the Klan. 

The KKK should have expected them.


Frank Ancona is officially doxxed, holla!

Send me any new tweets of Klan members being de-hooded and I’ll add them here. Give the Anons some love using the #OpKKK hashtag. 

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland

1,229 responses to Anonymous Takes The Hoods Off The KKK After Threats Of ‘Lethal Force’ On Ferguson Protesters

  1. Bob Scully November 16th, 2014 at 12:34

    Don’t like KKKers? That’s fine. There’s not a whole lot to like among those that hate. But don’t forget our politicians’ histories. All the KKKers in the U.S. Senate, House, and Presidency have been Democrats.

    • Carla Akins November 16th, 2014 at 12:45

      The Dixiecrats became Republican’s in the early 1960’s. There are members of the Senate, House, and yes the President that weren’t even born during the reign of the Dixiecrats.

      • Ed Hamilton November 16th, 2014 at 14:04

        Let’s see, the racist Democrats joined the party that promoted black freedom?

        • Banned_By_RawStory November 16th, 2014 at 14:12

          Yes. Like Strom Thurmond.

          George Wallace left the Democrats to become an independent. Robert F. Byrd renounced his membership in the KKK–although it should be pointed out that the W.Va chapter didn’t engage in the sort of widespread murderous and criminal behavior the organization was known for.

          A generation later, famous Republican Senate Leader Trent Lott donned minstrel show make-up to entertain his friends at the Conservative Citizen’s Council, a school segregationist group and heir to its similarly alliterative predecessor.

          • Ed Hamilton November 16th, 2014 at 14:23

            Yes, the Republicans have denounced racism and bigotry as well. The left has no forgiveness for they’re transgressions while ignoring the Democrat history. It’s actually a constant drum beat with the left to say the right is racist.

            • Banned_By_RawStory November 16th, 2014 at 14:36

              Republicans once were a party of progressivism and worked along with Northern Democrats to end slavery in the South. On the other hand, Southern Democrats exploited widespread racism in their states to defeat Republicans and instituted Jim Crow laws to protect their privilege. That all ended with the Civil Rights Acts of ’64 and ’65 when the racists were essentially kicked out of the party; Republicans helping in some small measure by voting to overcome a two-thirds proceedural vote in the Senate in order to bring those measures to a vote. Other than that, Republicans weren’t needed to pass the CRAs because they were such a tiny minority in both houses at the time. Northern Democrats, just like in the days of the Civil War, were the most significant agitators to ensure the full civil rights for Americans. Since those days, the Republicans have learned to exploit latent racism in order to stimulate their base; witness “Willie Horton” ad and the other work of Republican strategists Lee Atwater and Karl Rove et al.

            • Carla Akins November 16th, 2014 at 17:05

              It’s not what they say but how they act that displays their bigotry.

            • ted November 16th, 2014 at 22:53

              “denounced racism and bigotry” then disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of voters (including Native Americans) to curb the alleged voter fraud that bipartisan studies have proven to be around one vote in ten million. Yeah right!

            • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 02:49

              Allan, face the FACT! that the KKK votes GOP and STFU.

        • Law November 16th, 2014 at 14:12

        • Carla Akins November 16th, 2014 at 14:24


        • OldLefty November 16th, 2014 at 20:48

          Let’s see, the racist Democrats joined the party that promoted black freedom?


          THAT party was LONG gone by the 1960’s.

          THAT was the party of Lincoln and Robert La Follette, (whom they would NOW call a communist, just as they called Eisenhower a communist).

          NOW they have become the party of Lincoln’s assassin.

    • mea_mark November 16th, 2014 at 12:45

      And the democrats cleaned up their act and got rid of them. Now they are in one of the other parties on the far-right.

    • Charli Griffith November 16th, 2014 at 13:12

      You really think after both sides showing just how corrupt they can be that pointing out that they have been on both sides at one time or the other means a thing? Yes, Democrats and Republicans are both corrupt and there have been Klansmen on both sides. Right after Ferguson we need to go after the rest…

    • Obewon November 16th, 2014 at 13:13

      So you think the KKK votes for Dems today or for the Republiklans? GOP Leader Rusty the racist Limbaugh plays ‘Barack the magic negro’ as an insult, not because Rush or the Tea Klux Klan voted for POTUS Obama.

      • Thill November 16th, 2014 at 20:12

        The LA Times and Spike Lee are the ones that first called Obama the “Magic Negro” not Rush that parody is just making fun of them for using the term. And you probably don’t know anything about the term other than hearing on Limbaugh ‘ s show. It’s a term that Democrats came up with after Brown vs Board and it describes white guilt witch is exactly why Obama was elected. Do your homework before you speak.

        • OldLefty November 16th, 2014 at 20:45

          You should look up the meaning of the word “Magic Negro”.

          “guilt witch is exactly why Obama was elected.”


          Why Obama was elected?

          “Corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s
          adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is below 6%, U.S. gross national
          product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
          Development (OECD) countries.

          The dollar is at its strongest levels in years, the stock
          market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation,
          interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S.
          oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the
          wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money.

          America is leading the world once again and respected
          internationally — in sharp contrast to the Bush years. Obama brought soldiers
          home from Iraq and killed Osama bin Laden.”

          • annaaurora November 17th, 2014 at 16:06

            I love him!

            • OldLefty November 17th, 2014 at 16:09

              love who?

              • annaaurora November 17th, 2014 at 16:36

                Our President!

                • OldLefty November 17th, 2014 at 16:42


                  I quoted from a letter to the editor from a Canadian ;

                  Americans don’t know how good
                  they have it with Obama

                  Letters to the Editor, A Better
                  Michigan 10:17 p.m. EST November 10, 2014

                  Many of us Canadians are confused by the U.S. midterm

                  Consider, right now in America, corporate profits are at
                  record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is
                  below 6%, U.S. gross national product growth is the best of the Organization
                  for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.

                  The dollar is at its strongest levels in years, the stock
                  market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation,
                  interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S.
                  oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the
                  wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money.

                  America is leading the world once again and respected
                  internationally — in sharp contrast to the Bush years. Obama brought soldiers
                  home from Iraq and killed Osama bin Laden.

                  So, Americans vote for the party that got you into the
                  mess that Obama just dug you out of? This defies reason.

                  When you are done with Obama, could you send him our way?

                  Richard Brunt

                  Victoria, British Columbia


        • ChrisVosburg November 17th, 2014 at 01:10

          Greetings from Hollywood.

          You make it sound like Spike Lee and David Ehrenstein invented the term. The “Magic Negro” trope is well known in the industry, and in fact has a page all to itself at the TV tropes site.

          Spike Lee’s argument is that it is offensive and racist whenever used, and he’s right, it is, inasmuch as it casts blacks in a supporting role to white success, and the LA times editorial by David Ehrenstein makes the same point, in describing Obama’s support among a certain sector of white liberals.

          The song “Barack the Magic Negro” has nothing to do with this, and is merely a set of boilerplate racist insults to Barack Obama, which is why Rush Limbaugh really likes it.

          I assume that you like it for the same reason.

    • arc99 November 16th, 2014 at 13:30

      and if they were alive today, they would be Republicans. always amusing that in an attempt to smear the Democratic party, critics have to reach back 100 years.

      no one here needs a history lesson Mr. Scully. perhaps you should take a history lesson yourself as a reminder of where all those “Reagan Democrats” went when they left the party.

      • Ed Hamilton November 16th, 2014 at 14:00

        How about Robert Bird? He isn’t ancient history. That said I think they should set the KKK on fire, love it.

        • $34357535 November 16th, 2014 at 19:57

          What ABOUT Robert Byrd? He strongly and publicly renounced the Klan years ago and backed a number of civil rights measures afterwards, but ignorant knobs keep bringing him up with this phony “just-asking” approach that indicates that they have no clue what they’re talking about but want to stir the pot. Trying to compare him against the vicious, unrepentant bigots that make up the GOP today just strengthens the contrast between the parties.

          Wikipedia: (quote) In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he “was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought
          the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions.” Byrd also said, in 2005, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times … and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.” (/endquote)

    • Nobody of Consequence November 16th, 2014 at 16:37

      Yes and no. It’s a bit more complicated than that. But basically, after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the Southern Democrats felt betrayed by the rest of the party. In 1968 they broke off from the DNC to nominate George Wallace. After Humphry was nominated at the convention, Kevin Philips, Nixon’s strategist, helped get George Wallace on the ballot to make sure the southern states wouldn’t vote Democrat. The plan was to get Nixon into office, then use racially coded language to appeal to the Southerners in 1972. It worked really, really well. The only reason Carter was elected in 1976 was because he was the DNC nominee after Watergate and Ford managing to make himself look like a clueless boob. It didn’t hurt that he had a southern drawl.

      The only Dixiecrats to switch to being GOPers were Strom Thurmond, and Jesse Helms. They managed to hold onto office for the rest of their careers. The rest of the Dixiecrats lost their offices through the 1970s since the label of Democrat was equal to “Supporting the Civil Rights Act.” Bird was the only exception to both. He stayed in the DNC after having to renounce his Klan past. He managed to stay in office because he was pro-labor in WV which was a big deal in coal country.

      The south became solidly GOP by 1980, mainly with Lee Atwater building on the foundation of Philips’ Southern Strategy. In a 1981 interview, Lee Atwater went into great detail about how they specifically used racial codewords in Reagan’s southern speeches.

      So you are, for the most part, correct, but your statement is missing a broader historical context. While the contemporary Southern GOPers may not be Klan members themselves, they work pretty hard to get the Klan and angry white guy vote.

      • Guest November 16th, 2014 at 17:07

        Four score and seven years ago….. :)

    • daren III November 16th, 2014 at 20:43

      that was when the racists in the south were democrats … they changed to republican in the 50s-60s so now klan is republican

    • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 02:23

      Someone has to be stupid or a worthless liar to link the Democratic Party post-1970 with the KKK.

      Oh, or a comedian. You’re funny, but we aren’t laughing with you.

      • Bob Scully November 17th, 2014 at 11:01

        David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard (I’m pretty sure that’s the top position) rose to political heights as a Democrat. He ran in the 1988 Democratic Presidential Primary as, yes, a Democrat! Look it up. Now who is this stupid, worthless liar?

      • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 15:31

        Mr. Scully sent me this reply, but I guess he deleted it. Wonder why–

        “David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard (I’m pretty sure that’s the top
        position) rose to political heights as a Democrat. He ran in the 1988
        Democratic Presidential Primary as, yes, a Democrat! Look it up. Now who
        is this stupid, worthless liar?”—Bob Scully

        Duke was beaten repeatedly as a Democrat, never won. because he wasn’t wanted by Democrats. He rose to the top of nothing but his own racist stink.

        Only when he became a REPUBLICAN in 1989 did the KKK GRAND WIZARD interest enough WHITE REPUBLICAN RACIST TRASH to ELECT him the Congress.

        Again, Mr. Scully–You’re funny, but we aren’t laughing with you.

    • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 02:42

      Scully, look up Rep. William Colmer (D-Mississipi). He was the ugliest white supremacist Southern Democrat in the House of Representatives in the 1950s. His chief of staff had a Democrat mentor uncle who was part of the racist gang that assassinated Medgar Evers in Jackson Mississippi, and the uncle helped for the murderer’s successful defense in his murder trial.

      Democrat Colmer wouldn’t spit on the ground a black person walked on for fear of contaminating his saliva, and he voted for Republican Richard Nixon in 1960. Democrat Colmer voted for Republican Barry Goldwater in 1968, and that unapologetic white supremacist Democrat voted for Republican Richard Nixon again in 1968.

      In 1972, Democrat Colmer decided to retire and pass the baton to someone worthy of his seat in Congress. So he did. Democrat Colmer’s chief of staff first switched to the Republican Party, and then he ran in 1972 as a supporter of Nixon policies. He won his mentor’s seat in Congress.

      In 2001, in the 21st century, that same man went to a birthday party and praised the white supremacist presidential campaign of Strom Thurmond.

      At that time, he was the Senate Majority Leader, but in 1972, Trent Lott was one of the racist Democrats who became Republicans after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were passed by a Democratic House and Senate.

      Yep, Scully, all of the lowlifes who have praised white supremacists in the 21st century have been Republicans.

      Don’t like the cold hard facts of GOP racism? Suck on it.

  2. Charli Griffith November 16th, 2014 at 12:04

    If an apology is in order, better to ask forgiveness than permission, right? I stole the link and started spreading it everywhere. That is another one of those “Good Ole Boy” organizations too evil and too deep to leave in the garden. Watch for the white van, report any members, got it. As for the argument if they are Republican or Democrat.. really? Still hanging onto those labels, huh? It’s like arguing if shite or crap is better for dinner…just say no.

    • Obewon November 16th, 2014 at 12:26

      Newsflash the KKK isn’t voting for Dems. In our 2 party political system Congress has just 2 Independents Sen. (I-ME) Angus King and Sen. (I-VT) Bernie Sanders who both caucus with the Democrats. There are “0 Independents” in the House.

    • Mainah November 16th, 2014 at 13:28

      Um, where in the article does it say anything about what political affiliation they have? I did not see that.

      • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 01:19

        You gotta be kidding.

        • Mainah November 17th, 2014 at 09:01

          No Bill. I’m not. This is a hate group. A terrorist group. But reading “as for the argument if they are Republican or Democrat” when I didn’t see that in the article … causes me to ask where that came from. Where is that point in the article? Where is the author even talking about that? To me, the more important aspect is a large group of terrorist threatening to hurt protestors. So just chillax.

  3. Charli Griffith November 16th, 2014 at 13:04

    If an apology is in order, better to ask forgiveness than permission, right? I stole the link and started spreading it everywhere. That is another one of those “Good Ole Boy” organizations too evil and too deep to leave in the garden. Watch for the white van, report any members, got it. As for the argument if they are Republican or Democrat.. really? Still hanging onto those labels, huh? It’s like arguing if shite or crap is better for dinner…just say no.

    • Obewon November 16th, 2014 at 13:26

      Newsflash the KKK isn’t voting for Dems. In our 2 party political system Congress has just 2 Independents Sen. (I-ME) Angus King and Sen. (I-VT) Bernie Sanders who both caucus with the Democrats. There are “0 Independents” in the House. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. That’s why these KKK bigots are being publicly outed as hate criminal racists.

    • Mainah November 16th, 2014 at 14:28

      Um, where in the article does it say anything about what political affiliation they have? I did not see that.

      • Bill123 November 17th, 2014 at 02:19

        You gotta be kidding.

        • Mainah November 17th, 2014 at 10:01

          No Bill. I’m not. This is a hate group. A terrorist group. But reading “as for the argument if they are Republican or Democrat” when I didn’t see that in the article … causes me to ask where that came from. Where is that point in the article? Where is the author even talking about that? To me, the more important aspect is a large group of terrorist threatening to hurt protestors. So just chillax.

  4. Boehner-Monkey November 16th, 2014 at 15:50

    Liberaland is mentioned in this article:

  5. Boehner Monkey November 16th, 2014 at 16:50

    Liberaland is mentioned in this article:

  6. Danny Gallina November 16th, 2014 at 15:53

    Overclock them all

  7. Danny Gallina November 16th, 2014 at 16:53

    Overclock them all

  8. Chuck Jines November 16th, 2014 at 17:41

    Here s an example of someone slightly twisting facts to fit their needs:

    “..who promise violence against protesters who are exercising their right to free speech.”

    As you can see, there was no threat to “peaceful protesters,” the notice is directed at the folks who could very well start burning, looting, and initiating physical violence towards White people. When I was down there, many White people were attacked simply because the were White.

    • daren III November 16th, 2014 at 19:42

      kkk has no right to enforce the law as they see fit — blacks are murdered by klan -affiliated cops for being black

    • Anomaly 100 November 16th, 2014 at 19:47

      Don’t be an idiot. The Klan will not police Ferguson. Their intimidation tactics are duly noted.

      • ChrisVosburg November 17th, 2014 at 00:34

        Apparently, you’re in for another night of Imperial Grand Alligator bluster. For whatever it’s worth darlin, I think the world of your patience and, well, you’re a better soul than me..

    • Sabreen60 November 16th, 2014 at 20:41

      Since when has the Klan been given the right to use legal force? Mississippi goddamn?

    • Mr. Jon November 16th, 2014 at 21:38

      No white people were ever attacked because they were white, you’re making up facts.

      And if they are so concerned, how about letting the military deal with it? For god’s sakes, they’re a terrorist group known for harming and killing innocent black people for centuries!

      • Jaade November 17th, 2014 at 00:04

        When people say it is a lie that white citizens have not been attacked because of the color of their skin it’s inaccurate. I’m all for people speaking with passion regarding circumstances of injustice, but please respond and spread factual truths not emotionally based opinions. Case in point being the video below.

        • Mr. Jon November 18th, 2014 at 00:06

          LMAO, that’s your proof?? That video did not help your claim one bit…

          If your argument was “black people are attacking white people”. Perhaps I would side with you.

          You stated “black people are attacking white people due to their race”.

          You’re the one who attributed it to race, that is mere speculation on your part. There are millions of reasons people could beat up other people.

          And if it were about race, there were other white people around, why didn’t they attack them???

          If you have actual evidence, I have no choice but to acknowledge it, but right now you are making baseless arguments based on speculation.

    • whatthe46 November 16th, 2014 at 21:45


  9. Chuck Jines November 16th, 2014 at 18:41

    Here s an example of someone slightly twisting facts to fit their needs:

    “..who promise violence against protesters who are exercising their right to free speech.”

    As you can see, there was no threat to “peaceful protesters,” the notice is directed at the folks who could very well start burning, looting, and initiating physical violence towards White people. When I was down there, many White people were attacked simply because the were White.

    • daren III November 16th, 2014 at 20:42

      kkk has no right to enforce the law as they see fit — blacks are murdered by klan -affiliated cops for being black

    • Anomaly 100 November 16th, 2014 at 20:47

      Don’t be an idiot. The Klan will not police Ferguson. Their intimidation tactics are duly noted.

      • ChrisVosburg November 17th, 2014 at 01:34

        Apparently, you’re in for another night of Imperial Grand Alligator bluster. For whatever it’s worth darlin, I think the world of you, your patience and, well, you’re a better soul than me..

    • Sabreen60 November 16th, 2014 at 21:41

      Since when has the Klan been given the right to use legal force? Mississippi goddamn?

    • Mr. Jon November 16th, 2014 at 22:38

      No white people were ever attacked because they were white, you’re making up facts.

      And if they are so concerned, how about letting the military deal with it? For god’s sakes, they’re a terrorist group known for harming and killing innocent black people for centuries!

      • Jaade November 17th, 2014 at 01:04

        When people say it is a lie that white citizens have not been attacked because of the color of their skin it’s inaccurate. I’m all for people speaking with passion regarding circumstances of injustice, but please respond and spread factual truths not emotionally based opinions. Case in point being the video below.

        • Mr. Jon November 18th, 2014 at 01:06

          LMAO, that’s your proof?? That video did not help your claim one bit…

          If your argument was “black people are attacking white people”. Perhaps I would side with you.

          You stated “black people are attacking white people due to their race”.

          You’re the one who attributed it to race, that is mere speculation on your part. There are millions of reasons people could beat up other people.

          And if it were about race, there were other white people around, why didn’t they attack them???

          If you have actual evidence, I have no choice but to acknowledge it, but right now you are making baseless arguments based on speculation.

    • whatthe46 November 16th, 2014 at 22:45


  10. Dayann Molina McDonough November 16th, 2014 at 18:18

    The First Amendment does not protect speech that undermines public safety for example speech that would incite a riot. And as much as I totally hate the patriot act…. the fact is that this is the original domestic terrorist group in the country and were given that title long before the patriot act was ever enacted. So they are subject to the same treatment as a suicide bomber under the current law.The KKK is not a law enforcement agency and has no legal authority to decide which protestors are in violation of laws and which ones are not nor do its members have the right to discipline lawbreakers. Take off your hoods and use your badges and be racists legally. Saying they think we are subhuman and promoting white supremacy is one thing. Issuing threats of force in a situation where tensions,are already high is another. No hollering fire in a crowded theatre.

    • adplatt126 November 16th, 2014 at 21:14

      Nonsense. The KKK is well within their rights to inform private citizens of their right to self-defense and indeed to protect private citizens in accordance with the letter of the law and to the extent the law allows. “Yelling fire in a theatre” is an entirely unrelated issue, wherein such an utterance would lead to imminent public harm. Such is not the case here at all. In fact, that no one has started shooting random blacks and the community has not broken out in pandemonium is definitive evidence of the bankruptcy of your argument. Stop persecuting people with different political opinions who’ve committed no crime, like a consummate totalitarian, and start prosecuting those who are actually doing harm, namely “peaceful protesters”, who attack cops, burn businesses and harm white people whenever the opportunity arises. You don’t hate the Patriot Act. Get off of it. LOL, what a total liar. HAHA, good god. “I hate the Patriot Act but it’s time to declare Martial Law and start indefinitely detaining people who have committed no crime, because someone passed out some pamphlets”. You serious?

      • OldLefty November 16th, 2014 at 21:29

        The KKK is well within their rights to inform private citizens of their right to self-defense and indeed to protect private citizens in accordance with t


        And everyone is well within THEIR rights to guard against them and to mock them.

        • adplatt126 November 16th, 2014 at 23:48

          More delusional propaganda. You know as well as I do you have nothing to fear from the KKK. You’re 100x more likely to be attacked by a black thug who wants your wallet than a KKK member. Get off your high horse. You don’t like KKK members for their values and ideals, so you pretend to fear violence from them, to justify your loathing, which is ideologically, not practically driven.

          • whatthe46 November 17th, 2014 at 01:35

            do you think that repeating yourself, you’ll make more sense. FAIL!

          • OldLefty November 17th, 2014 at 06:46

            I don’t know.

            Even though Klan membership is in decline, the only violence that ever touched my life came at the hands of a white thug who was openly racist, and wanted something besides (my neighbor’s) wallet.

            History shows us to fear all who promote unreasonable and irrational hate.

      • ted November 16th, 2014 at 21:43

        Does that “peaceful protest” include the lynchings that lasted well into the 20th century and the black man that was dragged to death a few years back on a tow chain? If you have to hide your cowardly acts under a hood you know what you’re doing is wrong. The hilarious thing is these “peaceful protesters” for the most part claim to be “Christian” (which means Christ-like) and the same inbreds that burn crosses hate Jews! In their defense, the imbeciles probably think He was ‘Murican! ROFLMAO!!!

        • adplatt126 November 16th, 2014 at 23:45

          You are and always were an order of magnitude more likely to be killed by a black thug than a white KKK member. A little bit of terror was a useful, albeit morally imperfect tool to prevent the problems in the black community from infecting the whole community. Now they are eating away at our entire society. Not really a worthwhile cost for diversity, inclusion and integration in my humble opinion. On the other hand, your ideological hatred of whites certainly certifies you as a hater in your own right. “Inbreds”, “imbeciles”, etc. Stereotype much? Which groups you’re willing to stereotype betrays little more than your own cowardice. All hail your oligarchic overlords and their PC allowances. Certainly there were excesses in the treatment of KKK members towards minority groups. There are excesses vice versa. There are excesses in the protection of Israel from Palestinian savages. This doesn’t mean these excesses were not often provoked, or that the basic policy is incorrect.

          • Jessy Southard Strohmeyer November 17th, 2014 at 01:11

            Everything you just said could have come out of the mouth of a Middle Eastern terrorist if you just change the pronouns. Subjugating a group you consider inferior with violence and fear is the act of bigots and bullies – two things the KKK has proven time and again of be made of. You claim the can is defending society. The premise of this nation is equal opportunity and tolerance of one another. The KKK’s attempts to keep a small group of white men in control of the minds, wealth, and laws of this nation are completely counter to the tenants it was founded upon.

          • Carla Akins November 17th, 2014 at 07:03

            After reviewing your posts to other sites and your fondness for claiming melanin has an effect on IQ has earned you a vacation from this site. Don’t come back.

          • Dayann Molina McDonough November 17th, 2014 at 15:10

            I did not say anyone should be indefinitely detained. For someone so superior you need to read more clearly. I said that you are not protected when you come in like vigilantes talking about using force on other people who you arbitrarily deem to be in violation of the law. If you love the cops so much let them do their job and go burn a cross somewhere. Your threat is a violation of the First Amendment and people doing and saying less incendiary things are being subjected to much worse treatment including some of the white people out there you are so worried about protecting. Waking up a sleeping giant indeed! More like luring degenerates out of hiding.
            Oh and some people I know who are decent and loving individuals happen to be poor and live in trailers. Can we stop insulting them by associating them with these hatemongers? Bigots come in all classes and colors.

            And I am one of those mongrels who is much smarter and with a higher IQ than you. Thats why your group likes to kill us we show the world how low you really are.

          • Dayann Molina McDonough November 17th, 2014 at 15:49

            Oh and since when does the Traditionalist KKK support Israel? Is that your tendency to paint Jews white to steal oil like you painted Jesus white to steal diamonds?

      • ravens fan November 17th, 2014 at 14:03

        Stay Thirsty my friend..

  11. Dayann Molina McDonough November 16th, 2014 at 19:18

    The First Amendment does not protect speech that undermines public safety for example speech that would incite a riot. And as much as I totally hate the patriot act…. the fact is that this is the original domestic terrorist group in the country and were given that title long before the patriot act was ever enacted. So they are subject to the same treatment as a suicide bomber under the current law.The KKK is not a law enforcement agency and has no legal authority to decide which protestors are in violation of laws and which ones are not nor do its members have the right to discipline lawbreakers. Take off your hoods and use your badges and be racists legally. Saying they think we are subhuman and promoting white supremacy is one thing. Issuing threats of force in a situation where tensions,are already high is another. No hollering fire in a crowded theatre.

    • PoliticallyAcceptableTarget November 16th, 2014 at 22:14

      Nonsense. The KKK is well within their rights to inform private citizens of their right to self-defense and indeed to protect private citizens in accordance with the letter of the law and to the extent the law allows. “Yelling fire in a theatre” is an entirely unrelated issue, wherein such an utterance would lead to imminent public harm. Such is not the case here at all. In fact, that no one has started shooting random blacks and the community has not broken out in pandemonium is definitive evidence of the bankruptcy of your argument. Stop persecuting people with different political opinions who’ve committed no crime, like a consummate totalitarian, and start prosecuting those who are actually doing harm, namely “peaceful protesters”, who attack cops, burn businesses and harm white people whenever the opportunity arises. You don’t hate the Patriot Act. Get off of it. LOL, what a total liar. HAHA, good god. “I hate the Patriot Act but it’s time to declare Martial Law and start indefinitely detaining people who have committed no crime, because someone passed out some pamphlets”. You serious?

      • OldLefty November 16th, 2014 at 22:29

        The KKK is well within their rights to inform private citizens of their right to self-defense and indeed to protect private citizens in accordance with t


        And everyone is well within THEIR rights to guard against them and to mock them.

        • A guy tired of your shit November 17th, 2014 at 02:25

          Dude you’re a fucking psycho trying to color code people that will rob you. “More likely to be robbed by a black thug” Hey fella you know what? I’ve been mugged 3 times in my life, every time it was a white dude, I too am a white dude. Telling people that you’re more than likely to get mugged by X instead of Z because Y is some of the most deluded and self entitled racism I’ve seen on the net yet. Keep preaching your hate, they’ll keep your name out there so people know not to trust you.

        • whatthe46 November 17th, 2014 at 02:35

          do you think that by repeating yourself, you’ll make more sense. FAIL!

        • OldLefty November 17th, 2014 at 07:46

          I don’t know.

          Even though Klan membership is in decline, the only violence that ever touched my life came at the hands of a white thug who was openly racist, and wanted something besides (my neighbor’s) wallet.

          History shows us to fear all who promote unreasonable and irrational hate.

      • ted November 16th, 2014 at 22:43

        Does that “peaceful protest” include the lynchings that lasted well into the 20th century and the black man that was dragged to death a few years back on a tow chain? If you have to hide your cowardly acts under a hood you know what you’re doing is wrong. The hilarious thing is these “peaceful protesters” for the most part claim to be “Christian” (which means Christ-like) and the same inbreds that burn crosses hate Jews! In their defense, the imbeciles probably think He was ‘Murican! ROFLMAO!!!

        • PoliticallyAcceptableTarget November 17th, 2014 at 00:45

          You are and always were an order of magnitude more likely to be killed by a black thug than a white KKK member. A little bit of terror was a useful, albeit morally imperfect tool to prevent the problems in the black community from infecting the whole community. Now they are eating away at our entire society. Not really a worthwhile cost for diversity, inclusion and integration in my humble opinion. On the other hand, your ideological hatred of whites certainly certifies you as a hater in your own right. “Inbreds”, “imbeciles”, etc. Stereotype much? Which groups you’re willing to stereotype betrays little more than your own cowardice. All hail your oligarchic overlords and their PC allowances. Certainly there were excesses in the treatment of KKK members towards minority groups. There are excesses vice versa. There are excesses in the protection of Israel from Palestinian savages. This doesn’t mean these excesses were not often provoked, or that the basic policy is incorrect.

          • Jessy Southard Strohmeyer November 17th, 2014 at 02:11

            Everything you just said could have come out of the mouth of a Middle Eastern terrorist if you just change the pronouns. Subjugating a group you consider inferior with violence and fear is the act of bigots and bullies – two things the KKK has proven time and again of be made of. You claim the klan is defending society. The premise of this nation is equal opportunity and tolerance of one another. The KKK’s attempts to keep a small group of white men in control of the minds, wealth, and laws of this nation are completely counter to the tenants it was founded upon.

          • Carla Akins November 17th, 2014 at 08:03

            After reviewing your posts to other sites and your fondness for claiming melanin has an effect on IQ has earned you a vacation from this site. Don’t come back.

          • Dayann Molina McDonough November 17th, 2014 at 16:10

            I did not say anyone should be indefinitely detained nor have I promoted the declaration of martial law. I am not afraid of you. I stood toe to toe with your kind as a child and won. I watched when the people of New York City let you know you were not marching on our streets. You are not a wizard you are a flesh and blood man you have no special powers and your genetic phenotype does not put you any closer the Christ than an ant.

            For someone so superior you need to read more clearly. I said that you are not protected when you come in like vigilantes talking about using force on other people who you arbitrarily deem to be in violation of the law. If you love the cops so much let them do their job and go burn a cross somewhere. Your threat is a violation of the First Amendment and people doing and saying less incendiary things are being subjected to much worse treatment including some of the white people out there you are so worried about protecting. Waking up a sleeping giant indeed! More like luring degenerates out of hiding.

            Oh and friends its not ok to diss the oher white people out there because of this fool. Some people I know who are decent and loving individuals happen to be poor and live in trailers. Can we stop insulting them by associating them with these hatemongers? Bigots come in all classes and colors.

            And I am one of those mongrels who is much smarter and with a higher IQ than you. Thats why your group likes to kill us we show the world how low you really are.

          • Dayann Molina McDonough November 17th, 2014 at 16:49

            Oh and since when does the Traditionalist KKK support Israel? Is that your tendency to paint Jews white to steal oil like you painted Jesus white to steal diamonds?

  12. Geoffrey Harris November 16th, 2014 at 18:35

    Note that a great many of the KKK members exposed are residents of St. Louis and many are associated with the police force there. Here are just a couple examples: “Anonymous 4thEstate @4thAnon


    Fmr Deputy Police Chief David Borst & George Hunnewell #KKK Members #OpKKK #HoodsOff ” … Here are some other KKK members of St. Louis: “#OpKKK #HoodsOff St Louis resident and Klan member Mike Stag ” …OpKKK #HoodsOff St Louis Klan member Ryan Biskup (second from left black shirt) and company

    • Dayann Molina McDonough November 16th, 2014 at 18:58

      The KKK always had law enforcement in its ranks. Nothing new. Not surprised. If a cop was,a member of some Muslim “terrorist” group how quick he would be sitting in some cell. But being a member of the KKK is just fine. I am so done. This country is run by sociopaths.

    • tinwatchman November 16th, 2014 at 21:34

      Ehh, I looked into it more. Looks like Borst and Hunnewell are in Florida, not in Ferguson.

  13. Geoffrey Harris November 16th, 2014 at 19:35

    Note that a great many of the KKK members exposed are residents of St. Louis and many are associated with the police force there. Here are just a couple examples: “Anonymous 4thEstate @4thAnon


    Fmr Deputy Police Chief David Borst & George Hunnewell #KKK Members #OpKKK #HoodsOff ” … Here are some other KKK members of St. Louis: “#OpKKK #HoodsOff St Louis resident and Klan member Mike Stag ” …OpKKK #HoodsOff St Louis Klan member Ryan Biskup (second from left black shirt) and company

    • Dayann Molina McDonough November 16th, 2014 at 19:58

      The KKK always had law enforcement in its ranks. Nothing new. Not surprised. If a cop was,a member of some Muslim “terrorist” group how quick he would be sitting in some cell. But being a member of the KKK is just fine. I am so done. This country is run by sociopaths.

    • tinwatchman November 16th, 2014 at 22:34

      Ehh, I looked into it more. Looks like Borst and Hunnewell are in Florida, not in Ferguson.

  14. daren III November 16th, 2014 at 19:44

    kkk is a terrorist organization and should be dealt with as such

  15. daren III November 16th, 2014 at 20:44

    kkk is a terrorist organization and should be dealt with as such

  16. daren III November 16th, 2014 at 19:45

    should be obvious by now–wilson is kkk

  17. daren III November 16th, 2014 at 20:45

    should be obvious by now–wilson is kkk

  18. Jonathan Harris November 16th, 2014 at 19:55

    Expect Us.

  19. Jonathan Harris November 16th, 2014 at 20:55

    Expect Us.

  20. adplatt126 November 16th, 2014 at 21:05

    The irony of course is that the Klan, much as was the case about half the time throughout history, is acting defensively rather than aggressively. Fact is, the local Klan is protecting local citizens and local businesses from gangs of idiots hellbent on mob violence, looting, arson and general lawlessness. But instead of blaming the people actually burning things, you idiots blame a bunch of guy in hoods who are virtually powerless politically and socially. What a bunch of cowards. Why not blame the actual culprits? Afraid of being called racists? So, they’re out there protecting you in other words. You may not like the means by which they do so, but their aim is clear. And besides, truth be told, force is sometimes perfectly just and indeed quite useful. You just don’t see that because you’re deluded ideologues brainwashed into associating anything connected to the KKK with evil by a very, very dishonest oligarchy / media cabal. The truth however is quite obvious to anyone not entirely a coward. The Klan has harmed no one in this situation. The mobs of youths on the other hand have caused god knows how much damage to the local community and economy. Join up or shut up. Mindless sheep.

    • ibwilliamsi November 16th, 2014 at 21:28

      Fuck off, you inbred retard.

      • jn November 16th, 2014 at 21:49

        Shhh! Just let the idiots out themselves. Every one of them that posts saves Anonymous a little time.

    • Het November 16th, 2014 at 21:41

      Hateful bigot

    • whatthe46 November 16th, 2014 at 21:43

      the KKK is nothing more than a bunch of murdering cowards. and that’s the truth throughout history. just like yourself a coward that’s too chicken sh’t to tell everyone who you really are. what? afraid your black boss will fire your a&&?!!! that is if you even have a job. trailer park inbred.

      • adplatt126 November 16th, 2014 at 23:57

        Do you not see the irony in insulting someone by sheer stereotype (“trailer park inbred”) regarding their supposed evil tribalism (hypocrisy) or the compounded irony in doing so, without having learned yourself proper punctuation or even the grade-school art of capitalization? I do not hide my political opinions. Cowards are those who pick on powerless people, like KKK members (the most marginalized minority in the nation) and ignore the crimes of the actual culprits (“innocent”, “peaceful” protesters, throwing rocks, bricks and molotov cocktails at cops, and looting stores in their own communities, because someone with similar colored skin was shot in all likelihood justifiably by a police officer) because they’re fearful of being called racists by the power structure and those with influence, whose political persuasions are entirely dictated by the mandates of the cultural zeitgeist.

        • whatthe46 November 17th, 2014 at 00:05

          thanks for proving my point.

        • porsche-is-da-best November 17th, 2014 at 00:54

          hey man cant agree more with you. keep spreading your knowledge maybe it will get thru sum of these thick skulled idiots. always fighting for multiculturalism like its going to make us all get a long

          • whatthe46 November 17th, 2014 at 01:32

            why so miserable? oh, you’re a racist that’s why.

          • Tigernan Quinn November 17th, 2014 at 08:45

            We’re good. We don’t need your knowledge. We need you to cease to exist.

        • ravens fan November 17th, 2014 at 13:59

          Sucks being you.

    • Mr. Jon November 16th, 2014 at 21:44

      You’re a klan sympathizer, so everything you say is invalid… and your entire paragraph was written in vain.

    • ChrisVosburg November 17th, 2014 at 00:22

      You talk like a Nazi.

    • Keyser Soze November 17th, 2014 at 03:04

      The Klan has killed more, looted more, and committed more arson than every single black protester in US history

      • whatthe46 November 17th, 2014 at 03:22

        people like him know nothing of history. they just talk a lot of sh’t. never will he mention the white young adults that will set fires, turn over police/civilian cars, riot, and loot over a dam* game. win or loose. its nothing to do with protesting about indignities or injustice. but when that happens, the KKK and fox calls it letting off steam. go figure. i don’t care what the reason is or who you are, its stupid. but racist like him, only see it wrong when someone else is involved. a&&wipes.

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