Open Carry Group Inadvertently Backs Moms Group: Do Not Carry Long Guns Into Stores (Images)

Posted by | October 27, 2014 14:01 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

When an extremist group such as Ohio Carry inadvertently admits to agreeing with Moms Demand Action, the gun sense group, then perhaps they should read their own words. As reported here yesterday, to counter the Moms gun sense group gathering at Kroger headquarters, Ohio Carry is calling on gun owners to go to all Kroger stores nationwide with their guns — but without their long guns, and instead conceal their weapons.

The group states:

But once again, we are learning from our mistakes. We are asking that people either conceal or keep it to handguns only! We don’t want this to even be about guns; we want to show Kroger support for standing by their beliefs and not backing down to bullies, and we want to do that in a way that causes them no PR harm as well. Starbucks was a learning point, and we would be remiss not to learn from the past.

The leader of the event in which gun owners are called upon to pile into Kroger stores with their weapons on the same day, Brett, wrote an opinion piece in July stating, “Some people ask why it is necessary to open carry when you can conceal. While concealed carry is a great way to carry (and I do so sometime), there are still many benefits to open carrying. One might be a comfort issue. Some guns cannot be concealed and must be carried openly in a holster. I carry a Springfield XD Tactical .45 with a 5-inch barrel. Can I conceal it? Sure, but is it very comfortable? Not at all.”

So it’s not about protection. It’s about his own personal comfort while the public feels uncomfortable with his military-style presence.

We don’t want Open Carriers feeling unsafe in Kroger now, do we?

Brett adds, “Another pro is that it does not require a license. While you are going through the process of getting your CHL, you could be open carrying in the meantime.”

You see Brett, right there we have a problem. If there is no license required and we don’t know you or who your friends are, then how are we to determine who the ‘good guy with a gun’ is? Especially without a license.

But thank you for admitting that carrying long guns in Kroger is completely ‘against our policies and beliefs.” We agree on that, as do Moms Demand Action.

I did not use Brett’s last name. I would hate for him to be harassed by Open Carriers who disagree with his freely admitted stance, which is in opposition to other groups.

That’s right, Kroger. Don’t cave in to the zealots. End Open Carry in family friendly establishments or risk more bad behavior.

Brett asserts on Twitter in a conversation with me that his group contains “every denomination, race, and creed as members.”

Pictures tell another story

This won’t be Brett’s first time confronting a protest for gun sense while openly carrying firearms.

Don’t all races wear “Don’t tread on me” t-shirts?


Brett’s diverse group which isn’t diverse at all.


How Ohio Carry spends a religious holiday.


The best and brightest have Ohio Carry’s back:

I did communicate with Brett via email before publishing this post. If he has anything he would like to say on behalf of his group, I’d be happy to add it.

Big hugs to my friend out there for her awesomeness.

All images were circulated via social media, thereby making them fair use.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland

200 responses to Open Carry Group Inadvertently Backs Moms Group: Do Not Carry Long Guns Into Stores (Images)

  1. William October 27th, 2014 at 18:40

    Nice photos.

  2. William October 27th, 2014 at 18:40

    Nice photos.

  3. mcalleyboy October 27th, 2014 at 21:19

    Rifles are for protesting only, nobody wants to carry their rifle in the stores, these guys aren’t wacko’s. If your gonna carry concealed make sure your licensed and this is the preferred way to shop for sausages, let the extremists hide under the table or flee out the back or stand at attention with nothing to defend themselves with, they love to talk, let them talk their way out of that situation… good luck, I’ll be in the meat section.

    • Anomaly 100 October 28th, 2014 at 06:29

      Uhmm,.. we don’t hide under tables while shopping for groceries. — wait for it — we just shop for groceries.

      No fear.

      • mcalleyboy October 28th, 2014 at 06:45

        The grocery store is just one stop there’s other places, trouble is that some stores don’t want guns in them so then they carry concealed weapons owner has to leave his gun in the car. I don’t feel that most carry concealed owners will ever need to use their guns but the option is there if needed.

        • Anomaly 100 October 28th, 2014 at 07:30

          He’s suggesting the rest of us live in fear because we don’t Open Carry. I mean, come on. I do not fear the veggies while strolling down the produce aisle.

          • Matt Willoughby October 29th, 2014 at 10:28

            He didn’t suggest you live in fear because because you don’t open carry.
            He is suggesting that you be prepared.

            William first mentioned living in fear. Don’t twist something into what it isn’t. Just have a conversation.

        • ChrisVosburg October 28th, 2014 at 10:36

          mcalleyboy writes: I don’t feel that most carry concealed owners will ever need to use their guns but the option is there if needed.

          True dat, mostly they just crap on and on about how much of a hero they’d be if a mustache-twirling villain threatened to foreclose on the widow, or rob the bank.

    • William October 28th, 2014 at 09:01

      So…..? Just how many firefights have you been in while shopping for pez refills at the piggly wiggly?

      • mcalleyboy October 28th, 2014 at 09:21

        LOL…your familiar with Piggly Wiggly….interesting, I’m retired Navy and was originally from ND. Never been in any situation with my weapon, I had it strapped for 2 years and then moved overseas, I can’t carry here, sure wish I could, and why not say…. why should I carry full coverage on my car, I don’t think I’ll ever get into an accident and yet most people don’t use that same logic on protecting their life. They still sell Pez? I’m missing out, they don’t have that here.

        • William October 28th, 2014 at 10:47

          I am retired Navy as well, right after I became a cop. Although I can carry concealed I don’t. I also don’t carry snakebite kits, nerve agent antidotes, a gas mask or ipecac.
          I simply refuse to live in fear.

          • Matt Willoughby October 29th, 2014 at 10:48

            So I’m allergic to bee stings. Even though I haven’t been stung in 5yrs, are you suggesting that I stop carrying my Epi-pen kit with me. Or my step daughter’s rescue inhaler for her asthma? It’s not about living in fear, but rather being prepared.

            I remain vigilant of my surroundings so I don’t get stung by bees. I do my best to not put myself in a situation that I could get stung, but I also come prepared incase the inevitable happens. It’s not fear, it’s preparation.

  4. M.C.A. October 27th, 2014 at 21:19

    Rifles are for protesting only, nobody wants to carry their rifle in the stores, these guys aren’t wacko’s. If your gonna carry concealed make sure your licensed and this is the preferred way to shop for sausages, let the extremists hide under the table or flee out the back or stand at attention with nothing to defend themselves with, they love to talk, let them talk their way out of that situation… good luck, I’ll be in the meat section.

    • Anomaly 100 October 28th, 2014 at 06:29

      Uhmm,.. we don’t hide under tables while shopping for groceries. — wait for it — we just shop for groceries.

      No fear.

      • mcalleyboy October 28th, 2014 at 06:45

        The grocery store is just one stop there’s other places, trouble is that some stores don’t want guns in them so then they carry concealed weapons owner has to leave his gun in the car. I don’t feel that most carry concealed owners will ever need to use their guns but the option is there if needed.

        • Anomaly 100 October 28th, 2014 at 07:30

          He’s suggesting the rest of us live in fear because we don’t Open Carry. I mean, come on. I do not fear the veggies while strolling down the produce aisle.

          • Matt Willoughby October 29th, 2014 at 10:28

            He didn’t suggest you live in fear because because you don’t open carry.
            He is suggesting that you be prepared.

            William first mentioned living in fear. Don’t twist something into what it isn’t. Just have a conversation.

        • ChrisVosburg October 28th, 2014 at 10:36

          mcalleyboy writes: I don’t feel that most carry concealed owners will ever need to use their guns but the option is there if needed.

          True dat, mostly they just crap on and on about how much of a hero they’d be if a mustache-twirling villain threatened to foreclose on the widow, or rob the bank.

    • William October 28th, 2014 at 09:01

      So…..? Just how many firefights have you been in while shopping for pez refills at the piggly wiggly?

      • mcalleyboy October 28th, 2014 at 09:21

        LOL…your familiar with Piggly Wiggly….interesting, I’m retired Navy and was originally from ND. Never been in any situation with my weapon, I had it strapped for 2 years and then moved overseas, I can’t carry here, sure wish I could, and why not say…. why should I carry full coverage on my car, I don’t think I’ll ever get into an accident and yet most people don’t use that same logic on protecting their life. They still sell Pez? I’m missing out, they don’t have that here.

        • William October 28th, 2014 at 10:47

          I am retired Navy as well, right after I became a cop. Although I can carry concealed I don’t. I also don’t carry snakebite kits, nerve agent antidotes, a gas mask or ipecac.
          I simply refuse to live in fear.

          • Matt Willoughby October 29th, 2014 at 10:48

            So I’m allergic to bee stings. Even though I haven’t been stung in 5yrs, are you suggesting that I stop carrying my Epi-pen kit with me? Or my step daughter’s rescue inhaler for her asthma? It’s not about living in fear, but rather being prepared.

            I remain vigilant of my surroundings so I don’t get stung by bees. I do my best to not put myself in a situation that I could get stung, but I also come prepared incase the inevitable happens. It’s not fear, it’s preparation.

  5. fahvel October 28th, 2014 at 04:25

    how could any mother wish to give birth to something like these sub species crud? They all seem to be poured from the same leaky mold of defecation.

    • whatthe46 October 28th, 2014 at 05:03

      if you think too hard about it, you’ll never get rid of that migrane.

  6. fahvel October 28th, 2014 at 04:25

    how could any mother wish to give birth to something like these sub species crud? They all seem to be poured from the same leaky mold of defecation.

    • whatthe46 October 28th, 2014 at 05:03

      if you think too hard about it, you’ll never get rid of that migrane.

  7. craig7120 October 28th, 2014 at 09:08

    What do we want? Gun rights?
    When do we want them? Already!

  8. craig7120 October 28th, 2014 at 09:08

    What do we want? Gun rights?
    When do we want them? Already!

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