Ben Carson: There Might Be ‘So Much Anarchy Going On’ That There’s No 2016 Election

Posted by | September 27, 2014 09:38 | Filed under: Politics Radio Interviews Top Stories

I asked Dr. Ben Carson Friday night what he meant when he said there might not be an election in 2016. Carson responded that there might be “so much anarchy” by then that an election would not be possible.

COLMES: What do you mean though when you say there may not be an election in 2016?

DR. BEN CARSON: There may be so much anarchy going on.

COLMES: Anarchy? So you really think we risk risking an anarchic America to the point where elections might be put on hold, or some kind of emergency is declared with such anarchy that there wouldn’t be a Presidential election in a couple of years?

DR. BEN CARSON: I don’t want to find out. I really don’t want to find out, I don’t want to continue down this pathway that we’re going down.

I also asked Carson how he could compare President Obama to both Nazis and communists. Listen:

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

251 responses to Ben Carson: There Might Be ‘So Much Anarchy Going On’ That There’s No 2016 Election

  1. NW10 September 27th, 2014 at 09:58

    Does that mean that the right wing idiots here in the Springs that I see with the Carson for President 2016 stickers on their cars are idiots Dr. Carson?

  2. (((NW10,PATRIOT! ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ))) September 27th, 2014 at 09:58

    Does that mean that the right wing idiots here in the Springs that I see with the Carson for President 2016 stickers on their cars are idiots Dr. Carson?

  3. Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 10:52

    How can he say shit like this with a straight face?

    • Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 13:20

      This comment was under moderation when I first posted it, then it disappeared after I refreshed, that’s why I cleaned it up and reposted. I’m surprised it came back.

      • mea_mark September 27th, 2014 at 20:11

        I deleted it because it was a duplicate. Looks like someone went through delete folder and didn’t understand that and approved it. Very soon though you will be able to delete your own comments when something like this happens. Disqus is working on it.

  4. Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 11:11

    How does he say stuff like this with a straight face?

  5. Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 11:11

    How does he say stuff like this with a straight face?

    • (((NW10,PATRIOT! ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ))) September 27th, 2014 at 11:27


    • Dwendt44 September 27th, 2014 at 12:27

      Idiot savant.

      • Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 12:28

        You’re half right.

  6. arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 11:12

    As an African American man who has lived in this country for all of his 62 years, I learned a couple of things along the way. My late grandmother used to tell us that schoolbook learning was important, but it is not very useful if not accompanied by common sense.

    Thank you grandmother Mary for teaching me to recognize that people like Dr. Ben Carson are idiots, regardless of what they have accomplished in the classroom.

    • Jeanne173 September 27th, 2014 at 11:40

      The world would be a much better place if we all had your grandmother to give us that kind of advice as we where growing up.I like this lady.

  7. arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 11:12

    As an African American man who has lived in this country for all of his 62 years, I learned a couple of things along the way. My late grandmother used to tell us that schoolbook learning was important, but it is not very useful if not accompanied by common sense.

    Thank you grandmother Mary for teaching me to recognize that people like Dr. Ben Carson are idiots, regardless of what they have accomplished in the classroom.

    • Jeanne173 September 27th, 2014 at 11:40

      The world would be a much better place if we all had your grandmother to give us that kind of advice as we where growing up.I like this lady.

  8. Jake September 27th, 2014 at 11:40

    So this is the great hope of the extreme right wing? What a joke – this guy is a tin-foil hat wearing tea bagger conspiracy freak. Need any more evidence of the bankruptcy of extreme right wing thought?

    • arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 11:58

      We don’t really need any more evidence of the bankruptcy of extreme right wing thought, but we will get it anyway. Ignorance is their core. Just goes to show you that you cannot stop being what you are.

      In this case, we have an educated man who should know better, telling us that simply because the President of the United States is someone he does not support, our entire Constitutionally mandated election process is in jeopardy.

      How do you even begin to measure ignorance of such magnitude?

  9. arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 11:58

    We don’t really need any more evidence of the bankruptcy of extreme right wing thought, but we will get it anyway. Ignorance is their core. Just goes to show you that you cannot stop being what you are.

    In this case, we have an educated man who should know better, telling us that simply because the President of the United States is someone he does not support, our entire Constitutionally mandated election process is in jeopardy.

    How do you even begin to measure ignorance of such magnitude?

    We all remember how fervently the left opposed President George W. Bush. But do you recall any seriously considered Democratic candidate for President, muttering about President Bush threatening the very existence of elections in 2008?

    Right wingers are bat turd crazy. Downright scary sometimes.

  10. Foundryman September 27th, 2014 at 12:33

    Ben Carson pres, Michelle Bachmann as veep and Sarah Palin as Sec of State…Louie Gohmert house speaker…Ted Cruz majority leader…what could go wrong????

    Anybody still not voting this fall???

  11. Foundryman September 27th, 2014 at 12:33

    Ben Carson pres, Michelle Bachmann as veep and Sarah Palin as Sec of State…Louie Gohmert house speaker…Ted Cruz majority leader…what could go wrong????

    Anybody still not voting this fall???

  12. fancypants September 27th, 2014 at 12:43

    Ben turns into a babbling idiot when religious conflicts happen I cant see any serious votes going his way.

  13. fancypants September 27th, 2014 at 12:43

    Ben turns into a babbling idiot when religious conflicts happen I cant see any serious votes going his way.

  14. tiredoftea September 27th, 2014 at 13:02

    I’m starting to think that Ben practiced brain surgery on himself and missed a few spots.

  15. tiredoftea September 27th, 2014 at 13:02

    I’m starting to think that Ben practiced brain surgery on himself and missed a few spots.

  16. Larry Schmitt September 27th, 2014 at 13:20

    This comment was under moderation when I first posted it, then it disappeared after I refreshed, that’s why I cleaned it up and reposted. I’m surprised it came back.

    • mea_mark September 27th, 2014 at 20:11

      I deleted it because it was a duplicate. Looks like someone went through delete folder and didn’t understand that and approved it. Very soon though you will be able to delete your own comments when something like this happens. Disqus is working on it.

  17. Suzanne September 27th, 2014 at 13:35

    Anyone that has been around for more than 4 decades has witnessed the rapid expansion of government and its belief that we are all just too stupid to govern ourselves. An exponential increase in regulations and over taxation has created a nanny state that many people who are Dr. Carson’s age and thousands like him don’t even recognize this country anymore.
    Since Obama’s election there has been so much disorder due to an absence of true leadership that the masses don’t even recognize true wisdom or authority anymore. I prove my case by sighting the biting and insulting comments below that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance. Dr. Carson cites cases in history throughout the world where the patterns of ‘The Exchange of Freedom for a little Security’
    are so similar that it makes those who fled Communist Russia, China and survived Nazi Germany weep with fear. Dr Carson merely invites all those who seek truth to pick up a few books, read for yourselves, Lenin, Mein Kampf, and see the patterns, the people who warned their fellow man about these people were also ridiculed and scoffed, much like you do to Dr. Carson. History has shown that those who were ridiculed were right and those that stayed and “buddied” up to Adolf and Lenin were executed.

    I along with Dr. Carson invite you to step outside the box, look at the ideology
    being put in place that gets you to give up your freedoms and gets you pitted against one another, look at your own words and the words of others, the rhetoric that divides and does not unify. Open your eyes read a book see the patterns that are
    identical. Don’t be part of the problem be part of the solution support this unifying individual, support someone that sounds the alarm, someone that loves this country and its uniqueness and support someone that cares about his fellow man, yes, you.

    Whether Dr. Carson Runs for President or
    not his message is truth, truth had no labels,
    conservative, Gop, Democrat, Progressive, the truth is just the truth.

    • StoneyCurtisll September 27th, 2014 at 13:58

      Do us all a favor…
      Write in Ben Carson for the next President…

      You might be one out of a handful of other losers.

    • StoneyCurtisll September 27th, 2014 at 13:59

      You forgot to mention..
      “this comment is paid for by the Elect Ben Carson Committee”..

    • Foundryman September 27th, 2014 at 14:10

      “I prove my case by sighting the biting and insulting comments below that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance.”…

      So the proof of disorder in the country is found in the comments of this website? Because they don’t agree with yours? I’m a racist for pointing out your racism? I’m a liar for stating you’re lying? Your free speech rights are infringe when I say you’re wrong??…What nonsense. I must remind you that on inauguration day, the secret meeting led by the minority leader, with fists in the air proclaiming his number one priory is to ensure this president is a one term president is the basis of ALL the disorder we have seen since that day.

      The obstruction, the disrespect..(“You lie”)….the constant barrage of criticism by the media if he as President doesn’t do exactly what they want, then he’s the cause! The complete ignorance and wanton disregard for the facts..i.e..lower deficit…lower unemployment..derailing an economic depression…the list goes on….that ignorance by the right has nothing to do with this disorder? Only a partisan hack could make such a comment.

      You have the audacity to state a defense for Carson who has proven time and again to be a raving crackpot and call what he says truth? Wake up and get a life.

    • arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 14:15

      ” support someone that sounds the alarm, someone that loves this country and its uniqueness and support someone that cares about his fellow man, yes, you.”

      I have already extended that support by voting for President Obama twice.

      Yes, the truth is just the truth. What you demonstrate no ability to understand is the reality that someone telling you exactly what you want to hear is not necessarily telling you the truth.

      I do not see disorder. I do not see absence of leadership. What I do see is an American right wing which equates losing elections with the destruction of American society.

      Please be informed, this is just as much my country as it is yours. I along with 60+ million of your fellow citizens voted for the President. I respect him and admire him. I think he has been good for this country. Your implication that we are either too stupid or too amoral to see the “truth” as defined by you is demeaning and insulting. I suggest you take a look at your own divisive rhetoric and learn to respect the beliefs of those of us who support the President.

      As far as the comments in this forum, please visit a right wing site like and show us all how respectful conservatives and Obama-haters are towards liberal opinions.

    • arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 14:29

      oh, and speaking of comments that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance.

      When this image was first released it struck us as legitimately odd. President Obama looks very fake here. A very heavily photoshopped image to make him look more serious? He just has a plastic / wax appearance to him that hasn’t been seen before.

      Then…Does anyone else see horns?

      In case you missed it…Let’s put our Conspiracy hats on and draw connections that his waxy plastic appearance is a metaphor for him being a puppet, and the well placed horns symbolize he’s being controlled by the Illuminati.

    • Mike Butkus Jr. September 27th, 2014 at 14:30

      I just want to say you came to the right web site. Keep talking we feed off your ignorance. And that is the truth!

    • William September 27th, 2014 at 14:50

      History has shown that those who were ridiculed were right and those that stayed and “buddied” up to Adolf and Lenin were executed.
      Really? that’s your platform? Again with the Hitler Lenin crap?
      Going for the paranoid rube vote eh?
      ‘Cuz it worked so well last time eh?

    • Jake September 27th, 2014 at 17:48

      You realize you are talking utter nonsense. I doubt if there is an original line in your entire post. Have you read Mein Kampf? It is, after all, the foundation of modern Conservative thought. Have you ever read any Lenin – I have, in the original Russian if you must know, and I fail to see the relevance of any of his writings to our present day America. Lenin was dead before the Soviet Union had established itself. He did not set up any enduring political structures – that was the work of a man he did not trust and had warned others against – Iosip Stalin.
      This moron Carson throws around the titles political tomes to give the false impression he has actually read any of them.
      If his lifetime of theoretical political study has led him to the grand conclusion that “There might be so much anarchy going on that there’s no election in 2016”, then I can only suggest he has wasted his and everybody else’s time. He simply is not fit to make an informed, intelligent statement on politics, never mind hold any office.
      Elsewhere on this post is a picture of the execrable Glenn Beck – a similarly poorly self-educated dimwit, with a barstool preacher’s grasp of the political debate. Ben Carson is right there with Mr Beck – that is his level and he would do well to look for a media outlet for his fringe ravings now, rather than wait until he is publicly humiliated by those who know what the hell they are talking about.

  18. Suzanne September 27th, 2014 at 13:35

    Anyone that has been around for more than 4 decades has witnessed the rapid expansion of government and its belief that we are all just too stupid to govern ourselves. An exponential increase in regulations and over taxation has created a nanny state that many people who are Dr. Carson’s age and thousands like him don’t even recognize this country anymore.
    Since Obama’s election there has been so much disorder due to an absence of true leadership that the masses don’t even recognize true wisdom or authority anymore. I prove my case by sighting the biting and insulting comments below that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance. Dr. Carson cites cases in history throughout the world where the patterns of ‘The Exchange of Freedom for a little Security’
    are so similar that it makes those who fled Communist Russia, China and survived Nazi Germany weep with fear. Dr Carson merely invites all those who seek truth to pick up a few books, read for yourselves, Lenin, Mein Kampf, and see the patterns, the people who warned their fellow man about these people were also ridiculed and scoffed, much like you do to Dr. Carson. History has shown that those who were ridiculed were right and those that stayed and “buddied” up to Adolf and Lenin were executed.

    I along with Dr. Carson invite you to step outside the box, look at the ideology
    being put in place that gets you to give up your freedoms and gets you pitted against one another, look at your own words and the words of others, the rhetoric that divides and does not unify. Open your eyes read a book see the patterns that are
    identical. Don’t be part of the problem be part of the solution support this unifying individual, support someone that sounds the alarm, someone that loves this country and its uniqueness and support someone that cares about his fellow man, yes, you.

    Whether Dr. Carson Runs for President or
    not his message is truth, truth had no labels,
    conservative, Gop, Democrat, Progressive, the truth is just the truth.

    • StoneyCurtisll September 27th, 2014 at 13:58

      Do us all a favor…
      Write in Ben Carson for the next President…

      You might be one out of a handful of other losers.

    • StoneyCurtisll September 27th, 2014 at 13:59

      You forgot to mention..
      “this comment is paid for by the Elect Ben Carson Committee”..

    • Foundryman September 27th, 2014 at 14:10

      “I prove my case by sighting the biting and insulting comments below that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance.”…

      So the proof of disorder in the country is found in the comments of this website? Because they don’t agree with yours? I’m a racist for pointing out your racism? I’m a liar for stating you’re lying? Your free speech rights are infringe when I say you’re wrong??…What nonsense. I must remind you that on inauguration day, the secret meeting led by the minority leader, with fists in the air proclaiming his number one priory is to ensure this president is a one term president is the basis of ALL the disorder we have seen since that day.

      The obstruction, the disrespect..(“You lie”)….the constant barrage of criticism by the media if he as President doesn’t do exactly what they want, then he’s the cause! The complete ignorance and wanton disregard for the facts..i.e..lower deficit…lower unemployment..derailing an economic depression…the list goes on….that ignorance by the right has nothing to do with this disorder? Only a partisan hack could make such a comment.

      You have the audacity to state a defense for Carson who has proven time and again to be a raving crackpot and call what he says truth? Wake up and get a life.

    • arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 14:15

      ” support someone that sounds the alarm, someone that loves this country and its uniqueness and support someone that cares about his fellow man, yes, you.”

      I have already extended that support by voting for President Obama twice.

      Yes, the truth is just the truth. What you demonstrate no ability to understand is the reality that someone telling you exactly what you want to hear is not necessarily telling you the truth.

      I do not see disorder. I do not see absence of leadership. What I do see is an American right wing which equates losing elections with the destruction of American society.

      Please be informed, this is just as much my country as it is yours. I along with 60+ million of your fellow citizens voted for the President. I respect him and admire him. I think he has been good for this country. Your implication that we are either too stupid or too amoral to see the “truth” as defined by you is demeaning and insulting. I suggest you take a look at your own divisive rhetoric and learn to respect the beliefs of those of us who support the President.

      As far as the comments in this forum, please visit a right wing site like and show us all how respectful conservatives and Obama-haters are towards liberal opinions.

    • arc99 September 27th, 2014 at 14:29

      oh, and speaking of comments that lack the remotest form of intellect or substance.

      When this image was first released it struck us as legitimately odd. President Obama looks very fake here. A very heavily photoshopped image to make him look more serious? He just has a plastic / wax appearance to him that hasn’t been seen before.

      Then…Does anyone else see horns?

      In case you missed it…Let’s put our Conspiracy hats on and draw connections that his waxy plastic appearance is a metaphor for him being a puppet, and the well placed horns symbolize he’s being controlled by the Illuminati.

    • Mike Butkus Jr. September 27th, 2014 at 14:30

      I just want to say you came to the right web site. Keep talking we feed off your ignorance. And that is the truth!

    • William September 27th, 2014 at 14:50

      History has shown that those who were ridiculed were right and those that stayed and “buddied” up to Adolf and Lenin were executed.
      Really? that’s your platform? Again with the Hitler Lenin crap?
      Going for the paranoid rube vote eh?
      ‘Cuz it worked so well last time eh?

    • Anomaly 100 September 27th, 2014 at 19:07

      I think I love you.

  19. juicyfruityyy September 27th, 2014 at 13:48

    That’s good to know, Carson. Be sure to let all the constituents know that the 2016 election has been rescheduled for Nov. 2017

  20. juicyfruityyy September 27th, 2014 at 13:48

    That’s good to know, Carson. Be sure to let all the constituents know that the 2016 election has been rescheduled for Nov. 2017

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