Open Carry Texas: Armed Man With Baby In Kroger Proves ‘An Armed Society Is A Polite Society’ Because Derp

Posted by | August 27, 2014 10:05 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Target, Chipotle, Sonic, Chili’s Grill & Bar, Jack in the Box and Starbucks have all implemented gun policies due to the extreme efforts of Open Carry groups bringing long guns into family-friendly establishments. Kroger is another target for Open Carry activists.

The groups appear to be running out of stores to inundate with their self-defeating activism. In July,  Open Carry Texas wrote in response to Target’s new gun policy, “While this is not a ban on legally possessed firearms in its stores, we will continue to honor our months long policy of not taking long arms into Target stores or any other business.”

Last week, this man brought a loaded weapon into a Kroger store while holding a baby, because freedom.

In response, Open Carry Texas wrote that this image proves that “an armed society is a polite society.”

“We need to remove the stigma of these guns,” the group wrote on Facebook.

Perhaps the baby in the image isn’t helping to further their cause. Nevertheless, they write, “These gun control extremists are emotional activists, trying to scare people about the sight of guns.”

If the father in the picture needed to defend himself with the gun strapped to his back, what would he do with the baby? Would he throw the baby across his back to protect it while shooting at the bad guy with a gun? Or just toss it in the air and then catch it after shooting the bad guy that isn’t there? I’m just asking questions here out of curiosity. Unless of course this startling image is merely for political reasons and his baby is being used like a tool just to piss of Moms Demand Action, because derp.

Dollars to donuts the gun humper in the picture is ‘pro-life,’ too.

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267 responses to Open Carry Texas: Armed Man With Baby In Kroger Proves ‘An Armed Society Is A Polite Society’ Because Derp

  1. Richard Carew August 28th, 2014 at 19:57

    Curious why you’re pointing the finger at OCT? They have a policy NOT to go into businesses unless invited as I recall. The subject matter above resides in Kentucky, as he clearly states. So this is NOT an OCT member, it is a person showing his support of what OCT is trying to accomplish.

    Just thought the truth should be out there, since it is lacking from your right up.

  2. Jason Yahner August 28th, 2014 at 23:32

    You’ve got to love anti-gun folks. For the most part most of them have no sinister plan to beat down an unarmed population. But they are so misguided they are doomed to fail. They seek to disarm law abiding people yet most are the same that prefer lax punishment on the poor criminals that use guns and don’t care about laws. They are the same that would abandon their principles when the knife is at their neck, begging for the armed man to defend their life. Silly little things.

  3. Jason Yahner August 28th, 2014 at 23:32

    You’ve got to love anti-gun folks. For the most part most of them have no sinister plan to beat down an unarmed population. But they are so misguided they are doomed to fail. They seek to disarm law abiding people yet most are the same that prefer lax punishment on the poor criminals that use guns and don’t care about laws. They are the same that would abandon their principles when the knife is at their neck, begging for the armed man to defend their life. Silly little things.

  4. tnwoman1948 August 29th, 2014 at 06:07

    This “father” looks so stupid! I feel so sorry for his child because she/he will be raised by this fool. The devil is winning, folks! smh

  5. tnwoman1948 August 29th, 2014 at 06:07

    This “father” looks so stupid! I feel so sorry for his child because she/he will be raised by this fool. The devil is winning, folks! smh

  6. cwazycajun August 29th, 2014 at 17:10

    I wonder what caliber her pacifier is???

  7. cwazycajun August 29th, 2014 at 17:10

    I wonder what caliber her pacifier is???

  8. Mike Curnutt August 29th, 2014 at 20:01

    “If the father in the picture needed to defend himself with the gun strapped to his back, what would he do with the baby?”

    What would he do with the baby if he needed to defend himself and didn’t have the gun?

  9. Mike Curnutt August 29th, 2014 at 20:01

    “If the father in the picture needed to defend himself with the gun strapped to his back, what would he do with the baby?”

    What would he do with the baby if he needed to defend himself and didn’t have the gun?

  10. PunkAssPro August 30th, 2014 at 07:08

    So the word usage of Gun Humper is not political activism? is it just me or did others notice how this story writer used the baby as a tool to their own political ends as well?

  11. PunkedUrAss August 30th, 2014 at 07:08

    So the word usage of Gun Humper is not political activism? is it just me or did others notice how this story writer used the baby as a tool to their own political ends as well?

  12. Athelred Davis August 30th, 2014 at 13:24

    “Dollars to donuts the gun humper in the picture is ‘pro-life,’ too.” Strange parallel to surmise after insinuating that he is only using the child to further a political protest. Which is it; is he Hamas or does he genuinely support giving everyone a fighting chance to life? This is a logical contradiction.

  13. Athelred Davis August 30th, 2014 at 13:24

    “Dollars to donuts the gun humper in the picture is ‘pro-life,’ too.” Strange parallel to surmise after insinuating that he is only using the child to further a political protest. Which is it; is he Hamas or does he genuinely support giving everyone a fighting chance to life? This is a logical contradiction.

  14. agio September 26th, 2014 at 14:17

    Politics won’t change this. What will is if every customer in a store that allows “open carry” morons in it drops whatever they are about to purchase and walks out the minute they see someone carrying a weapon. Then writes an email to the store owners explaining why they won’t shop there again until the store has policies that will keep its customers safe.

  15. agio September 26th, 2014 at 14:17

    Politics won’t change this. What will is if every customer in a store that allows “open carry” morons in it drops whatever they are about to purchase and walks out the minute they see someone carrying a weapon. Then writes an email to the store owners explaining why they won’t shop there again until the store has policies that will keep its customers safe.

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