Adorable: Protesters Have Hurt Feelings After Confederate Flags Were Taken Down

Posted by | July 27, 2014 17:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Organizers from the Sons of the Confederate Veterans held a rally in Lexington, Virginia, in protest to the administration at Washington and Lee University’s decision to remove Confederate battle flags from Lee Chapel.

250 People from Maryland to Georgia participated in the rally, obviously unaware that the South will not rise again.

According to the pro-Confederate protesters, the purpose of the rally is to get the University to reverse its decision and to educate those who may have some misconceptions about the controversial flag.

WSLS reports:

Historian David Chaltas spoke about Lee’s Christian background.

Chaltas says he wanted to clear any misconception about General Lee and that he taught African Americans to read the bible.

“At the very end he felt his mission was to make as much contribution to Christian education,” Chaltas said.

A supporter from Maryland, David Barber wants people to understand the confederate flag is a symbol of southern pride not discrimination.

“I don’t feel the flags were racist by no means it’s its a christian flag an American flag,” Barber said.

The Sons of the Confederate Veterans held the rally because Washington and Lee University decided to remove the battle flags from Lee Chapel.

They say the purpose of the event is give people a chance to express their feelings.

“There was no public dialogue about this we tried to get the university to get public forum on the matter prior to making any decision and we didn’t anticipate a decision before September,” Brandon Dorsey, Command of Stonewall Brigade Camp Sons of Confederate Veterans said.

And the KKK deem  themselves to be a Christian group, too, so I don’t see how that applies.

The Confederate flags were taken down after a group of multiracial law school students calling themselves The Committee demanded that the college stop glorifying Robert E. Lee and the Confederacy as well as acknowledge Lee and the university’s ownership of slaves.

Watch courtesy of WSLS:

WSLS 10 NBC in Roanoke/Lynchburg Va

H/T: My BFF @ComgenKDT with thanks.

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64 responses to Adorable: Protesters Have Hurt Feelings After Confederate Flags Were Taken Down

  1. Suzanne Galanis July 27th, 2014 at 21:29

    BRAVO to the students who made this happen.!!! We need a lot more of their healthy influence in the south.

  2. Suzanne Galanis July 27th, 2014 at 21:29

    BRAVO to the students who made this happen.!!! We need a lot more of their healthy influence in the south.

  3. Guest July 28th, 2014 at 00:00

    Any else find if f#cked up that this was the Georgia flag till 2001?

  4. Guest July 28th, 2014 at 00:00

    Any else find if f#cked up that this was the Georgia flag till 2001?

  5. KafeSociety July 28th, 2014 at 03:27

    The only Confederate flag that meant anything was the white one of surrender.

  6. KafeSociety July 28th, 2014 at 03:27

    The only Confederate flag that meant anything was the white one of surrender.

  7. Denise July 28th, 2014 at 09:29

    if the confederate flag is a “christian flag,” then the swastika must be a jewish flag, right? get over it, people! your side lost a war that took place 150 years ago.

  8. Denise July 28th, 2014 at 09:29

    if the confederate flag is a “christian flag,” then the swastika must be a jewish flag, right? get over it, people! your side lost a war that took place 150 years ago.

  9. Khary A July 28th, 2014 at 10:08

    The confederate battle flag is definitively NOT an American Flag, it’s an enemy flag over my and our country. If i had my druthers each one would be thrown in a dump and buried. As for the floating statement by confederate supporters and some historians that the confederate forces were Americans I do not agree. They opted to succeed from the Union and did it in a fully conscious and willing manner. They received our leniency, they don’t deserve our honorifics. They were traitors with sedition,greed and malice rooted in their system of governance and they should be remembered as such. If we are seeing this rising wave of southern defiance and murmurs of confederate rebirth it is because the union allows for them to continue to carry the battle flags of rebellion still.

  10. The last of the Thousad Sons July 28th, 2014 at 10:08

    The confederate battle flag is definitively NOT an American Flag, it’s an enemy flag over my and our country. If i had my druthers each one would be thrown in a dump and buried. As for the floating statement by confederate supporters and some historians that the confederate forces were Americans I do not agree. They opted to succeed from the Union and did it in a fully conscious and willing manner. They received our leniency, they don’t deserve our honorifics. They were traitors with sedition,greed and malice rooted in their system of governance and they should be remembered as such. If we are seeing this rising wave of southern defiance and murmurs of confederate rebirth it is because the union allows for them to continue to carry the battle flags of rebellion still.

  11. viva_democracy July 28th, 2014 at 10:32

    “I don’t feel the flags were racist by no means it’s its a christian flag an American flag,” Barber said.
    1-Of course you’re not going to identify this flag as a racist flag. You’re white.
    2-I had no idea there was an official “Christian flag”. When did that happen?
    3-No, it’s NOT the American flag. We already have one of those. It’s the stars and stripes, dolt.
    4-If you still long for this flag and those times when you wanted to break of from the US, you can still leave. Take your flag, your guns and your white privilege and head off to, say, Russia.

  12. runner_runner July 28th, 2014 at 10:32

    “I don’t feel the flags were racist by no means it’s its a christian flag an American flag,” Barber said.
    1-Of course you’re not going to identify this flag as a racist flag. You’re white.
    2-I had no idea there was an official “Christian flag”. When did that happen?
    3-No, it’s NOT the American flag. We already have one of those. It’s the stars and stripes, dolt.
    4-If you still long for this flag and those times when you wanted to break of from the US, you can still leave. Take your flag, your guns and your white privilege and head off to, say, Russia.

  13. Gary July 28th, 2014 at 14:26

    In it’s purest definition, isn’t it a traitor’s flag? Look at ’em. All dressed up like they have some actual part in that history. It’s really, really weired.

  14. Gary July 28th, 2014 at 14:26

    In it’s purest definition, isn’t it a traitor’s flag? Look at ’em. All dressed up like they have some actual part in that history. It’s really, really weired.

  15. benamarine July 28th, 2014 at 22:01

    Sons of the Confederate Veterans… Terrorists

  16. benamarine July 28th, 2014 at 22:01

    Sons of the Confederate Veterans… Terrorists

  17. Daddycool67 July 29th, 2014 at 12:57

    The people who marched and fought behind this “battle flag” …. were battling the US Army. Their goal was to kill AMERICAN SOLDIERS, burn down Washington DC, and replace our government with THEIR government.

    (Basically … the same goal they’ve still got today!)

  18. Daddycool67 July 29th, 2014 at 12:57

    The people who marched and fought behind this “battle flag” …. were battling the US Army. Their goal was to kill AMERICAN SOLDIERS, burn down Washington DC, and replace our government with THEIR government.

    (Basically … the same goal they’ve still got today!)

  19. Tim Hawkins July 29th, 2014 at 22:38

    Every Confederate soldier was a traitor and by law, should have been executed. But, Lincoln wanted no more death and blood shed and let it go. The confederate flag is as much a sign of hate and bigotry as the Nazi swastika is. As far as southern pride goes, well, there is not a thing to be proud of in the south. Except maybe Peyton Manning.

  20. Tim Hawkins July 29th, 2014 at 22:38

    Every Confederate soldier was a traitor and by law, should have been executed. But, Lincoln wanted no more death and blood shed and let it go. The confederate flag is as much a sign of hate and bigotry as the Nazi swastika is. As far as southern pride goes, well, there is not a thing to be proud of in the south. Except maybe Peyton Manning.

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