Former RT anchor: ‘There really isn’t a better mouthpiece for the Kremlin’ than Trump

Posted by | December 16, 2016 18:53 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Liz Wahl is former Russia Today anchor who talks about how the sausage is made.

…we’re hearing a similar kind of response the Trump team, from the Trump campaign. We’re getting this intelligence from US intelligence agencies, from the CIA, and this evidence is presented to him, and he’s saying “nope, I simply don’t believe it.” So there really isn’t a better mouthpiece for the Kremlin right now. Another key messaging that works in Russian media is this idea, and the Trump campaign has really harnessed this, this idea to not trust US institutions, to not trust western institutions, to not trust the mainstream media and to create this kind of chaos and the idea that nobody can trust anybody, and creates this lack of trust in own institutions and this chaos.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

10 responses to Former RT anchor: ‘There really isn’t a better mouthpiece for the Kremlin’ than Trump

  1. mea_mark December 16th, 2016 at 19:37

    ” Another key messaging that works in Russian media is this idea, and the Trump campaign has really harnessed this, this idea to not trust US institutions, to not trust western institutions, to not trust the mainstream media and to create this kind of chaos and the idea that nobody can trust anybody, and creates this lack of trust in own institutions and this chaos. ” — While we should always question authority and not give our trust to institutions blindly, especially old worn out ones, we shouldn’t let ourselves be manipulated this way. It would be much better if we could remove those institutions we don’t trust, or are worn out, ourselves so that our national security doesn’t become jeopardized by foreign governments that want to subvert us. We need to clean up our own act. Now is the time to question authority vigorously and remove those institutions that are failing us. If we don’t, somebody else might do it for us and we won’t like the way they do it.

  2. StoneyCurtisll December 16th, 2016 at 19:57

    We are witnessing a bloodless coup of America…
    The Russians have taken the Presidency and the congress are blindly falling in line…
    This is shocking, and cannot allow to stand…

    • whatthe46 December 16th, 2016 at 20:22

      this is how sick tRump supporters are and just as clueless about what they are facing. this is a journalist who never played to tRump:
      another who was also vocal, was threatened with death and to his family, had to delete his account.

      • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 20:32

        Just one small change on my part. Assuming the moderators do not object,I am going to start calling out right wingers in this forum, who let this crap go by without one word of criticism while at the same time they whine about the Wisconsin recounts.

        The Trees, and RedEye Robots, as well as similar folks in anomaly’s forum remain silent as Trump worshipers engage in brown-shirt fascism. Enough.

        I have no illusions that comments from me will change anything. But when you have someone attempting to deliberately trigger an epileptic seizure in a journalist, simply because that journalist wrote something you dislike, it is time to put away the niceties, and ask very bluntly, what the f*ck is wrong with you people.

        Whether you are the person who actually sends a message trying to trigger a seizure, or if you are the person who stays silent on the incident, while providing full-throated support for another email server hearing, you are scum.


        • Carla Akins December 17th, 2016 at 05:08

          And you are welcome to do so, the rule is no personal attacks. You can call out their actions and their political philosophy – you just can’t call them a short dick.(for example)

        • oldfart December 17th, 2016 at 12:04

          After reading seven years worth of president bashing from the likes of RWNJ’s it’s payback time.
          If they voted for tRump they support the worst in this country by extension and no matter how much they protest that they don’t,
          they own it…

      • StoneyCurtisll December 16th, 2016 at 20:40

        Deplorable is the right word for them….

  3. Jungle_Bhoy December 16th, 2016 at 20:34

    One thing I have learned from 30 plus years living in the US is that the old adage that all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to remain silent, pretty much sums up this country. When Obama was being pilloried by the republican-controlled press not one Democratic politician came to his aid – they cowered in their offices entertaining lobbyists and checking their polls.
    How the hell have we got to a place where most people get their news from comedians like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, while news shows hawk as news, soft adverts for their networks’ latest offerings and YouTube cat videos.

    • dewired4u December 16th, 2016 at 22:39

      Fox and britbart are better places to get the news you like. There were plenty of people who stuck up for Obama like Harry Reid and Elisabeth Warren. Hyperbole makes you look like an idiot.

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