FBI comes around

Posted by | December 16, 2016 15:01 | Filed under: Politics

The FBI now agrees with the CIA that Russia hacked the American election.

Previously, the FBI had maintained that it didn’t know the true motives behind Russia’s hacks on Democrats, but The Washington Post reports that FBI Director James Comey has now acknowledged that the FBI shares the CIA’s conclusions.

“Earlier this week, I met separately with FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” wrote CIA Director John Brennan in a message to employees cited by the Post.

While the FBI and the CIA both agree that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, they also believe the Kremlin had other goals in mind, such as undermining the confidence of the American electoral system.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

40 responses to FBI comes around

  1. arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 15:44

    Who cares what the FBI says?

    Chachi says it’s no big deal.

  2. trees December 16th, 2016 at 16:20

    “Earlier this week, I met separately with FBI James Comey and DNI Jim Clapper, and there is strong consensus among us on the scope, nature, and intent of Russian interference in our presidential election,” wrote CIA Director John Brennan in a message to employees cited by the Post.

    We live in an information age. Information dissemination is what is being alleged. It seems that the bulk of the argument is that the information that was released was only from one side, and that, that information portrayed that side in a really negative light.

    We have something like 30 years of history regarding the Clintons. The American public is intimately aware of the allegations, and the aura of corruption that surrounds them.

    While the FBI and the CIA both agree that Russia was trying to help Trump win the election, they also believe the Kremlin had other goals in mind, such as undermining the confidence of the American electoral system.

    The Democrats undermined the confidence of the American people when they ran a candidate who a really large portion of the electorate feels should be in prison.

    Let’s review, shall we?

    The Left wing media fawned over, “The first woman President, who fittingly, was the hand chosen successor of the first black President”.

    Her primary campaign was nothing but a coronation disguised as a party election campaign. Bernie never had a chance. The Democratic primary was rigged, and the outcome was decided before the Primary ever started.

    It was a sham, and it’s fitting that it’s queen is a fraud.

    All throughout this election process we’ve been spoon fed this kind of tripe.

    The left wing media was so excited on election eve. They all sat in smug anticipation of watching their chosen one win.


    The American people decided a different outcome.

    Turns out, the polling was all wrong. The left wing media had completely botched the polling data. They ignored the crowds that gathered at Trump rallies, “these crowds are not indicative of actual voters”, we were told… “The people who come out to an event like this usually don’t make the effort to actually vote”, we were told.

    The media chose to poll who they considered to be “likely voters”.

    So, now here we are, post election.

    And the left wing media, combined with a completely dishonest Democrat party, and a group of rabid left wing liberal activists, are trying their best to steal an election.

    “The Russians hacked the election

    What a joke.

    • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 16:45

      No one is trying to “steal” an election.

      But lying is par for the course for you right wingers.

      The CIA and the FBI are now in agreement.

      The President briefed Congress in September. Congress is controlled by the GOP which did nothing.

      But all you care about is expressing your psychotic hatred of all things liberal and Democratic. I would say that you are a joke. But when we have millions of people in this country who prefer to indulge their partisan hatred against fellow citizens as a higher priority than investigating the extent to which a foreign power tried to influence our elections, it is no laughing matter.

      At least we have a full picture of what you right wingers truly are, hypocritical liars who care nothing about the well-being of this country.

      • trees December 16th, 2016 at 16:57

        CIA officials REFUSE to brief Congress on the truth about Russian hacking claims – and are rebuked by GOP congressman for ‘disgraceful’ move
        The House Intelligence Committee had planned a Thursday briefing with CIA officials about Russian-backed hacking in the U.S. election
        The CIA declined to provide a briefer, citing its ongoing work on the review President Obama has requested on the topic
        Panel chairman is ‘deeply concerned’ about potential manipulation of intelligence for ‘political purposes’
        Representative Peter King of Long Island called it ‘absolutely disgraceful’ that the CIA won’t come in, and asked whether there was a ‘disinformation campaign’ going on
        The Agency says it stands ‘ready to brief’ once the Obama review ‘is complete’

        Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4037220/CIA-officials-REFUSE-brief-Congress-truth-Russian-hacking-claims-rebuked-GOP-congressman-disgraceful-move.html#ixzz4T2a9OpBN
        Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      • trees December 16th, 2016 at 17:34

        No one is trying to “steal” an election.

        A larger portion of the electorate feels the Democratic candidate should be in the White House.

        Clinton (D) 65,788,567
        Trump (R) 62,955,343

        the action of showing something to be right or reasonable.
        “the justification of revolutionary action”

        You are attempting to justify the overturning of an election.

        • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 19:41

          No you are doing what right wingers almost always do, e.g. lie about the beliefs and objectives of those who do not agree with you.

          • trees December 16th, 2016 at 21:06

            I think you’re in denial. What’s the point in constantly pointing out the popular vote, if it’s not challenge the legitimacy of the winner of the election?

            Why would you continue to proclaim the popular vote totals, instead of affirming the actual election results?

            Why would you attempt to influence the Electoral Representatives, why would you try to get them to vote for someone other than who was determined on election eve to be the winner of their states votes??

            You’ve admitted to this, this process of de-legitimizing, by pointing to Obama and the birther movement. You’ve admitted to desiring payback. You want to do to Trump, what you believe he did to Obama.

            Just admit it.

            You want to discredit Trump, you want to invalidate an election, and you’d like to overturn it’s outcome.

            Where am I wrong in my assessment?

            • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 03:11

              I hope you enjoy your new fascist overlords.

        • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 03:10

          There is plenty of justification, just no process. The man lies multiple times each and every day, he plans to appoint the worst possible people to his administration, people who will roll back virtually all progress made, in every area, in the last 100 years. He is under the influence of more than one foreign power. He makes personal attacks on any private citizen that dares oppose him. He is unfit for office by any measure. Every real patriot, not the phony, gun waving ones, should oppose this man in every legal way. I cannot, unlike you, simply stand by and watch this clown destroy our country.

    • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 16:58

      “”The Democrats undermined the confidence of the American people when they ran a candidate who a really large portion of the electorate feels should be in prison.””

      A larger portion of the electorate feels the Democratic candidate should be in the White House.

      Clinton (D) 65,788,567
      Trump (R) 62,955,343


      • trees December 16th, 2016 at 17:09

        You still fail to understand how the popular vote totals are irrelevant. The campaign strategies employed in a popular election are completely different from those employed in an electoral college election.

        The popular vote totals would be completely different, if the campaigns had been focused on winning the popular vote.

        The information that you should be concerned about is the electoral college totals.

        Cherry picking one particular statistic, in your case the “popular vote”, and trying to use that stat to make a point is pretty damn funny.

        • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 17:12

          Again, I do not need your condescending civics lectures. You apparently fail to understand the meaning of your own words.

          You referred to “”a really large portion of the electorate feels should be in prison””. Anyone with an ounce of integrity would recognize that when they make a point referring to a portion of the electorate, a rebuttal referring to another portion of that same electorate is no less valid an argument.

          Nothing funny at all about your dishonest hypocrisy.

          • trees December 16th, 2016 at 17:17

            Except that, in this particular case, a large number of the electorate voted for Clinton in spite of their own personal feelings for the candidate. They voted Clinton, against their better judgment, because they liked Trump even less….

            They voted straight party line, because of partisanship.

            Not really a ringing endorsement for Clinton.

            Now, understand this. I did not vote for Trump.

            But I am able to understand the process, and the selection.

            And I accept the conclusion of that process.

            If the goal of the Russians was to undermine a US election, then I would say that you are helping them to accomplish that goal.

            • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 17:21

              You say a lot of things. Most of them untrue. Your little fairy tale certainly does not describe my vote for Hillary Clinton.

              And if the EC for whatever reason allocates 270 votes to someone other than Donald Trump, or someone who is not a Republican, just as the US Constitution allows, I have no doubt you would be here whining about how the election was “stolen” with nary a word about accepting the conclusion of that process.

              • trees December 16th, 2016 at 17:23

                And if the EC for whatever reason

                lol…. I’m supposed to accept an overturning of a Presidential election for….

                whatever reason

                Would you accept it, if the situation were reversed?

                Or, would your arguments sound a lot like my arguments?

                • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 17:32

                  You should accept the result of the EC vote. That has been your position all along.

                  If I were as big a hypocrite as right wingers, maybe I would not “accept” the EC vote.

                  If the CIA and FBI agreed that there was foreign interference on behalf of President-elect Hillary Clinton, we would already be having hearings by committees with subpoena powers, and the GOP would be seeking a delay in the EC vote by any means necessary.

                  If the shoe were on the other foot,I most certainly would be insisting that we have hearings by select committees with the power of subpoena. Which is exactly what I am saying with the shoe on the original foot. Unlike you, my beliefs do not change based on political advantage. There is right and there is wrong. shame so many of you on the right fail to grasp that basic concept of morality.

                  • trees December 16th, 2016 at 17:37

                    Will you accept the result of the EC vote?

                    Or, will you continue to try and de-legitimize the winning candidate?

                    • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 17:41

                      I will accept the result of the EC vote.

                      As to your second sentence, I am not trying to de-legitimize anything. Kindly stop lying about my beliefs.

                      Your opinions are not facts, please remember that.

                    • trees December 16th, 2016 at 21:38

                      I will accept the result of the EC vote.

                      I would hope so. Should the winner of the EC be the same as the one who won Nov 8? Or, should the electors pledged to vote for the winner change their vote and elect someone other than Trump?

                      As to your second sentence, I am not trying to de-legitimize anything. Kindly stop lying about my beliefs.

                      Is Trump the legitimate winner of the election?

                    • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 03:04

                      So far, only by the letter of the law, not by its spirit. There are reports of Rethugs leaning heavily on the EC members to vote for the man-child. If Trump actually wins, it will be a disgraceful miscarriage of the electoral process. We will have voted in the enemy.

                    • arc99 December 16th, 2016 at 17:47

                      do you honestly not see the profound hypocrisy of your posiiton?

                      you rail against “de-legitimizing” the winning candidate.

                      the winning candidate happened to be a prominent player in the attempt to de-legitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama, with claims about “investigators” in Hawaii checking on the birth certificate, who could not believe what they were finding.

                      I do not make accusations lightly. You accuse me of wanting to de-legitimize the decision of the EC, and that is false. For that reason and others, I say you are a liar.

                      Eight years of attempts to de-legitimize the presidency of Barack Obama with an argument that he is Constitutionally ineligible are still quite fresh in my mind, and the hypocrites who remained silent about that have no credibility to now insist we must accept the outcome of the election. In that regard I say you are also a hypocrite.

                    • StoneyCurtisll December 16th, 2016 at 18:09


                    • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 03:00

                      The “winning” candidate is a loser, under the direct influence of at least one foreign power and very likely more than one. We have to accept the EC vote because there is no process that deals with this level of subversion. I hope we survive as a country, but I have my doubts. It looks more and more like pre-war Germany.

                • Jack E Raynbeau December 16th, 2016 at 18:44

                  It wouldn’t be an overturning. It would be the EC doing what they have a constitutional right to do.

                  If the situation were reversed? Trump made that clear in 2012.

                • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 02:57

                  If there is a way to correct this monumental blot on our country, then it should be taken before this fool destroys the country and the world. He hasn’t even been sworn in and he has caused what might be irreparable damage. If you gave a sh!t about our country, you would be fighting against this fascist takeover, not trying to justify it.

            • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 02:54

              You pontificating jackass, it was the years of lies, the manufactured “scandals”, the perfidy of the right wing of this country that convinced the weak minded that Clinton was somehow bad. And the morons fell for it, voting in a clown.

        • StoneyCurtisll December 16th, 2016 at 18:07

          What ever you say Comrade Trees…
          I have to ask, are Putin’s bawls salty or musky?

        • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 02:51

          Bite me, you deluded fool. The majority of Americans that voted, voted for Clinton. The fact that the ignorant jackasses that voted for this useless fool swung the Electoral College is a disgrace, a weakness in our system. The fact that a foreign, hostile power was deeply involved in convincing the fools like you to support Trump should negate the whole criminal process. The completely amoral, uber narcissist has no business sitting in the Oval Office, tearing down our country. Every post you makes shows you to be an utterly clueless fool.

    • robert December 16th, 2016 at 17:12

      How many years did they ( gop ) investigate Benghazi? Let’s see if we can return the favor with better results….

    • StoneyCurtisll December 16th, 2016 at 18:03

      “And the left wing media, combined with a completely dishonest Democrat
      party, and a group of rabid left wing liberal activists, are trying
      their best to steal an election.”

      How long have you been having this delusion?
      Is there a mental health illness history in your family?…
      What day of the week is it?..
      What year is it?..
      Who is the president of the United States?
      Are you a threat to yourself or anyone else?

      • trees December 16th, 2016 at 21:25


        • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 02:45

          Oh give it a f*cking rest mate. Faux News has been part of the plan to destroy our country for decades.

        • bpollen December 17th, 2016 at 18:30

          Too bad you don’t have a CREDIBLE source.

          From Politifact:
          “At Fox and Fox News, 10 percent of the claims we’ve rated have been True, 11 percent Mostly True, 18 percent Half True, 21 percent Mostly False, 31 percent False and nine percent Pants on Fire”

          In case you are math-challenged, that means that over 6 out of 10 things Fox says are at least “mostly” false.

          • trees December 17th, 2016 at 18:33


            • bpollen December 18th, 2016 at 04:58

              Your first post was “evidence” of a conspiracy? It was hyperventilating over celebs and their opinions. Oooooh, what an INSIDIOUS conspiracy!

              Your other link, to Quora dot com, is answered by people on the site, not necessarily by experts, but by users. Ergo, it exhibits any bias the author has in any SPECIFIC answer to a question. As is said on Quora dot com about its own reliablility:

              “It is only as reliable as the people who answer it. “
              “It is as reliable a source of knowledge as Amazon is a reliable source of product reviews.”
              “It is a site which is a platform for variant people to discuss their views and hence, topics discusses here are mostly perceptions whose reliability is always questionable.”

    • dewired4u December 16th, 2016 at 22:45

      You’re the joke this garbage is cut and paste from britbart, get a life..

    • Red Mann December 17th, 2016 at 02:44

      I am really, really sick of sycophantic a$$holes like you defending this debacle, this blatant attack on our country by a foreign, hostile enemy and you, you POS, are defending them using the same f*cking lies that were used to distort the election. You are a disgusting fool who comes here to bleat your insufferable nonsense. You are part of the destruction of our democracy and are supporting a Russian-controlled fascist. You should really STFU, you traitorous bastard.

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