Obama loyalists meet to plot resistance

Posted by | November 19, 2016 12:09 | Filed under: Politics

They’re gathering in watering holes in Chicago, DC and New York.

One attendee called the meetings “Obama Anonymous,” and while they largely started as impromptu commiseration, they’ve shifted to mobilization. It’s an early sign that Obama can continue to command a formidable movement and potentially launch a serious defense of his legacy as a private citizen…

The talks are all early, but a few broad themes have emerged. One is protecting the people most targeted by Trump’s policies and rhetoric. How to block a deportation force, for example? Could Vice President Joe Biden leads an anti-domestic violence campaign? Then there are the Obama policies that are most at-risk: the health law, his climate regulation. Finally, with Democratic ranks decimated not only at the federal level, but in statehouses as well, there’s a significant new emphasis on supporting alumni who are considering running for office…

Obama’s network, its members say, holds so much potential because they still feel bound by his stirring message of hope and change.

The people who worked on Obama’s campaigns and in his White House frequently refer to the group as family. They stay in touch through a variety of networks: Facebook and LinkedIn are just two. There are also Obama alumni association chapters around the country — New York’s met at The Winslow in the East Village on Tuesday to plan and heal. There’s the 3,000-member White House Internship Alumni Network, and something of a master (though hardly comprehensive) Obama Alumni List, used largely to plan happy hours.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

6 responses to Obama loyalists meet to plot resistance

  1. Suzanne McFly November 19th, 2016 at 12:23

    Well we really need to work on our press telling the real stories. I am watching the “liberal” MSNBC and they are talking about the pence incident where he went to see the play Hamilton. The talking heads actually claimed that pence is receiving a lot of support and a lot of people are telling the staff of Hamilton to apologize, and they are claiming this support is shown on Twitter. I have been on and off Twitter all day and I am not seeing support. I am seeing people showing support for the Hamilton staff for sticking up for those who feel they will be left out of the success this administration is working on.

    I will do all I can to help promote the democratic agenda. I spent this week explaining to my seventh grade students how important it is to vote. I asked them if it was smart to be upset about the election if you did not vote, they unanimously shook their heads saying no. I told them your voice is at the ballot box and if you don’t use it there, it won’t matter to use it later. We need to be backed up by a press who only uses factual evidence in their stories and not opinions or hyperbole.

    • Jock E Shift November 19th, 2016 at 23:23

      Since you have stated you will do all you can to push the democratic “agenda”, you are promoting, it would seem by your post, a very slanted view to your students. You, as a teacher, have no right to infect innocent students with your disillusioned left wing views. At this stage of their lives, seventh graders, they should be working on forming the ability to see and think for themselves, open-minded, and able to begin to form their own opinions.

      • Suzanne McFly November 20th, 2016 at 08:15

        Jock itch, don’t you have a little ball you should be playing with? Let the adults have the conversation, you are hardly qualified to judge me.

        • Jock E Shift November 20th, 2016 at 08:27

          Do you call your seventh graders names and mock them if they disagree with you? I’ll bet you probably do.

  2. Dennis Smith November 19th, 2016 at 14:03

    How many countries have large groups of citizens whom value Democracy and Equality yet have none? Answer – many. Once a Government is controlled by those that fear Democracy, laws are instituted to forever prevent a takeover by Democratic means. That is exactly where the USA stands today. Old fashioned Democracy, once a cornerstone of the American government is in the past. Prepare for radical changes in voting rights, Gerrymandering and a Supreme Court stocked with “Scalia on steroids” who will legitimize those changes. It is really to late. The people have spoken and they will get it the way they voted. If your white, even if you are a staunch Democrat, your life won’t be immediately effected. If you are a minority, especially if you are black, you will see it and feel it and live it on a daily basis. God bless the Blacks they are the biggest losers. After trusting in Democracy for over a hundred years to give them equality, ultimately, it has failed them.

  3. amersham1046 November 19th, 2016 at 18:56

    Seek out dissatisfied low and middle level staff, make this government the leakiest in American history

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