More than 2 million sign petition asking electors to vote for Clinton

Posted by | November 11, 2016 07:55 | Filed under: Politics

The signers say Trump is “unfit to serve.”

In fewer than 24 hours, an online petition asking the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump for president of the United States has amassed over two million signatures.

“Mr. Trump is unfit to serve,” the petition argues. “His scapegoating of so many Americans, and his impulsivity, bullying, lying, admitted history of sexual assault, and utter lack of experience make him a danger to the Republic.”

“Secretary Clinton won the popular vote and should be president,” it continues. “The only reason Trump ‘won’ is because of the Electoral College. But the Electoral College can actually give the White House to either candidate. So why not use this most undemocratic of our institutions to ensure a democratic result?”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

139 responses to More than 2 million sign petition asking electors to vote for Clinton

  1. Larry Schmitt November 11th, 2016 at 08:01

    This means as much as those street protests against trump. In other words, nothing.

    • Budda November 11th, 2016 at 08:15

      It would be interesting if enough of them did vote for Hillary

      • Larry Schmitt November 11th, 2016 at 08:24

        It’s nice to dream but it ain’t happening, and as the Post story says, Congress would void it anyway.

  2. anothertoothpick November 11th, 2016 at 08:18

    Citizens of other countries, particularly in the Arab world, were probably observing this mass panic with a smirk, thinking, “and now it’s their turn.”

    Our country’s policymakers are often the cause of suffering overseas – the very suffering we are fearful of at the hands of Trump

    • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 08:44

      Interesting side note … supermoon coming on the 14th, last one about this close was during Arab Spring in March of 2011. Last one this close was in 1948. Next one this close will be 2036.

    • Willys41 November 11th, 2016 at 10:46

      People from other countries are probably thinking, and rightfully so, that if this is the result of democracy then democracy is the last thing they should wish for.

    • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 14:17

      Smart, honest comment. As a foreigner I thank you. But my heart is awful sorry for the American People.

  3. meherenow November 11th, 2016 at 08:29

    This isn’t American Idol, thankfully, but an election of the US President. The outcome is clear and an online petition isn’t doing anything but occupying people’s time. Your suggestion is just a tad shy of ridiculous.

    • Larry Schmitt November 11th, 2016 at 08:32

      We know it’s not AI, because it got only a 50% participation rate. Americans really turn out for something that matters, something they care about.

  4. Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 09:16

    Gee, whatever happened to those electors that said they would do the right thing.

  5. RandyBastard November 11th, 2016 at 09:21

    Sure, let’s re-write the constitution at a time when Nazis are occupying the government and marching in our streets. What could possibly go wrong, right? We’d find ourselves living in North Korea.

    • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 09:48

      Well, I do like Korean food …

      • oldfart November 11th, 2016 at 10:10

        Kimchi’s all right with me.

        • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 10:27

          I love kimchi, one of my most favorite foods.

          • MBJR November 11th, 2016 at 14:43

            A kimchi truck on every corner.

  6. crc3 November 11th, 2016 at 09:56

    This is a waste of time…

  7. fahvel November 11th, 2016 at 10:15

    sad how many of the comments below show how little you all really care – any and all efforts, ridiculous or sublime, should continue as long as orange is goin to be in that soon to be stained white house. Complacency sucks!

    • crc3 November 11th, 2016 at 10:53

      It’s gonna take MUCH MORE than a damn petition to send a message. You can figure out what I’m saying can’t you?

    • oldfart November 11th, 2016 at 12:28

      And just what do you have against Kimchi ?!? ;’)
      Cut us some slack, even our original revolution took time to get going.

    • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 13:51

      Fahvel, @crc3 isn’t talking to me when he makes his veiled references. From his message below (“You can figure out what I’m saying can’t you”) I have to assume that you are privy to his actual meaning. Can you spell out exactly what it is that @crc3 has in mind, because I have serious (shared) concerns that this stems from his approval of a “Dealey Plaza” solution from earlier, but I really need to be sure. Thanks!

      • crc3 November 11th, 2016 at 14:30

        You’re so far off base it’s almost comical. Stop trying to ask someone else what I meant and stand on your own two feet! What are you…some right wing political hack?

        • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 14:34

          I did try to ask you directly before.

          • crc3 November 11th, 2016 at 14:37

            Are you a right wing political hack? If you don’t answer I assume you are…

            • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 14:46

              I work for no political organization. I am neither employed nor do I volunteer for any political organizations, aside from having been a former Disqus moderator for this very website.

              • oldfart November 11th, 2016 at 14:53

                I knew you weren’t no ordinary Trumpanze…
                they don’t give out up votes…to liberals.
                and you didn’t bother to gloat either.
                I do appreciate that. what brings you here ?

                • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 15:08

                  I’ve lurked here now and then for a while. I’m more active at Anomaly’s site.

                  • oldfart November 11th, 2016 at 20:41

                    You picked a hell of a time to drop in…huh ?
                    Folks here are a wee bit…distraught.
                    looking forward to spirited debating.

                  • oldfart November 12th, 2016 at 00:55

                    To honor Anomaly’s up vote she gave you, I’ll lose the Trumpanze
                    and correct my grammar.
                    …Either that or she’s glad your “lurking” here now…

                    • R.J. Carter November 14th, 2016 at 08:10

                      I really don’t mind ‘Trumpanzee.’ I appreciate clever wordplay but don’t run into it often. ‘0bama’ (with a zero) was a reach, but calling the policies “obamanations:” was wordplay. “Demoncrats” and “Repukes” also doesn’t approach clever. But “Trumpets,” “Trumpettes,” and “Trumpanzees” are all acceptable. :)

                    • oldfart November 14th, 2016 at 11:04

                      I will keep that in mind…what little of it I have left to offer.
                      Don’t be a stranger on other topics, this one is getting rather long in the tooth. Consider dropping in on the open topics perhaps. I don’t like derailing threads.

                    • oldfart November 14th, 2016 at 12:13

                      It fits the meme…I suffer from being anal contextual.

  8. Glen November 11th, 2016 at 11:16

    Petitions and protests aren’t the right response (yes, I know most other commenters are saying the same thing). They treat it as though democracy is the problem (because they’re calling for the democratic system to be ignored, essentially). Democracy isn’t the problem.

    The right response is to put all of the pressure on the Democratic Party (as counter-intuitive as that might seem). This is, fundamentally, their fault for failing to properly address their weakest points:

    1. Failure to appeal to those in the ‘red states’ who are getting increasingly frustrated at government for the actions that are actually the Republicans’ fault, but which the Republicans have successfully scapegoated the Democrats for. Most of the people in those states aren’t naturally bigoted, their bigotry stems from their anger, which is naturally directed at the easiest targets (which are minorities) because the true source of their anger isn’t something they can deal with.

    2. Failure to listen to independents who were practically screaming at the DNC, through the primary season, that they had to choose Sanders, not Clinton. The people who were showing the DNC that they had moved too far to the right. The DNC treated such people as though their support for Clinton was a given – I’m confident that many of them voted third-party or refused to vote at all.

    3. Their consistent attempts at favouring the insider, thus opening the door to a challenger in the general election that campaigns as a “non-politician” (not that Trump wasn’t being a politician, but he was running an “I’m not a politician” campaign).

    In short, there were three huge failings – failure to communicate, failure to listen, and failure to diversify. And all of these were in spite of Obama demonstrating that it is possible to address them (albeit incompletely) through his campaigns. Not only was Obama himself not your typical “insider” politician, but his message was so strong because it addressed the anger in the community.

    So the next step is to put pressure on the DNC to learn their lesson, to listen to the people, and to challenge the Republican rhetoric more effectively, so that the Republicans are forced to be more moderate for the next two years. And after two years, with a landslide of support from all states, Democrats can take back congress, and then take the White House in 2020 – with a candidate that has been built up starting almost immediately.

    And no, Michelle Obama isn’t the right choice. It would be the ultimate way to send a message of “the elites doing it for themselves”, even if she’s popular – part of Clinton’s baggage is that she was the wife of a past president. Michelle Obama has the same problem.

    It needs to be a fresh politician, one that has experience, but doesn’t come across as an insider – one that is outspoken against business as usual. If it isn’t Elizabeth Warren, it needs to be someone else of her ilk.

    • eyelashviper November 11th, 2016 at 12:05

      When the media props up one of the worst candidates imaginable, and treats the other candidate,no matter who it may be, as the “same” and rarely pushes back against lies, outrageous behavior, and continues to foment sensationalism to boost their ratings, how on earth do you expect any improvement?
      Between the massive amounts of unknown funds flowing into campaigns, a lazy and ignorant population, and a media that functions as entertainment, our elections are a sham.

      • Glen November 11th, 2016 at 23:06

        I assume you’re referring to Trump when you say “one of the worst candidates imaginable”?

        The media aren’t quite as bad as you might think. A common misconception is that it’s “the media’s fault”. The media are doing exactly what their job is. The problem is, society has given them the wrong job.

        And ultimately, it’s not the media’s job to “push back against lies, outrageous behaviour”, etc – their (proper) job is to report, nothing more, nothing less. And aside from Fox, from what I could tell (from Australia – I’m able to watch Fox, CNN, and CNBC through Foxtel), the media mostly did their job, and did quite well at talking about Trump’s outrageous behaviour.

        If America wants to improve things, perhaps try looking at how we do it, here in Australia. We have public funding for elections (they can also get donations, etc, but all donations above a fairly low threshold must be made public, and there are strict limits, I believe – I’d have to check that claim, though). We have two public broadcasters that are funded by the government, but with legislation indicating that government can’t control content, even through threats of cuts, etc. Some of our population is ‘lazy and ignorant’, but it seems to be a much smaller proportion than in America.

        Oh, and our electoral system is preferential, so you don’t get the insane “two party” system, and the right wing nutjobs end up mostly in their own, niche party (in the case of Australia, the worst group of them are in a party known as “One Nation” – there are two particular major party members who are true nutjobs, but they’re mostly rejected by the rest of their party when they go on their rants). And that limits the negative impacts that the “lazy and ignorant population” can do. Oh, and we have mandatory voting, so you don’t get 50% of the population staying home.

    • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 14:12

      Welcome back Glen, your comments were missed.

  9. R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 12:28

    So are we repealing the 12th Amendment through an online petition now? Rewriting Article 2 Section 1 via comment boards?

    • robert November 11th, 2016 at 14:14

      It sucks when only 53% of America votes It’s worse when the majority of that percentage votes for trump.

      Smart phone voting should be insisted other then begging

      • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 14:19

        Smart phone voting would be good, but the assumption here is that convenience would drive participation. It may have some impact, but I don’t think it would be that much more.

        Besides, I’d be in the middle of my ballot and the app would take me to the App Store with a “How are we doing? Rate us 5 stars” message.

        • robert November 11th, 2016 at 14:46

          They said the same thing about zebra / bar codes on grocery store items claiming there would be overloads and or computer shut downs.

          Now you can’t go to a 7-11 convenient store or corner gas station without seeing bar codes. I wish I had 50k back in the late 70s to invest because I would be among those who could care less about politics

        • Carla Akins November 12th, 2016 at 06:54

          Snort. Since I spend 8 hours a day coaching the 50+ crowd on the difference between an browser and an OS, they we would need to mix online with actual USPS snail mail.

          • R.J. Carter November 14th, 2016 at 08:07

            I just got a picture of all these small priority boxes being sent to election headquarters, containing smart phones with their screens displaying completed electronic ballots.

      • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 14:22

        At least we know only about 25% of American are certified fools…


        • robert November 11th, 2016 at 14:39

          I don’t know who’s the bigger fool The one who stays home or the one’s that don’t want to be counted

          • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 15:43

            You’re so right. That’s why I said certified fools, the ones that were headcounted.

      • Truly Texan November 11th, 2016 at 17:12

        The majority of American votes were not for trump. Just like they weren’t for bush. And that turned out sooo well.

    • arc99 November 11th, 2016 at 14:15

      Please stop with the histrionics about repealing the 12th amendment. Nothing in the 12th amendment requires electors to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their state.

      Any requirement for electors to mirror the popular vote is controlled at the state level, not federal.

      I happen to think the petition is pointless. But not nearly as pointless as a false argument that faithless electors somehow violate the 12th amendment.

      In any event, we do not need petitions, we need people to vote. President Obama won over 62 million votes in 2012. Hillary is currently around 60.4 million

      • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 14:18

        I’m always for getting as many eligible voters as can vote to vote. There’ll be no argument on that. That being said, you can’t force someone to vote if they exercise their right not to vote.

        • arc99 November 11th, 2016 at 14:34

          on that we agree 100%

          and I have little empathy for people of any political persuasion who complain but do not vote..

    • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 17:07

      If they were smart they would be petitioning them to not vote for anyone. Kick it to the house, make them decide and take the heat for whatever happens. Who knows, they might just refuse to choose anyone also and call for a constitutional amendment that would allow snap elections for situations like this. They could do it if they really wanted to. America could get a reboot without Trump or Hillary.

  10. ValianThor November 11th, 2016 at 13:10

    Faithless electors could, at least, alter the current count, when the EC convenes. And guess what, changing a vote from a pledged one is not a federal crime, only a state crime in some, but not all states of the Union. I proffered it to both camps; that a discreet offer under the table, in many cases, and if not an outright monetary bribe, may not be punishable, or if so, may be an acceptable inconvenience, considering the ultimate result.

    Not a lawyer….just sayin’

  11. Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 14:19

    Touching, but that’s not how democracy works

    • Darksnark November 11th, 2016 at 17:17

      That’s precisely what the Electoral College was established for: to prevent frauds, con-men, and dangerous demagogues from assuming power after misleading voters into supporting them….

      • Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 17:43

        Isn’t that what just happened?

      • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 17:53

        Well, it didn’t work. Who can be more of a con man and a demagogue?

        • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 18:54

          He isn’t president yet. They can refuse to vote for any body, kick it to the house and make them choose. Then we can hold them accountable. If they don’t want to be held accountable for Trumps actions then they can work to add a new amendment to the constitution that allows for snap elections for situations like this. Basically they can kick the responsibility right back to the people if they want to. They can say you people messed up real bad, for whatever reason, but here is your do over.

          • StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 18:56

            The house is controlled by Republicans…
            They would all be voted out if they installed Hillary, and they don’t want that.

            • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 18:59

              So they don’t vote for either and work to create a new amendment that allows for snap elections. It would have to be a bipartisan effort, but they could do it, if they are so inclined.

              • StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 19:03

                Key words….”if they are so inclined”….
                Republicans are tickled pink the Orange one got elected..
                Not a single one of them will do anything to overturn the election..

                • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 19:06

                  That depends on what he starts doing and what they think he might do later. I don’t really think they are all that happy. I think they are happy Hillary didn’t win but not so happy Trump did.

                  I also think that they don’t want to be on record of voting for Trump who could prove to be a devastating loose cannon. Politician don’t like being held accountable for disasters.

                  • StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 19:37

                    I hope you are right~!

              • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 19:06

                I have the feeling the Republican party is exultant.

                • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 19:07

                  Only so long as they are not responsible. Make them responsible, I bet that changes in a hurry.

                • oldfart November 14th, 2016 at 10:42

                  The world MUST have heard the loud PHEW coming from republicans in this country when tRump won the election.

                  • Gina Bousquet November 14th, 2016 at 16:20

                    Yep. Just like that day years ago when everybody jumped together at the same time to make the earth move. ;)

          • trees November 11th, 2016 at 20:17

            Clinton conceded. (Shortest sentence in the liberal bible)

            • Jack E Raynbeau November 12th, 2016 at 02:20

              That’s a tradition. It’s now in the hands of the EC.

      • Gina Bousquet November 11th, 2016 at 19:22

        Sorry, I’m a foreigner, not very much aware of your electoral rules. Thank you for your comment.

      • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 19:32

        And if all the choices they have to choose from are bad they can pass it on to the house and let them be responsible.

        • Glen November 11th, 2016 at 22:46

          Since the plurality-takes-all in each state thing is done at a state level, I’d think a simpler solution would be to push to have that “electoral votes go to the winner of the nationwide popular vote” thing, so that before the electoral college sits, the terms of it trigger (because a majority of EC votes are covered by it).

          • mea_mark November 12th, 2016 at 09:34

            In the future that is a good idea. At this point in time the Trumpites would revolt, some violently.

            • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 09:37

              Pretty sure that would happen in any case, unless Trump, specifically, is sworn in.

      • R.J. Carter November 11th, 2016 at 19:54

        No, it was designed to prevent the tyranny of the majority from silencing the voices of the minority. #CivicsLesson

        • Glen November 11th, 2016 at 22:42

          Ironically, the tyranny of the majority is exactly what the Electoral College achieves, with voters in “Red States” who want to vote Democratic not getting a voice, and vice versa.

          And even if that were fixed, all it would be doing is amplifying the voice of those who live in less-populous states, and making the voices of those in Texas, California, New York, etc, far diminished by comparison.

          • R.J. Carter November 14th, 2016 at 08:12

            Perhaps all the states could take a lesson from Maine and Nebraska (is it Nebraska?) where they have proportional elector assignments. I know I’d love to see a little bit of red show up in Illinois in the future.

            • Glen November 14th, 2016 at 10:34

              It would certainly be, at the least, a better system than the current one.

              That said, it leads to unstable results, in that you still run into the “where the vote happens to be matters” – that is, moving some of the Republican vote from, say, Wyoming to Vermont could result in an extra Republican EC vote, or an extra Democratic EC vote, depending on the exact proportions.

              I’d advocate a “scaled-popular vote” approach – The result in each state gets scaled according to the number of electoral votes found in that state – so if a state has 7 electoral votes, and 50% of the voters there choose a Democrat, then the Democrat gets 3.5 electoral votes, essentially.

              It maintains the benefit of electoral votes, while eliminating the college itself.

              Mind you, I’d also state that it has to work with preferential voting, so that it always comes down to two candidates – otherwise, you’d get the proportions that have happened here – neither Clinton nor Trump would make it to 270, and without an actual electoral college (of the style currently used), there’s no way to address the imbalance, without a runoff system of some sort (preferential voting = Instant Runoff Voting).

        • Jack E Raynbeau November 12th, 2016 at 02:17

          Not at all.

  12. StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 18:54

    This is the only country on Earth where the person who gets the most votes is not the winner…
    However this is not going to happen..
    There is no re-do. what is done is done and we have to deal with it.

    • mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 18:56

      Not necessarily. As the law stands it is possible to get a do over, but it would take some work. Mainly by a lot of politicians that don’t want to be held accountable for what Trump does.

      • trees November 12th, 2016 at 03:33


        Wishful thinking.

        We held an election. The people voted. The election was certified, the losing candidate conceded, the sitting president accepted the president elect and received him at the White House and began the process which will result in the transfer of power…..

        The only ones in denial are the ones who thought it impossible that their candidate could be defeated.

        • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 09:42

          Clinton “conceding” and Obama meeting with Trump aren’t enforceable statements – Clinton can simply un-concede (her concession doesn’t hold any legal authority), and Obama meeting with Trump doesn’t automatically elevate Trump to President-Elect.

          As for “the election was certified” – by whom? As mea_mark is saying, electoral college voters would be well within their ability (albeit potentially unwise) to refuse to select Trump, and that would be within the laws of your country. That passes the responsibility to congress, which mea_mark suggests could also refuse to select a candidate, thus forcing a new election.

          Considering that Clinton won a plurality of the popular vote, both with and without scaling for number of electoral votes per state, there would be legitimate reason for both EC voters and congress to suggest that the result is not clear enough to truly accept either candidate.

          EDIT: Incidentally, I can’t help but notice that you ignored my previous response to you, while responding to lots of others. Could it be that you have no substantive response?

          • trees November 12th, 2016 at 09:49

            “Gotta be some way to rig this election, just gotta be….”


            • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 09:55

              First of all, you’re descending into deeper levels of childishness with each and every post.

              Second of all, you’ll notice I specifically inserted the “(albeit potentially unwise)” parenthetical into my comment. That’s because I already foresaw your response. I wouldn’t advocate such an attempt to prevent Trump from being sworn in.

              But mea_mark’s comments do not, as you suggest, represent “wishful thinking”. They’re entirely within the bounds of the law, and as others have pointed out to you, they’re precisely why the Electoral College was made in the first place – to protect America from itself, the same way that the government had three arms (Executive, Judicial, and Congress) – to protect America from itself. Same reason for the Bill of Rights, same reason for including the “Second Amendment” (which is now somewhat outdated).

              So if you don’t have something more substantive to say, perhaps you should stay quiet. You know the old saying – better to stay quiet and have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

              • oldfart November 14th, 2016 at 10:36

                You know the old saying – better to stay quiet and have people think you a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                He said he didn’t vote…it’s way too late for that.

        • crc3 November 12th, 2016 at 11:57

          WE didn’t do anything especially YOU who didn’t even vote!!!

  13. trees November 11th, 2016 at 20:10

    • Jack E Raynbeau November 12th, 2016 at 02:16

      Poor analogy. He’s got nukes and why have them if he can’t use them?

    • Carla Akins November 12th, 2016 at 06:50

      This photograph was taken on 12 February 2012 and captured an economic protest in Greece in which “Protesters hurled rocks at police during a violent anti-austerity demonstration in central Athens.”

      • robert November 12th, 2016 at 10:06

        That’s a typical gop training meme

      • trees November 12th, 2016 at 14:56

        The point stands.

        Those that are rioting and fomenting violence are a threat to our democracy.

        But, it’s not really about that, is it?


        (Get yer Che Guevara shirts online and run those evil capitalists’ out of your country))

      • StoneyCurtisll November 12th, 2016 at 22:36

        Facts and reality do not matter in the minds of people like Trees…
        They can conflate the horrible acts in another county and project them as if it was happening here..
        Ignorance is at it’s core, and stupidity is it’s driving factor…

  14. arc99 November 11th, 2016 at 20:52

    Just a reality check for any Trumpers tempted to rant about some sort of “mandate”.

    The majority of the American electorate wanted someone else and we did not need any hanging chads this time to make it crystal clear.

    A Donald Trump Presidency is in fact the will of the Electoral College.

    It is not the will of the people. Keep that in mind as you plan your inaugural festivities. Gonna talk to my sister to see if she wants to Air BnB her condo in Southeast DC for $1500 per night.

    As of today



    • trees November 11th, 2016 at 21:30

      How many house seats did your party win? Do you have a majority in either the house, or the Senate?

      Looks like the American people have rejected the Democrats….

      As to the…

      it is not the will of the people”

      Yes it is.

      The purpose of the electoral college is,

      A) to rig the election

      B) to ensure that the voices of all of the people in all of the states is heard. To ensure that all states are represented.

      • Glen November 11th, 2016 at 22:37

        “to ensure that the voices of all of the people in all of the states is heard. To ensure that all states are represented.” – if that were true, allocation of electoral college votes in each state would be done proportionally, rather than winner-takes-all. 47.9% of Wisconsin voters voted for Trump. 100% of their electoral votes are going to Trump.

        I just went through, recorded the percentages (to three decimal places) of Clinton and Trump in every state (calculated the “Other” vote by calculating what’s left), and added up the effective Electoral Votes if the election were decided by popular vote scaled by number of electoral college votes…

        … that is, for example, Alabama had 62.9% to Trump and 34.6% to Clinton, with 9 electoral votes, so Trump would get 5.661 “Electoral Votes” and Clinton would get 3.114 “Electoral Votes”. They wouldn’t be in a real electoral college, they’re just a rescaling.

        If we use this, based on current numbers (a few votes outstanding on some states)… Clinton gets 257.082 EVs. Trump gets 253.298 EVs (with 27.62 going to other candidates, of which I’d imagine around 18 would go to Johnson, around 6-8 would go to Stein, and 1.5 to McMullin, with other candidates getting whatever is left over).

        So no, even if you use the reasoning for the Electoral College, that it “makes sure all people in all states are heard”, you’re wrong. Clinton comes out ahead of Trump if it’s scaled-popular to make sure every state is heard, and the current system, which saw Trump win easily, doesn’t make sure every voice in every state is heard.

        In fact, quite the opposite – if you live in a “Red State”, and you want to vote Democrat, your voice won’t be heard. And if you live in a “Blue State”, and you want to vote Republican, your voice won’t be heard.

        • Jack E Raynbeau November 12th, 2016 at 02:15

          I did some of my own calculations. It effectively gives a Utahn voting for Trump 4 times that power in the EC. That is, Trump voters in Utah delivered .6% of his popular vote while giving voice to 2.1% of his Electoral vote. In Texas it was 7.8 popular and 7.5% electoral. A wash. A Texan’s vote is not as powerful as a Utahn’s vote.

          All people get a voice, some voices are more powerful.

          • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 02:20

            Tell that to any Republican voters in DC, or any Democratic voters in Wyoming. Tell that to anyone who voted for anybody except the Democrat or Republican, who should be represented for 27-28 electoral votes, but whose votes are literally ignored (because your system stupidly uses plurality rather than majority).

            And tell that to Clinton winning the popular vote *and* the scaled-popular vote (that accounts for Electoral Vote values), but losing to Trump because of the specific locations of the votes.

      • William November 12th, 2016 at 02:00

        “Looks like the American people have rejected the Democrats”….
        Uh…no dummy.
        Did you miss the part where Hillary got the majority of the votes?
        That’s actually the definition of NOT rejecting a party.
        Get back to me if it doesn’t register…. I have sock puppets.

        • trees November 12th, 2016 at 02:57


          For weeks on end the posters on this site did nothing but write post after post about how Hillary had a 98% chance of winning based on the electoral college…..

          Hillary was a lock to win PA, Hillary would win in NC, the polls all had her up in FL….

          She would win.

          That’s all you talked about.

          The open thread on the day of the election is very telling. Much boasting and bragging…

          Hey, I’ve got an idea….

          Why don’t you run and grab your sock puppets and do a dramatic reenactment of that election day open thread??

          Should be a real knee slapper.

          • Carla Akins November 12th, 2016 at 06:49

            Aren’t you gracious?

          • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:12

            You missed the point stupid.
            You claimed the American people have rejected the democratic party.
            I pointed out that the democratic nominee actually got the most votes, IE the popular vote. You’re not even man enough to defend your idiocy.
            You DO realize your boy is impeachable on day one right?
            I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Nixon resigned for trying to cover up a burglary.
            Your boy has committed sex crimes and confessed to it on tape.
            but hey, he hates minorities, and that’s all that really matters to you guys right?
            I give Donald 18 months tops, and he and his porn actress trollop will be getting frog walked out the door.
            I’m not even going to ask you to defend your statement. You failed twice already.

            • trees November 12th, 2016 at 09:24


              • robert November 12th, 2016 at 09:57

                Good idea The trumpster could use a cape for a quick get-away

            • trees November 12th, 2016 at 09:29

              I’m a Rubio guy.

              Didn’t vote in this election.

              But I’m smart enough to realize who the American people elected.

              Hillary and Barack have accepted the results of the election and understand how it works….

              • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:43

                So are you going to defend your statement IE concerning you contention that the majority of Americans rejected the democratic party, or are you just going to keep diverting and blowing smoke and refusing to explain how Hillary won the popular vote. I’m waiting.

              • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:47

                and by the way I have completely excepted and am enjoying the results of this election. The very best way to get rid of someone who claims to know everything about being a soldier, is to give them a grenade to play with. The downside is they can blow up other people. The upside is, nobody will ever give anyone like that a grenade ever again.

                • trees November 12th, 2016 at 15:56

                  William whatthe46 4 days ago
                  I’ve unblocked all my right wing Limbaugh licking trolls just to enjoy their butthurt.

                  Smart move….


              • robert November 12th, 2016 at 10:03

                ” little Marco ” allowed himself to be man handled by the trumpster only to back him during the debate’s.

                Congrats trees you get the leather zipper mask and whip so you too can find a biotch of your own

              • crc3 November 12th, 2016 at 11:52

                “I’m a Rubio guy. Didn’t vote in this election.”

                Rubio??!! LOL…you are really showing your true colors if you like that fool. You didn’t vote?? You have NO right to be in any discussion about this election a** wipe…

              • StoneyCurtisll November 12th, 2016 at 22:21

                Trees..”I’m a Rubio guy”….(nothing else needs to be said)

      • Jack E Raynbeau November 12th, 2016 at 02:08

        A) To rig an election if necessary. So far it hasn’t been necessary.

        I’m not in favor of doing that but that’s all it was ever about. The founding fathers didn’t trust the electorate to always get it right. It has nothing to do with state representation. In fact, states can and will nullify the Electoral College in the near future.

    • trees November 12th, 2016 at 03:02

      Well, if you don’t think the Republicans have the means, or support, to effect real change…

      You might want to grab your helmet and buckle the chinstrap tight….

      Cause the ride for you is about to get a little rough.

      But you’re a trooper, I know you can handle it.

    • screwhillary November 12th, 2016 at 14:28

      How many of those voters were dead or voted more than once Give me a break

  15. trees November 12th, 2016 at 02:48

    • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 09:48

      Let’s see… when you’ve been challenged by others to back up your claims, you’ve either ignored them or resorted to posting memes.

      Who’s the truly “butthurt” one?

      • trees November 12th, 2016 at 15:29

        Wow, you struggle to understand simple things…

        The “butthurt” are those who refuse to accept reality…

        • Glen November 12th, 2016 at 22:06

          I see… so what does the fact that you still haven’t been able to accept that Clinton has more support from Americans than Trump does, unable to actually respond to substantive points made by others, say about you?

          I’m still waiting for your response to my first reply to you, where I pointed out that, even scaling for Electoral Votes, Clinton comes out ahead when the system is run fairly.

    • robert November 12th, 2016 at 09:55

      The oval office will be handing these out as you go through the new revolving door.

      Get him out of here !

      • Larry Schmitt November 12th, 2016 at 11:06

        Starting with this administration, it is now known as the Offal Office.

        • robert November 12th, 2016 at 12:21

          Another good re-name would be ” the oral office ”

          It’s a trumpster thing…

      • screwhillary November 12th, 2016 at 14:26

        Wake up Robert She and Bill should be in jail. So many scandals no one can keep track of all of them Bottom line whether you like it or not …..Hillary’s actions got people killed…….Trump’s words did NOT

        • robert November 12th, 2016 at 14:36

          It doesn’t count as a crime unless someone dies GOT IT !

          BTW have you seen donalds taxes ? They might clear up a few arguments.

  16. screwhillary November 12th, 2016 at 14:23

    Donald Trump a liar. Laughable Hillary has not told the truth since her 8th grade picnic. That is why she was not elected. She and Bill are COrruption inc

    • The Original Just Me November 12th, 2016 at 22:11

      PROOF ?????????

      • StoneyCurtisll November 13th, 2016 at 01:40

        Who needs proof when a Trump supporter says something outrageous..
        They believe anything Herr Trumpf tells them…
        They are like cult members.

        • The Original Just Me November 13th, 2016 at 03:57

          exactly !

    • StoneyCurtisll November 13th, 2016 at 01:25

      “Hillary has not told the truth since her 8th grade picnic”
      I can Trump your lie..

      Every word Donald trumps says is a lie, including the words “and” and “the”..

    • StoneyCurtisll November 13th, 2016 at 01:30

      Oh look at you..
      6 comments all of them at this site..
      3 today..
      3 here a month ago on the same day…
      I smell a dirty sock puppet…

    • Gina Bousquet November 14th, 2016 at 16:24

      Screw you!

  17. Glen November 12th, 2016 at 22:55

    Using Wikipedia’s current numbers for the election result (I assume they’re mostly up-to-date), I went through and repeated my analysis of how the result would play out if the election were decided by “scaled-popular” vote – that is, if the value of a voter’s vote is adjusted to maintain the Electoral College vote numbers from each state.

    If we use all votes, and allow fractional EC votes, then Clinton has 255.9863 EC votes, Trump has 252.7001 EC votes, Johnson 17.9387, Stein 5.5023, and others a combined 2.4152.

    If we use all votes, but round the EC votes in each state to the nearest whole (removing the one with the smallest fractional part above 0.5 if too many EC votes are assigned, adding the one with the largest fractional part below 0.5 if too few – seems the fairest way to deal with rounding issues), then Clinton and Trump both come out with 262 EC votes, Johnson with 12, Stein with 1, and McMullin with 1.

    If we only look at votes for Clinton and Trump, and allow fractional EC votes, then we get 270.6307 to Clinton, 267.3693 to Trump.

    If we round to the nearest whole (per state), Clinton just barely wins out with 270 to Trump’s 268.

    Obviously, if you include the whole field and have actual EC voters, then the final result would come down to how the third-party EC voters would decide to vote between Clinton and Trump.

    Otherwise, if you use the standard US “plurality wins” approach, Clinton wins with ordinary scaled-popular vote either way, and Clinton gets more EC votes if restricted to the top two only.

    Trump’s win was down to the archaic “Electoral College, with votes decided by plurality by state” system that the rest of the world is laughing at you for. Of course, this is the system the election was run under, so you’ll have to live with the result (no, the EC isn’t going to refuse to vote, and even if they did, the Republicans in congress won’t refuse to vote as well; and no, they’re not going to be faithless electors in anywhere near enough numbers and vote for Clinton).

    But you need to fix the system, and pronto.

    • allison1050 November 13th, 2016 at 05:51

      Interesting and thanks.

    • trees November 13th, 2016 at 16:08

      What you fail to understand is that the campaign was run with a strategy to win the electoral college, not the popular vote.

      Attention was focused on winning specific states, not the most votes.

      Epic fail for team Clinton.

      • Glen November 13th, 2016 at 21:47

        I fully understand that the system informed the strategy. Doesn’t change the fact that more Americans want Clinton as president, even after EC vote scaling.

        Can you honestly tell me that the system, as it stands, is fair?

        • oldfart November 14th, 2016 at 10:24

          Well, prior to the election, he would have said the election was rigged…
          Now that tRump has won, he will say who gives a sh*t.

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