Clinton aides blame Comey, media for loss

Posted by | November 11, 2016 19:00 | Filed under: Politics

The finger-pointing is going in the direction of the FBI director and the media.

In a private conference call with supporters, Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, communications director Jennifer Palmieri and other senior staffers struggled to explain how their well-oiled campaign machine ultimately failed.

According to one Clinton surrogate who relayed the phone conversation to The Hill, Podesta said that Comey is the person “who we think may have cost us the election.”

The FBI director sent a letter to Congress eleven days before the election announcing the discovery of more emails that may have been related to their investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server as secretary of state. Though Comey announced the Sunday before Election Day that nothing new was found in the emails, the last week of the race was spent discussing them.

Donald Trump seized on the messages to burnish his campaign trail depiction of Clinton as corrupt and careless with national security information.

“That last week, it was just one too many things,” Palmieri reportedly said of the Comey letters.

Podesta reportedly took aim at the press for creating a “false moral equivalency” between the two major party candidates, focusing on Clinton’s emails while failing to sufficiently investigate Trump’s unpaid taxes and business dealings in Russia.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

56 responses to Clinton aides blame Comey, media for loss

  1. Larry Schmitt November 11th, 2016 at 19:13

    They were only a symptom. You can blame the American people who voted for a con man with no experience in government, a “brilliant businessman” who declared multiple bankruptcies and used an almost billion dollar loss to avoid paying taxes. Comey or the media didn’t make them vote for him. They voted for him because they somehow convinced themselves that he would “change” Washington. Although they couldn’t tell you what is wrong with Washington. You can blame all the American voters who can’t think for themselves.

    • Red Mann November 11th, 2016 at 19:41

      Although they couldn’t tell you what is wrong with Washington

      I’m still waiting for them to delineate the “Freedumbs” they’ve lost to Obama, also waiting for the religious right to list all the “religious freedoms” they’ve lost.

      • Larry Schmitt November 11th, 2016 at 19:47

        The only “freedom” they might lose is the freedom to discriminate against anyone who’s not a part of their sect.

        • Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 21:26

          That’s what they really want.

      • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 13:12

        hopefully, if trump’s Krew has any common sense, the first freedoms to be lost will be for comey’s armed white terrorist band in Nevada to brandish weapons at the American People or do really nasty things to the families of those in the military that are deployed away from home. I highly recommend they resign and return to their families to be able to protect them from this armed group of terrorist thugs until they’re taken off the streets.

    • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 13:06

      a big thanks goes out to Al Gore for creating the internet though. Most of anti-establishment picks by trump are from the establishment that conned the people under Reagan’s Administration. We can see a lot more clearly now and relate it to the world at the speed of light, as was done when comey BETRAYED THE REPUBLIC. No more waiting for quarterly economic reports until the republican FBI could cleanse it. Now we can have a daily/hourly update as to how well trump’s economy is blazing along with high paying jobs for everyone. Protesters will now have communications nationwide to counter the nasty deeds a sheriff lil’ Idi Amin, Jr. (ref: uniforms) may attempt to use to “quell any protest like in Reagan’s days” – and they can be relayed worldwide with moving pictures and everything! at the speed of light.

      THANK YOU, Al Gore, or whoever, for giving humans a breath of freedom even when they’re living in the land of a BETRAYED REPUBLIC – where the entire world can have a daily/hourly update.

  2. mea_mark November 11th, 2016 at 19:19

    Absolve yourselfs of all responsibility and blame someone else for your failings. Is this what the democratic party is going to be about now? Not very inspiring if you ask me.

    • MBJR November 11th, 2016 at 19:31

      Here is interesting diagnosis that goes with what you’re saying.

    • shindigg November 11th, 2016 at 19:38

      He didn’t “absolve himself of all responsibility,” he named two reasons and he’s right about that. The article doesn’t say that those two reasons are the only ones. Are you saying the email obsessed media didn’t play a part? Or that Comey’s injecting his negative personal opinions about Mrs. Clinton into his investigations and people interpreting his republican negative personal opinions of her as gospel didn’t have an impact? Do you really think those things didn’t play a part?

    • Obewon November 11th, 2016 at 19:41

      You deny reality that she won the popular vote 47.7%, and had an 83% chance until (R) Comey’s great GOP gift electing DJT45 by a mere 47.4%.

      Those no chance 3rd place and 4th place parties hepled too. Give yourself a round of applause for delivering Donnie45. Woo-hoo!

  3. Gary Parillo November 11th, 2016 at 20:16

    The DNC points one finger at Comey,yet ignores the the other fingers that point to themselves.If they had not ignored Bernie,and as some of the emails reveal,even plotted against himwe may not have been in the mess that we are in.There was a better than average chance that Bernie would have won.The one man that really has the countries best interests in his heart was disregarded,and now it is too late.

  4. trees November 11th, 2016 at 20:29

    Clinton is responsible for her own email mess.

    She created the problem when she decided to conceal her communications.

    She compounded that problem by lying about it.

    She has demonstrated a willingness to conceal, obstruct, and deflect.

    She, herself said, “I accept full responsibility for my decision”

    Losing this election is a consequence of her actions.

    • dewired4u November 11th, 2016 at 23:10

      B S. What sank her was the success of Wikileaks teaming up with putin to strategically release doctored e males which discouraged her supporters so they would stay home and not vote it worked. Then comey sent a letter to congress that was about nothing and the damage was done more of her supporters stayed home.

      • trees November 12th, 2016 at 09:18

        Wikileaks has never been demonstrated to have published a fake, or fraudulent email. If they ever did, they would lose their credibility. Further, no one in the Clinton administration has denied the veracity of the wikileaks email dump. Why? Same reason. Clinton affiliates attempt to deflect when asked about them. Those emails are real, and reveal the true nature of the Clinton machine.

        Assange lifted the tent and showed the American people what was underneath it.

        • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:32

          How in-American can you get? Here’s the fun part Skippy. Hillary Clinton has been cleared completely by the justice department. Your Cheeto-faced sex offender is going to an actual trial, in an actual court for actual fraud charges at the end of the month. Right now his lawyers are working feverishly as he could actually be in the middle of a fraud trial during transition. Then he has a dozen or so women waiting in the wings to drag him into court for sexual assault. Here’s the fun part. He’s already done the plaintiffs legal work for them as far as method and motive, by explaining in great detail on tape, just how he assaults women. Sad that this was the best you idiots could come up with, but hey at least he’s not black or a woman right?

          • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:51

            black or woman, BINGO!

    • fahvel November 12th, 2016 at 05:51

      dammm, I thought you’d fallen out of the tree and were rotting with the autumn leaves.

    • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:27

      Yet, Clinton has been completely cleared of any wrongdoing by the FBI and Trump has his first trial for his fake university in a few weeks then a dozen or so sexual assault suits.

      • trees November 12th, 2016 at 09:35

        Clinton is currently under investigation….

        She is scared right now, as is Obama. Their only hope is that Trump doesn’t pursue the matter…

        They’re conceding and being civil because they know just how much trouble they’re in, and they’re hoping that if they just go away now that they can avoid prosecution.

        • William November 12th, 2016 at 09:40

          Clinton is currently under investigation
          Link please.

          • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 13:55

            currently under investigation means the FBI still doesn’t have anything, but they’re looking and/or fabricating something they think will hold up in court. Why I’m one who wants the ‘evidence’ comey (R) had to send his letter to SOH Ryan (R) to throw the election.

            Evidently it was ‘something’ otherwise mrs. comey wouldn’t have been demanding Hillary’s immediate arrest.

        • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:49

          white racist trump supporter BS.

    • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:48

      show US the email evidence comey (R) had that was so urgent SOP Ryan (R) opted to delay any ‘security briefings’ to a former US Secretary of the State (D) while trump (R) and giuliani (R) (of all people) were kept on top.

      also, instead of the 30 plus some years of criminal misconduct that they just can’t quite come up with any evidence to prosecute, why don’t you just sue in federal court to prosecute them yourself?

      BETRAYAL OF THE REPUBLIC has consequences also.

  5. crc3 November 11th, 2016 at 20:34

    Comey was only a small part of the reason for Clinton losing. The media is a part also but not the main reason. One big reason is the disenfranchisement of voters in states where Clinton should have won easily (PA, MI, WI). Michael Moore explains possible solutions to “fix” the Democratic party (a to-do list so to speak). Even if you don’t like Morning Joe watch the 45 min clip…..

    • Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 21:21

      Moore was right but as tight as the race seemed it didn’t help and the news media acted like they were FOX half of the time. Like when Chuck Todd said it wasn’t his job to inform/educate the viewers.

  6. Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 21:18

    I blame them too, they f#$%#$ the entire country for ratings and Comcast.

  7. Suzanne McFly November 11th, 2016 at 21:18

    Who doesn’t blame comey for this mess? I feel we can lay rumps entire presidency at his feet.

  8. Warman1138 November 11th, 2016 at 21:33

    I know this is off topic but an article popped up on my msn page about how Trump supporters will be upset if their boy doesn’t live up to his campaign promises. I think some of the natives are getting restless already, freaking gullible idiots.

    • StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 21:47

      ya think Dems are disappointed today..?
      Wait 4 years and see how pissed off people that voted for Trump are going to be~!

      • whatthe46 November 11th, 2016 at 22:07

        i don’t think it’ll even take that long. i give month one.

        • fahvel November 12th, 2016 at 05:49

          good point – we’ve been covering this thing probably better than you and the image I remember best was the wisdom and inclusion the expression on orangeass’ face while sitting with the President of the United States, Obama!!!! He already, not O but shthd – that he’s really really in the deep end of the pool without a ladder – I hope the fkr drowns.

          • whatthe46 November 12th, 2016 at 09:02

            i couldn’t agree more.

        • StoneyCurtisll November 12th, 2016 at 19:32

          Give it time sister….
          give it time…

    • robert November 12th, 2016 at 01:28

      On the LL front page politico is calling Trump’s transition page ” sloppy at best ” start to worry if the trump supporters have no problem with it

      • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:41

        have they really had a problem with anything yet?

        BETRAYAL OF THE REPUBLIC by the FBI doesn’t concern them in the slightest.

        the FBI fed ‘liberal media’ trying to plant the idea that trump now has a “MANDATE” from the people…you do realize that means the MAJORITY of the people are backing trump, right?

        • robert November 12th, 2016 at 13:09

          If that’s what the ” majority ” thinks then we can all rest easy The trumpster doesn’t have a history of thinking about himself.

          As for the FBI goes, they have proven to me that they can’t even catch a cold. If your going to commit a hate crime ? Just post it on Facebook months before you pull off the job

          • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 13:19


            ever go to Vegas to play poker?

            • robert November 12th, 2016 at 13:41

              I prefer to watch the shows and maybe a concert. I might play the slots if it’s a long line

    • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:38

      this is all FBI fed BS to try to quell the rift.

      they know as well as anybody, the minute the republicans get the majority of our military personnel out of ‘trumpland’ comey (or his musical chair replacement) will unleash the white racist terrorist on their families to:
      1. enrage them
      2. encourage them to unleash their anger against democrats and progressives.

      doubt it?

      look at how trump used his supporters at his klosed klan rallies.

  9. StoneyCurtisll November 11th, 2016 at 21:46

    Lots of blame to go around…
    They should start at home and work outward..

    • Carla Akins November 12th, 2016 at 07:02

      and look inward.

    • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:33

      first and foremost, make the streets of America safe from comey’s white racist terrorist thugs. Demand that Democrat Representatives of the people don’t start talks of ‘unity’ until each and every last one of comey’s white racist terrorist that were at the Nevada FAILED attempt to overthrow the US Government by force of arms are disarmed and off the streets – even if the scroungy little bastards have to bunk in the FBI Headquarters in DC.

  10. fahvel November 12th, 2016 at 05:47

    the timing of comey was devastating but the press is what did it by playing up trump and his maladies until he was his own celebrity – If the press were against him it would and should have ignorered his crap and never ever have stopped demanding real answers – it’s the mighty$$$$.

    • granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:27

      well, we now know for sure that the “liberal press” is nothing but a sleazy branch of the now totally worthless and extremely useless Republican FBI.

      never trust or believe these traitorous bastards again, especially when they start releasing ‘urgent’ BS of an ‘enemy force’ outside the US while wanting to keep comey’s armed white racist terrorist free on our streets. These traitorous bastards will only do harm to the families of those who realized how f’d they’ve been by the republicans “defending trumpland” outside, while depending on sheriff lil’ Idi Amin, Jr. (ref: uniforms) to protect their families on the inside. Those now serving in the military would be wise to resign and go back to their families until the threat of comey’s white racist terrorist are totally disarmed and taken off the streets. They will most likely go after the families of those serving in the military first (as they have shown they are capable of resisting under combat, eg: not afraid to fight) to demoralize them and enrage them by accusing the democrats, leftist, etc. (was an effective ‘trick’ used by Idi Amin on the occasions he thought he might not get what he wanted).×714.jpg

      when you’re white (racist) you’re right, even in Federal Court after storming a federal facility, trashing it out completely, including destruction and theft of Native American Heritage artifacts – right comey – you lying pos sob – of course, it would be just as impossible for the FBI to rig a Federal Court as it would be to rig a presidential election, right?

  11. Budda November 12th, 2016 at 10:21

    and they might want to consider ‘Clinton fatigue’

    • dewired4u November 12th, 2016 at 23:25

      A myth conjured up by the media that’s why she won the popular vote even after the FBI assassination.

      • Budda November 13th, 2016 at 08:13

        I don’t know that it is a myth. I think there are a few of us that are just tired of the Clintons. Exibit ‘A’ would be Bernie’s popularity. Don’t get me wrong, I feel that Hillary is by far a much better candidate for president than old orange anus.

  12. granpa.usthai November 12th, 2016 at 12:04

    Interesting Democrats should want to know EXACTLY what the PROOF was that comey (R) used to send his urgent letter to the SOH in Congress (not an Executive Branch chain of command) and WHAT was evidently of such a crucial matter that SOH Ryan (R) opted to delay any security briefing to Mrs. Clinton (D) -former US Secretary of the State?

    BETRAYAL OF THE REPUBLIC has consequences.

    • trees November 12th, 2016 at 15:12

      BETRAYAL OF THE REPUBLIC has consequences.

      Yep, like not getting elected….doh!!!

      • Obewon November 12th, 2016 at 15:27

        Obama to Rubio: You call Trump a ‘con artist’ but you’ll vote for him?

        “Say it again!” an attendee shouted.

        “Do you want me to say it again?” Obama asked. “He said, Marco Rubio said, this was a dangerous con artist who spent a lifetime, spent a career, sticking it to working people! Now that begs the question, since we’re in Florida: why does Marco Rubio still plan to vote for Donald Trump?”

        Clinton 60,827,933 votes (47.8%)
        Donnie 60,261,913 votes (47.3%) Most voted no to GOP dirtbags.

        • trees November 12th, 2016 at 15:43

          FL is just one of many keys to Donnie’s destruction. HRC 68 Vs DT 37.
          NATE SILVER 8:10 PM
          Clinton leads in the Electoral College 68-37 based on states called so far, and our live election night forecast is becoming slightly more confident in its predictions as the candidates bring in states from their respective bases. Clinton’s chances of winning are up to 78 percent in the forecast.


          • Obewon November 12th, 2016 at 15:48

            Obama to shithead Rubio: You call Trump a ‘con artist’ but you’ll vote for him?

  13. StoneyCurtisll November 12th, 2016 at 19:05

    The answer to trumps victory is simple…
    He is a master con-man who managed to “con”vince gullible voters that his lies were the truth..
    Guess what..
    So far Obama care is not going to be repealed, and there will be no wall on the border..
    This Trump has already admitted..
    Trump is incapable of “bringing back the coal industry”..
    Or the Steel industry as he promised..all of them are empty promises that will never come to fruition.
    The people that are most going to be hurt by Trumps election are the people that voted for him.

  14. oldfart November 12th, 2016 at 19:54

    I’m thinking we got LOTS of time to point fingers.
    And plenty of people to point them at.

  15. dewired4u November 12th, 2016 at 23:22

    The media gave him legitimacy they made him into a rock star they covered every move every word they never called him on his lies they quoted every tweet they own trump and they wonder why we don’t trust them.

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