Trump in 1990: ‘I don’t think [adultery]’s a sin’

Posted by | October 30, 2016 12:34 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

The right-wing morality police will still support him.

During the early months of 1990, Donald Trump was a frequent presence in the tabloids of New York City, often gracing the cover of The New York Post with new details of his ongoing separation from his first wife Ivana.As he deftly tried to juggle the split while courting Marla Maples—who went on to become his second wife—Trump gave a revealing interview to reporters Esther Pessin and Bill Hoffmann for the February 23, 1990 issue of the Post. In it, he declared that adultery is not a sin and hinted at his own extramarital affair, almost urging the tabloid to reach the obvious conclusion. It colors Trump’s impression of himself in the 90s and onward as a playboy who could have any woman he wanted, no matter their marital status or desire for his attention.

The Post, often friendly to Trump during his current presidential campaign, has not publicized its archives prior to 1998 but The Daily Beast obtained some of the old issues which document Trump’s views at the times.

“Do you think adultery is a sin?” Trump was asked in the February issue.

“Very good question,” he responded. According to the report at the time, Trump paused and then said:

“I don’t think it’s a sin but I don’t think it should be done.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

44 responses to Trump in 1990: ‘I don’t think [adultery]’s a sin’

  1. Mensa Member October 30th, 2016 at 13:03

    I’m a liberal Christian.

    Christian conservatives constantly attack me for supposedly having “no moral standards” because I believe the bible needs to be reapplied to modern times.

    But those same Christian conservatives are some the most enthusiastic support of Trump. They pushed him over the top to the GOP nomination.

    Consider this pastor Robert Jeffress likes to have on the show. He demagogues his dubious understanding of the bible when it suits his political agenda. But then he throws out clear teachings of the bible when it doesn’t.

  2. labman57 October 30th, 2016 at 13:17

    Donald regards adultery as a virtue — a sign of power and virility.

  3. Larry Schmitt October 30th, 2016 at 13:25

    Wow, there’s an actual commandment that specifically mentions adultery, but it’s still not a sin? I wonder how all those pastors who support this “Christian” feel about that.

    • anothertoothpick October 30th, 2016 at 14:38

      They are waiting for trump to shoot somebody on 5th Ave.

      • The Original Just Me October 30th, 2016 at 17:59

        Headlines the Next Day. Trump Defends America against——– Whatever !!!

    • StoneyCurtisll October 30th, 2016 at 17:26

      It’s Donald Trump…
      The rules no longer apply…

    • Suzanne McFly October 30th, 2016 at 17:43

      Blows my mind, glad I am not alone.

    • The Original Just Me October 30th, 2016 at 17:57

      Thou shalt not Covet Thy neighbors Wife. Trump lives so High Up in His Tower that He has no neighbors so he is Exempt.

  4. jybarz October 30th, 2016 at 14:02

    Isn’t it amazing he’s bragging how big he’s on sex for someone with a micro-penis?
    Just wondering if he’s just overcompensating…I think that’s more like it.
    Like Hillary said as if his hand is big enough to grab a pussie.

    • The Original Just Me October 30th, 2016 at 17:56

      He’s a Republican, all they ever do is sit on the edge of the bed and tell the woman how Wonderful it is GOING to Be.

      • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 21:40

        You are making a very large assumption there, are you not. Just how many Republicans have you been a peeping tom outside their homes and in what city? And does that not make you a pervert?

  5. Warman1138 October 30th, 2016 at 16:29

    Hedonistic lifestyles tend to lead to bad and self destructive ends.

  6. Suzanne McFly October 30th, 2016 at 17:43

    It’s one of the Commandments, who hears this $hit and believes it is coming from a rational being?

    • The Original Just Me October 30th, 2016 at 17:54

      BEAN Head, not being, LOL :+)

      • Suzanne McFly October 30th, 2016 at 18:24

        Yeah, I give them way too much credit.

  7. The Original Just Me October 30th, 2016 at 17:53

    When you are NOT RELIGIOUS, nothing is Sinful because without Religious Beliefs, there is No Such Thing as SIN. So Trump was telling the Truth as He Sees It.

    • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 21:36

      Did you not get the memo that religion is not proper now. WE are accepting Muslim (Islamic) in our schools, but God and Jesus cannot be mentioned. We are supposed to honor Gay Pride Month, but not our National Holidays, and our children are being told not to wear costumes, since they may offend others.

      • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 21:51

        You are spreading PROPAGANDA, not facts.

        We accept ALL religions – that Constitution thing confuses you, eh? Was the First Amendment where you got lost, or was it earlier?

        Who says we don’t celebrate national holidays? Other than the fact-free or ignorant, I mean. Who prevented you from celebrating 4th of July this year? Memorial Day, Labor Day, New Years, MLK day, Washington’s birthday, Columbus Day? Be SPECIFIC! If it happened, you should be able to provide facts to support your claim of HOLIDAY SUPPRESSION>

        And what children have been told not to wear costumes? I’m not aware of any. I HAVE heard (my entire freaking life) that dressing up like a little Klansman is really not a good thing. You seem to think that suggestions that you try NOT to be a bigot in dressing your kids for Halloween are somehow preventing them from wearing ALL costumes. I hear that kind of thinking a lot from the reich-wing… That not approving of bigotry is OPPRESSING BIGOTS. And they don’t seem to realize what cry-babies they prove themselves to be.

        One think that is a lie in your screen name – you aren’t frank at all. Mendacious, definitely. Frank? Nuh-uh.

        • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 22:14

          Go to Washington and tell Obama what you just wrote. When I attend a Veterans banquet, for WWII Veterans, Korean, Cold War, and Vietnam, and now Middle East, and the Chaplain has to apologize to audience of 900, before giving invocation, we have lost rights.
          He was not suppose to mention God or Jesus in his Invocation.
          And when a Retired Senior Master Sergeant was invited by a Master Sergeant Friend to attend his retirement ceremony, at our military base where I was once stationed, and when he mentioned God in his speech, honoring his friend, he was physically manhandled dressed in his uniform, and escorted off the base.
          That was in accordance with policy for Dept. of Defense. —-
          And don’t tell me about Constitution and Bill of Rights. I served 26 years 18 days, and took Oath of Office many, many times over those years. Retired as Master Sergeant, and oath administered when I enlisted, reenlisted over the years, was promoted to each rank, and when I took on sensitive missions and projects at request of my superiors, US Air Force, Dept. of Defense, and held Top Secret clearance, with very sensitive work.
          You are not writing in accordance with last 8 years , with all the changes for marriage, gender, bathrooms, or choosing your gender each day, as you feel that day.

          • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:52

            So you served. I did too. Lots of people on this site served. It don’t cut no mustard in determining accuracy.

            So, the military not being a religious organization means you lose rights? What rights are those? The right to, as a representative of THE US MILITARY, promote your religion?

            I have no problems with gay marriage (if you don’t like it, don’t do it) or there being an acknowledgment of the non-binary nature of sex, or bathrooms (did we lose the right to those too??? when???)… But this, however “or choosing your gender each day, as you feel that day.
            shows that you are NOT dealing with reality. You don’t like how society is changing. That’s OK. The young will be more tolerant than you OR me. I think that’s a good thing. But, apparently, being tolerant (like that Bible thingy suggests) is anathema to you. That’s an indictment against YOU but not society. Societies that DON’T change, die.

  8. bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 21:08

    Howzabout sexual assault? Is that a sin? Howzabout lying? Not rendering unto Caesar? Or howzabout where the Bible sez: “Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.” How do you reconcile that with not paying your contractors? Did you miss the one about turning the other cheek when insulted? They didn’t say “Thou shalt engage in petulant pre-dawn insult Tweet-storms” did they?

    This checklist identifies the following as the symptoms and signs of psychopathy:
    Superficial charm and glibness.
    Inflated sense of self-worth.
    Constant need for stimulation.
    Lying pathologically.
    Conning others; being manipulative.
    Lack of remorse or guilt.
    Shallow emotions.
    Callousness; lack of empathy.

    • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 21:34

      Maybe you should ask Bill Clinton. That was his mantra in the 1990s, with Hillary having at least 3, and I think 4 women, in White House watching Bill to see who caught his eye, so she be sure to threaten them to remain silent, and not go to the media. And did he not teach our young that oral sex was not sex, and you could lied to judges, in court, under oath. Lost his license to practice law for that gem, and was impeached for lying and having affair with WH interne. Hillary was not defending women either, since she threatened their life and health.

      • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 21:40

        Why should I be talking to Bill Clinton about what Trump says? That makes no sense. If I want info from Trump, I’d ask Trump. With a sense of direction like yours, it’s a wonder you could find your way home.

        • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 21:54

          That was the days of hippies, and all the hippie vans and cars, headed across country, sleeping in the woods and forests in communes, and those hippies attended Woodstock, and became professors and politicians, and ran for office, and now run our country. Did you not learn that Bill and Hillary, Barack and Michelle, all learned how to control a neighborhood, by studing Saul Alinsky in college?? They went into neighborhood control with ACORN, and now went beyond their teachers, by controlling a country, and effecting the global economy, migration, and created wars, were we did not have them so open before.

          • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 21:59

            Again, nothing to do with Trump’s statements.

            Trolls do that. They spread lies and propaganda and false equivalence, but one thing they DON’T do is deal in facts. You have YET to address the subject of the article. All you have done is engage in whining BS.

            You got nothing. Prove a single claim. Just one.

            • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 22:04

              I never whine, and you are so wrong, just as you are in supporting such crooked people, lying, corrupt, and that indicates your morals are not up to standard, either. I don’t have to prove anything to you. Go ask your parents, They probably react to your tantrums and whining.

              • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:12

                You HAVE whined, we see the evidence. You don’t know WHO I voted for, you have NOT provided things like FACTS to support your anti-Hillary dementia, my parents are DEAD, and projecting your behavior onto me is just pathetic.

                Prove a single claim. Prove who I support. Prove the crooked, lying, corrupt claims about who I support. Prove that claim of the Alinsky plot that Hillary and Obama are furthering by taking over the country and starting wars (which ones are those?) “were we did not have them so open before.” Whatever the hell that means. What wars were secret? Iraq? Iran? Vietnam? Korea? WWII and WWI, the Civil, the Revolutionary, the Spanish-American? The War of 1812?

                You got nothing but empty rhetoric and bullshit.

                • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 22:19

                  My ballot was mailed from county on 17th October. I received it on 18th, voted it within 5 minutes of receipt, and dropped it in locked Ballot box at County DMV on 19th. And I knew long ago who I was voting for, since I want CIC, who will deal and lead from front, and look global leaders eyeball to eyeball, and deal from strength. Also his selections for cabinet directors will be of same habits, and past actions. People who have controlled other, met payrolls, and know what decisions do to others.
                  Got it????? Certainly hope so. And before any one else gets randy with comments, I am 87 years old, wife is 81, we have been married 64 years in August, we held on to our religion, and our guns. And I don’t live inside the beltway.

      • Obewon October 30th, 2016 at 21:42

        Former POTUS & Oxford Juris Doctorate Bill Clinton42’s law license is reinstated. Apparently your sources “The Washington Times,
        The Patriot Post” lied to you, repeatedly. WJC42 wasn’t convicted.

        • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 21:49

          Did you not get the memo that newspapers are failing. New York Times has been offering me discount for almost a year now. And Denver Post is for sale. They have not given honest reporting since Rocky Mountain News folded several years ago.

          • Obewon October 30th, 2016 at 21:51

            That has nothing to do with your debunked fantasies. Pulitzer Prize winners Washington Post & Tampa Bay Times PolitiFact are golden.

            • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 22:06

              Big deal. That info and $2.00 will buy you cheap cup of coffee.

              • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:14

                Totally lame deflection.

                Try facts sometime.

            • Frank2525 October 31st, 2016 at 08:54

              Nope on the times.
              Nope on all the rest of your rants. They only are facts to progressives and liberals, so none of your whining changes anything.
              Reason FBI has reopened the email cases. When internet is hacked, scammed, there are trace of where first one gets in, as they found in several ways for State Department. And John Podesta with his IT guy, needs to find a more qualified IT guy. Once that malware was installed ad files copied, they can be shared with whole lot of folks all over this planet,
              When people are careless, that is more dangerous than if they deliberately gave documents to others. And talking around classified kills agents and their contacts in foreign countries who work with us, against their dictatorial government. You probably think Snowden, and Manning were heroic with their actions. Not me, when I worked with classified data 24 of my 26 years. But I knew the value of not being careless, or deliberately bypassing security. That is first priority of working with that data. Info in wrong hands, is intelligence. Not something to play with or build your ego.
              And your claim that TRUMP has 1600 convictions is flat out lie, and you know it. Over 40 years, 1,600 people may have tried to extract some of his money, but not on record as losing that many cases. So another liberal-progressive wet dream.

          • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 21:55

            The changing climate in news sources in no way impacts credibility or accuracy. Piss-poor try at deflecting from his point. You don’t address his point, you talk about economics of print news.

            If you COULD have refuted him, you would have. Since you chose to whine that news is changing instead, you obviously have nothing left.

        • Frank2525 October 30th, 2016 at 22:01

          I think you have been misinformed. His five year banishment in Arkansas has passed, but simple search show he had not asked to have it reinstated. And no other license was ever issued.
          Seems the Sun reported it had been reinstated, but do your own search, and find they indicate the Sun reported that in error.
          When you cast aspersions on others, you should do yourself a favor and check out what you are saying. Won’t show carelessness that way.

  9. SHANA MARIA VERGHIS October 30th, 2016 at 21:48

    Nor did Henry VIII. Frankly he makes me feel very virtuous in comparison. Almost angelic actually. I may even become a Christian again. :D

  10. Frank2525 October 31st, 2016 at 14:28

    And anyone who believes that and all your other opinions hereon stated, make you a hypocrite, liberal, progressive, and suck face to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama. You probably think that Tim Kaine from Virginia as Governor, taking $160,000 in donations ( I call that bribery – since he got a salary and expenses for being governor) so that was expected to buy someone, something. What did he do quid pro quo, for that money. I have not seen other governors getting that kind of donations in clothing, vacations, air fare, and calling it donations. But Virginia is a weird state anyway. Giving 20,000convicts the right to vote, without a full look at their records by the governor, is not quite proper, now is it? Just in time to vote. But Terry McAuliffe has been known for that kind of stuff, when DNC Chairman, wasn’t he????

    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:14

      Again, no actual facts. Innuendo, interpretation, hysterical accusations. Troll-scat in other words.

      PROVE SOMETHING! Or settle for being a vacuous troll.

      The choice is yours.

      • Frank2525 October 31st, 2016 at 15:39

        I have wasted too much time with you troll, and others are not commenting. Liberals and Progressives are in hiding now, knowing what is in the emails that Weiner had, and knowing when Obama could sent 180 FBI agents to Ferguson, the next DOJ and government directors will be different, are going into hiding.
        You might need to take the hint.

        • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:00

          STILL no facts. Name calling, fever-swamp projection, nonsense…

          Running scared, eh? Can’t get it up, eh? (fact-wise) Nothing but BS.

          You’ve definitely wasted time. All you have provided is empty rhetoric, proving you ARE a troll. But hey, if it helps your ego to project your failings onto me, that’s OK. The handicapped deserve a break.

  11. Frank2525 October 31st, 2016 at 14:28

    While you crawl around in the sewer called election 2016?

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