Isikoff: FBI still has no warrant to review Abedin’s emails

Posted by | October 30, 2016 08:24 | Filed under: Politics

Michael Isikoff reports that the FBI has yet to obtain a warrant to see what emails might be relevant to Hillary Clinton.

When FBI Director James Comey wrote his bombshell letter to Congress on Friday about newly discovered emails that were potentially “pertinent” to the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, agents had not been able to review any of the material, because the bureau had not yet gotten a search warrant to read them, three government officials who have been briefed on the probe told Yahoo News.

At the time Comey wrote the letter, “he had no idea what was in the content of the emails,” one of the officials said, referring to recently discovered emails that were found on the laptop of disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending illicit text messages to a 15-year-old girl.

As of Saturday night, the FBI was still in talks with the Justice Department about obtaining a warrant that would allow agency officials to read any of the newly discovered Abedin emails, and therefore was still in the dark about whether they include any classified material that the bureau has not already seen.

“We do not have a warrant,” a senior law enforcement official said. “Discussions are under way [between the FBI and the Justice Department] as to the best way to move forward.”

That Comey and other senior FBI officials were not aware of what was in the emails — and whether they contained any material the FBI had not already obtained — is important because Donald Trump’s campaign and Republicans in Congress have suggested that the FBI director would not have written his letter unless he had been made aware of significant new emails that might justify reopening the investigation into the Clinton server.

But a message that Comey wrote to all FBI agents Friday seeking to explain his decision to write the controversial letter strongly hinted that investigators did not not yet have legal authority establishing “probable cause” to review the content of Abedin’s emails on Weiner’s electronic devices…

Comey’s letter to Congress has subjected the FBI director to withering criticism. Top Justice Department officials were described by a government source as “apoplectic” over the letter. Senior officials “strongly discouraged” Comey from sending it, telling FBI officials last week it would violate longstanding department policy against taking actions in the days before an election that might influence the outcome, a U.S official familiar with the matter told Yahoo News. “He was acting independently of the guidance given to him,” said the U.S. official.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

162 responses to Isikoff: FBI still has no warrant to review Abedin’s emails

  1. mea_mark October 30th, 2016 at 08:30

    What the hell are they trying to do, drag this thing out through the rest of the election cycle? How incompetent is our government?

    • Larry Schmitt October 30th, 2016 at 10:19

      How deep is the ocean, how high is the sky?

    • Buford2k11 October 30th, 2016 at 10:25

      This is not incompetence…this is downright ratfucking…by the republicans…Only half of our government is willfully corrupt, and willfully ignoring their Oath of Office…that would be the republicans, all of them…

  2. anothertoothpick October 30th, 2016 at 10:27

    we don’t have time for is all that petty punk-ass little thuggery stuff that’s been going on with those quote-unquote republicans who are doing nothing but wasting our time time .

    • Larry Schmitt October 30th, 2016 at 11:00

      And don’t forget about the 3 million times they attempted to repeal Obamacare, with no hope of succeeding, and nothing to replace it. Because that’s easier than actually doing their job.

      • boss October 30th, 2016 at 13:12

        If ACA had not screwed America, we could have had serious reform.
        Now that ACA is imploding before our eyes, a system that works might be established.

        • Comicus October 30th, 2016 at 14:03

          What would that be? The GOP has had years to design a better one. I await your answer.

          • boss October 30th, 2016 at 20:44

            Drop state lines to open competition. Creat individual tax deductible health savings accounts. Keep some of the ACA requirements but scrape most of it.
            If you are wondering how to insure people who are uninsured, creat a VA type system for those people only. Let them wait in line like Vets do.
            Spend the saved money on VA hospitals.
            Instead Obama made a radical change that was doomed to fail before enacted, it was financially unsustainable…the question is why would a President do something like that?

            • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:31

              The “crossing state lines” right-wing mantra. That’ll do it. Just like bleeding the patient cures cancer.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:09


                • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:20

                  That’s exactly right. The crossing state lines mantra is nonsense.

                  Care to show HOW that would solve everything? Congress couldn’t, but some troll who has to pump up his ego by calling himself “boss” can? Pshaw.

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:34

                    Got it…so when Bruce Springsteen calls himself The Boss you run off at the mouth trying to interpret what his reasons are.
                    To answer your question, when I was finding insurance companies years ago, I was able to access insurers in different states who gave us the same coverage for half the premium. Its called supply and demand. Deep down, you know that is true but your ideology prevents you from admitting that one truth.
                    One thing I have noticed at far left website is how many of you guys start labeling people when you can not defend your own position. Out comes the name calling and it show your true colors.
                    I must admit that insurance companies thought this ACA would be a windfall. Having a Government that forces everyone to buy their product. What they did not plan on is the enormous cost caused from lack of participation. Which is why we are witnessing the implosion of ACA.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:04

                      Still not providing actual facts.

                      7 out of 10 can get insurance for $75 or less per month. 8 out of 10 for less than $100 dollars a month. And millions of people have insurance that would have been denied them otherwise. The free-market failed, but we should dump what IS and hope that THIS time the market will work?

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:07

                      The only reason for 100 premiums is because people like me are subsidizing the true cost.
                      Only I am not playing along anymore. Who are you going to run to when Government runs out of other peoples money?

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:10

                      STILL NO FACTS.

            • Comicus October 30th, 2016 at 22:36

              Why would a Democratic President adopt a Republican health care plan? That is the real mystery. We should have went with a public option(like your VA idea) or maybe even single payer, like the rest of the world, who do not have our astronomical health care costs as a result.
              Republicans won’t spend money on the VA now. What makes you believe that will change? They support the troops when they send them off to kill people in other countries, but not so much when they come home.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:08

                Romneycare was a failure.
                Democrats own the war in the Middle East.

                • Comicus October 31st, 2016 at 20:12

                  We inherited it from Republicans. Don’t you worry, though. We’ll fix your mess again.

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 20:20

                    You did not inherit squat. that is a made up narrative.
                    You will not fix anything without other people paying for it.
                    You must be a snowflake… a sensitive little powder puff.
                    I will really enjoy watching guys like you beg for more help except no one will be there to fall for the lies a second time.

                    • Comicus October 31st, 2016 at 20:36

                      This would be more convincing if you had managed to filter out your butthurt.

            • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 11:15

              How will that insure as many ppl and hold costs down? There is nothing to keep costs down in any of the Republicans proposals. And why doesn’t the Republican party put that forward? What are they hiding?

              The VA type system is a single payer plan similar to HillaryCare. I’m glad you finally realize that the Democrats have the best plan. Let’s get behind swapping the RomneyCare plan for Sander’s Medicare for All, then.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:04

                VA for uninsured only…or did you miss that part. That way those free loaders can wait in line like the Vets…which is another topic. People who risk lives have worse insurance than millennials who want a hand out.
                ACA might work if all you young kids would sign up and stop taking subsidies designed to help the truly poor.

                • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 19:50

                  For less than we pay for the 90% of Americans that have health insurance now, we could have a much better system like Switzerland’s with far better outcomes.

                  “U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

                  It’s fairly well accepted that the U.S. is the most expensive healthcare system in the world, but many continue to falsely assume that we pay more for healthcare because we get better health (or better health outcomes). The evidence, however, clearly doesn’t support that view.”


                  You don’t realize that the freeloaders you talk about are either too poor or have lost their jobs thru no fault of their own. Besides, I’m a Christian. We are better than that.

                  “Here’s the short answer: Freeloading isn’t freedom.

                  Hospitals have to treat everyone who walks in their door. So let’s say a Missourian — we’ll call him Joe Defiant — decides he’s not going to purchase health insurance, no matter what Uncle Sam says. He’s young, he’s healthy, and he’d rather buy an iPad than pay into an insurance policy.

                  But then Joe wrecks his car and lands in the nearest hospital emergency room. The staff will patch him up. They’ll keep him a couple of days for observation if necessary.

                  Chances are Joe doesn’t have enough money to pay a hospital bill that could easily climb into the tens of thousands of dollars. So the hospital will bear the cost, and recoup some of it from the federal government, and from charging insurance firms higher rates — which they, of course, pass on to policyholders.”


                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 20:12

                    All these countries where the healthcare system works have 10% of the population that America has.
                    They were also had very homogeneous societies with sincere cultures until the recent globalist ideology has ruined what used to be good in those countries.
                    Cultural diversity has caused problems that make socialism unsustainable.
                    I have studied the Bible for 30 years. No where do I see that we as Christians must bow down to the wishes of a secular Government and help people who you would not cast a pearl. I have no problems helping those who I desire to help, not who you demand that I help and on the side use the Lord to justify your belief.
                    Your scenario of Joe is not totally accurate. If Joe is in a car wreck, are you assuming the car has no insurance to provide care for the occupants? Even so, we can not be totally responsible for everyone who makes bad decisions. ACA rewards people who have avoided being responsible and shifts the financial strain on people who can afford it.
                    If this system is so great why is it imploding? I’ve asked many of you on the Left and all I get is scenario’s like Joe thrown at me.
                    When I was growing up, insurance was 60 per month at Kaiser in mid 70’s. What would that be now indexed for inflation?Today’s calculation would be approx 360.00 per month. Yet all I hear is how the young people want to pay less.
                    If you guys would pay adjusted for inflation what we did back in the day, this system might work. But you don’t, you want to be pampered and subsidized so you can go buy things.
                    Do you think we never faced situations where we lost employment and had to scramble to pay our next bill?
                    Maybe Socialism works for you, I’m not a fan of Government dictating my life.

                    • SeattleGuy November 1st, 2016 at 01:45

                      We are not a socialist country. We are a representative republic with many collective institutions. We’re not of one religion. Our founders fled Europe to escape religious persecution. Our constitution calls for the separation of church and state.

                      The ACA simply addresses hc insurance for the poor who cannot afford to pay our highly expensive rates. It is a bad law. It is a conservative idea in response to Hillary’s single payer plan in 1992.

                      I am all for throwing it out and replacing it with a single payer, universal plan to cover basic needs and a robust for-profit private plan for personal add ons. That’s what is working for Switzerland.

                      I called on Kaiser for many years. It is a pretty decent plan. They have done polls showing that the majority of patients want a single payer plan to reduce their costs thru competition among providers.

                      The ACA is NOT IMPLODING. That’s Republican spin. You really need to do more research. I can tell a right wing smear job in 2 seconds. You seem to think repeating a lie over and over makes it true. NOT!

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 11:01

                      The spin is you guys on the Left repeating over and over that ACA is a Republican idea.
                      If…think about this, if ACA was a conservative idea, why was Hillary denied in 92 and why did ACA pass with ZERO republican/conservative votes.
                      Mitt Romney tried to do something as Governor of MA but his creation was not received well and was failing.
                      ACA will fail as it is unsustainable. Any time a Government showers a society with free money, the economy and programs will flourish. When the money spigot stop producing, thing fall back to a level worse than they would have been if the free market of supply and demand was allowed the work.
                      Some generation in the future will pay dearly for decisions ade today.

                    • SeattleGuy November 2nd, 2016 at 11:26

                      Hiilarycare in ’92 was a single payer plan similar to Canada’s. The Heritage Fdn. countered it with what became Romneycare which was the model for Obamacare or the ACA.

                      Class dismissed.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 14:38

                      Enjoy your free ride snowflake.

                    • SeattleGuy November 1st, 2016 at 01:50

                      You don’t even know what socialism is from your posts. The ACA is delivered by private physicians, hospitals, nurses, and other providers. How is that socialism? The government has to own the institutions and directly employ the doctors for that to be true. It doesn’t with the ACA. DUH!

                      Those that don’t buy insurance become a burden to taxpayers as I have pointed out. Why do cons like freeloaders? Why champion those who don’t pay their fair share?

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 10:45

                      Yeah and if YOU paid your fair share, people who really need help would not struggle.
                      I have been paying into the system long before you were a around to demand guys like me pay for people like you.
                      Sorry…SeattleGuy, you are on your own with this one. Maybe you will start to pay your fair share some day. Because I will not help enable guys like you who want a free ride.
                      Like I told you before, the premiums I paid in the mid 70’s is equal to 360 per month now. Why do you feel entitled to be subsidized.
                      Your view of Government ownership is Communism. Althought both systems are closely related.

                      Here is socialism


                    • SeattleGuy November 2nd, 2016 at 11:24

                      You’re the one that does not even know what socialism and communism are, not me.
                      Get a clue, fool. When private physicians, nurses, hospitals, medical device companies are the providers delivering the goods and services of the ACA’a healthcare, IT CANNOT BE SOCIALISM! Stop watching FOX Noise and get some real factual information. Idiot!

                      You complained about premiums going up in your area and then you said you don’t purchase HC insurance because you’re young and don’t think you need it. That’s the very reason insurance premiums are going up this year, too many millennials are not joining up and thus the insurance companies have to raise premiums to cover the higher costs that this causes. Duh!

                      Why are you so stupid? Did you drop out of HS?

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 14:43

                      Thank you for thinking 60 is young. Learn how to read and comprehend…and start paying more so I can laugh while you support me.
                      My business model has changed since ACA…no more employees, much less background noise.
                      Enjoy your vision of Socialism. I’ll be skiing and swimming while you try to figure out what went wrong.

            • oldfart October 31st, 2016 at 12:18

              OH, so some of it’s actually ok with you.
              My favorite part is knowing you pay the fines for it..
              I bet that just burns your ass…doesn’t it.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:32

                Always did like some off the provisions…I’ll tell you what will really burn your @ss. I have never signed up for ACA and saved close to 40k in premiums for the last 6 years as a result…LOL. You poor sap. Keep trying.

                • oldfart October 31st, 2016 at 12:34

                  ” You poor sap. Keep paying.”
                  I’ll settle for any misery it brings you. LOL.

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:39

                    This is where you fail, I can afford to pay a Doctor cash. If something serious happens, you will be paying for it…the misery will be watching your own bank account dwindle.

                    • oldfart October 31st, 2016 at 14:11

                      Be careful what you wish for.
                      My bank account will survive even you.
                      Enjoy your fines. I know I will.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:20

                      Fines are much less that paying the premium…that is the point. Paying the “penalty” saves me close to 6k per year.
                      and if Trump is elected the entire ACA system will be scrapped for a more coherent healthcare system that will hopefully work.
                      But then, does it matter to people who are collecting retirement and benefiting off the next generation willingness to pay more for nothing in return.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:25

                      “…if Trump is elected the entire ACA system will be scrapped for a more coherent healthcare system that will hopefully work.”

                      Repeal and hope for the best. Some plan.

                      Show us what this more coherent plan is. Is it on Trump’s site? Give us a rundown on the details, the benefits, the parts that are SO much better than the ACA… Show us how, after 60 failures, it will actually be repealed this time. There are millions of newly enrolled insured, are they just gonna have to hope they don’t get sick waiting for this plan that Repubs have claimed was just around the corner for years, but strangely never appears?

                      Give us FACTS, not “hopefully.”

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:41

                      Already told you, Drop state restrictions, open competition. Allow tax deductible health saving accounts. Have a VA type system for people who are uninsured. This way the uninsured will get to see how veterans are treated.
                      The rest of us can purchase a plan that is designed for us individually not some one size fits all monstrosity.
                      As an example, I don’t need maternity or ambulance. Nor do I need drug coverage.
                      Yet you think I should pay for coverage I do not want or need.
                      Is that enough FACTS for you to wrap your mind around?

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:56

                      HOW does that help? You are just listing things, but HOW do they constitute a benefit?

                      Lists prove you can make lists, not that your list has any beneficial result.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:04

                      well, I guess you have your head show far up the Democrat bung hole that all you can see is darkness.
                      You don’t even realize that Republicans and democrats are now one big party. Corruption has become SOP and all you need is some politician lying to you so you can feel good.
                      If you do not understand the economics of open competition, how will you be able to process any information concerning open borders for healthcare.
                      Good luck with demanding that other people must subsidize you.
                      When did young pompous punks become like you?
                      Not a good time to be young.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:05

                      STILL NO FACTS.

                      Troll-scat all over your carpet.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:08

                      When the well runs dry you might have to be responsible for yourself.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:10

                      Facts? You seen any? Cuz you ain’t providing them.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:18

                      The facts are simple. In the history of humans, not one socialist country survives. You may think your generation will benefit. Like all ponzi schemes, you came in at the bottom of the pyramid. So enjoy your ability to pay for my retirement.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:26

                      Still not a fact. There are currently socialist countries. Ergo, your fact isn’t actually a fact.

                      Trolls don’t do facts, and since you don’t either…

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:34

                      Socialist countries come and go. Stop being ignorant

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 17:49

                      Keep saving. The day will come when you must pay for the next generation.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 18:33

                      “This way the uninsured will get to see how veterans are treated”.
                      I am retired military.
                      On 9-15-2016 I had surgery.
                      The bill was 10409.90 (that was just the surgery the pre radiology stuff and the post op care. I went home the same day). My share was 25 dollars.
                      I have five physicians. a family Dr. Two surgeons, an oncologist and a dermatologist. Each time I see one it’s a 12 dollar co-pay (ten dollars if I pay right away). I don’t take medication of any kind, but the meds I was offered after the surgery would have cost me 5.75 cents. Your straw man story about the VA and veterans care is as valid as the right wing tales of FEMA camps, death panels and Sharia law.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 18:55

                      Great then they will experience the same treatment. What is your beef?

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 21:22

                      You wrote.

                      “This way the uninsured will get to see how veterans are treated”.

                      I called you out, but who am I expect an intelligent explanation for your stupid statement?

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 22:34

                      And if you love the VA then you should be happy to provide a VA type system for the uninsured…so again, what is your beef.
                      Now I am calling you out to give me an intelligent answer.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 22:39

                      I don’t get VA care. I get TRICARE. I am a retired veteran. The very first thing you Trumpanzees need to learn is something about the actual issues you are talking about. No surprise. You spout unqualified and untrue statements about veterans affairs as you cheer on a draft dodger who called a POW a loser for getting captured. Perhaps you might now understand why veterans roll their eyes and leave the conversation when you try to talk about veterans issues.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 11:28

                      Do not care what you get. You are subsidized buy tax payers for your service.
                      ACA subsidies are for people who never served…big difference.
                      This country can send all the uninsured into you TRICARE or VA, would that make you happy.
                      Most people roll their eyes when vets complain… like you… about things you do not have to pay for.
                      This country creates wars and you do not know why we are fighting.
                      How many do you know who fought in Vietnam?

                      You have no clue what you are talking about with a debunked “draft dodger” narrative.
                      Here is Politifact


                      You Libs run around thinking your so righteous when in truth, you rarely know the facts outside of MSM.
                      Hillary is more inclined to start a military conflict than Trump, why would you support that?

                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 17:30

                      First. Learn the difference between buy and bye.

                      Second. You have no idea concerning the details of VA or TRICARE. You’re a non veteran (who likes to pretend he understands veteran affairs)

                      Third. Seriously. The hysterical part of the article was the contention that Commander McCain was flying a “Dive bomber” (Those went out after WWII, Commander McCain was flying the diminutives A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft, but never mind it’s a veteran thing, you wouldn’t understand) The article DID show Donald’s draft paper paperwork. The article did not deny Trumps draft dodger status, but it did provide the paperwork that confirmed his four deferments for school, then another *giggle* medical deferment for a bone spur that was on a foot he doesn’t recall.

                      The article confirms my assertion, that Trump was a draft dodger
             “Until recently, the only detail on record about that shift was it was medically related. After his comments about McCain, Trump said it had to do with bone spurs in his heels. Trump reportedly was active in college sports, playing baseball, tennis and squash.
                      Forth. You have no idea what Hillary would involve us in militarily. They both supported the Iraq invasion. The difference is Hillary admits it was a mistake, Trump denies he was for it, even in the face of taped evidence. He’s a pathological liar who won’t man up to his mistakes.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 18:22

                      Even when a fact is proven to you, the spin starts.
                      I reported for the draft back when we had a draft. My number was 280. Do you know what that means?
                      Pretending to understand this article and spinning does not qualify you to be an expert at anything. Stop the spin a the term dive bomber and your pompous attitude.
                      Hillary wants a no fly zone over Syria. Since you like to boast about the fact that you are a veteran, how do you think she will accomplish that?
                      Even Politifact is wrong in your eyes, there is really no hope for you. You appear to be the pathological liar even when faced with a fact.
                      Finally, you need to learn the difference between buy , bye and by

                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 18:32

                      You didn’t prove anything. You merely saved me the trouble of digging out the file of Trumps 5 draft deferments by pointing out a link to the very document. You even reinforced my contention with your “Punditfact” link. and yes I am an expert concerning Naval aircraft and their missions. It’s what I did for twenty years. In fact I worked on A-4’s in “A” school right after boot camp. It’s a very cool aircraft. In fact the only Naval aircraft supported aboard ship that was so small it didn’t even have folding wings. No I don’t know or care what your draft number was. I (like John McCain) volunteered. No fly zones are enforced by denying other aircraft access to the airspace through air superiority. It’s quite simple. Please favor us all with more of your military expertise.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 18:39

                      Right…and you think Russia will just lay down after they have agreed with Syria to have a permanent base in Syria.


                      Russia already has a no fly zone over Syria.


                      You have just shown me that your experience in the military has not helped you understand geopolitical issues.
                      Your 20 years taught you very little in the art of war.

                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 19:05

                      Nationalpost? observer? THAT’s your source for military tactics?
                      You might actually be dumber than your candidate who thinks a president can repeal a Constitutional amendment or the Constitution has 12 articles.
                      Air superiority isn’t even a hard concept…unless of course you think “dive bombers” are still a thing. Do tell me more. This is entertaining.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 09:15

                      Are you really that inept.
                      You think spending time in the military on a ship qualifies you for strategy.
                      The A-4 was a bomber. Do you want to spin that too.
                      Those articles do not talk about military “tactics”, they show that Russia already has a permanent base in Syria. You think all America needs to do is have a Navel presence and American air superiority will save the day…Russia can not fight back! We are better!
                      So, in essence you proved my point. Hillary is a war hawk.
                      Only a fool under estimates his opponent.
                      Good thing you spent your military career out of harms way. You would have been out classed on the field.
                      All talk very little intelligence.

                    • William November 2nd, 2016 at 09:53

                      No spin. There hasn’t been any dive bombers since WWII. This is why veterans laugh at you. Hell you can’t even spell “Naval”. I didn’t spend my military service out of harms way..but pray tell.. Please share with everyone your “experience” in the service. You won’t mind if I share your laughable posts with the guys down at the VFW will you?

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 10:36

                      Does not change the fact that you support a Politician who is pro war.
                      Your experience does not match.

                    • William November 2nd, 2016 at 12:23

                      Does not change the fact that you support a sex offender. Your experience …well don’t have any LOL.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 08:52

                      Hey, I research the A-4…that was a bad @ss bomber, thanks for bring it to my attention.
                      My wifes father was a mechanic on the Aleutian Islands during WWll repairing planes as they returned from missions. He would tell about how they would patch bullet holes with tape and do their best to repair with lack of tools or parts to keep em flying.
                      Again thank you.


                    • William November 2nd, 2016 at 09:55

                      Nobody gives a sh*t about your relatives, and I don’t care about your pandering.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 10:34

                      What a loser you are.
                      Not pandering…acknowledging a nice piece of Americas past. Wish I could say the same for you.
                      Now I know the Navy attracts cowards.

                    • William November 2nd, 2016 at 12:24

                      Looks like I hit a nerve huh chickenhawk?

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 13:33

                      Nope, just realized you are willing to jump into a hornets nest when the fight is not ours.
                      You seem to think America has not lost it superiority and no other nation is equal to us.
                      Technology has advanced at a rate you may not be aware but America is not capable of enforcing a no fly zone over Syria with out starting another war…that is what is disturbing. Years ago Democrats were the anti war, now according to you, we could just force our will on whoever.
                      You support a person willing to do just that. She has vocally said so.
                      You underestimate your opponent which is your downfall. Can’t hide your pride can you.

                      Underestimating is why America is in this Middle East mess.

                      Here is an article for you to dismiss because of who wrote it:


                      Here is the military times.


                      Looks like you are full of crap…

                    • William November 2nd, 2016 at 13:47

                      Your defeatist attitude and willingness to sit by while innocent people are killed clearly reinforces your cowardice and unwillingness to serve. No surprise.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 14:05

                      The Middle East is not our fight, never was. If you truly believed your nonsense, you would rally to defend the oppressed in North Korea or China etc. Your policing the world attitude is the problem. As if only America can defend the “innocent”…would be interesting to see you survive the inner city.
                      Go support your war, not my fight. Long as you have back up you are a tough guy, no surprise there…I’ve meet many people like you how talk big from a distance.
                      In case you forgot, my number was 280…yet you still do not understand what that means. Not unwilling to serve.
                      Encourage your nominee to promote more war, drawing meaningless lines in the sand.
                      The only desire is to defeat people like you who have no problem sticking your nose in other countries problems.
                      Do not mistake peace with passive. That concept might escape you.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:46

                      Already did. You just keep regurgitating a denial of things that will work.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:54

                      “Already did.”

                      I say you are a bald-faced liar. There have been NO facts in any post to me. Vague “more coherent healthcare system” is NOT a fact. “Hopefully work” certainly doesn’t show anything other than your gullibility.

                      Can you provide FACTS, or do you just do more blathering. I bet blathering will be your choice. “boss” my ass… whiner is more like it.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:58

                      I will enjoy watching you punk kids struggle while I enjoy collecting SS. I think Government should raise the retirement age to 70 so you can pay more of your fair share.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:08

                      Punk kids? If that helps you sleep at night, to think that only kids think your fulla crap.

                      STILL NO FACTS.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 16:40

                      The facts are that SS will not survive if we allow you to retire early. So…enjoy your fact filled mantra little one…
                      and pay more of your fair share. Stop thinking you are special and deserve more of what other people have.
                      You provide no facts that ACA works. because it has failed.
                      Millennials have earned the new label of “snowflakes”…just delicate little humans that need coddling to make it through this mean world…LOL.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 16:57

                      “You provide no facts that ACA works”

                      Well I guess you got us there Skippy.

                      Trumps is definitely going to receive more votes than Obama.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 17:48

                      You must be hoping Hillary wins.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 18:17

                      I believe it’s in the bag. One indication of that is the Trumpanzees who will do anything to divert from the subject at hand. Even if it means talking about the ACA. Simply put, the right is trying to put a bankrupt, draft dodging business-failure,sex offender and his porn actress wife in the white house. You can’t of course, and if e-mails is all you have it must be frustrating. The GOP candidate WILL however be standing trial for a fake University and rape. THAT will actually happen

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 19:07

                      And the DNC is trying to put a corrupt, lying, two face, protector of her husband who is everything you say about Trump, a
                      woman who diminishes women who claim her husband did far worse that Trump, a woman who told the world a 12 year old was looking for sex with a 40 year old then represented the pervert and won. Democrats want a perverted husband as a best man in the WH.
                      Hillary is guilty of the war in Syria, she freely talks about confronting Russia, she claims Russia will bow down to her dream of no fly zones over Syria. She is a war hawk, never voted against a war and a woman who will be standing trial for violating rules as the Secretary of State.
                      An ugly woman who will do anything to advance her political career.
                      There are so much more that emails and you know it.
                      You like people who speak with a fork tongue.
                      There is more to come when trump is elected.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 21:17

                      “Democrats want a perverted husband as a best man in the WH”. Are you intoxicated, or just so in such a seething rage over your party and it’s demise that you cannot form a coherent sentence? Newsflash Skippy…..Bill Clinton isn’t running for office. Hillary is, and her record is squeaky clean. I Actually I listened to the tape of that so called rape incident. It never went to trial. Know why? The evidence was mishandled. Hillary was laughing at the way the crime lab handled the evidence. They cut a piece of the suspects underwear and tested it. When she asked for the evidence during discovery, the prosecutor couldn’t furnish it. The suspect got off with time served. The right wing contention that she defended a rapist and then laughed about it is a myth. (Google is your friend).

                      Your rant listed no facts, no link to any actual proven allegations, nothing. Just right wing BS and Limbaugh talking points. Trump on the other hand is actually going to be tried for his fake University, and will need to defend himself for the alleged rape of a 13 year old. That is actually happening. Tramp has actually been sued for discrimination by the NY attorney generals office (twice). Trump has actually paid out hundreds of lawsuits and has more pending. Trump has actually hired undocumented workers. Trump has actually lost nearly a billion in one year due to mismanagement and being a terrible businessman. Trump actually bragged and admitted to being a sex offender. These are easily verified. Each and every allegation. You on the other hand simply list unverified innuendo. Then you have the unmitigated gall to wonder why your party is dead.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 22:37

                      Nice rant.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 22:53

                      “Nice Rant”….Translation: I have no defense or argument.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 00:50

                      You recited a Liberal spin on the rape case. Watch the interview with the 12 year old girl who is now able to speak.
                      All you do is repeat the media created narratives. Nothing new…same old spin. Hillary was proud to win that case even though she knew he was guilty. In her defense, that is what attorney’s are paid to do.
                      She is corrupt…we all know it. ome don’t care…like you.

                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 09:22

                      Hillary defended a rape suspect. That’s what lawyers do. In fact they are sworn to do that. You DO understand your candidate is going to trial for rape….right? Here ya go Skippy. Get an adult to read it for you.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 10:33

                      That was dismissed months ago dummb @ss. Your link to the hach website is mentioned in this snopes link…you folks on the Left are a special type of dumb.
                      You must be a snowflake. Make thing up and cry foul when proven wrong.
                      Hillary says she cares…about money. Watch the 12 year old who was raped speak today about how Hillary acted during the trial. You can not be this dense.
                      Here is the link to debunk your claim:


                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 11:12

                      Did you miss the part where it was refiled..dumbass?

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 11:54

                      the case is dead…no need to keep complaining about it.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 21:26

                      and a woman who will be standing trial for violating rules as the Secretary of State”…..Yeah, yeah. Hey aren’t you the same clowns that said the president was going to be impeached and gas would be 8 dollars a gallon?

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 22:32

                      No in was a ridiculous rely to your ridiculous comment.

                    • William October 31st, 2016 at 22:41

                      “No in was a ridiculous rely to your ridiculous comment”.
                      Seriously….just how drunk are you right now?

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 00:51

                      Seriously how dumb are you.always.

                    • Obewon November 1st, 2016 at 01:04

                      Has Rigor mortis got your deplorable Trump campaign in an old white uneducated guy rut? No problem. Your HRC(45) CDS is covered!

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 01:33

                      Change in to it and are you able to figure it out? Probably not, never mind.

                    • William November 1st, 2016 at 09:17


                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 10:36

                      Nice deflection. Your ridiculous comments regurgitate media talking points.
                      Since this conversation has reached a point of nonsense, you may have the last word.

                    • whatthe46 October 31st, 2016 at 17:24

                      there are men and women who have benefited greatly because of the ACA. those with cancer in particular.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 17:47

                      You mean people who never paid for insurance growing up. Then ended up with cancer and were provided free insurance at the expense of people who played by the rules and paid premiums for decades only to have their plans cancelled by a Government regulation. Are those the ones you feel ACA has helped? If so, I agree.

                    • whatthe46 October 31st, 2016 at 18:09

                      how do you know they never had insurance. there are those who have had insurance but could not get the surgeries they needed because the ins. company claimed it was a pre-existing illness. changed to ACA and got the care they needed. and millions were unable to even afford insurance because the rates were to high, now have the insurance since it’s now affordable. and the insurance company cancelled them that’s not the fault of ACA. and the insurance companies need regulations. 20 plus million have insurance and that’s great. you want ACA to end, then it sounds like you don’t give a damn about them.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 19:12

                      Since I am not participating in this little scam of subsidizing you folks, I don’t care.
                      When premiums reach a level that everyone runs from them, your socialized system will crash.

                    • whatthe46 October 31st, 2016 at 19:21

                      waaaa waaaa

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 13:47

                      why are you crying, you get to be subsidized for now. that is a good thing for you…

        • SeattleGuy October 30th, 2016 at 17:43

          You are demonstrating willful ignorance. The ACA was the Republican plan. Duh!:

          “Not only did former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney admit that the law Republicans so love to revile did descend from his own Romneycare, but he allowed that it might actually be a good thing.

          Romney made the admission to The Boston Globe on Friday (h/t The Daily Beast) in an obituary for Staples founder Thomas Stemberg. From the Globe:

          Romney also credited Mr. Stemberg with persuading him to push for health care reform in Massachusetts when he was governor.

          “Without Tom pushing it, I don’t think we would have had Romneycare,” Romney said. “Without Romneycare, I don’t think we would have Obamacare. So, without Tom a lot of people wouldn’t have health insurance.”

          • boss October 30th, 2016 at 20:29

            Nice try, not even close.

            • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 01:34


              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 10:49

                You don’t get it. Romney can say whatever he wants. Did Romneycare penalize people who did not purchase health insurance? Did Romneycare mandate that old people must pay for maternity coverage.
                Romneycare was also specific to one…one…one state.
                What Romney said is that ACA was BASED on his plan…so…what is your point?

                • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 11:11

                  So, you think HC would work without the mandate? That’s simply a poison pill inserted by HC insurance lobbyists to kill the bill, dummy. It has been tried at the state level without an mandate and all have failed.

                  Try running a casino, where you allow the gamblers to place their bets AFTER the wheel stops spinning on the roulette table. Who would ever bet before they knew the outcome? Who would purchase HC insurance until they got a catastrophic disease like cancer? Duh!

                  Conservative seem pretty ignorant about how insurance works. To keep rates low, you pool risk. That means as many ppl as possible must join in. How can you pool risk is no one participates? Duh!

                  Let’s talk about another of your foolish notions. How can 50 separate state HC plans be efficient or fair? And why would that help at all? States’ rights is code for selective as in discriminatory and it’s just right wing spin. There is absolutely no reason for it. The Federal government can do a much more efficient job of setting up fair HC insurance than small and backwards states. Republicans are all for states’ rights until they’re not as with the partisan SCOTUS decision to choose Bush against the will of voters in 2000.

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 11:41

                    Explain to me why exchanges are dropping like fleas. Explain why premiums are increasing, some at triple digits. Explain why young kids choose not to participate.
                    Explain why I have chosen to save thousands by paying a penalty and pay cash to a doctor when needed.
                    Your dixie cup wisdom thinks all Americans should help subsidize you.
                    Now I know why Lenin has a statue in Freemont. You love the theory of Communism and Socialism. You make an error in your judgment, the Government has run out of tools to keep printing money for prosperity.
                    Time to save your money and be self sufficient. The days where Government can keep taking are over.

                    • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 19:37

                      For the same reason private pharma companies can raise their prices for unique drugs by 50% to 3000%. Because we have a for-profit HC insurance in the US and they raise their premiums whenever they want.

                      By the way did you finally give up trying to suggest Obamacare was NOT a product of RomneyCare? Do you now understand that any HC insurance plan necessitates a mandate to share risks and lower costs?

                      Do you really need me to explain why young ppl don’t want to purchase HC insurance? That’s easy. They the least likely age group to need insurance, but if you’re the one who self-insures and have that catastrophic accident, you lose. Any insurance is a bet against yourself.

                      Why do you think a young person can purchase a million dollars worth of life insurance for pennies on the dollar compared to someone 60 years old?

                      Are our military services, police departments, fire departments, school system, highways, airports socialist as well?

                      If Republicans really cared about our debt why did they run up the debt with bad legislation between 2003-2005? Wars, tax cuts and more government bureaucracy in the form of the TSA and Medicare Part D all cost money. Why did they purposely keep it out of their budgets? You’ve got to pay for your decisions and not leave them for the following administration to pay. Republicans talk a good story. They just don’t honor their principles.

                      Do I need to slow down even more for you?

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 13:43

                      That is amazing, you complain about Republicans increasing the debt in 03-05 which I agree with… Including the increases during Reagan which I was against. You see I am not a Republican in the sense you believe. However, I am very fiscally conservative and the debt your President has bestowed on the next generation is staggering. I was very much against any bail out knowing what will be the result.Obama has effectively convinced you that he is against war while causing conflicts ever since he took office and Hillary was his right hand yet you dismiss that this President has doubled the debt from Bush and extended the Middle East war…probably because he is a DEMOCRAT, your favorite type of politician.
                      You must be all in for NSA and TPP etc because Obama is a Dem. How about the ICANN deal, you are ok with that too because he’s a Dem.
                      You probably do not understand the effects of supply and demand and Government regulations which is the reason for many cost increases. If this Government really wanted to lower the cost of Drugs, they could change the laws regarding patent right…opening the market to generic drugs. But no…Dems are in bed with the Reps and the big money and you fall for it.
                      Your understanding is only a small part of what is happening.
                      This is not a good time to be young.
                      Do I need to slow down for you to digest your misunderstanding of what Government is doing.
                      THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME. You keep repeating the BS media explanation to make me think you know what is going on.
                      You will have to do this one on your own, my days of enabling people like you are finished. Actually it ended 6 year ago when Obama decided I need to help all you young people because life is so tough that we can not allow you to be responsible for yourself.
                      You sound young, that is not your fault. The quicker you realize that politicians do not care about you, your eyes will open.
                      Lastly, Obamacare is similar to Romney care, they are both failures. Enjoy your subsidized healthcare for as long as you can afford it.

                    • SeattleGuy November 2nd, 2016 at 11:27

                      I don’t know what you are, but one thing is certain, you’re not coherent.

                      Bye, bye!

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 11:51

                      ok…You are a product of the Democrat Left. Is that “coherent enough?
                      Like I said, this will be interesting watching the next Gen demand more as the till runs short…oh I’m sorry, that might be incoherent for you…bye

                    • SeattleGuy November 2nd, 2016 at 12:13

                      And you’re a product of our poor education system. You cannot even discern the difference between socialism and a market-based HC program. Total ignorance.

                      When confronted with the fact that the ACA was a Republican idea, you try and deflect the facts with utter nonsense and think you made a point somehow by not responding to direct evidence. Priceless!

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 13:02

                      Yeah, it’s all the Republicans fault.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:37

                Might be more interesting to hear Romney speaking rather than a Millennial giving his interpretation of what was said.

          • boss October 30th, 2016 at 20:36

            Let me qualify. That law was not the same as ACA.
            That law would never pass where I live.
            Who gives a rat what Romney thinks

            • Comicus October 30th, 2016 at 22:40

              Really? Enumerate the differences. I’ll wait. By the way, the ACA did pass where you lived, unless you’re outside the USA.

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:06

                I said Romneycare would never pass. ACA did not pass here, ACA was forced on us by an invasive Government…why don’t you know that?

                • Comicus October 31st, 2016 at 20:08

                  It was passed by our representatives in Congress. You should take a civics class and learn how our system works. You guys are like the people in Star Trek’s The Omega Glory. You worship the Constitution yet have no idea what it contains. Eed Plebnista, norkon forden perfectunun…

                  I’m still waiting for those differences, bossie cow.

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 20:15

                    you moron, not one Republican voted for ACA.
                    Guys like you obfuscate a topic and have no idea how to explain anything without childish thoughts.

                    • Comicus October 31st, 2016 at 20:30

                      It was voted into law by Congress, just as I said. Here’s the official record:
                      Here is an explanation of how a law is passed that even you should be able to understand:

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 21:00

                      With zero Republican votes. ACA was forced on this State…idiot.

                    • Comicus October 31st, 2016 at 21:06

                      Call me all the names you want. Your ignorance of the Constitution and the legislative process do not change the facts.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 22:39

                      Your willful ignorance that I said my state did not vote for ACA is alarming.

                    • Comicus November 1st, 2016 at 18:33

                      So what? The majority voted ‘yes’ and that is what counts. If you think otherwise, quote to me the relevant section of the Constitution that supports your argument. I’ll wait.

                    • boss November 1st, 2016 at 18:47

                      The majority? ha…majority of politicians (zero Republicans) who voted on a bill they did not read or understand. Like Gruber said, stupid Americans.
                      All I said was my state would never approve a stupid bill like ACA.
                      Instead of agreeing, you keep attacking, why?

                      Here is a link from the “architect” of Obamacare: watch how he explains why the bill passed. Don’t try to defend it.


                    • Comicus November 1st, 2016 at 19:12

                      Do laws passed by Congress apply to all states? A simple ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ will do.

                      As it was designed by Republicans, it is by definition stupid. We should have went with either the public option or single payer like most civilized countries have already.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 08:43

                      Ok, everything is the Fault of Republicans…everything. Because after all Democrats can do no wrong in your mind.

                    • Comicus November 2nd, 2016 at 18:55

                      When you’re done pitching a baby fit, answer the question. I’ll wait.

                    • boss November 2nd, 2016 at 19:27

                      Im letting you have your way, what is your complaint now?

                    • Comicus November 2nd, 2016 at 22:09


            • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 01:34

              You’re really uninformed:

              “Mitt Romney Finally Takes Credit For Obamacare”


              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 10:53

                Here you go young millennial…Romneycare is DEAD!
                Next time bark up another tree.
                Even a Liberal can not argue with Politico.


                • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 11:24

                  You must not have read the article you posted. It says “Bay State officials are taking steps this week to junk central parts of their dysfunctional health insurance exchange — the model for President Barack Obama’s health care law — and merge with the federal enrollment site” or what is known as Obamacare to cons.


                  They may have merged their state exchange, but not his plan. Here is yet another central point that you misunderstand. It DOES have a mandate:

                  “If ObamaCare Is So Bad, How Does RomneyCare Survive?

                  Every resident is required by law to have insurance, or pay a fine. To date, 99% of the state’s residents have health insurance, up from around 90% before healthcare reform.

                  As a result, the state, known as a world class medical center, has the most affordable healthcare insurance in the country. It’s healthcare costs are high, but that no longer impedes 99% of the state from having affordable coverage”


                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 11:58

                    Then sign up.
                    Read the entire article that explains how Romney was a failure just like ACA has become.
                    Enjoy your Socialized healthcare.

                    • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 19:40

                      I have a government sponsored HC plan and I love it. It’s not socialized, though, you really don’t know what you’re talking about. No self respecting dictator would allow a private sector ownership of HC providers as we do in the US. Some cons are very confused about socialism. They are slow to figure things out.

                      Did you know that the VA is a single payer system?

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 14:34

                    BTW, key words…”dysfunctional health insurance exchange”.

        • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:30

          You mean what started as Romneycare?

          Your claims of “serious reform” totally ignores reality. Republicans HELPING Americans who aren’t rich? Were you comatose the last almost 8 years?

          • boss October 31st, 2016 at 12:11

            Obama has been resident for 8 years. The first 2 years he had total control of both houses.
            How did that work for you?

            • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:18

              Didn’t disprove my point. Just some BS deflection. WHEN have the Republicans, during the last 8 years, done something FOR the American people that isn’t based on bigotry, hysteria, or carrying water for the wealthy? And trying to allow people to engage in discrimination because of GAWD is bigotry, not help.

              Can’t actually provide facts to dispute what I say, can you?

              • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:24

                Republicans have not been in power for 8 years. That is my point. Obama had both houses to do whatever he wanted…nothing was done. Now you want to blame republicans. Hope that works for you. Both parties are the same. Do nothing and cause division.
                What facts are you trying to boast about. What are you even trying to say. in other words, what is your point?

                • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:26

                  So your point is to not answer. Noted.

                  Can’t prove that the Republicans have done ANYTHING to benefit the average American. Which makes your deflections rather, as Trump says, “Sad.”

                  • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:45

                    Your point is that you have no point. Can’t prove that democrats have done anything so…likewise…Democrats have done NOTHING to benefit the average American.
                    This makes your deflections as Trump says, “sad”.

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 15:55

                      Still can’t answer the question, so more deflection. I asked YOU. YOU haven’t answered. You never asked me to prove SHITE about Dems.

                      Dickhead deflections.

                    • boss October 31st, 2016 at 15:56

                      Nice deflection

                    • bpollen October 31st, 2016 at 16:09

                      Cute. STILL haven’t answered.

  3. oldfart October 30th, 2016 at 10:52

    Put a fork in Comey, he’s done.

    • boss October 30th, 2016 at 13:08

      Put a fork in Hillary…ROFL

      • SeattleGuy October 30th, 2016 at 17:45

        Would you care to guess how many times my Republicans friends told me that?

        If I had a dollar……

        • boss October 30th, 2016 at 20:29

          Seattle, coolest city I’ve been to.
          Liberal but the young professionals are considering a world without Clinton.
          Im willing to wager that the Clinton Foundation will slowly cease it exist if Hillary loses. Without a close connection to the President, donators will withhold “funding”.
          It always amazes me that a statue of Lenin in Freemont is still there undamaged.

          • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:27

            I’ll take your bet. Name your stakes and then we have to agree about a neutral party to hold our wagers (Let’s just say that your promise to pay has less credibility than you yourself do.)

            So, if Hillary loses, the Foundation will slowly “cease it exist.” The Foundation that has helped provide 9 MILLION people with affordable HIV/AIDS drugs. The Foundation with an “A” rating? The Foundation that spends 88% of it’s funds to charitable efforts? The Foundation that DOESN’T buy paintings of the namesake and pay personal and business debts? THAT foundation?

            What’s the wager, Miss Cleo?

            • boss October 31st, 2016 at 11:12

              Slowly ceaseing to exist could take years…so it would be difficult to seriously have a bet. Don’t act like a smart @ss.
              Much of the money that you boast about came from organizations looking for favors…
              The Clinton foundations does good things, so what…its suppose to. That foundation also made the Clintons very very wealthy.
              BTW, who is Miss Cleo?

          • SeattleGuy October 31st, 2016 at 01:31

            If you think Comey’s partisan attempt to influence the outcome of the election will keep voters from choosing her, I think you’re foolish. He is facing a charge of violating the Hatch Act. I’m pretty sure he has made his last mistake and in now on a path that will end his career.

            When she wins, she has already asserted she will cut her ties with the charity. She gets no compensation for it and it will continue to raise lots of money for great causes. Only partisan Republicans who are trying to deflect voters from looking at their record of non-accomplishment, think otherwise.

            • boss October 31st, 2016 at 11:21

              Obama is also facing violation of the Hatch Act by campaigning and endorsing Clinton.
              Incidentally, when did I say “Comey’s partisan attempt to influence the outcome of the election will keep voters from choosing her”?
              What I think is foolish is watching people under 35 vote for a politician with baggage like Clinton’s. The old saying that if you do not know your history you are doomed to repeat it… is true.
              Comey was the Democrat darling when he refused to prosecute serious violations from Hillary, now he is a partisan hack because he realizes hat he can no longer protect Hillary and must do his job.

  4. labman57 October 30th, 2016 at 12:31

    Republican Party to Comey:
    Thank you for the assist.
    Sure it was politically-motivated and totally irresponsible … but we desperately needed it.

    • whatthe46 November 1st, 2016 at 01:46

      and all it did was backfired.

  5. boss October 30th, 2016 at 13:07

    Same thing happen the weekend before 1992 election day…and Hillary supported the news saying that Bush lied about contra. After the election, all charges were dropped against Bush.
    This time is different, Huma lied, Hillary lied and now we get to realize it before voting. Couple months ago Hillary and Democrats were jumping for joy when Comey said there was no intent. We all knew that was BS. Now Hillary and Democrats want Comeys head.
    Will Huma disappear like so many others who expose Clinton?

    • Larry Schmitt October 30th, 2016 at 13:09

      Yes, she will have her killed like she did all her other enemies. She will be Vince Fostered.

    • bpollen October 30th, 2016 at 22:16

      Conspiracy theories of Clinton the Assassin.

      Well, your credibilty (should you have EVER had any) is right out the window. To quote the light of the Republican Party: “Sad.”

      • boss October 31st, 2016 at 11:48

        Huma and Hillary lying is not a conspiracy.
        People disappearing or ending up dead who had close ties to Clinton is not a conspiracy.

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