When Kelly Preston’s son died, Trump wrote condolence mentioning how he tried to pick her up

Posted by | October 25, 2016 14:13 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

This is just what a grieving mother wants to hear.

Even the death of a child couldn’t keep Donald Trump from talking about hitting on the boy’s mother.

In January 2009, Kelly Preston and John Travolta’s son Jett passed away at the age of 16 after suffering a seizure while on a family vacation. Four days later, Trump wrote a blog post dedicated to Preston on the website of the now-defunct Trump University, which has been sued by the state of New York and former students over claims of fraud.

The mogul expressed his condolences to Preston for her loss, but not before he mentioned the time he tried to sleep with her. According to Trump, the attempt failed.

“A long time ago, before I was married, I met Kelly Preston at a club and worked like hell to try and pick her up,” he wrote on the Trump University website. “She was beautiful, personable, and definitely had allure. At the time I had no idea she was married to John Travolta.”

He continued, “In any event, my track record on this subject has always been outstanding, but Kelly wouldn’t give me the time of day. She was very nice, very elegant, but I didn’t have a chance with her, and that was that.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to When Kelly Preston’s son died, Trump wrote condolence mentioning how he tried to pick her up

  1. Larry Schmitt October 25th, 2016 at 14:19

    So we’re supposed to be shocked because Trump said something disgusting at an inappropriate time? We’d be shocked if he didn’t.

  2. William October 25th, 2016 at 14:40

    “At the time I had no idea she was married to John Travolta.”

    From the video

    “I did try to f*ck her, she was married”

    Yeah Donald, because a woman’s marital status means so much to you.


  3. crc3 October 25th, 2016 at 15:16

    Rump has ZERO CLASS…

  4. Willys41 October 25th, 2016 at 17:20

    The man is a psycho.

  5. Margie Bateman Osgood October 25th, 2016 at 20:37

    It’s always about him, even other people’s grief at losing family, he makes it about him. SMH

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