Diplomacy with Russia gets radioactive

Posted by | October 4, 2016 07:30 | Filed under: Top Stories

Russia is unilaterally pulling out of a plutonium waste agreement:

Saying relations with the United States have deteriorated in a “radically changed environment,” President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia withdrew Monday from a landmark nuclear security agreement, in a troubling sign that the countries’ cooperation in a range of nuclear areas could be threatened.

The treaty, on the disposal of plutonium, the material used in some nuclear weapons, was concluded in 2000 as one of the framework disarmament deals of the early post-Cold War period.

It required Russia and the United States to destroy military stockpiles of plutonium, a deal that represented another encouraging step away from nuclear doomsday and an insurance policy against the materials falling into the hands of terrorists or rogue states.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: dave-dr-gonzo

David Hirsch, a.k.a. Dave "Doctor" Gonzo*, is a renegade record producer, video producer, writer, reformed corporate shill, and still-registered lobbyist for non-one-percenter performing artists and musicians. He lives in a heavily fortified compound in one of Manhattan's less trendy neighborhoods.

* Hirsch is the third person to use the pseudonym, a not-so-veiled tribute to journalist and author Hunter S. Thompson, with the permission of his predecessors Gene Gaudette of American Politics Journal (currently webmaster and chief bottlewasher at Liberaland) and Stephen Meese at Smashmouth Politics.

18 responses to Diplomacy with Russia gets radioactive

  1. Suzanne McFly October 4th, 2016 at 15:43

    Vlad is waiting to see if rump wins, he figures the deals he signs then will far exceed any deals he signs now with rational leaders.

  2. William October 4th, 2016 at 18:56

    Who do you want answering that phone when Putin finally sends up the balloon?


  3. inspire October 4th, 2016 at 20:04

    As far as I can remember, Alan has never support American intervention
    policy in Syria. Why not you say more on this, Alan?

    I don’t get why Obama’s admin want to drag the war any longer.
    They shouldn’t try to top any country government
    by support terrorist groups in the first place. Now things get out of hands.
    Assad cannot control his country; the US cannot control terrorist groups they
    used to feed, ISIS get to control many part of Syria. The Syrian old ally,
    Russian try to help Assad get Syria back together, and now we see Obama’s admin
    try to complicate the situation and prolong atrocity, even treating for more unhelpful
    action. What is this for?

    Assad is not the best leader, some might say he kills a lot
    of his own people but under his control, we didn’t see Syrian refugees all over
    the place like this. A lot less Syrian had been kill before the war, ISIS cannot
    get a firm hand anywhere in Syria. Obama, for the love of … whatever you believe,
    Syria is a mess part of that is your policy on support terrorist groups before and
    during the war. If you don’t want to help the Syrian, at less don’t complicate
    the situation. Assad + Russia can piece back together Syria so that people can
    go home, and they do not need American help. The pass 6 years has showed us, the Opposition
    and terrorist groups America used to support cannot united Syria and too weak
    to fight ISIS.

    It doesn’t make sense seeing Obama try to get Syrian refugee
    in to America, but on the other hand you want to keep their country destroyed
    as it is so that no refugees can go home. What you are doing is not helping the
    real refugee but only your ego.

  4. inspire October 4th, 2016 at 20:31

    As far as I can remember, Alan has never support American intervention policy in Syria. Why not you say more on this, Alan? (and it looks like my sincere comment and questions was removed somehow!)

    I don’t get why Obama’s admin want to drag the war any longer. They shouldn’t try to top any country government by support terrorist groups in the first place. Now things get out of hands.
    Assad cannot control his country; the US cannot control terrorist groups they used to feed, ISIS get to control many part of Syria. The Syrian old ally,Russian try to help Assad get Syria back together, and now we see Obama’s admin try to complicate the situation and prolong atrocity, even treating for more unhelpful action. What is this for?

    Assad is not the best leader, some might say he kills a lot of his own people but under his control, we didn’t see Syrian refugees all over the place like this. A lot less Syrian had been kill before the war, ISIS cannot
    get a firm hand anywhere in Syria. Obama, for the love of … whatever you believe, Syria is a mess part of that is your policy on support terrorist groups before and during the war. If you don’t want to help the Syrian, at less don’t complicate the situation. Assad + Russia can piece back together Syria so that people can go home, and they do not need American help. The pass 6 years has showed us, the Opposition and terrorist groups America used to support cannot united Syria and too weak to fight ISIS.

    It doesn’t make sense seeing Obama try to get Syrian refugee in to America, but on the other hand you want to keep their country destroyed as it is so that no refugees can go home. What Obama doing is not helping the real refugee but only his ego.

    • bpollen October 5th, 2016 at 04:16

      Zdravstvuyte, comrade.
      Dasvidanya, tovarishch.

      • inspire October 5th, 2016 at 21:29

        I am trying to use reason and logic here, ok?

        Well, I am aware that it hard to use reason with both extremist left and right. Anyway I still have hope.

        • bpollen October 6th, 2016 at 02:27

          Oh, Da! Propaganda!

          Russia is savior of Syria!

          That explains support for oppressive dictator!

          • inspire October 7th, 2016 at 01:20

            you love to see syrian get kill and enslave by ISIS, I got it.

    • oldfart October 5th, 2016 at 10:35

      “The Syrian old ally,Russian try to help Assad get Syria back together, and now we see Obama’s admin try to complicate the situation and prolong atrocity,”

      You’re joking… right ?
      Assad and Putin have one thing in common, they’re dictators.
      They kill innocent people because they do not like them.
      and you’re ok with that ?
      Care to address the topic at hand ?

      • inspire October 5th, 2016 at 21:13

        I am not ok with dictator killing innocent as much as NOT OK with an outsider like the US create power vacuum which end up kill even more innocent than the dictator.

        what about you, are you ok with people killed, misplaced and the rise of ISIS in that country right now knowing that this civil war could be avoided if no outsider intervention?

        Obama + Hillary could easily avoid this by learn from what happen in Iraq.
        I couldn’t believe Obama did this to Libya and Syria, he just used a difference tactic than W.Bush but the result are identical.

        Why try regime change a country clearly have too many smaller groups which hate each other? He did the right thing when he didn’t vote for the war in Iraq, that gave me a very high hope but then he undone all the good thing in past with not only one but 2 countries, Lybya – Syria.

        • inspire October 5th, 2016 at 21:25

          Another point,

          the longer the war is dragged on, the more hospital will be bombed, the more people will be kill by all parties (Russian, Assad, US, terrorist groups, ISIS). It is no way we can prevent innocent life in a war like this. The best way to fix this is to end the war ASAP.

          Obama + NATO got 5-6 years to do it the way they want, and it is a big mess as we are seeing right now.

          I said, let the Russian + Assad do it their way. The US should completely back off. It is no point to do anything to prolong the war over there. And please LEARN not to poke at another people problem by help create civil war like in Syria again!

          • oldfart October 6th, 2016 at 00:51

            The troubles in Syria as I understand (and remember it) was caused by Assad’s actions quelling protesting by fellow Syrians. Our interjection in that conflict was brought about by the use of chemical weapons which by the way, was supplied to Assad by Russia.

            “what about you, are you ok with people killed, misplaced and the rise of ISIS in that country right now knowing that this civil war could be avoided if no outsider intervention?”

            My feelings on this wont change the carnage.
            BTW, This country and others are taking in people and are trying to get food and medicine into anywhere people need it.
            WHILE BEING SHOT AT.
            The war in the middle east will continue with or without a foreign presence there. Innocent people will continue to die…Muslim/Christian/Jew… just not the foreigners.
            I cant help but notice that you’re typing in broken English, where are you from ?

            • inspire October 7th, 2016 at 03:09

              in-fact I am happy to see you back with a very interesting views. Some of them I am totally agree, some of them not.

              let me brake it in to point by point.

              “The troubles in Syria as I understand (and remember it) was caused by Assad’s actions quelling protesting by fellow Syrians”
              you are right on that. Problem in Syrian began sometime in March 2011. But at the beginning, I would say until the end of 2011 it was not yet a full scale civil war. It is depend on who you ask.
              “Our interjection in that conflict was brought about by the use of chemical weapons which by the way, was supplied to Assad by Russia.”
              timeline is not match with this one.
              Let’s see when the chemical weapons was used, it turn out to be sometime early March 2013 and on 19 March 2013, The U.N. mission confirm the likely use of the nerve agent sarin in the case of Khan Al-Asal. UN inspectors were in a city nearby. It would be extremely stupid for Assad to use such weapon during that time. And UN has never confirmed who use the weapon or where the weapon came frome. Do not be too fast to blame Assad. The face is we still don’t know who use it back then. in fact, I think ISIS was the one using the chemical weapon. But both of us can only guess.
              Now, let’s see when American start to support the opposition? Remember that UN confirms the likely use of Sarin on “19 March 2013”
              and you think the US intervenes in the conflict because somebody use chemical weapon.
              -18 August 2011, Obama sign executive orders that froze all Syrian government assets and imposed scansion on Syrian government.
              – August 2011, CIA runs a covert program to arm and train the Syrian terrorist rebels. (nytimes.com – http://www.nytimes.com/2014/01/10/world/middleeast/syria-aid-may-resume-despite-fears-over-where-it-will-go.html )
              – June 2012, CIA helped opposition forces develop supply routes, and provided them with communications training. (The Wall Street Journal. – http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303410404577464763551149048 )
              – June 2012, CIA distributed assault rifles, anti-tank rocket launchers and other ammunition to Syrian opposition. (The New York Times – http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/21/world/middleeast/cia-said-to-aid-in-steering-arms-to-syrian-rebels.html )
              – July 2012, US Authorizes another financial support for the Free Syrian Army.
              ( Al-Monitor.com – http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2012/al-monitor/us-authorizes-financial-support.html )
              2011, 2012 came before 2013 the use of chemical weapon came on March 2013, the US didn’t intervenes in the conflict because of the use of chemical weapon.
              Imagine whatever internal conflict you have in your country and if an outsider supply money and weapon for an uprising in the USA. That is what Obama admin had done to Syria and Libya.

              “This country and others are taking in people and are trying to get food and medicine into anywhere people need it. WHILE BEING SHOT AT.”
              The same can be said about 150-200 Syrian troops that was killed by American a few days earlier. They try to unite their own country while being shot at an uninvited foreign country forces. Last time I check the world map, Syria and the US are quite far apart and Syria is not under the USA control in any way.
              I think, the best way to save life and help the refugee is to end the war ASAP, and what the USA is doing for the last 5-6 years is not helping anything.

              “The war in the middle east will continue with or without a foreign presence there. Innocent people will continue to die…Muslim/Christian/Jew… just not the foreigners.”
              I am 100% agree with that. BUT, I have to ask again. Did you see Syrian refugee all over the place before the civil war? The same goes to Libya and Iraq. It seems like, your presidents (left or right) love to mess up countries over there. Look at their history. Shia & Sunni killing one another as soon as Muhamad die. Nobody can stop them. Most countries over there will need a strong dictator to stop people in the country from killing one another.
              Back to Syria, it is clear to me, the Civil war need to be ended and ended fast. Dictator alone won’t kill as much of their own people as a civil war like this. I have to say, except Mao in China and Kim family in NK , Hitler and the Japanese government during WWII.am I missing any one?… yeah, and Palpot of Cambodia. In fact, Assad records of treating minority non-muslim in Syria were pretty good. I would say, he had better records than the dictator in Saudi Arabia.
              I am totally disagreeing with what Obama policy in Syria (and Libya). I think he is a good guy but … I don’t know and I don’t understand his logic as I mention earlier. He got like what? 4-5 years to work with this problem and his policy only worsen the situation, but he is still unwilling to let another people fix it. What wrong with him? How many Syrian refugee you can take into your country? all of them? Please do and I will stop complaining about seeing people get kill over there.
              Otherwise, let Assad stops the war and unites his country and he has already picked his buddy, the Russian. Stop pulling their lags and they didn’t ask for your help to support the opposition groups. If the US didn’t support the opposition early on, it might not be a civil war at all today.

              Wow, that’s long! Sorry about that.
              And no, I am not an English speaker. I am not in the US right now and I am not comfortable telling people on the internet, where I came from. sorry if it is hard for you to understand but I am sure you get my point.

              • oldfart October 7th, 2016 at 11:38

                No need to apologize and I’m not asking you for your address just a country will do but I do understand you.
                My personal opinion about the middle east is simply get out and stay out.
                To be blunt, this is a Muslim problem between Muslims. If they have no issue killing each other off so be it.
                I firmly believe this country should continue to allow anyone from anywhere seeking refuge in. It speaks volumes to me that people still wish to come here despite the fact that some citizens in this country literally hate them and wish to do them harm.
                Please understand that I am not trying to be specific in point by point or in a strict timeline nor do I believe that all Muslims are evil.
                The fact of the matter is Assad came down hard on his citizens who were not “radicals” they were children who apparently had the mistaken idea that freedom was breaking out in their country and wanted to express their opinion of their government and that’s what started the mess in Syria.
                In my opinion, President Assad is neither a good human being or a good Muslim.
                Allow me to address this one point “If the US didn’t support the opposition early on, it might not be a civil war at all today”.
                I disagree with your assertion completely, even if the US hadn’t intervened, Syria would still be at war with itself and would still have chemical weapons and would be seeing them being used on each other regardless of who used them.
                I do not always agree with everything that my government chooses to do with foreign policy. I have no wish to deprive you of your opinion (or make light of it).
                I do however wish to express to you that my country, my president and Alan truly only want peace for the world.
                And pray that Trump does not get elected.

    • bpollen October 9th, 2016 at 01:30

      Russia is savior of world! Bomb civilians to save them from ISIS!

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