Garrison Keillor destroys Trump

Posted by | September 1, 2016 17:14 | Filed under: Opinion Politics Top Stories

Garrison Keillor knows Trump better than he knows himself.

The cap does not look good on you, it’s a duffer’s cap, and when you come to the microphone, you look like the warm-up guy, the guy who announces the license number of the car left in the parking lot, doors locked, lights on, motor running. The brim shadows your face, which gives a sinister look, as if you’d come to town to announce the closing of the pulp factory. Your eyes look dead and your scowl does not suggest American greatness so much as American indigestion. Your hair is the wrong color: People don’t want a president to be that shade of blond. You know that now…

Why doesn’t someone in your entourage dare to say these things? So sad…

Running for president is your last bid for the respect of Manhattan. If you were to win election, they couldn’t ridicule you anymore…

Profanity is your natural language and vulgar words so as not to offend the Christers but the fans can still hear it and that’s something they love about you. You are their guy. You are losing and so are they but they love you for it…

What the fans don’t know is that it’s not much fun being a billionaire. You own a lot of big houses and you wander around in them, followed by a waiter, a bartender, a masseuse, three housekeepers, and a concierge, and they probably gossip about you behind your back. Just like nine-tenths of your campaign staff. You’re losing and they know it and they’re telling mean stories about you to everybody and his brother.

Meanwhile, you keep plugging away. It’s the hardest work you’ve ever done. You walk out in the white cap and you rant for an hour about stuff that means nothing and the fans scream and wave their signs and you wish you could level with them for once and say one true thing: I love you to death and when this is over I will have nothing that I want.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

4 responses to Garrison Keillor destroys Trump

  1. Larry Schmitt September 1st, 2016 at 17:41

    “Why doesn’t someone in your entourage dare to say these things?” Because they’re all a bunch of toadies, and they’re in it only for what they can get out of it. When he loses, they will move on to some other scam, like carnies at a side show. And all his supporters will be bitter as hell, same as when McCain and Romney lost.

    • StoneyCurtisll September 1st, 2016 at 22:17

      And they are well paid to keep their mouths shut.

  2. StoneyCurtisll September 1st, 2016 at 22:16

    Gonna miss Prairie Home Companion….

  3. William September 2nd, 2016 at 00:32

    On my bucket list was seeing Prairie home companion. We did on their last tour in Portland Maine

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