Kaepernick will continue to sit through anthem

Posted by | August 28, 2016 19:00 | Filed under: Politics

Colin Kaepernick has no plans to stand for the national anthem anytime soon.

He knows he could be cut by San Francisco for this stand. Criticized, ostracized – he’ll go it all alone if need be, and he’s not asking anyone to follow his lead. The quarterback realizes he might be treated poorly in some road cities, and he’s ready for that, too, saying he’s not overly concerned about his safety, but “if something happens that’s only proving my point.”

“I’m going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed,” Kaepernick said Sunday at his locker. “To me this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent, this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

14 responses to Kaepernick will continue to sit through anthem

  1. robert August 28th, 2016 at 19:41

    Every now and then you hear of underachieving players getting traded for a bag of footballs.

    Here’s to encouragement to your QB San Fran.

  2. Red Mann August 28th, 2016 at 20:49

    I’m a 70 yo, white male with 24 years of Naval service and I would gladly sit beside this guy. I am so sick of all this phony “patriotism”, this psuedo-religious flag worshipping, the constant pandering to the hyper-emotional view of what military service really is, the childish nonsense of American”exceptionalism”. These people don’t actually understand the concept of freedom of speech and action, they have a 2nd grade concept. Please, please, please America, grow up.

    • Buford2k11 August 29th, 2016 at 08:30

      YES….YES and YES…this has been the republican meme for a long time…they don’t OWN patriotism, they thought they did, but in these recent years, we have seen proof positive that they are not patriots at all…the GOP congress is the opposite of a patriot, they support domestic enemies along the lines of the Kochs, Adeleson, and the other famous rich folks who are trying to purchase our America..Trump has opened a window for enemies like Russia, to screw with our political process, which has made this nation the GREATEST nation on earth, regardless of what Trump says…

    • Hirightnow August 29th, 2016 at 10:51

      I can’t help but think that if you had posted this on a Facebook comment section, there would be people (the vast majority never having been in the military) crawling out of the woodwork saying “Thank you for your service…”, then proceeding to tell you that you’re being un-American.
      (I see “Thank you for your service” in a post these days, and usually stop reading. When it’s a response to me, I tell them that I didn’t enlist for their thanks.)

      • Red Mann August 29th, 2016 at 17:14

        Thanks for your… wait, what? I know I get it all the time. Makes me feel guilty because I was having a lot of fun in neat countries around the world, all expenses paid by Uncle.

  3. amersham1046 August 28th, 2016 at 21:04

    The 1968 Olympics

    • bpollen August 29th, 2016 at 03:44

      I posted a link to a story about the white guy on the platform. He wore a badge on his jacket for the Olympic Project for Human Rights, an organization opposed to racism in sports. It destroyed his career.

  4. crc3 August 28th, 2016 at 21:17

    I agree 100% with Kaepernick. Way too many have died senseless deaths at the hands of cops and cop wannabees (i.e. George Zimmerman) just because they are black and many more have been incarcerated (later exonerated) because they are black. America is terribly flawed especially with gun violence and police brutality. When only a select group gets most of the rights and privileges (whites) this country is no longer “the land of the free and home of the brave”. Equal rights and opportunities belong to all. Time to dismantle and rid this country of hate and bigotry or we are headed for the next civil war…

  5. DogsRgoodpeople August 29th, 2016 at 00:23

    Eyes wide open here Kaep ……………………….

  6. bpollen August 29th, 2016 at 03:40

    My suddenly Trump-supporting and recently converted Baptist nephew has posted a few memes on Facebook already talking about his “betrayal.” Damn Florida…

    • whatthe46 August 29th, 2016 at 04:08

      outside of the obvious that tRump is a racist, bigot and degrades women, is there anything positive that he can say to defend his choice?

      • bpollen August 29th, 2016 at 04:18

        I haven’t seen any ability to justify it other than Hillary and Obama and Democrats and liberals are bad, and Trump is the answer. Any time I have challenged him about it, he’s stayed mute (well, figuratively, anyhow.)

  7. Foundryman August 29th, 2016 at 09:21

    I made a comment on another thread about this yesterday and have since put some thought into it and found I was wrong about Kaepernick. He is absolutely right to protest what is going on. His fellow athletes and leaders of all the communities (not just black leaders) need to stand with him. When we have government agents (police) gunning down unarmed teenagers and a rapidly and rabidly racist political party growing by the
    second with Trump as their leader, there is no reason to show respect to a flag
    they have hijacked as their own. That is Kaepernicks flag, that is my flag,
    that is our flag that Trump stands in front of and his so called ‘alt-right’
    racist supporters wave next to their little stars and bars. They are the ones who are degrading and disrespecting it and the memory of those who died for it.
    Why shouldn’t he sit to a song and flag of a country that shoots 12 year
    olds in parks playing with a toy? Why shouldn’t he sit or turn his back to a flag of a country that blames the poor for being poor and the unemployed for being unemployed? Why shouldn’t he sit in a country with a congress who goes on vacation after doing nothing for 8 years while people are dying and getting sick from ZIKA?

    We have propaganda where we should have journalism, promoted and provided by far right wing politicians and their paid mouthpieces. We have power mad economically illiterates who want to destroy our way of life, our standard of living and our middle class. We have their minions who blindly follow like lemmings everything they hear from the propaganda machine they call news. By sitting and not showing respect he is
    saying enough is enough and is doing something about it. The rest of us need to do the same.

  8. Mensa Member August 29th, 2016 at 21:34

    Anyone who condemns Colin Kaepernick but defends George Zimmerman has a severe moral problem.

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