Trump supporter thinks gun comments mean using guns to ‘defend our rights’ like ‘revolutionaries’

Posted by | August 10, 2016 14:40 | Filed under: Politics

A caller to C-SPAN defended Donald Trump’s nod to Second Amendment people taking care of Hillary Clinton, saying they’d use their guns to defend their rights “just as the revolutionaries did.”

…a C-SPAN caller from Michigan named Greg proved on Wednesday that even some of Trump’s supporters found the comments to be a call to arms.

“Number one, Mr. Trump was not threatening assassination of Hillary,” Greg said. “But what he was implying and could happen is if Hillary got her way and did do away with Second Amendment rights, there are a lot of us who are gun owners who are going to object to that very strongly.”

“And since we do have firearms, it might if it comes down to it be us having to defend our rights with those guns, just as the revolutionaries did in the Revolutionary War.”

Greg said that he hoped “it never will come down to that.”

“And I would point out that [Trump] said right afterwards that would be a horrible day when that happened,” Greg declared.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

14 responses to Trump supporter thinks gun comments mean using guns to ‘defend our rights’ like ‘revolutionaries’

  1. Mike N. August 10th, 2016 at 14:55

    Do people REALLY think Hillary is going to take away their guns, or is that just a talking point? Can someone dig up video of people in ’08 warning about how Obama was going to take away all their guns? And then the fact that there are now 101 guns for every 100 men women and children in America?

    • whatthe46 August 10th, 2016 at 15:05

      They’ve been pushing that bull since 08 and they are still doing and will continue to do so as long as a dem is in office. And yes people are that damn stupid that they believe that crap.

      • The Original Just Me August 10th, 2016 at 18:30

        I Believe, I Believe, Oh wait a minute. that’s the Christians, Right ? :+)

    • Dwendt44 August 10th, 2016 at 18:02

      The gullibility of conservatives is amazing.

  2. whatthe46 August 10th, 2016 at 15:15

    And this bassacwards moron her exactly what we all clearly heard, a threat on her life, because the asshole lies about her taking people’s right to own away. And tRump’s audience is so fk’n stupid, just like this pos, will start a war over a lie by irresponsible republiklowns.

  3. arc99 August 10th, 2016 at 15:51

    In a worst case scenario exactly who will these zealots be shooting at?

    Will it be federal marshals? Will it be the state police forces? Will it be the National Guard?

    In the aftermath of the horrific murders of police officers in Dallas, it occurred to me that the fundamental message of 2nd amendment extremists is that they need their guns because one day it may be necessary to do exactly what the cop-killer in Dallas did.

    So tell us ammosexuals. Since you claim that defending yourself against the big bad government is the main reason you own a gun, please explain that when the sh*t hits the fan, how it is you will be any different than the murderer in Dallas, e.g. killing hard working first responders, guilty of nothing other than risking their lives to do their jobs. .

    • The Original Just Me August 10th, 2016 at 18:28

      Who will they be shooting at ? Their neighbors. The neighbor’s wives will become Spoils of war, and that is what they want.

  4. labman57 August 10th, 2016 at 16:41

    Ah, so Trump’s words were not a thinly-veiled threat of a political assassination, but merely a call for armed sedition.
    Got it.

  5. The Original Just Me August 10th, 2016 at 18:26

    On Nov. 9, a Nation Wide Wake will be held in Memory of the Republican Party.

    • whatthe46 August 10th, 2016 at 23:41

      whose got the fireworks? it’s time to PARRRRTTTY!!!!!

  6. Mensa Member August 10th, 2016 at 23:36

    >> they’d use their guns to defend their rights “just as the revolutionaries did.

    If he means with muskets, he’s a rare gun nut who actually understands the Second Amendment.

  7. Warman1138 August 10th, 2016 at 23:41

    Silly people.

    • Mensa Member August 10th, 2016 at 23:54

      Silly and seditious.

  8. bpollen August 11th, 2016 at 04:48

    Seems like I remember some so-called Americans who took up arms against their own countrymen because they didn’t get their way. Can’t quite put my finger on the details. I think George Wilkes Bush killed President Ford? Does that sound right?

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