Trump: Obama ‘Worst president, maybe’ in U.S. history

Posted by | August 3, 2016 06:37 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Donald Trump has responded to scathing criticism from U.S. President Barack Obama, branding the latter the “worst president” in the country’s history. The Republican presidential nominee said that Obama, who was elected in 2008 and returned to power in 2012, had been a “disaster” and cited Russia’s takeover of Crimea as an example of Obama’s “weak”…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to Trump: Obama ‘Worst president, maybe’ in U.S. history

  1. mea_mark August 3rd, 2016 at 07:29

    The bumbling bloviating demagogue is spiraling down into a world of endless derp. Elect president Derp 2016 for a ride down into the endless world of Derp. Did I say ‘Derp’? Want to make sure I got that in there, so it is crystal clear who tRump is.

  2. Budda August 3rd, 2016 at 08:25

    Dump and his followers obviously can’t remember back to the Cheney administration.

    • granpa.usthai August 3rd, 2016 at 09:49

      oh, they remember very well. These are the exact same anti American Freedom haters that were all for Reagan’s quadrupling the national debt and the terrorist bombing of US troops by republican trading partners in Beirut. They are born hating America and the individual rights as allowed by the US Constitution. (note the exact same crowd is all for dictatorial powers to FORCE American Citizens to GOOSESTEP in the SAME DIRECTION even if they don’t like it!)

      such freedom they offer:
      OBEY der Fuhrer mit out question! – or at least pretend to.

      check it out!
      Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2 – the very same little NAZIS (cradle 2 the grave)

  3. granpa.usthai August 3rd, 2016 at 09:38

    trump, the gop candidate for POTUS who refuses to release his CROOKED TAX RETURNS may be sitting in a little world of his own, but from where I sit, POTUS Obama IS the GREATEST POTUS to date (and most likely will be for some time to come) and that don’t take into consideration his EXCELLENT Maui tan – or his appropriate and well cared for DU!

    how in the hell so many IDIOT WHITE RACIST can be turned on by an orange toad with a dead rat DU and tiny feet is beyond me.

  4. William August 3rd, 2016 at 13:06


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