General: Trump presidency would cause ‘civil military crisis’

Posted by | July 31, 2016 12:58 | Filed under: Politics War & Peace

General John Allen has a bit more military credibility than the Yakking Yam.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS (HOST): General Allen, thank you for joining us this morning. You heard Mr. Trump there, he called you a “failed general.” The war in ISIS got worse under your leadership. Your response?

RET. GEN. JOHN ALLEN: Well, George, he has no credibility to criticize me, or my record, or anything I have done. If he’d spent a minute in the deserts of Afghanistan or in the deserts of Iraq, I might listen to what he has to say. He’s got no credibility. In that regard, there has been progress with respect to the war against ISIS. We knew it was going to be a tough fight. But I don’t have to justify myself to him. What we do have to do, George, is listen to what he’s been saying about our military. He’s called it “a disaster.” He says “our military can’t win anymore.” That’s a direct insult to every single man and woman who’s wearing the uniform today. He’s talked about needing to torture. He’s talked about needing to murder the families of alleged terrorists. He’s talked about carpet-bombing ISIL. Who do you think is going to get carpet-bombed when all of that occurs? It’ll be innocent families.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let me stop you right there. If indeed Mr. Trump did become president, how would the military respond to those kinds of orders, if indeed he followed through on some of the things he’s said in this campaign?

ALLEN: That’s a great question, George, and I think we would be facing a civil military crisis, the like of which we have not seen in this country before. From the moment that those of us who are commissioned, and of course all our enlisted troops as well, assume the mantle of our responsibility in uniform when we swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution, which is a document on a set of principles, and it supports the rule of law. One of those is to ensure that we do not obey illegal orders….But, George, that’s major issue that we’re facing here. The potential for a civil military crisis where the military could be ordered to conduct illegal activities.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

12 responses to General: Trump presidency would cause ‘civil military crisis’

  1. Mike N. July 31st, 2016 at 13:32

    Great piece with General Allen on NPR this morning:

    • StoneyCurtisll July 31st, 2016 at 13:49

      I heard that to…..:)

    • Suzanne McFly July 31st, 2016 at 16:57

      Great interview, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Tommie July 31st, 2016 at 13:39

    Trump says he cares about the military and the fire department! Is that before or after he attacks them?

  3. granpa.usthai July 31st, 2016 at 13:41

    precedence was set during the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. POTUSes may now invade any nation they so choose with little, no or even fabricated false information wreaking havoc on civilians, arresting, torturing and executing taxicab drivers and teachers with total impunity. When you start down the road of fascism, it take more than a few back steps to correct your direction. In the 8 years of Obama, we’ve only just begun. It’s going to take many many decades if not centuries to clean up the GOP’s last mess.

  4. Red Mann July 31st, 2016 at 14:17

    Donald Trump is a sniveling coward, like most bullies. If he had to go fight, he’d scream and cry like a frightened child.

    • Larry Schmitt July 31st, 2016 at 14:28

      His orders: Go get ’em, I’m right behind you.

  5. crc3 July 31st, 2016 at 15:14

    We just need to make sure this mentally unstable fascist never gets elected. After he loses in November he is apt to really go off the deep end and implode. He’s going down…down…down….

    • KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker July 31st, 2016 at 15:42

      You’ve got that right!
      But we have to ensure this unhinged idiot never gets close to the Whitehouse.

  6. Gary Parillo July 31st, 2016 at 16:57

    How long before fox non news station brings on some retired general with brain damage to contradict this general?

  7. amersham1046 July 31st, 2016 at 22:00

    Trump shows everything that is wrong with the American political system

  8. mistlesuede August 1st, 2016 at 01:15

    A military coup unlike the unsuccessful one in Turkey would be all that would be needed.
    The public would always support the military, right teatards?

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