‘Upset about Black Lives Matter, police shootings, white people’

Posted by | July 8, 2016 09:09 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly

Dallas Police Chief David Brown says the suspect who was killed by the detonation of a police bomb said he hated white people and wanted to kill them, especially white officers.

The shooter told police hostage negotiators he wanted to “kill officers” and “kill white people especially white officers”
The suspect was killed with a Dallas police bomb robot, which was sent in after negotiations broke down
The suspect told police that he had planted bombs, “IEDs”, which police would find

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

24 responses to ‘Upset about Black Lives Matter, police shootings, white people’

  1. Um Cara July 8th, 2016 at 09:39

    The shooter told police hostage negotiators he wanted to “kill officers” and “kill white people especially white officers”
    The suspect was killed with a Dallas police bomb robot, which was sent in after negotiations broke down

    Cowardly POS. I remain firmly anti-capital punishment, but I’m not terribly upset he refused to surrender peacefully. Perhaps in a few hours I’ll be able to find some sympathy/empathy for ‘the shooter’. They blowed him up, eh? Well, Rest in Pieces, I suppose.

  2. Guy Lauten July 8th, 2016 at 09:52

    Not really much of a surprise IMO. I actually wonder why it took so long. You keep killing people of a certain group, and allow members of that same group to own and carry firearms, then at some point those members are going to start shooting back; like… duh. Sadly, I expect a lot more of this in the near future. Keep killing people for no good reason, officers. The future is yours.

  3. Tommie July 8th, 2016 at 10:19

    Because of this one dumba$$ shooter, we Blacks will be blamed for this, putting the blame where it doesn’t go!

    • whatthe46 July 8th, 2016 at 11:34

      It doesn’t matter who the shooter was. And thanks to 3 cops who murdered two people for no damn reason that there was even a protest.

  4. Ron Theison July 8th, 2016 at 10:45

    Thanks BLM for ginning things up and now it’s 5 dead cops. Happy now?

    • mistlesuede July 8th, 2016 at 11:11

      It was a nice, peaceful protest. The police were taking photos with the protesters.
      You haven’t a friggin clue how pathetic you sound right now.

    • Guy Lauten July 8th, 2016 at 11:40

      So Ron, I guess you have some “special” information that the rest of us (including the Dallas Chief of Police) don’t have, is that it? If not, then why are you not taking the shooter at his word (“The suspect said that he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone,” – Chief Brown)?

    • Hirightnow July 8th, 2016 at 11:40

      You should also be thanking the KKK, white supremacists, Trump, Pat Buchanan, the attitude that your parents ingrained in you that makes you automatically assume a person of color should “know their place”, LEOs who aren’t trained to think…you know, the actual REASON behind movements such as BLM, the Black Panthers, etc.
      You’re blaming the fire for destroying the house, and completely ignoring the arsonist.

    • William July 8th, 2016 at 12:30

      In law enforcement we would take days, weeks and even months to attempt to establish the state of mind and motivation of a homicide suspect.. You are able to do it in mere moments with no training, expertise or even insight into the suspects life. Imagine how short the criminal justice academy would have been if I could have gleaned so much talent from listening to Rush Limbaugh instead of studying actual criminology.

      • Jimmy Fleck July 8th, 2016 at 13:38

        Does the days, weeks, and months time frame include police officers accused of murdering someone? Because no one seems to have taken the time for the two latest incidents or any of the prior incidents including government officials.

        • William July 9th, 2016 at 08:56

          Longer usually. There is an internal investigation for large police departments as well as the criminal complaint. In my opinion, smaller departments have a better system. Because they don’t have an internal affairs division, they will seek an outside agency to do the investigation. My state has a pretty good system. Police departments do not investigate their own shooting incidents. The attorney generals office does that. In fact, police departments cannot even do an accident report on a department vehicle. That must be done my another agency. In other words. I think it’s a pretty good system here. I can’t speak for other states.

    • Red Mann July 8th, 2016 at 12:33

      You are a disgusting pig, Ron, a vile racist with an infantile “thought process”. Unfortunately we have millions of Americans is the same boat as you, deluded, hating a$$holes.

    • Gina Bousquet July 8th, 2016 at 13:02

      Why is this RWNJ still here spewing ignorance and hate? Does he contribute to the debate? Where are the mods?

      • anothertoothpick July 8th, 2016 at 13:32

        Hi Gina…

        Just scrolling through and I have to say HI.

        Great post by the way.

        • Gina Bousquet July 8th, 2016 at 18:30

          Hi friend! Thanks! :)

    • Mensa Member July 8th, 2016 at 13:29

      >> Thanks BLM for ginning things up and now it’s 5 dead cops. Happy now?

      Since when is “stop shooting us” ginning things up?

    • bpollen July 8th, 2016 at 15:41

      That’s it. Blame people who DON’T want to be shot for cops getting shot. You happen to hear the news reports that say the shooter they killed declared he wasn’t affiliated with anyone? Don’t let details like the truth interfere with blaming blacks for everything. It’s what racist cracker trolls do.

    • Comicus July 8th, 2016 at 16:51

      Black people should just die quietly and quit bothering Aryan herrenvolk like you with their complaining.

  5. labman57 July 8th, 2016 at 11:48

    Which of the following is abhorrent?
    1) People rationalizing the shooter(s?) actions because of the recent shootings of young black men by police.
    2) People capitalizing on this tragedy by blaming the entire BLM movement.
    3) People politicizing the tragedy by claiming “it’s Obama’s fault”.
    4) All of the above

  6. Um Cara July 8th, 2016 at 12:26

    Lots of racist kooks are blaming BLM for this shooting. Many of those rasist kooks think the second amendment exists so they can shoot police/soldiers/etc… if they think they are ‘out of control’.

    If said racist kooks want to blame someone other than the shooter, it seems they should be pointing at themselves rather than BLM. The shooter was just exercising his 2nd amendment rights (in their insane opinion, not mine).

  7. robert July 8th, 2016 at 12:44

    BREAKING; the NRA is once again silent as a mouse probably because of the weapon the shooter was using. Did i mention he had weapons violations prior to the shooting….

  8. RFR July 8th, 2016 at 13:58

    I would like to stop hearing this hearsay untill the recording is made available as we all know
    law enforcement are just like republicans they make shit up.

  9. amersham1046 July 8th, 2016 at 18:39

    . AN editorial from the UK The Guardian view on shootings in the US: time to tackle problems shamefully ignored https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jul/08/the-guardian-view-on-shootings-in-the-us-time-to-tackle-problems-shamefully-ignored

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