Baton Rouge parade mocked black men killed by cops, portrayed Obama as pimp

Posted by | July 6, 2016 17:04 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly

The Spanish Town parade earlier this year was full of racist imagery, including President Obama made to look like a pimp. Onlookers waved confederate flags.

The most offensive image here is the one of the pink flamingo — which is the parade’s official symbol — getting punched by a fist with a sign that reads, “I can’t breathe!” hung around its neck. This is a clear reference to Eric Garner, a New York man who died after being placed in a banned chokehold by police.

The float also makes fun of the Black Lives Matter movement with its own hashtag #PinkLivesMatter.

McClatchy notes that a lot of the floats in the Spanish Town Parade are designed to be offensive, but some local residents think that making fun of a black man who was killed at the hands of police during Black History Month takes things way too far.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

41 responses to Baton Rouge parade mocked black men killed by cops, portrayed Obama as pimp

  1. Larry Schmitt July 6th, 2016 at 17:43

    What makes people this hateful?

  2. Suzanne McFly July 6th, 2016 at 17:47

    I guess they didn’t get the memo that racism ended.

    • whatthe46 July 6th, 2016 at 18:11

      SCOTUS should remind them.

      • Suzanne McFly July 6th, 2016 at 19:36

        Well I would like them to show me how they came to that conclusion. Maybe they were reading Winnie the Pooh stories and thinking it was the local news? Did they say that with a straight face? How did no one not smack down this statement?

  3. StoneyCurtisll July 6th, 2016 at 17:55

    Key Word….

    • Larry Schmitt July 6th, 2016 at 17:57

      Louisiana doesn’t have a lock on racist displays.

      • Suzanne McFly July 6th, 2016 at 18:04

        I have never been there but I am surprised something like this can happen. I thought it was a very diverse area, Louisiana may not have a lock on it, but they sure let these displays to go on without any reaction.

        • Mike July 6th, 2016 at 19:07

          The south is the south and even with a lot of transplanted northerners (like me) it’s still the south…
          Obviously I speak only for myself, but here in Fl overt racism is the norm.

        • burqa July 6th, 2016 at 20:05

          It’s what happens when a parade is held that celebrates bad taste and tries to be gross and offensive.

          • Suzanne McFly July 6th, 2016 at 20:55

            I guess I have a different definition of gross and offensive. Being that is a parade, I would think they would be playful and funny with it.

        • Candide Gunn July 7th, 2016 at 02:38

          They are making fun of the people who actually think that way, they are making fun of republicans mostly…It is right outside of LSU and most of the people I know who live there work at LSU or attend LSU and most of them are extremely liberal.

          There are other parades like that in the country, where the point is to make fun of the stupid, the corrupt, the greedy. Mummer’s Parade,

          Krewe du Vieux, Salt Lake Acting Company, and many more Lampoon parades.

          • whatthe46 July 7th, 2016 at 03:05

            “They are making fun of the people who actually think that way, they are making fun of republicans mostly..” are you excusing this? is that what i’m reading from your post? how in the flying monkey fk’s are they making fun of racist by cheering racism? or am i missing something?

            • Candide Gunn July 7th, 2016 at 03:20

              Have you ever seen South Park? Have you heard of the play, Book of Mormon? Do you really think that South Park is anti-gay or cheers making fun of handicapped people? Do you really think that play is trying to excuse the Mormons for being racist and anti-gay?

              Have you ever seen National Lampoon anything? Do you think that they were suggesting that dragging the dog behind the car was a good thing?

              Mitt Romney actually did put the dog on the top of the car and drive to Canada so it was in the parade…do you really think that they were cheering animal abuse? The rednecks actually posts those pictures of Obama on their Facebook pages…so who are they making fun of, Obama or the people who post such trash?

              • whatthe46 July 7th, 2016 at 03:28

                mitt romney putting a dog on top of a car is one thing. they weren’t cheering animal abuse, they were laughing at the fact that romney was a damn idiot. FUCKIN’ THINKING IT’S HILARIOUS to mock the death of a murdered human being or presenting our President as a damn PIMP on a fuckin’ float is not even in the same realm of reality. A PARADE! your FB post is one thing, to allow the disrespect of murdered women, men or children of color is about as disfuckinggusting as one can get. and if you think, it was nothing, then you have some self esteem issues you need to attend to.
                “The rednecks actually posts those pictures of Obama on their Facebook
                pages…so who are they making fun of, Obama or the people who post such
                trash?” let me seriously ask you something ok? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID OR JUST PLAY ONE ON THE INTERNET?

          • Suzanne McFly July 7th, 2016 at 10:34

            Thank you for sharing that information. Seeing all those people taking part in this “parade” displaying hate is deeply troubling if it isn’t making fun of racists.

      • StoneyCurtisll July 6th, 2016 at 18:08

        I know…;(..
        And I apologize to my friends from down south…(I get carried away sometimes)

    • burqa July 6th, 2016 at 20:21

      Racism is expressed to a greater degree outside Dixie. Scroll down for my “silencer post.”
      For all my life the Left has led the way in opposing stereotypes and we should not harbor bigoted, false stereotypes directed at any region, including the South.
      How about we get to where the Right has a monopoly on bigotry?

  4. amersham1046 July 6th, 2016 at 18:24

    Americans show no respect for themselves , why show other nations show America any respect

  5. burqa July 6th, 2016 at 19:46

    Um, no, Alan, the parade did not mock black men killed by cops. Apparently 2 floats did, though.
    This is the kind of thing one gets when the theme of the parade is a celebration of bad taste – hence the pink flamingo logo. The unofficial motto is “bad taste is better than no taste.”
    Anything and everything gets mocked. Offensive satire, decadence and debauchery are the name of the game. It’s a failure if no one gets pissed off or grossed out.
    So the whole idea is to be offensive – like displaying Confederate battle flags done up in rainbow colors with pink flamingos where the stars ordinarily go.
    It’s not the sort of thing I would attend.
    But it is the sort of thing Alan has defended for many years when the topic was free speech.

    I, of course, am appropriately outraged.

  6. Snick1946 July 6th, 2016 at 19:57

    I live in Nebraska. Last year the city of Fremont had a festival with a parade. One of the floats depicted Obama, living in an outhouse. It was greeted with cheers and catcalls. Not many blacks live there but some complained to the media. The organization tried to claim it was not Obama, just ‘someone that looked like him.’

    I’m an older white guy. Sometimes I really hate that.

  7. Candide Gunn July 7th, 2016 at 02:24

    Slow news day? Spanish Town is the most diverse neighborhood in Baton Rouge, maybe the whole state and that parade is billed as “NOT family friendly” and everyone around here knows it. There are so many things wrong with Louisiana but a raunchy parade that was basically the first gay parade in Baton Rouge is not one of them.

    It is the South Park of parades and if you think that was bad, then you should have seen many of the other parades…the whole point is for it to be in bad taste because they are making fun of bad taste…they are making fun of bigots and the corrupt politicians and the racists and all the other people who actually think that way.

    “Spanish Town is a historic district anchored by Spanish Town Road in Baton Rouge, the capital city of the U.S. state of Louisiana. It is well-known for its annual Mardi Gras parade, which is the largest in Baton Rouge.

    Spanish Town was commissioned in 1805. Spanish Town holds the title
    of the oldest neighborhood in Baton Rouge and was added to the National Register of Historic Places
    in 1978. The community has gone through many developmental changes
    since its inception, and serves as a “living history” by hosting an
    assemblage of surviving structures ranging in date from 1823 to 1975.
    The oldest structure is the Pino House (built 1823).

    Home to a virtual hodgepodge of people hailing from many different social classes, this diverse community is home to artists, writers, musicians, actors, students, teachers, physicians, politicians, and attorneys. Spanish Town was at one time particularly renowned for possessing a higher-than-average proportion of gay residents, though this has waned over the years with urban gentrification. However, despite all of these differences, the neighborhood somehow manages to maintain a unique sense of community.

    Spanish Town annually hosts the largest Mardi Gras parade in Baton Rouge.”

    So anyone who groans and laughs at South Park will get the joke…everyone else has a stick up their ass.

    • robert July 7th, 2016 at 02:36

      I’ve been to BR many times It’s a religious town but friendly. Katrina hurricane was the turning point that I noticed,alot of people were bitter or felt abandoned by their gov It was hard to watch on TV and harder to relate what they went through I’m surprised jindal is still associated with Louisiana

      • Candide Gunn July 7th, 2016 at 02:59

        The new governor was not even sworn into office yet when the republican trash around here were blaming everything that Jindal did to this state on him.

        They blamed him for the huge hole Jindal left in the budget before the first day of of the legislature even began. They are all republicans so you can guess just how much progress will get done. Edwards is not very good, he is a religious nut and thinks it is ok to write religion into law but he is nowhere near as bad as the alternative…Diaper Dave Vitter (R)

        This state has no future, that is why we are moving.

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