Majority of LGBT+ people still hide identity

Posted by | June 23, 2016 07:35 | Filed under: Politics

Three-quarters of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people feel they need to lie about their gender or sexual identity, according to a survey commissioned by charity Pride in London, BBC reported. The survey polled over 1,000 people who identify as LGBT+, asking them questions about their private lives and how they are perceived in public.…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

One response to Majority of LGBT+ people still hide identity

  1. Robert M. Snyder June 23rd, 2016 at 12:27

    “Ten percent of LGBT+ respondents said they had been bullied at work for something relating to their gender, whereas only 2 percent of the British population gave the same answer.”

    On the other hand:

    “More than 90 percent of British children have been bullied or have witnessed someone being bullied due to their intelligence or talent, a survey by the U.K.-based Anti-Bullying Alliance has found.”

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