Right-wing host says club targeted for being unarmed, not for being gay

Posted by | June 14, 2016 15:41 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Florida radio host Joyce Kaufman insists that the Pulse was the target because patrons didn’t have guns.

“I don’t care if the guy was gay, I don’t care if his wife took him there, he launched an attack of terror against the patrons of the Pulse nightclub,” Kaufman said. “I don’t look at them as gay patrons, they are the patrons, they are fellow human beings. It could have been any nightclub in anywhere in any country. When you’re crazy like that, the last thing I think you’re concerned about is the gender preference of your victims. I just don’t believe it. I don’t think this was a hate crime, I think this was an act of terrorism, I think he knew he had a group of people who were in a gun-free zone and who don’t carry guns for the most part anyway … I don’t know any gay men who carry.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

15 responses to Right-wing host says club targeted for being unarmed, not for being gay

  1. granpa.usthai June 14th, 2016 at 16:05

    if the shooter were here today, I think he would totally disagree. From what’s been gathered so far, he definitely was gunning for gays, be they armed or not.

    JAI: (just added info)

    I don’t think the Military or agencies where required exempts gays from bearing arms?

  2. robert June 14th, 2016 at 16:06

    Sorry Joyce the supreme Court said we can’t walk around like wild west cowboys

  3. Buford2k11 June 14th, 2016 at 16:08

    So, what these wingers, NRA defenders, are all saying, is that the police force is either non-existant or incapable of protecting the citizenry of our nation…that is why everyone needs to be armed…so why are we wasting so much public money for police, when the NRA is claiming that they cannot protect and defend us? Hmmmmmm….

    • Dwendt44 June 14th, 2016 at 18:23

      Dodge City or Tombstone the cowboys had to turn in their guns to the sheriff when they entered town. Pick them up on the way out.
      Deputies could shoot anyone with a gun in the city.

  4. Larry Schmitt June 14th, 2016 at 16:28

    How would he have known that no one was armed? Does he carry a metal detector? Do gay people not use guns? This is what happens when stupid, crazy people have unchallenged access to a bully pulpit.

    • Hirightnow June 14th, 2016 at 18:31

      It was a “gun free zone”(Florida Statute 790.06.12(a)12), but the same laws also prohibit guns to be carried in a whole list of other places, including Elementary schools, Courthouses, Police stations, polling places, government facilities including “Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality, or special district”…we actually have some pretty loose gun laws here in Fl, that long list notwithstanding.
      That being said, I think taking bars off the list of gun-free zones would likely be a really bad ideal.

  5. Suzanne McFly June 14th, 2016 at 16:50

    There is no depth of knowledge in any of the comments coming from the right. They are such superficial thinkers and only rely on generalities and biases of groups of people. “I don’t know any gay men who carry”???????????? WTF?

  6. OldLefty June 14th, 2016 at 17:19

    Actually, I almost expect that when Obama has to address the nation on the next shooting he will say something like;

    “You know what??
    You all don’t REALLY care.

    If you didn’t do anything about 20 six year olds being gunned down in school… you clearly care more about your precious guns than any tragedy caused by these weapons of mass destruction.”

    And just walk out.

    This lady clearly could care less about the devastation done by her hand held death machines.

  7. labman57 June 14th, 2016 at 17:49

    These right wing talking heads have an agenda not supported by the facts, so when in doubt … make crap up. Their listeners will eagerly lap it up and drool all over themselves at the same time.

  8. amersham46 June 14th, 2016 at 18:38

    Every day I thought I had read the stupidest story yesterday , but these right wightnuts are able to totally amaze me at the depth of their ignorance , I am almost starting to fear for tomorrow

  9. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker June 14th, 2016 at 19:48

    Pretzel logic of a wingnut is an exercise in deliberate stupidity.

    • alpacadaddy June 14th, 2016 at 20:48

      I know, it’s that ‘willfully misinformed’ thing, and it’s only treatable if you value facts & reality, and dispose of random hatred & bigotry of those whose values differ from your own… how very sad!

  10. Mensa Member June 14th, 2016 at 21:01

    Do these conservatives do any fact-checking before they say stupid stuff?

    The club had an armed guard. They exchanged gunfire. It wasn’t a gun-free zone. This was widely reported.

  11. Warman1138 June 14th, 2016 at 22:16

    More deflection, there’ll be more of this.

  12. bpollen June 15th, 2016 at 05:17

    Aren’t these the same people who think their fellow gay citizens are forcing their gay agenda down their throat (there’s a dissertation waiting to happen in their fondness for that specific colloquialism…) and thinking that their fellow gay citizens having equal rights threatens their non-gay fellow citizens? If not, they are an incredible facsimile.

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