Piers Morgan: Ali far more racist than Trump

Posted by | June 5, 2016 15:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Piers Morgan was schooled on Twitter after trying to make the case that Muhammad Ali was more of a racist than Donald Trump.

Yes, Ali did make anti-white comments and referred to whites as the “enemy,” but there is a difference.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

31 responses to Piers Morgan: Ali far more racist than Trump

  1. whatthe46 June 5th, 2016 at 15:15

    piers is another sob that’s sucking up and has always been. he doesn’t know a damn thing about a damn thing.

  2. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker June 5th, 2016 at 15:19

    Said Piers Morgan the attention whore as he’s circling the toilet bowl.

  3. Tommie June 5th, 2016 at 15:33

    Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Whites in America didn’t have to go through what Blacks did but we are the racist one’s, lol!

  4. bpollen June 5th, 2016 at 15:39

    Thanks, Great Britain. Maybe we can send you Hannity as payment for Piers.

    A kind of idiot exchange program, eh what?

    • Larry Schmitt June 5th, 2016 at 15:42

      Whether he’s here or there, some useless cable channel will pick him up. But we don’t have to watch him.

    • StoneyCurtisll June 5th, 2016 at 15:43

      Right On~!

  5. whatthe46 June 5th, 2016 at 15:40

    strange when white people to this day and all over the world, love Ali. same can’t be said about white or non-white people all over this world about tRump right piercey boy. even the UK is talking about banning tRump from the country.

  6. StoneyCurtisll June 5th, 2016 at 15:43

    Fugg Piers Morgan..
    Send that fop back to England were he belongs..

  7. granpa.usthai June 5th, 2016 at 15:56

    deere piers,

    nobody is saying the little insecure money-grubber cannot be racist or make racist remarks.

    it’s just that a lot of US are saying we don’t want a POTUS that does.

    but thanks for pointing it out –

    makes VOTING for Hillary a lot more FUN!

  8. allison1050 June 5th, 2016 at 16:16

    Piers who?

  9. burqa June 5th, 2016 at 16:22

    There is an important lesson here that has either been forgotten or never learned by many on the Left and Right.
    Since we’re seeing it mainly from the Right this time, it may be easier to learn.

    Piers Morgan and a number of others are making sure everyone knows they have barbaric manners. I’m sure Morgan farts in elevators, uses foul language around children and ladies, and eats mashed potatoes with his hands, too.

    Good grief, I learned this one when I was a kid.
    When someone dies, you cut his or her kin and loved ones some slack. It’s a horrible thing to go through, to have your world turned upside down and have to face the prospect of never seeing this person again.
    It’s just plain rotten manners to speak ill of the recently departed.
    It’s a rotten trick to take advantage of those in mourning by deciding the thing to do is to plunge the grief-stricken into a no holds barred debate.
    I happen to think they should be treated more kindly than that.

    When someone dies, it is not the time to bring up old debates or issues, nor is it the time to bring up all their faults. Even when it is a celebrity, we do not have to be objective in remembering their life. There is plenty of time for that later on.
    When someone dies, the appropriate thing to do is remember what was good about them and focus on those things. If negative things come to mind it is better to just keep silent.
    When I die, I sure as hell don’t want people arguing and debating and bringing up the crappy things I did in my life.
    I don’t want that for any of my loved ones.
    The lesson “do unto others” becomes more valuable daily, and this is an example.
    If I don’t want that for me or my loved ones, then I don’t want it for strangers, either.
    That includes people I do not care for, including politicians or other celebrities.

    We on the Left can learn this lesson and see to it that the Right has a monopoly on horrid manners if we refuse to participate in this kind of thing when a figure identified on the Right dies.
    We see clearly how awful that behavior is, now, so let us learn the lesson and in the future not copy the kind of behavior that is so abhorrent to us today.
    Then, let us do what we can to teach younger generations how to behave properly when someone dies..

    • Comicus June 5th, 2016 at 17:13

      What a load of tripe.

      • burqa June 5th, 2016 at 18:10

        You chose to engage, but in so doing conceded every point I made.
        By the rules of debate, you just conceded and victory is mine.

        Go ahead and follow me around if that’s your game.
        I don’t mind.
        The lead sled dog has the best view and breathes the freshest air.
        The dog behind him (in this case, you) has an unsavory view and is forced to breath whatever vapors emerge from the rear of the lead dog, which is located inches from the nose of the one following.
        If I tire of the stalking, I shall merely snap my finger and you shall be gone.

        By the way, I had Mexican earlier and may be experiencing some intestinal distress……..so you may not want to follow too closely….

        • Comicus June 5th, 2016 at 22:37

          Here are the rules of debate: http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/debate1.htm

          Your dog flatulence fantasy is non sequitur and merits no response.

        • Lyndia June 6th, 2016 at 01:03

          I wish I could be as nice as you. I have had relatives that died and I was happy when they passed, and I hope they are burning in hell. Not many good things I can say about them. They tried to DESTROY me and my children. Again, I wish I could be as nice as you.

          • burqa June 6th, 2016 at 18:59

            It’s not hard.
            Let your words and actions reflect you and not them.
            Show how classy and well-mannered you are. By doing so, you establish and magnify the contrast between you and them, which is actually a way of attacking them.
            Do you want the world to see that this other person has been successful or unsuccessful in dragging you down, making you bitter and less of who you could have been?

            I am not saying we should never say anything negative about someone who has died.
            I am speaking of the period after their death, and I have no idea how long such a moratorium should last.

            It may be easier to understand this when the person who has died is someone we favor, like Muhammad Ali. Just look at how awful it is for people to come piling in the way they are. It’s just gauche.
            We should not do the same when someone we do not care for dies. I think copying bad behavior is a bad idea, but copying good behavior is a good idea. Do you agree, Lyndia?

            Lyndia, I’ll bet if we hung out in a cafe it would be apparent that you are every bit as nice as I, if not nicer.
            Stand tall, ma’am. Keep your dignity and teach your children to do the same.

      • Mensa Member June 5th, 2016 at 19:42

        >> What a load of tripe.

        No! _You_ are! Times a thousand!

    • Robert M. Snyder June 5th, 2016 at 20:23

      “When someone dies, the appropriate thing to do is remember what was good about them and focus on those things.”

      Agree with everything you wrote. And I think Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsberg would also agree. She said some very nice things about her “best buddy” Antonin Scalia when he died.


      • burqa June 5th, 2016 at 21:24

        It’s just good manners.
        It’s amazing to me how, on an almost daily basis, I am reminded of that wonderful rule, so easy to say and learn, but so hard to practice:
        “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

        People forget that good manners are not just something pleasant to do. They serve an important role in society. Good manners are the lubricant of social intercourse. They make it possible for people of widely different views to get along peacefully.

        Today we see a number of awful, ill-mannered people making asses of themselves because they don’t know how to react to the death of someone.
        We should make sure we do not copy their mistake when someone on the Right dies.

        • Robert M. Snyder June 5th, 2016 at 22:41

          Yep. And the neat thing about Ginsberg is that she wasn’t just nice to Scalia at the moment of his death. They were consistently nice to each other, and truly enjoyed spending time together, despite having polar opposite opinions on many important issues.

          Ginsberg credited Scalia with helping her to strengthen her arguments by pointing out weaknesses in her logic. I have read that JFK surrounded himself with smart people who would challenge him and challenge each other. It might feel good to be surrounded by “yes men” and “yes women”, but in order to learn and grow, we need to be challenged by worthy adversaries. That’s the kind of relationship that Ginsberg and Scalia had. Each one made the other stronger.

          • burqa June 6th, 2016 at 18:37

            Scalia took her shooting, too.
            Good point on having cabinet members and debate within an administration versus a bunch of toadies.
            The president, by the nature of the position i isolated.
            We should not fear to have our ideas tried in the crucible of debate.
            There once was a time when this website had rich debate that explored issues in depth to a far greater degree than what we see now, when so much of the time people talk past each other.
            Back then, conservatives were welcome as long as they behaved themselves and kept to the topic the way the rest of us did.

            This site showed beautifully how, when the debate is civil and users stick to the topic and make logical, well-reasoned arguments, that the positions frequently taken by liberals shine brightest.
            Some conservatives would keep it on a higher plane, but then others would try to change the subject, get nasty or make personal attacks. Over time they were allowed more and more to get away with this as more liberals began doing the same thing and the quality of content began declining.

            As I posted previously, when a new user would show up full of piss and vinegar, they would be told politely, “That’s how they do it elsewhere, but it’s not how we do it here.” The most frequent reaction was a sigh of relief. It could take some getting used to, II tell ya.
            Nearly everyone would go along and keep it civil, but there was one guy on the Left who would never do so. Using the screen name “RockytheLiberalRottweiler,” he would scream, “Die, Nazi scum!” at everyone who was not on the far left of the spectrum. He may still post on Alan’s FB page as Rocky.
            Users on the Left and Right rejected the kind of talk coming from this guy and we managed to work around him till he finally got banned.

  10. Tommie June 5th, 2016 at 18:37

    Mr. Morgan is an idiot, he seems to forget how we were treating since this countries beginnings and how even the KKK stand with Trump!

  11. Mensa Member June 5th, 2016 at 19:51

    I’m a bleeding heard liberal and am fine with the Muslims.

    But even I am uncomfortable with the “white devil” rhetoric of the Nation of Islam. (As, I should add, are some black people.)

    But that was 50 years ago! Has anyone heard Ali say anti-white things recently?

    Trump’s racism is now.

  12. Chris June 5th, 2016 at 22:11

    Piers, how can we miss you if you never go away?

  13. Charlie Seivard June 6th, 2016 at 09:32

    And who cares what you say on any topic?

  14. Mike June 6th, 2016 at 09:56

    Spoken like a true child of white privilege …
    Back in the day, people of color were supposed to completely forgive the years of systemic racism, brutality, and violence, we suffered for generations since the civil rights act passed and racism was declared dead… Those that refused were labeled anti-white racists … Ali, Dr King, Farrakan, etc

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