Nye explains why he challenges climate change deniers

Posted by | May 20, 2016 14:57 | Filed under: Planet Politics

Has something to do with science.

The ocean is warming and expanding. This effect alone will displace millions of people. The effects on agriculture, water supplies, and weather patterns will create a great many problems for a great many of us. By my reckoning, our delay, and the reluctance of conservative presidential candidates to embrace the problem and discuss it is a result of the diligent effort of a handful of climate change deniers. They have been especially successful at introducing the idea that routine predictive uncertainty, e.g. plus or minus two percent, is somehow the same as plus or minus one hundred percent. It isn’t, and the deniers are wrong. Since the presentation of the facts and science concerning global warming and climate change have been heretofore insufficient to motivate enough of us voters, I am now challenging the deniers directly.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

10 responses to Nye explains why he challenges climate change deniers

  1. dewired4u May 20th, 2016 at 15:43

    Give em hell Bill

  2. anothertoothpick May 20th, 2016 at 15:58

    Republicans and conservatives suck and should not be listened to, and will make everything worse. If you’re a Republican or a conservative, it doesn’t matter what you say because, if it comes out of your mouth, it’s wrong.

  3. 17 May 20th, 2016 at 16:53

    Science is a funny thing, don’t you think? Some of the same people who trust science to show that the Earth is warming will also deny the science that shows that the events of 9/11 can’t possibly have happened the way the official government reports say they did. Some of the same people who’ll tell you that science proves that the Earth revolves around the sun will also deny that science proves that Adam Lanza couldn’t possibly have performed the amazing feats he’s accused of at Sandy Hook Elementary per the official report.

    Either you believe in and trust in science or you don’t. Funny thing, that.

    • Comicus May 20th, 2016 at 21:26

      You don’t know how science works. I don’t ‘believe’ in science. I believe in the scientific method. I believe the facts science has revealed through the thorough gathering and examination of evidence and testing thereof by repeatable and independently verifiable experimentation. I don’t ‘trust’ science either, except in the sense of “trust, but verify.”

      • 17 May 20th, 2016 at 21:40

        I’ll admit to perhaps poor wording, but did I get my point across? I’m not really good with wording. I try, but sometimes my sh*t comes out scrambled.

    • Glen May 21st, 2016 at 08:39

      The problem, here, is that you think that “science” is a monolithic system. Scientific evidence has been extensively collected, all of which indicates that the earth is warming.

      On the other hand, it is individuals calling themselves “scientists” who are asserting that those other things couldn’t happen, with no real evidence to back it up, and claims that don’t hold up under scrutiny. For instance, you will hear people claim that burning jet fuel couldn’t melt the supports… but it doesn’t need to melt it, just compromise the integrity of it. Extensive experimental and theoretical investigations have repeatedly found that the behaviour seen is exactly what one would expect.

      In short, the problem is that you assume that “science” means “using scientific terminology” rather than “using the scientific method”. Incidentally, the scientific method is predicated on looking for evidence contradicting your belief – the people you listen to, making claims about 9/11 and Sandy Hook, do the opposite – they look for evidence supporting their beliefs, and reject anything that contradicts it. That is not science, it’s faith.

  4. spacegod May 20th, 2016 at 17:41

    Okay, sure the ocean is warming and expanding.
    But the tide goes in and goes out.
    Can anybody explain that?

    • 17 May 20th, 2016 at 18:36

      The Maytag Repairman can. ;)

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    • fahvel May 21st, 2016 at 04:09

      drop your pants, bend down at the waist, face a mirror backwards and, voila, the moon!!!!!

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