Two shot by accident at graduation by carrier of concealed gun

Posted by | May 16, 2016 07:32 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly

A man with a concealed carry permit was adjusting his sock when his gun went off by accident.

Augusta Police Chief Tyler Brewer called it a “knucklehead situation.” The bullet went through the man’s foot, traveled 50 feet and hit a woman in the calf. The woman was treated and released and the man is hospitalized with non life-threatening injuries. Brewer said he’ll present the case to prosecutors because it’s illegal to have a gun on school grounds.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

26 responses to Two shot by accident at graduation by carrier of concealed gun

  1. Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 07:52

    Why do so many of these people feel the absolute need to carry a loaded gun EVERYWHERE? It’s worse than being hooked on your smartphone. At least with your phone, the only person you can hurt is yourself when you step into a manhole.

    • 80HD May 16th, 2016 at 07:53

      Unless your driving.

      • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:26

        True, I was thinking of distracted walking.

  2. whatthe46 May 16th, 2016 at 08:12

    jail time and loss of weapons period. oh, and sue the dumbass.

    • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:26

      Definitely a lawsuit. Somehow these people never seem to be charged.

  3. Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 08:23

    What kind of graduation ceremonies did this guy go to before that made him think he should bring a gun to this one?

    • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:27

      Gun State University? Remington Tech?

      • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 08:30

        Ooooh see, now that I have that information it all makes sense now lol.

  4. mea_mark May 16th, 2016 at 08:27

    I want to know when people started carrying guns in socks instead of holsters? Was he trying to make his gun look bigger or something with a sock?

    • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 08:30

      You know what they say about big socks……lol, I have no idea.

    • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:33

      Off topic, but that reminds me of AF basic training, in ’71, almost everyone smoked, and the problem was where to carry your cigarette pack. Shirt pocket was out, it created a bulge, ruined your profile. Pants pocket, same thing. The exchange sold a “holster” designed to strap around your leg just above your ankle, just the right size for a pack of smokes. Problem solved.

      • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 08:40

        Gotta love the Exchange, always helping young people in the military with there unhealthy habits lol.

        • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:43

          On the first day, one of the first things they did was pay us a small advance of $75. The next thing they did was march us to the Exchange, to spend most of it on mandatory purchases. Had $5-$10 left. Didn’t matter, nothing to spend it on anyway.

          • causeican May 16th, 2016 at 08:53

            My favorite was having to pay for that buzz cut at the base barbershop.

            • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 08:57

              At least we didn’t have to tip them.

            • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 09:25

              I am happy to say, I never had to get a buzz cut.

          • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 09:20

            In boot camp we went to the Exchange with a few bucks in our pockets but we really couldn’t buy much since we were in boot camp. Anyway, I bought baby powder and gum, I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning, I was sooooo happy I could smell nice with my powder and chew something with flavor, my gum.

            • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 09:54

              Closest we got to baby powder was Desenex, for athlete’s foot. Does that count? It was a men’s unit, after all. I don’t think gum was allowed.

              • Suzanne McFly May 16th, 2016 at 14:22

                No, it was shower to shower. I normally don’t use powder, but I did in boot camp, I hated smelling like the barracks. I had to sneak the gum, I only chewed it at night for a couple of minutes then threw it away lol.

      • CHOCOL8MILK May 16th, 2016 at 10:39

        Damn, you old timers had all the fun. There are strict rules against smoking on AF bases, and they used to have designated smoking areas (50 feet away from a building). Most AF bases (as of 2002) started to phased out smoking areas in favor of zero tolerance on smoking.

        • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 10:45

          At one time the military hospitals, including VA, would receive truckloads of free cartons of cigarettes from the tobacco companies, and the patients actually smoked in their beds. Hard to believe now. The trainee who didn’t smoke was rare. But they didn’t have to “police the grounds” for butts, including “field stripping.” With non-filters, you had nothing left to throw away, you just let the paper float off. But with filters, you still had to dispose of it. No butt cans, for some reason.

          • CHOCOL8MILK May 16th, 2016 at 10:54

            I used to work with a few GS’s and they would share stories about their time when on active duty AF in the 70’s/80’s. The things they told me about how things were and what they did was jaw dropping. Such as smoking on the flightline and having a beer truck do rounds. Things were a lot lax/casual back then.

            • Larry Schmitt May 16th, 2016 at 10:58

              I was at the busiest flight training base, Williams AFB, in the 70’s, and I never heard about a beer truck. Smoking on the flight line wouldn’t surprise me.

              • CHOCOL8MILK May 16th, 2016 at 11:10

                Yea, they had one at Dover AFB. It’s just too funny.

  5. amersham46 May 16th, 2016 at 17:38

    They should all be required to wear a bright orange armband marked with A&S , armed and stupid

  6. bpollen May 17th, 2016 at 00:47

    No, this isn’t a gun issue. This is an issue of idiots having to easy access to guns. But we can’t do anything about it until we cure stupidity. And Republicans won’t vote to eliminate their base so there won’t be any funding to discover that cure…

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