Two different positions on taxing the rich just hours apart

Posted by | May 9, 2016 13:36 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Donald Trump says one thing in one interview, and then bemoans being misunderstood by the media, which he uses as an excuse to change positions.

On Sunday, speaking with ABC’s “This Week,” Trump insisted that although analyses show that the detailed tax plan he released earlier in the campaign cycle would give the wealthy an enormous tax break, overwhelming the relief he would give to the poor and middle class, that that’s not what the final outcome will be. Instead, he insisted, the rich will pay more in taxes under President Trump.

“They will go up a little bit,” he said of the taxes paid by the wealthy. “In my plan they’re going down, but by the time it’s negotiated they’ll go up.”

…Yet the very next morning he had changed that stance. In an interview Monday morning with CNN, Trump insisted that his position had been “misrepresented” by reports saying he wants to increase taxes on the rich.

“Everybody’s getting a tax cut, especially the middle class. I said I may have to increase it on the wealthy,” he said. “If I increase it on the wealthy, that means they’re still going to be paying less than they’re paying now. I’m not talking about increasing from this point, I’m talking about increasing from my tax proposal.” He concluded by saying the wealthy “will be getting a reduction.”

That statement doesn’t just contradict what he said the day before, but what he’s said of his own plan in the past. In a debate in April, he said that under his plan, “The very rich are going to end up probably paying more.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to Two different positions on taxing the rich just hours apart

  1. Suzanne McFly May 9th, 2016 at 13:42

    So I believe this is just proof that rump loves waffles because he is always waffling.

  2. granpa.usthai May 9th, 2016 at 13:45

    ah, the standard GOP everything goes to the rich because they are rich and know how to be rich and the taxes that the workers pay will eventually trickle back down to them.

    36 years and waiting – America.

  3. Larry Schmitt May 9th, 2016 at 14:07

    He even sounds like an idiot when he argues with himself. And he claims to be giving everyone a tax cut, but he will still pay off the entire debt in eight years. That’s a physical impossibility. Just like a tRump presidency.

  4. Foundryman May 9th, 2016 at 14:19

    Imagine Manafort chewing Trumps ass for being an idiot and saying something stupid again right after that early morning interview. Then makes him memorize another position to ‘clarify’ what he meant…
    Trump style of leadership 101. He’s been saying all along he will put the ‘best’ people all around him to fix his f***ups. This is as good as it gets for the Trump team.

  5. alpacadaddy May 9th, 2016 at 15:27

    Herr Drumpf contradicts himself so often that it’s making me dizzy! (as well as nauseous!)

  6. DogsRgoodpeople May 9th, 2016 at 16:04

    ok, i get that the collective electorate memory sucks. they/we will go out and vote for a candidate that blatantly lied to us last election cycle.
    but the same freaking day ,over and over ? is this for real ? he’s got a base that doesn’t care he is a blatant pathological liar ?

  7. bpollen May 10th, 2016 at 05:17

    He’s like a weather vane on the spin cycle.

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