Sorry, your dog hates being hugged

Posted by | April 27, 2016 06:50 | Filed under: Planet

For many pet owners, a cuddle with their pooch on the sofa can be a good way to relieve stress at the end of a long hard day. Unfortunately, those snuggles don’t seem to have the same positive impact on dogs. A recent article published by Psychology Today found that, in the majority of cases, hugs…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

9 responses to Sorry, your dog hates being hugged

  1. Suzanne McFly April 27th, 2016 at 07:10

    Dogs do love to be hugged, but not forced. Sometimes just to play around, I would come up from behind and grab one of my puppies and hug them, but it would surprise them and they would jump out of it and turn around then we would play. No one likes to be grabbed and held without expecting it, but I have had puppies come up to me and put there head on my shoulder wanting to be hugged. They love to be hugged, this story is false.

    • DogsRgoodpeople April 27th, 2016 at 08:43

      Of course. Some dogs want that type of affection ,especially from their owners. I approach mine slowly for that type of affection, she loves it and I love feeling the warmth radiating from her. The conclusions put forth in the story are as you say,false.

  2. clemans April 27th, 2016 at 08:39

    I have three dogs, all cockier spaniels. One likes to be hugged whenever they are dirty, wet, and smell, one is happy being petted, and the other one likes being held and wants to be a lap dog. There are a lot of variables in this, maybe some dogs don’t like being hugged, maybe some brands don’t. maybe some dogs don’t like being observed like lab specimens.

  3. Mensa Member April 27th, 2016 at 09:47

    I refuse to do what my dog really wants.

  4. oldfart April 27th, 2016 at 11:09

    I can relate to that…I tend to feel “stressed out and anxious, rather than warm and fuzzy” when a dog is humping my leg….
    I think that like people, some dogs may simply not be “huggers”.

  5. CandideThirtythree April 27th, 2016 at 12:51

    Dogs hug people all the time, that pushing or leaning against you really hard is a dog hug and they only do it to people they like. If dogs didn’t want people touching them, they would not be climbing all over you, putting themselves in the position to be hugged and demanding attention.

    Some dogs might not like being touched, maybe they were abused at some point but they would not keep getting in your lap if they really didn’t want to be hugged, they are not stupid, they learn very quickly to avoid things they do not like…like bathtubs.

  6. fahvel April 27th, 2016 at 14:37

    being a retired animal behaviorist and ethologist, let me suggest tat it might depend on the breed of dog – some – hell, most – breeds have been bred to the point of non existance, so hug them. Don’t try it with a k9 that has some residual dog left –

    • Gina Bousquet April 27th, 2016 at 19:30

      :) Love Ethology. Studied it in graduation.

  7. Gina Bousquet April 27th, 2016 at 17:56

    Our dog will jump on us and stand on two legs waiting to be caught in a hug. She does it all the time, and if you comply she licks your face thoroughly. Yes, she can be a bit too much… :0

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