McDonald’s: Wage hikes helping us

Posted by | April 5, 2016 11:09 | Filed under: Economy Good News Politics

McDonald’s increased wages is helping the restaurant chain.

“It has done what we expected it to — 90 day turnover rates are down, our survey scores are up — we have more staff in restaurants,” McDonald’s U.S. president Mike Andres told analysts at a UBS conference on Wednesday. “So far we’re pleased with it — it was a significant investment obviously but it’s working well.” In October, McDonald’s reported its first quarter of comparable sales gains in two years. The company built on that growth with a huge 5.7% increase in the following quarter.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to McDonald’s: Wage hikes helping us

  1. eyelashviper April 5th, 2016 at 12:06

    Well gee, isn’t that a shocker…pay people well and they might like their jobs more, will feel invested and work harder…whoda thunk it?

    • Larry Schmitt April 5th, 2016 at 13:52

      But listen to the Chamber of Commerce (in the pockets of business owners) and there will be layoffs all over, small businesses folding, higher unemployment. We’ve had this fight already.

  2. Jimmy Fleck April 5th, 2016 at 16:12

    As a private employer McDonald’s should be free to offer whatever wage they wish to employees. Potential employees are also free to accept that wage or not. I don’t see where the government should insert itself into this relationship. The employee should have control over their own body as the saying goes.

    • Richard Banville April 5th, 2016 at 16:26

      There is a power imbalance. Without a minimum wage, employers would be able to set ridiculously low starvation wages, and desperate unskilled employees would have no choice but to accept them.
      The free market, left to its own devices, produces distortions and inequalities that are unacceptable in a decent society. Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” isn’t always benign. Sometimes it slaps you in the face or gives you the finger. Government of the people, for the people, by the people can act to correct the grievous imbalances created by laissez-faire capitalism.
      This is the problem with the right-wing free-market fundamentalists: they have a quasi-religious faith in the power of the free market, without acknowledging that any economic system is a human creation and therefore subject to human failings. Government regulation such as a fair minimum wage can act as a safety valve to adjust some of the roller-coaster outcomes of the unfettered free market.

    • clemans April 5th, 2016 at 19:38

      well, aren’t they saying it was good for the company? And it is the law.

      I used to help run a small business and usually shop in them now. I have talked to small business owners in states from Maine to CA. I have asked them all what do they most need to be successful. They have all responded with some version of customers with cash to spend.

  3. Tim Coolio April 5th, 2016 at 21:44

    More rightwing lies bite the dust, paying people less so more money can be concentrated to the top crashes and burns the economy every time.

  4. Mensa Member April 6th, 2016 at 09:38

    When your customers are predominately low-income, of course a raise in the minimum wage is going to help your business.

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