Kasich refuses to to say if doctors should be punished for performing abortions

Posted by | April 3, 2016 13:54 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

He says the states should decide, but still won’t take a position, even though he is a governor.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So but if — if you believe that abortion is taking of an innocent life, how would you enforce a ban on that activity?

KASICH: Well, that will be up to the states to figure out what they want to do. And, you know, obviously, when we have seen these comments that have come out earlier this week, it’s the first time I’ve seen the pro-life and the pro-choice people come together to say, you know, that we’ll have to basically work this out and trying to punish a woman would not be the appropriate way to behave.

And I think it’s going to take people, in a reasonable way, working through it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But why isn’t it appropriate? If you believe that abortion is the taking of innocent life, why shouldn’t a woman who makes the choice to take that life face some kind of punishment or sanctions?

KASICH: Because I think it’s difficult on her to begin with, that’s the way I feel about it, George. And that’s the end of it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Even if it follows that a woman is making the choice to take a life?

KASICH: Look, I’ve said what I have to say about the subject, George. You know how I have behaved both as a legislator and as a governor, and I would like to have those exceptions. I would like to leave it to those exceptions. And it’ll be up to the states to decide how they want to handle this.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you believe doctors who perform abortions should be punished?

KASICH: We’re going to leave this up to the states to work this out the way they want to, George.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, you’re not going to take any position on doctors facing punishment?

KASICH: Right now — let me just put to you, this way I’m not. Today I’m not. I’ve just told you how I feel about it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So, if you’re still governor of Ohio, what would you seek to do?

KASICH: Work with the legislature to figure out is a good consensus to do. In Ohio, we have made sure that we have transfer agreements. These are things that we have done. And I’ve been very careful about making sure that we don’t pass something that’s going to cause a constitutional conflict, which is I think what you were referring to so that the restrictions that we put in place are going to be fine. And I think we’ve behaved there and conducted ourselves appropriately.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to Kasich refuses to to say if doctors should be punished for performing abortions

  1. whatthe46 April 3rd, 2016 at 14:10

    these people make me sick.

  2. KABoink_after_wingnut_hacker April 3rd, 2016 at 14:10

    The anti-choice and forced birthers have been very clear on the hate and violence they want to befall anyone involved in legal reproductive healthcare.
    They murder and shame despite our nations laws.

  3. Suzanne McFly April 3rd, 2016 at 14:16

    Well they have gone so far right, their whistle calls no longer work. They are at the point where they have to clearly state what they would do in this situation without sugar coating it. Where else could they have gone in regards to the punishment if abortions are made illegal? Who did the supporters of this idea believe would be locked up if it ever became illegal? This is the right wing, this is their politics, this is what the republicans have let happen when they accepted to tea party group into their party.

  4. bpollen April 3rd, 2016 at 15:10

    This kind of answer is the inspiration for his new ad campaign:

  5. mistlesuede April 3rd, 2016 at 15:18

    As Hillary pointed out the night that Drumpf exposed the real opinion of the GOTP, “they all have the same ideas. It’s just that one puts them out there in a bombastic way.”
    It doesn’t matter which of three GOP candidates you are talking about, they all want to overturn Roe vs Wade and are working incrementally at the state level now to do so.

  6. Aquarius 1027 April 3rd, 2016 at 15:38

    Kasich is a coward, hiding behind the phrase “leave it to the states” to determine the consequences for his “Well, I hope they do repeal Roe-V-Wade.”

    In Ohio, Kasich has enacted 18 anti-abortion laws. And over half of the abortion clinics in Ohio have been closed due those laws. – He refuses to admit that he is already punishing women as well as their physicians with callous and unnecessary restrictions to abortions.

    Women in this nation will NOT return to the days before Roe-V-Wade. – At both the state and federal level, a significant majority of women are NOT going to vote for any of these misogynistic GOP extremists.

  7. Mensa Member April 3rd, 2016 at 16:14

    Every Republican should be asked these two questions;

    1) Is abortion murder?
    2) Should murderers get the death penalty?

    For years, it’s driven me crazy that the “liberal” press won’t cover this radical position in the RNC platform.

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