U.S. to reveal death toll of drone strikes for first time

Posted by | March 7, 2016 16:05 | Filed under: War & Peace

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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12 responses to U.S. to reveal death toll of drone strikes for first time

  1. robert March 7th, 2016 at 16:33

    i take it our cyber marksmanship isn’t anything to brag about

    • Buford2k11 March 7th, 2016 at 19:48

      I am sorry, but I have to say something about this cartoon and comment…I will not argue the Drone War policy…not here not now…but I HAVE to defend these folks who are doing the Nation’s will…they are our Military doing their Jobs…they are flying these things at the behest of our civilian leaders….republicans seem to shy away from the hard choices, and the reality of the mess they have created…but to say anything negative about the Bravery, or the Commitment to our Country by our sons and daughters who volunteered to ask “what can they do for our Country” would be a republican thing to say…It doesn’t matter if they are on the ground in Iraq, or in Afganistan….they are doing what We have asked them to do…and we still cannot keep our promise to our Vets because of republican opposition in congress…you need to retarget your anger to the proper targets who are the Obstructionist and Cowardly Congress…

      • Comicus March 7th, 2016 at 21:09

        I’m treading close to Godwin’s border when I point out that historical precedent does not bode well for those who justify their actions with the “just following orders” excuse.

        • Buford2k11 March 8th, 2016 at 07:29

          not what I am saying….our forces are following lawful orders…I may not like it, but they are…they are doing a difficult job, under difficult conditions…the suicide rate is high among these folks…they don’t like it either, but they are doing their job…Until the civilian leadership changes it…this it what we have…

          • Comicus March 10th, 2016 at 00:17

            That is exactly what you’re saying.

      • robert March 7th, 2016 at 21:15

        based on what Ive seen over the years during the air assault Im not impressed with the direction this is going, as a matter of fact if i truly wanted a correct answer I can think of a couple Dems and at least one gop who recently or are currently ran for president who stand by their words by saying we shouldn’t be fighting this war. The drones almost spells it out to our enemy that a declared war is out of the question too

        • Buford2k11 March 8th, 2016 at 07:25

          this is where I was saying…the Drone War…as it is…good bad or ugly it is what it is…we are doing it…we the people have agreed to the drone war…I was not arguing the Drone War, just those folks who are fighting it in OUR NAME…..if ya don’t like the drone war, vote…against the warmongers…write emails, letters to your representatives…but don’t attack those who are doing their duty to our Nation…

          • robert March 8th, 2016 at 18:44

            i guess your right If one gets up and walks away from the joy stick there might be others who will take over. does this mean im going to support the intentional kills with the innocent ?

            dont hold your breath Im standing with those who are insisting we shouldn’t be there at all, the trouble is some on the gop side dont want to be counted so that means you cant write to them either

      • fahvel March 8th, 2016 at 02:59

        none of these boys and girls who volunteered thought about dying or being blown apart or the bs patriotism – maybe a job with no future – to join is to support war and death and terror –

        • Buford2k11 March 8th, 2016 at 07:19

          I disagree…these kids are doing their Civic duty, in one of the ways offered…it is our civilian leaders who support war and death and terror…not so much these kids…they are doing their part in the defense of our nation…blame the folks who started this mess, and who continue it…not those in uniform who are only doing what We tell them to do…the republican party is mostly responsible for our wars, with the complicity of some of our democrats…there is where you should direct your anger….not at our professional war fighters….we do need them, and from what I gather from your comment, you wouldn’t have any compunction to use them to protect you, if you were in danger…

  2. Mike March 7th, 2016 at 17:51

    There is something eerily dystopian and immoral about waging a drone war…and cyborgs are just around the corner.

  3. fahvel March 8th, 2016 at 02:57

    the count should be good unless they count a leg twice or babies as adult. The day this becomes an honest reality will be the day the sun don’t shine – drones=murder.

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