Bernie Sanders Punts On Belief In God

Posted by | October 22, 2015 23:00 | Filed under: Politics

While the U.S. Constitution pretty clearly states that there shall be “no religious test” for president, it’s no secret that presidential candidates are subject to all kinds of scrutiny, including about their relationship with God. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is no exception. Sanders has said in past interviews that while he’s Jewish, he’s “not particularly…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

36 responses to Bernie Sanders Punts On Belief In God

  1. Talibandrew Breitbot October 22nd, 2015 at 23:02

    Tess-ti-fyyyy Bernie!

    You don’t need God to have virtues, morals, compassion, and a positive transformational vision of what this nation should be.

    • Dwendt44 October 22nd, 2015 at 23:37

      Certainly not necessary. Some of our best presidents were not christians.

      • Robert M. Snyder October 23rd, 2015 at 00:15

        Luke 21:1-4New King James Version (NKJV)

        The Widow’s Two Mites

        21 And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, 2 and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. 3 So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; 4 for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God,[a] but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”

        • Larry Schmitt October 23rd, 2015 at 05:21

          I think you missed the point. This is about comparing one rich person with another, one supposed “Christian” (in this case it refers only to his professed religion and not to his actions) and one not Christian, not comparing a rich person with a poor person.

          • bpollen October 23rd, 2015 at 06:48

            A biblical non-sequitur, as it were…

        • Talibandrew Breitbot October 23rd, 2015 at 07:51

          Got any nice Necronomicon quotes for us?

      • Tommie October 23rd, 2015 at 08:59

        And that my friends about sums it up, good post!

        • Martha Partin October 23rd, 2015 at 09:02

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    • Larry Schmitt October 23rd, 2015 at 05:22

      Morality and religion are not the same thing. Some times they are mutually exclusive.

      • CandideThirtythree October 23rd, 2015 at 05:33

        Amen brother! LOL

    • American Shaftoe October 26th, 2015 at 10:30

      Hey it is the qüeer nïgger from twitter!

      • whatthe46 October 26th, 2015 at 10:36

        a dick that loves to stalk. get a life bitch!

  2. Tommie October 22nd, 2015 at 23:31

    May sound dumb but i was brought up in a very religious household, and i think that if there is a higher source, he or she is a scientist watching us like an ant farm, imo!

    • Gindy51 October 23rd, 2015 at 06:51

      More like a “kid with an ant farm” quote from the movie Constantine…

  3. max Payne October 23rd, 2015 at 00:52

    I hope the US has gotten past the times when religion played any part in the Presidential election. He’s not running for pope I care how he will fix the bad trade deals that are draining our economy. I look forward to the day when the USA elects it’s first openly atheist President.

    • Janice Brown October 23rd, 2015 at 04:17

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    • Larry Schmitt October 23rd, 2015 at 04:44

      I look forward to the day when no one asks any candidate about his religion, and it’s not included in his bio, and those stupid prayer breakfasts are eliminated, and the House and Senate don’t have a chaplain, and the president doesn’t feel compelled to add “And God bless America” at the end of every speech.

    • rg9rts October 23rd, 2015 at 05:37

      The real ground breaker was the election of JFK

      • Larry Schmitt October 23rd, 2015 at 07:21

        He actually had to make a proclamation on national TV that he would rule by the Constitution, not by the Vatican. It had never been an issue before. But it was an issue when Al Smith, also a Catholic, ran for president. From Wiki: “Smith’s Catholic beliefs played a key role in his loss of the election of 1928. Many feared that he would answer to the pope and not the Constitution. “

  4. rg9rts October 23rd, 2015 at 05:36

    So??? She doesn’t care

  5. allison1050 October 23rd, 2015 at 05:58

    As I stated elsewhere yesterday, frankly I and most people don’t give 2 sh*ts about his personal religious beliefs and wonder Why the media pretends to when it’s no concern to most of the voting public who have other more important pressing concerns.

  6. Gindy51 October 23rd, 2015 at 06:49

    I’m glad he punted, it is a stupid question to ask anyone unless you are in a religious setting and even then it is a very intrusive line of inquiry.

  7. James Morris October 23rd, 2015 at 07:02

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    • Tommie October 23rd, 2015 at 08:56

      First time i seen a guy trying to work us, must be for the ladies!

  8. crc3 October 23rd, 2015 at 10:21

    “In God we trust”? What the hell does that really mean? To me they are empty words because America has a terrible history of not living by the supposed rules of God. As a country we have killed thousands of Native Americans to occupy, captured blacks in Africa to serve as slaves, continue policies that spurn racist and bigoted attitudes, used nuclear weapons to kill nearly 200,000 innocent people in WWII. Our involvement in endless wars like Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghnistan plus dozens of other conflicts that seem to grow daily.

    Then there is internal strife caused by massive military spending while seemingly ignoring the impoverish, treating corporations as people, greed, totally out of control gun violence, policing that targets minorities, crumbling infrastructure, suppressed wages destroying the middle class, a degraded education system. Get the picture?? Think God approves (if you believe)?? The laws of all that is decent and humane have vanished or at best are on life support. We are headed for oblivion folks unless there are dramatic changes but I see no signs other than a continued fall into the pits of hell…

    • max Payne October 23rd, 2015 at 12:08

      The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by a Socialist minister, Francis Bellamy. The words In God We Trust were added by Congress in 1954 to set us apart from the “Godless” socialists and communists. I would disagree with your opinion on WW2 The US didn’t seek to build an empire or sack burn and loot we liberated millions of oppressed peoples. As a condition for helping England FDR told Churchill they would have to dismantle their empire he would not help them keep others in bondage. As for the treatment of Native Americans and blacks yes it was deplorable by our standards but IMHO you can’t judge historic figures by modern standards. And remember the Bible endorses making slaves of “Godless” heathens. We are not falling into the pits of hell we are the greatest nation that ever existed.

    • robert October 23rd, 2015 at 19:13

      since we are a nation of multi religions GOD pretty much covers it Unless you want to get specific ?

  9. dave-dr-gonzo October 26th, 2015 at 11:22

    Yes, Disqus poster “American Shaftoe” is a racist, homophobic, noxious little stalker. This particularly spiteful troll is, if I read his credit report correctly (big tip of the hat to my pals in Anonymous), in the music industry. Unless apologies are forthcoming, I would say it is likely he won’t be working in that sector for much longer.

    • mea_mark October 26th, 2015 at 12:33

      I was trying to track him down and one of the possibilities was a guy that made videos for bands to help promote them. I think ‘Accept’ was one of the bands he was bragging about helping. Does this sound like same guy?

      • MikesChinHair October 29th, 2015 at 14:31

        You are a LOSER. You got the wrong guy d0xed. OR did ya? Maybe he is such a stud he has everyone fooled!!!!!

        Tell anomaly I know who sold Pete the heroin that he OD’d on and died in a bathtub from. He wanted to die because her püssy stunk so bad.

      • MikesChinHair October 29th, 2015 at 14:33

        And now I know where Conover got the information Mike was in debt, you guys are IDIOT school kids!!!

    • MikesChinHair October 29th, 2015 at 14:26

      LOL you idiot you have no idea who you are talking about and your friends at anonymous didn’t give you CRAP! Keep acting like you are something other than a loser. Buffalo hahahahha

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