Ex-Staffer Says Benghazi Committee Politically Motivated

Posted by | October 10, 2015 17:02 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

A former military staffer with the House panel investigating Benghazi!! says the purpose of the committee is to target Hillary Clinton.

Major Bradley Podliska, an intelligence officer in the Air Force Reserve who describes himself as a conservative Republican, told CNN that the committee trained its sights almost exclusively on Clinton after the revelation last March that she used a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state. That new focus flipped a broad-based probe of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, into what Podliska described as “a partisan investigation.”

Podliska, who was fired after nearly 10 months as an investigator for the Republican majority, is now preparing to file a lawsuit against the select committee next month, alleging that he lost his job in part because he resisted pressure to focus his investigative efforts solely on the State Department and Clinton’s role surrounding the Benghazi attack. He also alleges he was fired because he took leave from the committee to fulfill his military service obligations, which would be an unlawful firing.

“I knew that we needed to get to the truth to the victims’ families. And the victims’ families, they deserve the truth — whether or not Hillary Clinton was involved, whether or not other individuals were involved,” he told CNN in an exclusive TV interview that will air Sunday on “State of the Union.” “The victims’ families are not going to get the truth and that’s the most unfortunate thing about this.”

Podliska told CNN that the committee, which has spent $4.6 million so far and is chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, pulled resources away from probes of other individuals and agencies to focus almost exclusively on Clinton and the State Department she helmed for four years.

[Note from Dave “Doctor Gonzo:  As if Republicans in the House don’t have enough headaches. Trey Gowdy’s goose, if not cooked, is well past the marinading phase. It might be worth getting up early tomorrow to see the entire interview on CNN’s State of the Union.]

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

60 responses to Ex-Staffer Says Benghazi Committee Politically Motivated

  1. labman57 October 10th, 2015 at 23:02

    Once again, Congressional Republicans, desperate to drive nails into the Clinton campaign coffin, have formed a conclusion that is desperately in need of an evidence-based rationalization.

  2. granpa.usthai October 11th, 2015 at 01:09

    Trey Gowdy is not qualified to run a SCAM of this magnitude with TAXPAYER dollars.

  3. William October 11th, 2015 at 09:57


  4. amersham46 October 11th, 2015 at 20:38

    OMG would the Republicans really do something like that

    • Judgeforyourself37 October 12th, 2015 at 20:47

      You must be kidding, or being sarcastic, as we know that they would in a NY minute.

  5. bobby1122 October 12th, 2015 at 19:07

    As reports now say Hillary had names of deep cover CIA agents in e-mails on her unsecured server and any of them got killed on account of her- she will end up like the dead Kennedys. Her Secret Service detail despises her so I doubt they would take a bullet for Hillary and Huma.

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