The Infallibility Of Pope Rubio

Posted by | September 25, 2015 22:00 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Opinion Politics Religion Tengrain

I’m not a theologian, nor do I play one on teevee, and as regular readers know I believe that Theocracy is the greatest threat we face as Americans. So, given all of those disclaimers up front, this segment with Marco ‘Big Gulp’ Rubio caught my attention:

It’s a long segment, so I’ll highlight Rubio’s pertinent comments:

“On moral issues, he speaks with incredible authority. He’s done so consistently on the value of life, on the sanctity of life, on the importance of marriage and on the family. On economic issues, the pope is a person…

“We have the same goal — providing more prosperity and upward mobility, I just honestly believe free enterprise is a better way of doing it.”

So from the Republican Catholic cafeteria, Rubio picks and chooses which statements that he agrees with the infallible Pope—only on moral issues—but when it comes to economics (the dismal science that isn’t a science), well, Frankie is just some person, some guy? …READ MORE

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Tengrain

Fully caffeinated with twice the sugar, unabashedly liberal. Award-winning Americans United blogger, blogs at Mock Paper Scissors, and sometimes at Crooks and Liars.

You can follow @Tengrain on Twitter, or you might see him enjoying coffee somewhere in Seattle at any given moment of the day.

10 responses to The Infallibility Of Pope Rubio

  1. whatthe46 September 25th, 2015 at 22:33

    much like what they do with the bible. and anyone cheering him on, cherry picked what they approved of in the pope’s speech just the same.

  2. rg9rts September 26th, 2015 at 04:41

    Wonder where he comes down on Terri Schiavo??

  3. allison1050 September 26th, 2015 at 07:26

    So sez the guy that can’t balance his checkbook without taking money from another account since he wants stuff that his checking account balance says that he nor the little woman can really afford.

  4. jasperjava September 26th, 2015 at 11:41

    “On moral issues, he speaks with incredible authority… On economic issues, the pope is a person…”

    Economic issues ARE moral issues, dumbass…

  5. robert September 26th, 2015 at 19:34

    “We have the same goal — providing more prosperity and upward mobility, I
    just honestly believe free enterprise is a better way of doing it.”
    up until you file with the IRS

    that separates those who who have achieved their goal

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