Trump Veers From Republicans On Iran, Gay Marriage

Posted by | September 4, 2015 13:00 | Filed under: Politics

He’s signed the pledge, but The Donald doesn’t follow his fellow Republicans on some key issues.

He called the Iran nuclear agreement “a disastrous deal” and “a horrible contract,” but said he would work with it.

Many of the 16 other Republicans seeking the party’s nomination for the 2016 presidential election have vowed to immediately undo the Obama administration’s agreement if they win office. But Trump, a wealthy businessman, reiterated his view that too much money was at stake and his rivals were wrong to say they would rip it up.

“This is the perfect example of taking over a bad contract,” he said, adding that he would be tough in enforcing it.

Closer to home, Trump also eschewed rivals on the Kentucky battle over gay marriage. Some Republicans loudly backed Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who opted for jail time rather than issue any marriage licenses following the U.S. Supreme Court’s June ruling in support of gay marriage.

“We are a nation of laws,” Trump said. “The decision’s been made, and that’s the law of the land.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

15 responses to Trump Veers From Republicans On Iran, Gay Marriage

  1. jybarz September 4th, 2015 at 13:27

    This can’t be right.
    He’s sounding more like the only reasonable guy out of the GOP presidential clown squad.

    • whatthe46 September 4th, 2015 at 13:38

      well, his racist supporters aren’t going to like that.

    • tracey marie September 4th, 2015 at 14:56

      Don’t be fooled. He knows he will never win with the racist bunch that support him. He is attempting to gain others, for everyone he gains 5 racists or evangelicals will leave.

    • Scopedog September 4th, 2015 at 20:22

      He’s sounding more like the only reasonable guy out of the GOP presidential clown squad.

      He isn’t. Don’t be fooled because he drops a couple of crumbs. Have we not learned anything from the experience with Ron Paul?

  2. Suzanne McFly September 4th, 2015 at 15:33

    Crap, this is bad for America. We have two political parties and rumpster is leading in the polls for one of them and he is the most sensible. I feel like I entered an parallel universe.

    • anothertoothpick September 4th, 2015 at 15:50

      It saves him the bother of explaing what HE would do and gives him more time to insult people.

      • Suzanne McFly September 4th, 2015 at 18:14

        I guess that is a win-win for him.

  3. granpa.usthai September 4th, 2015 at 15:44

    the Don keeps taking left turns like this, he may just switch to the Democrat Party!

    then what?

    • Scopedog September 4th, 2015 at 20:21

      I still won’t f*@!ing vote for him. No way, no how.

  4. Pilotshark September 4th, 2015 at 16:07

    In a way, I see this a good thing over all, as he has not sign Grover`s pledge and has mention about wanting to save SS, and raise some taxes.
    now why i think this is good, because it is making the other (solve for X number of) candidates have to talk about things they don`t want to.
    Also, he is making more tea party people take note that they have been backing and being carped on by the republicans.

    pass the popcorn, hold the salt.

    • anothertoothpick September 4th, 2015 at 16:23

      And he has reduced the crack pot libertarian idea to the trash can.

      Little Randy is barely on the radar.

      • Pilotshark September 4th, 2015 at 17:30

        lol, and he has to pay the RNC $250000 for a caucus instead of primary so he can keep his senate seat which he will need cause he is not going to go to the white house.

  5. David Melton September 4th, 2015 at 22:04

    Donald has about as much interest in being President as my cat. Why would a multi-billionaire want the biggest headache of a job in America that pays only $400,000 a year … chump change to the Donald. The man’s a vulture capitalist and wheeler-dealer with an ego the size of Mt. Rushmore. The Donald is building his value, soaking up as much of the Republican popularity as he can (25-30% of Repub voters), and when his ego has been fed enough, and he’s tired of this silliness, he’ll threaten the GOP with staying in, and allow himself to be bought out. I think a cool half billion into one of Donald’s enterprises will work, and he’ll walk away laughing. The Rethugs will pay it because they know they can’t win the POTUS otherwise … “end of story”.

    • whatthe46 September 4th, 2015 at 22:14

      they can’t win anyway. end of that story.

  6. David Melton September 4th, 2015 at 22:16

    If anything, I believe Trump’s popularity gets the attention of the GOP, making them reassess their far-right, extreme positions on so many of the important issues. This “my way or the highway” attitude is killing them. They could start by trashing their “trickle down” Reagan platform for dealing with the economy. Every one of the candidates (other than Trump) have AGAIN promised to cut the individual & corporate tax rates … all it has done has created more and more deficit spending and a bigger national debt. Yet they deny and continue.

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