Christian Bus Driver Says He Will Refuse To Drive Rainbow Bus

Posted by | August 28, 2015 18:00 | Filed under: Andrew Bradford Contributors News Behaving Badly Politics

Calgary’s annual Pride Festival kicks off today, and in celebration Calgary Transit has painted a bus in rainbow colors. But one bus driver, citing his strong “Christian” beliefs says that he will refuse to drive the rainbow bus, even if it means losing his job.

Jesse Rau has been driving for Calgary Transit for a year, but he told Canada’s CTV network:

I’m concerned that if I say that this bus is against my beliefs that I might not have a job. I’m a Christian so, as a Christian, there are things like homosexuality that I just can’t condone. Unfortunately, we live in a culture where if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, the accusation is that you hate the person….READ MORE at  LiberalAmerica

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Andrew Bradford

Andrew Bradford is an author, academic, and political activist who lives in Atlanta. He is a Senior Writer for Liberal America and also has his own blog at

38 responses to Christian Bus Driver Says He Will Refuse To Drive Rainbow Bus

  1. Mike August 28th, 2015 at 18:06

    This just in….The United Brotherhood of Leprechauns Local 501 is now refusing to have a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow…:( Bummer

    • tracey marie August 28th, 2015 at 18:09

      that was great! :):):)

      • Larry Schmitt August 28th, 2015 at 19:29

        You might say it was golden.

    • The Original Just Me August 28th, 2015 at 20:13

      And I so did like those chocolate wafers wrapped in Gold foil.

  2. MarcoZandrini August 28th, 2015 at 19:15

    Let the idjit walk. I hear it’s go for you.

  3. FatRat August 28th, 2015 at 19:25

    I don’t think being gay is one of the Big Ten. Jesse seems to be a Cafeteria Christian who works on Sunday and doesn’t quiz his passengers about adultery and working on the Sabbath. He must therefore tacitly approve of such behaviors.

    Even if he does get assigned the non f*aggy bus, would he allow Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors aboard? How about Dolly Parton singing about a Colored Coat, would she be banished?

    • Larry Schmitt August 28th, 2015 at 20:50

      They care about the bible the same way they care about the Constitution. They don’t want to guarantee all rights to everyone, only the rights they like to the groups they like.

      • FatRat August 28th, 2015 at 21:02

        Even Canada has their share of Conservatives. No country is immune to them.

        • maggie August 29th, 2015 at 19:02

          the dasterdly villianous MIPR lobby has kidnapped the poor PP clinic worker…and is tying her to the congressional railroad tracks…she has all those patients waiting for health care back at the clinic…which they are trying to shut down…who will save her?…I am terrible with the visuals….someone is going to have to finish this ;)

  4. Larry Schmitt August 28th, 2015 at 19:29

    These poor put upon Christians act like they have specials skills that no one else has. How hard does he think it is to find another bus driver? They found him, didn’t they? They can find a replacement just as easily. Go drive a “Christian bus” if you don’t like driving those icky gays around.

    • The Original Just Me August 28th, 2015 at 20:11

      Christian buses usually have little kids on them. He would probably like that.

  5. The Original Just Me August 28th, 2015 at 20:10


  6. maggie August 28th, 2015 at 20:19

    exactly bye bye…LGBTQ ride your bus every day, if you can’t handle it find another job

  7. Chris August 28th, 2015 at 20:53

    I’m sure you’ll be seen as a martyr to “the cause”, Mr Rau. Riiiiight.

    You do realize that staying home and not driving a bus is about the lamest protest you can think of. Right?

    • Larry Schmitt August 28th, 2015 at 20:55

      I thought Canadians had more sense than this. But then I guess self-righteous Christians can be found anywhere.

      • Chris August 28th, 2015 at 21:08

        Remember this also is where Justin Bieber calls home. And also remember Rob Ford as Toronto mayor. EVERY country has yutzes.

  8. Tommie August 28th, 2015 at 22:40

    Good go find another job since times are changing for the better, i see a lot of “Christians” out of work on GOFUNDME.COM!

    • whatthe46 August 28th, 2015 at 22:47

      ain’t that the truth?

  9. Robert Kennedy August 28th, 2015 at 22:42

    Hey numbskull, if you are a Christian why not do as Christ said, turn the other cheek, or you who is without sin cast the first stone, or any of dozens of other things he said that prove that you may think you’re a Christian, but like most of you, there’s no chance of that being true.

  10. rg9rts August 29th, 2015 at 04:11

    This clown is looking for his 3 seconds of fame…drives less than a year and doesn’t know if it will be his bus…what a sorry a$$ bigot

  11. Kylie Richard August 29th, 2015 at 05:20

    Get more than 274 Bucks Daily<-ì want to guíde you to amazíng online work opportunity.. 3-5 h of work a day.. payment at the end of each week.. performance dependíng bonuses…earnings of six to nine thousand dollars /month – merely few hours of your free time, a computer, most elementary familiarìty wìth www and trusted web-connection is what is needed…learn more by headìng to this page ->


  12. thinkingwomanmillstone August 29th, 2015 at 07:01

    Christ is powerless against the gay cooties. I’m sure this bus driver would find it irresistible to not hit on any or the gay men on the bus by half way through the parade. What absolute stupidity is found in the followers of Christ. He really goes after the bottom dwellers in the demographic pool.

    • Larry Schmitt August 29th, 2015 at 08:50

      You have it backwards. He doesn’t go after them, they go after him. Remember, god was created in man’s image.

      • Elliot J. Stamler September 1st, 2015 at 12:02

        Insulting typical atheistic defamation. And atheists wonder why the vast majority of people dislike them. Perhaps it is because of such simple things as: BAD MANNERS AND RUDENESS.

        • Larry Schmitt September 1st, 2015 at 12:07

          Please tell me where I used bad manners or rudeness. And I don’t really care if you like me or not. I probably wouldn’t like you if I met you either.

          • Elliot J. Stamler September 2nd, 2015 at 11:46

            OK, I will. But first…I have never defamed or insulted anyone for their religious affiliation or non-affiliation. Regarding atheists, I myself as a believer, have no animosity toward them…I think it is very possible to be a fine, upright person and be an atheist. Obviously I think atheists are very misguided but it is their privilege to hold their views…I have one dear friend of decades standing who is much a committed atheist..we do not seek to proselytize the other.
            People take their religious (or non-religious) views very seriously, Mr. Schmitt and simple courtesy and good manners should make us refrain from saying or writing insulting, deprecatory or mocking comments about* someone else’s faith or lack thereof. When you write “God was created in man’s image”, that is utter blasphemy and extraordinarily offensive to believers. Now it is true, without my getting into a whole involved discussion here, that humans anthropomorphize God in a sense of comprehension only because of the limits of our mind ‘s ability to comprehend; for example we usually refer to God in the masculine gender but we know in reality that God is not gendered…but our mind directs us to think in those terms. I consistently read the most vile comments from atheists about God and religion; I do not read similar awful comments, with very rare exceptions, from believers about atheists. Yes there are religious-right fanatics with their endless hellfire-and-damnation carrying-on who will vilify atheists, as well as everyone else who doesn’t have their particular religious views, but they are a very distinct, albeit noisy, minority of the 80% of Americans who identify in the last Pew poll as being believers in God. So there, Mr. Schmitt, is my answer. I think atheists bring upon themselves much of the opprobrium they bear because of their own rude and abrasive behavior. * P.S. I must truthfully admit that in the case of Islam I do feel that as a religion it is extraordinarily bad because it is at war with all other religions on earth. Not all Moslems are this way of course but such a large number are and there are so many Koranic justifications for their contemptuous enmity toward other faiths that it is no longer, to me, acceptable to think that it “is just a few bad apples”; as Bill Maher has cogently put it, when there is so much Islamic violence, barbarity and hatred in this world it is quite justified to instead say that the whole orchard is pretty much poisoned.

            • Larry Schmitt September 2nd, 2015 at 20:42

              So you’re offended by my view of religion, that man created god. Too f*cking bad. Maybe I’m offended by your suggestion that there’s a god that has these strange powers that don’t follow any logic, and the fear his followers have of him convince them to do all manner of horrific things in his name. No religion is any worse or better than any other if they convince people to hate non-believers.

              • Elliot J. Stamler September 2nd, 2015 at 21:20

                You have just, with this vile, rude, obscene reply, validated for all reasonable readers, my very criticism of atheists. You have shown yourself, again, to be rude, nasty, vicious, arrogant and an all-round schmu-k. My reply was polite and measured and I tried to explain why you are offensive..your reply is just to load on more offense. Schmitt…you have no decency, brains and probably no money–a loudmouthed hateful impoverished nobody blaming God for all the evil in the world.

                • dave-dr-gonzo September 2nd, 2015 at 21:30


                  You were rude before Larry – in a clear and obvious example of this concept of irony (which seems to elude self-identified “people of faith” to an astonishing extent, but that’s another matter) – dropped an f-bomb dookie in your rhetorical punchbowl.

                  • Elliot J. Stamler September 2nd, 2015 at 21:37

                    What the hell are YOU writing about? I used no f-bomb, Yahoo has such dumb and excessive censorship that to comply with it I excised one letter from the word “schmu-ck. If you don’t know what it means, Mr. Atheist, I’ll explain it to you.

                    • dave-dr-gonzo September 2nd, 2015 at 22:56

                      “What the hell are YOU writing about?”

                      I am writing about your initial rude reply to Larry, all-caps included.

                      And you appear to have misread me: I pointed out that Larry dropped the delicious f-bomb tootsie roll in your sant’gria. Perhaps you have problems reading sentences with structure extended beyond a mere subject and predicate.

                      You’re welcome!

                    • Elliot J. Stamler September 2nd, 2015 at 23:54

                      Yes, I did misread the sentence of his you refer to – mea culpa, but that sentence would get him a D in any English class because it is a classic example of a run-on sentence. As far as you are concerned Dr. Gonzo (I know what the term must watch a lot of Rocco and John Stagliani videos, tsk tsk) I’ve long felt that any adult by the time they are, at the latest, 30, should have decided already if they do or do not believe in a deity. I find agnostics to be wishy-washy people who don’t want to think through matters of spirituality…at least the atheists misguided as I think them to be, have made up their minds. As the old saying goes and I must censor myself because of Big Brother Yahoo and his algorithms, s–t or get off the pot.

                • whatthe46 September 2nd, 2015 at 21:36

                  no. he’s blaming stupid, ignorant people for the evils of the world. if you think he’s an atheist, then surely he can’t blame that of which he doesn’t believe exist. he said, “man created god.” and he was on point when he said: “No religion is any worse or better than any other if they convince people to hate non-believers.”

        • whatthe46 September 2nd, 2015 at 21:03

          oh stop being so pissy. so what some people don’t believe in god. shit, i can’t stand the majority of “christians” because the majority of them of full of it. lying ass, hypocrites. preach to others about “family values” and how others are going to hell for this or that, and are your baby rapist, murderers, rapist, serial murderers, etc., etc., they run the damn gambit. so shut that shit up.

        • dave-dr-gonzo September 2nd, 2015 at 21:27

          Rudeness, Elliot? All caps rants are considered the web equivalent of shouting in an angry, apoplectic matter. It is you in fact who needs to learn manners.

          And there is nothing “insulting” or “defam[ing]” about pointing out that god, particularly the various flavors of the version tied to more primitive and pre-age-of-reason Western cultures, was created by man as an archetype closely tied to cultural and social structure and mores, as any reasonable and dispassionate analysis of the historic record shows.

  13. DogsRgoodpeople August 29th, 2015 at 14:00

    So driving a rainbow bus is the same as engaging in homosexual relations in the eyes of his god ? I’m not religious but one might assume something positive could be found in the bible about the spirit of this event. On second thought, that may be why I’m not religious.

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