Christian Furniture Company Says Unions Not Permitted

Posted by | August 21, 2015 20:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Religion

A Devlin, Ontario furniture company is shutting down rather than to submit union, saying that would be anti-Christian.

Leon Gingrich, the president of Gingrich Woodcraft, explained how the company created custom-made furniture in 2014

Gingrich Woodcraft said in a statement: “We are required by scripture to ‘live peaceably with all men,’ and not to use force to gain what we want or for what is required to succeed,” notes CBC News.

The “live peaceably with all men” is a Bible scripture reference from Romans 12:18, which makes no mention of workers, unions or wages.

The next few verses, Romans 19:21, warn Christians not to take revenge on people, to feed their enemies and not be overcome with evil, but to overcome evil with good.

By a vote of 69 percent, the 25 workers at Gingrich Woodcraft elected to join Unifor, a labor union in Canada.

Unifor has now filed a complaint against the furniture company with the Ontario Labor Relations Board.

“All I can tell you is this: This is against the law,” Unifor national representative Stephen Boon told CBC News. “You cannot threaten or intimidate workers and take action directly aimed at unionization, and that’s what this employer has done.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

69 responses to Christian Furniture Company Says Unions Not Permitted

  1. Foundryman August 21st, 2015 at 20:17

    It getting fairly obvious that if you look hard enough, you can probably find almost anything is against somebodies religion.

    • dave-dr-gonzo August 21st, 2015 at 20:39

      For ezxample, custom millworked furniture that is not Union-made is against mine. Can I get a Amen?

  2. FatRat August 21st, 2015 at 20:35

    I think the Bible endorses Unions.
    Ecclesiastes 4:12
    A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

    • StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 22:18

      I’ll go with that~!

  3. Mike August 21st, 2015 at 20:52

    Sheez…you could have just said you don’t want to pay your guys/gals a living wage and left it at that…you didn’t have to lie…

    • Larry Schmitt August 21st, 2015 at 21:44

      He doesn’t want to pay his workers a living wage because … Jebus! Actually, if the business owners acted more like Jesus, unions wouldn’t be necessary. Did they ever think of that?

      • Tommie August 22nd, 2015 at 00:03

        Of course not, that would be smart!

    • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:35

      The $15 living wage Canadian?

      • Mike August 22nd, 2015 at 11:27

        Do you think a person who could make furniture would work for $15…???
        I’m gonna guess no since a Union laborer in this country gets $25 with bennies

        • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 11:33

          How much of the $85 an hour labor for mechanical work actually gets to the mechanic??

          • Mike August 22nd, 2015 at 11:42

            I have no idea…but if we’re talking about an hourly union wage worker in even a red state, you couldn’t find a mechanic to work for less than $25

            • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 11:45

              Very few auto repair shops are unionized…maybe at best $25 or $30 and HE provides his own tools

  4. ShelleysLeg August 21st, 2015 at 21:04

    That business was rather short lived, mercifully! Can you imagine how intolerable it was if they voted to unionize in only a year!!

  5. Larry Schmitt August 21st, 2015 at 21:47

    So this idiot thinks the Christian thing to do is throw a huge tantrum and close his business, throwing all his employees out of work. Jesus would not be happy that this guy is using him to justify his stupidity.

    • StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 22:17

      he has no business being in business…:)

  6. StoneyCurtisll August 21st, 2015 at 22:16

    I applaud this Canadian company for “shutting down rather than do business with union employees”…
    Get the F-out of business if you refuse to support the rights of your employees.~!

  7. Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 02:37

    Starting a company and operating it on a day-to-day basis is a completely voluntary activity. A person who creates a business can shut it down at any time, for any reason. Nobody is ever compelled to keep operating their business. So if the law requires a person to accept a union, and the person doesn’t want to operate the business under those terms, he has every right to shut it down. It’s the business equivalent of divorce. If your partner in a marriage wants to change the terms of the relationship, you don’t have to go along with it. You have the freedom to walk away from the relationship. This is what freedom looks like. We should all celebrate the fact that this man, and every other business owner, has the freedom to make these sorts of choices. The only injustice here is the fact that the man has to take this extreme step to avoid having a bunch of union thugs take over operational control of the business he built. That law needs to change. People who don’t like working for a particular business have a remedy. It’s called starting your own business. But that would take initiative, something that union supporters clearly lack.

    • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 03:49

      You sir, are full of shite.

      • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 04:10

        No, I am a small business owner. You put twenty years of your life building a business and you will come to see unions in the same way. Unions are for people who lack the courage to take risks and start a business of their own. Unions are for people who want to reap the benefits of other people’s hard work. Unions are scum.

        • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 04:15

          You say that workers have no ambition or initiative. The fact that you own a business doesn’t make that a true statement. It IS an ignorant statement. Most business owners have BEEN workers. DId you never earn a dime in the employ of somebody else?

          If you are a good example of a business owner, the scum has the initials of RMS.

          • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 04:23

            My college roommate worked for a small-town company that made lighting fixtures. The owner built the company from the ground up. The union kept demanding more pay and benefits. The owner opened the books to show that they weren’t clearing enough to afford it. The union leaders told the people that they were being lied to. End result: the company folded up and everyone lost their jobs, because they believed the myth that all business owners are just rolling in cash. I have seen hundreds of posts on Liberaland that demonized business owners. Yes, I’ve known some pretty good people who were union members. But if a union ever got voted into a business that I owned, I would shut it down, retire, and go sailing. Nobody’s going to tell me how to run my business. I would simply refuse to operate a business under those conditions. If the union members think they can run it better, then let them buy it and make it their own business.

            • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 04:39

              If you can’t screw people over, you don’t wanna play?

              We can trade war stories, you reviling unions, me showing just how much businesses cheat their workers (Papa John’s, McDonald’s, Walmart, etc), their customers (Citibank, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo) their investors (AIG, Lehman Bros, Worldcom, Enron, Madoff) and really not change each other’s mind. What I WILL do though, is point out that I DO NOT disparage ALL businesses. YOU, in your exalted position of ownership and omnipotence, say that ALL unions are scum.

              SInce you could not possibly have had contact with every member of every union, or even every union, the only possible conclusion is that you are talking out of your nether regions, making statements that you can’t prove or even support except through anecdotal evidence.

              • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 04:56

                Yes, I am in a bad mood tonight and I am letting it show. And I don’t care because it happens all the time in Liberaland. Nobody seems to notice when blanket generalizations are made about conservatives, Republicans, or corporations. So turnabout is fair play.

                • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 05:19

                  I saw somebody be a jerk, so that justifies me being a jerk? Is THAT your position? My, aren’t YOU the privileged whiner!

                • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:32

                  Hey your option to close….PS you are always in a bad mood…THAT is what make you fun to prod

                • wpadon August 22nd, 2015 at 07:37

                  If you are looking for a cheering section for business, go to WND, Breirbart, or Drudge. If you hang out with liberals, expect to hear liberal and, OMG, socialist points of view. That what happens here.

                  • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 14:20

                    I don’t need affirmation. I am here to point out the problems with liberalism.

                    • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 16:42

                      Oh, so the Great Business Owner is here to “enlighten” people who think he’s an idiot? To show the error of people who don’t tap-dance for the joy of seeing you waving your white-privilege weenie in public? It IS nice that you blatantly admit you’re a troll. Most trolls go out of their way to deny it! But not the Great White Business Owner and Font of all Incorrect Wisdom! No, GWBO exalts in his Brave Quest to be the perfect asshole!

                      “I don’t need affirmation.”

                      Then why do you go out of your way to deride, revile, belittle, and disparage others? Because you need the SELF-affirmation that you are SUPERIOR! If you can’t look down on other people, well then you don’t have ANY self-image!

                      Petty, petty, wretched excuse for a man.

                    • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 17:32

                      Feel free to look back through my complete history of posts. You will literally find hundreds, perhaps thousands, of times when LIBERALS have derided, reviled, belittled, and disparaged ME with direct, personal insults, such as YOU have just done! You liberal weenies can dish out the criticism and insults, but you sure can’t take it. What a bunch of crybabies. You want to make the rules for a business? Then start your own business. Don’t be telling me how to run mine. Anyway the whole discussion is kind of pointless because unions are going the way of the dinosaur.

                    • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 17:40

                      As your mother would say, we aren’t talking about those other kids. And it’s really hysterical how you blubber about how mean people are to you while claiming that LIBERALS (you gave it the all-caps…) are the crybabies. Absolutely NO self-awareness. Just more white-privilege weenie-wagging.

                      As far as looking back through your complete history of posts, why would I want to traipse through your Cowpie Corral of White-Privilege Whining?

                      “…unions are going the way of the dinosaur.

                      So, unions will die due to a comet strike? Your ARE non-compos mentis…

                • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 16:52

                  *Sniff* Oh, your life is SO HARD! Poor widdle you!

        • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:30

          You can’t stop your employees from organizing and holding a vote to unionize…if they chose to you have the option of shutting down

          • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 13:49

            Apparently you never read The Little Red Hen.

            • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 14:42

              Fairy tales about your speed Bob

        • ExPFCWintergreen August 22nd, 2015 at 09:17

          I love “small business owner” masturbation. It’s the finest of masturbation because it’s masturbation to pictures of yourself. You built that business, eh? Built your own railways and your own highways to move raw materials and finished goods? Provided all your own up-stream inputs? Didn’t rely at all on the services, structures, and benefits provided by SOCIETY — that is, everyone else? No, not Robert M. Snyder. He was a pioneer, a man on an empty frontier, courageously and he-manfully building something out of nothing, God-like in his ability to create from the blackness, from the void. On the other hand, maybe you’re just full of shit.

        • craig7120 August 22nd, 2015 at 22:24

          You talk tough on the Internet. Tell you what tough guy, walk into a union shop and call a guy making a wage that keeps his family fed a union thug and report back, until then you’re nothing but a pos using keystrokes as his mouth.

          Craig Ellis
          Local 83 BLE

          • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 23:29

            Yeah, because the strongest man in the room is always the smartest man in the room. Unions are legalized extortionists. That fact that they sometimes use (or advocate in your case) physical violence only underscores my point.

            • craig7120 August 23rd, 2015 at 13:48

              You’re the ass that wants to talk sht, all I’m saying do it to our face. But you won’t, we know that. One of the reasons why we negotiate our contracts and put it in writing, you and others like you cannot be trusted to speak the truth.

              • Robert M. Snyder August 23rd, 2015 at 14:14

                I said that union people are thugs, and you responded by implying that if I insulted them to their face I would regret it. You’re just making my point. People who can’t think fight with fists.
                If unions are such a good idea, then how do you explain this?

                • craig7120 August 23rd, 2015 at 22:20

                  Let me explain something to you Einstein, unions are not corporations, we are the labor. We bargain for working conditions, wage increase, health benefits. People like you want someone else to do the labor while they kick back enjoy the fruits of others labor. If you think for one minute Im gonna would stand by and have you demean and berate me or any other union brother or sister just because you have a white collar as if I’m your subordinate because you consider yourself a “thinker” is freaking hilarious. Who raised you? You have a false sense of entitlement.
                  That’s right, we are merely 11% of the work force in the u.s, but to hear you talk it’s what brought America to its knees. It’s not a coincidence that America’s decline follows the same line as unions descent.
                  America was built on the backs of laborers, a “thinker” might have thought of the railroad, skyscraper, infrastructure, coal miners, firefighters, police officers etc…but it’s labor that completes and acts on those thoughts.

                  • Robert M. Snyder August 23rd, 2015 at 22:32

                    It works both ways. I am tired of constantly hearing that all business owners are greedy and selfish. Lots of union folks are great, hard-working people. My father-in-law was an IBEW guy who put up high tension power lines most of his life. He and I got along great, except when he started with that crap about greedy business owners. That’s when I got in his face, like I’m getting in yours.

                    I happen to be a small business owner with a background in computers and electrical engineering. I will not tolerate people insulting business owners by calling us all greedy capitalists. If you don’t like hearing insults, maybe you shouldn’t throw them around.
                    Sure, there are some really crappy business owners, just like there are some really crappy Blacks, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc. It’s one thing to talk about particular people who are mistreating others. It’s quite another to generalize and insult the entire group.

                    How about a little respect for the inventors and risk-takers who create the businesses that provide the jobs?

                    • craig7120 August 23rd, 2015 at 22:47

                      Calling people names on the Internet is not getting in their face
                      You threw down ad hominem attacks on unions and you go blow back.
                      Greed is tearing this country down, not unions, never has, never will.
                      “All that harms labor is treason to America” someone smarter than me said that, but I can’t remember who it was, maybe Eisenhower

                      The ceo of Costco got it right, treat labor with respect and dignity.

                    • Robert M. Snyder August 23rd, 2015 at 22:58

                      I was wrong to make those blanket statements about unions, and it was hypocritical of me. I get really tired of hearing blanket statements about business owners, and I just decided to vent. So for what it’s worth, I apologize.

                      When I worked in a factory and in other blue collar jobs, the management treated employees pretty well. I have always assumed that the majority of businesses operate that way. I also assume that the majority of Jews, Muslims, Latinos, and Blacks are pretty decent people. Those are my working assumptions. All I ask is that liberals be as fair-minded about business owners. Nobody likes being constantly insulted.

        • OldLefty August 23rd, 2015 at 14:32

          Actually used to be unions who assured that the workers were qualified and legal.

          They also were the ones who assured that small businesses had customers by growing a middle class who could afford to shop.

          “Unions are for people who want to reap the benefits of other people’s hard work.”


          Right To Work laws are for people who want to reap the benefits of other people’s hard work.

          Funny thing now, in medicine with big business buying up all the private practices, many docs are talking about unionizing.

          • Robert M. Snyder August 23rd, 2015 at 14:41

            What gets me is not the unions themselves, but the selfish attitudes of so many union people I have known. People in this forum (Liberaland) are constantly accusing Republicans for having the attitude “I got mine”. But unions have made a practice of promoting that same attitude. I live in a coal town, so I know why unions were created and I know they sometimes do good things. But a lot of small businesses are run by good people who do their best for their employees, but the money supply is not infinite. As I mentioned earlier, my college roommate worked at a small town company that made lighting fixtures. The owner and the original team of workers put a lot into that company and it was successful. Then a union came in and people got greedy. The company no longer exists, thanks to the union. So I would say it’s not the union per se, but the blind greed that really irks me. I hate insurance companies and phone companies just as much as the next guy. But unions exhibit all of the same greed and “I’ve got mine” thinking as the worst corporations.

            • OldLefty August 23rd, 2015 at 15:42

              We’ve ALL got those stories from both sides; businesses that went under because of greedy management in spite of union concession after concession.

              Look at Tyler Pipe in Tyler, Texas;

              “But this belt was not shut down, federal records show. Nor was it protected by metal safety guards. That very night, Mr. Hoskin had been trained to adjust the belt while it was still running. Less downtime that way, the men said. Now it was about 4 a.m., and Mr. Hoskin was alone in the cramped, dark pit. The din was deafening, the footing treacherous under heavy drifts of black sand.He was found on his knees. His left arm had been crushed first, the skin torn off. His head had been pulled between belt and rollers. His skull had split. ”If he fought that machine I know his last thought was me,” said his daughter, April Hoskin-Silva, her dark eyes rimmed with tears.

              It was not just a conveyor belt that claimed Mr. Hoskin’s life that warm summer night. He also fell victim to a way of doing business that has produced vast profits and, as the plant’s owners have admitted in federal court, deliberate indifference to the safety of workers at Tyler Pipe.


              This is what happens with no unions.

              We have corporate unions, we need labor unions as well.

              • Robert M. Snyder August 23rd, 2015 at 16:24

                I worked in a corrugated box factory for a year as a maintenance mechanic before going to college. We had our share of industrial accidents. The other mechanic who worked night shift with me got his hand caught between two neoprene rollers a few months after I left. They tore the flesh off his hand. It was a non-union shop, but there was a clear rule to stop the machine before adjusting the pinch rollers. My buddy was trying to save time, so he stuck his hand in there when the rollers were in the up position, and when they came down he wasn’t fast enough. He used to ride motorcycles competitively. He probably thought his reactions were fast enough to get away with it. Nobody pushed him to take that chance. The factory was actually a pretty laid back place: slow and steady. So it’s not always the management’s fault when a worker gets mangled by a machine. On the other hand, my father-in-law was an IBEW guy who put up high tension power lines. He told me many stories about hard-driving company foremen who expected men to take chances and/or use unsafe machines. So I know what you are saying is true. I just wish that people didn’t demonize business owners so much. I am nobody special, but I work hard at my small business, and when I listen to unions folks making broad generalizations about greedy businesses, it feels like an insult. It’s wrong to speak of blacks or Muslims or Jews in that way. I’ve heard people describe someone as “a good Jew”, meaning they are the rare exception and most Jews are bad. That’s insulting to Jews, and I think it’s insulting to business owners when people keep saying that we’re all a bunch of greedy bastards. I try to rise above it, but sometimes it gets under my skin.

                • OldLefty August 24th, 2015 at 15:37

                  My point is that both side have those stories.

                  And everyone needs to have a seat at the table.

                  • Robert M. Snyder August 24th, 2015 at 16:23

                    I’ll drink to that! :-)

    • rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:29

      Thats his choice…the NLRB will look at his position VERY differently…He can always be a bag man for cousin Newt

    • arc99 August 22nd, 2015 at 11:00

      Organizing a union demonstrates a lack of initiative?

      Coming from a family of union members in both the public and private sector, it is disheartening to see the ignorant bullsh*t people spout about unions these days.

      Without unions there would be no 40 hour week or time and a half for over time, or paid vacation days which are practices that all Americans now expect and take for granted. The idiots demonizing unions and who are too stupid to see that the acceleration of manufacturing jobs to Asia coincides with the decline in union membership.

      Here is an article from decidedly pro-business Forbes. Instead of me reciting the history of this country which includes the 40 hour weeks that most people enjoy and which would not exist had it not been for unions, perhaps this story will puncture the bubble of ignorance which surrounds your opinions about unions.

      Unions and government are the only organizations that enable average citizens to join forces to counter the influence of corporations. The fact that conservatives demonize unions and government is in my opinion no coincidence. Perhaps you and the rest of the American right wing want an America where people are nothing more than disposable spare parts. , I do not.

      Why is it only the business owners who can form trade associations and lobbying groups? Why do you conservatives become so outraged when ordinary citizens organize to maximize their bargaining power in the marketplace? It is exactly what the businesses do. Like it or not, Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution provides broad authority to regulate commerce which would include NLRB regulations.

      I appreciate the legacy that unions have given us. Once again, as with health care, western Europe shows how it’s done.

      In 2010, Germany produced more than 5.5 million automobiles; the U.S produced 2.7 million. At the same time, the average auto worker in Germany made $67.14 per hour in salary in benefits; the average one in the U.S. made $33.77 per hour. Yet Germany’s big three car companies—BMW, Daimler DDAIY +% (Mercedes-Benz ), and Volkswagen—are very profitable.

      How can that be? The question is explored in a new article from Remapping Debate, a public policy e-journal. Its author, Kevin C. Brown, writes that “the salient difference is that, in Germany, the automakers operate within an environment that precludes a race to the bottom; in the U.S., they operate within an environment that encourages such a race.”

      There are “two overlapping sets of institutions” in Germany that guarantee high wages and good working conditions for autoworkers. The first is IG Metall, the country’s equivalent of the United Automobile Workers. Virtually all Germany’s car workers are members, and though they have the right to strike, they “hardly use it, because there is an elaborate system of conflict resolution that regularly is used to come to some sort of compromise that is acceptable to all parties,” according to Horst Mund, an IG Metall executive.

  8. bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 03:48

    1 Timothy 5:18 – The labourer is worthy of his reward.

  9. rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:27

    Oh Oh Oh….ever hear of the NLRB???? You will

  10. rg9rts August 22nd, 2015 at 07:33

    Don’t waste your time…the supreme being provided him for kicking when things go wrong /s

  11. Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 13:48

    That’s right. Initiative and hard work count for nothing. That’s why we need to eliminate Nobel prizes, Pulitzer prizes, and all other forms of recognition given for personal achievement. Because according to you, THEY DIDN’T BUILD THAT!

    • ExPFCWintergreen August 22nd, 2015 at 14:58

      The difference is this: Nobel laureates, Pulitzer Prize winners, actors and directors and set designers and screenwriters who receive Oscars and Emmys and Tonys — they all are the first to acknowledge that their achievement came through the collective work of a lot of other people. You pseudo-Liberatarian Gilded Age wannabes are delusional enough to believe you do it on your own. Which is what makes you so infinitely amusing and simultaneously so infinitely pitiable.

      • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 16:04

        The core issue that concerns me isn’t whether I get praise and recognition. I just don’t want some union thugs extorting the fruits of my labor. When businesses collude to get more money out of customers, they are breaking the law and they are subject to stiff penalties. By law I cannot tell my resellers what price to sell my products. I had one national reseller who charged me a big monthly fee to be listed in their catalog, and then they sold my product for well under my regular price. That is completely legal and I have no legal right to dictate their pricing. I can accept that because I understand the purpose of anti-trust laws. What I can’t understand is why it is legal for employees to collude in order to extort more money out of employers. When you think of employer, you probably think of Walmart or General Motors. I think about the companies with 20 to 50 employees where the owner has been working eighty hours per week for decades in order to create good products that customers love while doing the best he can for his employees. Then along comes some union jerks trying to stir up discontent and demonize the business owner. Well excuse me for not being sympathetic to your 40 hour work week. Try running a landscaping business on a forty hour work week. You work when the sun shines and you plow snow when the snow falls. Unions are a 1950’s answer to a 1950’s problem. The world has changed. We’re not just competing with other Americans, and our competitors don’t play by our rules. We have to be smart, and unions are just plain dumb.

        • wpadon August 22nd, 2015 at 16:34

          If you offer employees perks, they lose those perks when they unionize. My father worked for a college that some of the hourly employees unionized. The results of the election cost the employees many perks they took for granted, such as one day off a month for personal use, vacation time based of years of service They all started out as new hires due to the vote. Paid health care and a matching pension contribution were all eliminated. They all became negotiating points in the new contract, the end result was they got their years of service for vacation. The gardeners lost their overtime. If it rained, they called them and told them to not come in that day and come in on Saturday instead. Tuesday and Wednesday became the new weekend for some of the maintenance workers so that they had someone on duty every day. The secretaries decided to not unionize after that.

          • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 17:40

            My wife was a night shift nurse at a small hospital. The night shift nurses decided among themselves that they wanted to work a 3-week cycle in which they would work 7 days with a 2-day weekend followed by 8 days with a 4-day weekend. They really loved those 4-day weekends.

            So the state nurses association, without asking anyone, fought to get the number of consecutive work days limited to 7. They won the fight, so my wife and her coworkers were no longer able to work the shifts that they preferred. A decision made at the local level by nurses and management who got along well was overridden by a bunch of hot heads at the state level who thought they were “helping” nurses. It was a clear case where management was treating the nurses better than their union.

            • wpadon August 23rd, 2015 at 07:37

              I suspect that the day nurses objected to the night nurses cutting their own deal with management and called in the state association.

        • ExPFCWintergreen August 22nd, 2015 at 20:33

          Unions are a 2015 answer to an enduring problem — the exploitation of labor by self-aggrandizing capitalists who think they’ve figured it all out. The business owner OUGHT to be demonized. It was business owners who polluted the streams and rivers and air. It was business owners who sold us sub-standard foodstuffs. It was business owners who coerced workers into substandard living arrangements. It was business owners who gave us “planned obsolescence.” And it was business owners, more than anyone else, who gave our jobs to foreigners. Fuck business owners. You don’t want to work when the sun shines? Here’s a typical conservative answer for you — get the fuck out of the landscaping business, limpdick.

          • Robert M. Snyder August 22nd, 2015 at 21:28

            “It was business owners who polluted the streams and rivers”
            I think you’re confused. That was the EPA.

            • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 21:48

              What did I tell you about anecdotal evidence as proof of anything?
              If you wanna start COUNTING the number of polluted streams and rivers that the EPA and businesses have polluted, the EPA stops at one. You don’t have enough fingers and toes, and even taking off your pants won’t help, to count up all the polluted waterways that “bidness” has notched on their belt.

              To use your logic, all condescending assholes are business owners. Because? Well, because YOU!

        • bpollen August 22nd, 2015 at 21:52

          “We have to be smart, and unions are just plain dumb.”

          Thank you for that gripping, insightful, and well-researched analysis, Oh, Great White Business Owner! “Just plain dumb.” Did you make that up yourself? Can I steal it? I know JUST the person it would fit…

          White-Privilege-Weenie-Wagging-Whiner – “Just plain dumb.”

        • tigerp August 23rd, 2015 at 12:47

          Because without the right to ‘collude’ you would not provide your workers with the rights they should have by simple virtue of being human. Dude, so many of us have already been through the rounds of this crap, you are not even interesting much less innovative in your faux outrage~~

    • OldLefty August 23rd, 2015 at 14:33

      That’s right. Initiative and hard work count for nothing


      No with anti-union Republicans.
      The only thing that matters is money made from money.

  12. Chris August 22nd, 2015 at 19:24

    Leon is one of a bunch of wackjobs who are actively giving Christianity a black eye.

    He has twisted Scripture so as to be absolutely unrecognizable.

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