‘Family Values’ Lawmaker Tried To Cover Up Affair By Spreading Gay Rumors About Himself

Posted by | August 17, 2015 21:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Todd Courser, who is the Michigan Republican sparking with another female lawmaker and then trying to spread homosexual rumors about himself to cover it up, has a new game plan. Todd is a right-wing, family values Republican so when he got caught in a ton of hypocrisy, he took to The Facebook to bare his soul.…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to ‘Family Values’ Lawmaker Tried To Cover Up Affair By Spreading Gay Rumors About Himself

  1. Mike August 17th, 2015 at 21:35

    I’ll save most of you the trouble of reading the PDF explanation….

    God tested him and he failed, so it’s basically god’s fault…the woman was a Jezebel under the influence of satan…again, not her fault….’

    Oh, and it will never happen again…his family is closer now than ever before, so god’s blessing is truly a gift…

    Can I get an amen…????

  2. FatRat August 17th, 2015 at 22:56

    He’d been better off saying he was a sinner or blaming it on the devil.



    I am now the poster boy for those who would say “God is dead,” or “ Christians are failures,” or “Christians are hypocrites.”

    no my actions show just how corrupt this man’s heart is and how much he needs his Savior to walk righteously and to pay the price of sin and death on the cross!

    (Jesus died for my sins, so you can all bite me.)

    In all of this many have commented publicly and have enjoyed the spectacle of watching a man burn and have reveled in the joy it has brought in themselves,

    (All all my detractors can bite me.)

    A special group has been of those men who have come forward to express their own failures to me in fidelity and what guilt and shame they have felt for their own failures in their own faith and faithfulness to God, His holy word, and to their wives and children.

    (Interesting that the Barn Door Brotherhood came to him after the fact. See he is not alone, they have weekly meetings. So bite me.)

    And finally a couple have come forward to express their guilt and shame for being faith filled but struggling with how to reconcile that with having homosexual tendencies and trying to reconcile that with their faith.

    (Cheating on you wife is a choice, evidentally so is choosing to be gay. Not cheating on your wife or chasing the pool boy are daily temptations.)

    One pastor told me – “Todd I can’t condemn you, I have committed every sin in the bible, but for one and that is murder, and that last one I have thought about enough to be guilty of it.” He said and I am a pastor.

    (I can’t even wrap my head around this one. Making graven images and bestiality would just be the tip of the iceberg. It’s the Bible, not a “to do” list of every vice. lol)

    And for those of you who feel you need to pile on your words of condemnation, please try to keep your condemnation on me, not privately messaging my wife and family; it is my cross to carry. My wife and children do not in any way deserve it; they have not brought any of this on themselves; so if you will, please remember that and if you have need to be making hostile comments please direct them at me and not privately or publicly at my family.

    (Hiding behind his wife and children, now that he’s no longer getting some strange.)

    • Dwendt44 August 18th, 2015 at 00:20

      He’s still ‘a sinning’ if coning gullible out of their Social Security checks is a sin.

  3. Tommie August 18th, 2015 at 00:09

    I wonder what his wife thought was worse, cheating with a man or a women?

  4. Larry Schmitt August 18th, 2015 at 07:23

    His pitiful attempt at explaining himself didn’t fool anyone, as the facebook comments prove. He deserves no mercy, and they offer none.

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