Carson Grilled For Calling Obama An Anti-Semite

Posted by | August 16, 2015 10:03 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

Chris Wallace took Ben Carson to task for calling President Obama an anti-Semite.

Wallace grilled presidential candidate Ben Carson about an op-ed he wrote for The Jerusalem Post accusing Barack Obama’s speech of being “replete with coded innuendos employing standard anti-Semitic themes.”

“Barack Obama, anti-Semitic?” Wallace asked incredulously.

“All you have to do, Chris, is go to Israel and talk to average people on all ends of that spectrum,” Carson responded. “I couldn’t find a single person there who didn’t feel that this administration had turned their backs on Israel.”

“I think the position of President of United States should be one where you begin to draw people together behind a vision, not one where you castigate those that believe differently from you,” he said

“It’s one thing to argue your policy differs from Israel, but you say in your article– and you’re talking about domestic critics in this country– that there’s anti-Semitic themes there,” Wallace pushed. “What specifically is anti-Semitic in what the president is saying?”

“I think anything is anti-Semitic that is against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies and by people who want to destroy them,” Carson responded. “And to sort of ignore that and to act like everything is normal there and that these people are paranoid, I think that’s anti-Semitic.”


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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

17 responses to Carson Grilled For Calling Obama An Anti-Semite

  1. The Original Just Me August 16th, 2015 at 10:35

    This Carson dude was well thought of, intelligent and skilled. Until he got into politics. Now, he just needs to slink off into the woods and disappear before he makes a complete idiot of himself.

    • Hirightnow August 16th, 2015 at 15:01

      Waaaaaay too late for that.

      • The Original Just Me August 16th, 2015 at 23:31

        The Pizza Pie Guy pulled it off last time. He made a real good fool of himself before slinking off into the woods.

  2. rg9rts August 16th, 2015 at 10:40

    He must be kissing cousins with Bibi too

  3. Tommie August 16th, 2015 at 11:35

    Trying to be like Trump i see, got a little bump in the polls and want to take it further with his dumb “comments”!

  4. labman57 August 16th, 2015 at 12:05

    To paraphrase a line from “Princess Bride”:
    Dr. Ben, I don’t think the term “anti-Semitic” means what you think it means.

    But then, Carson has never been one to let reality undermine his over-the-top rhetoric.

    One is not an Israel-resenting anti-Semite simply for questioning the decisions and actions of the Israeli government, nor for seeking a peaceful resolution to our differences with the Iranian government, nor for engaging in dialog with leaders of the American Muslim community, nor for suggesting that the U.S. State Department has taken an excessively dogmatic, non-pragmatic approach to Middle East diplomatic endeavors under previous administrations.

    If this were the case, then a significant proportion of the Israeli Jewish population would need to be labeled as “anti-Israel”, as they too have questioned the policies of their own
    government in its dealings with the Palestinians and the nation’s Arab neighbors.
    And considering that Bibi’s party barely retained control of the Israeli Parliament, it would seem that Obama’s viewpoints are shared by many of Israel’s own citizens.

    Bottom line: The POTUS is more concerned about the needs of the American people than he is about the wants of Bibi’s administration … as he should be.

    Which begs the question: where exactly do the loyalties of these hawkish conservatives lie?

  5. Suzanne McFly August 16th, 2015 at 12:15

    I love all the specifics he provided in this interview…………“What specifically is anti-Semitic in what the president is saying?”…..“I think anything is anti-Semitic that is against the survival of a state that is surrounded by enemies and by people who want to destroy them,”… I completely understand what he is saying now……………/s JIC

  6. William August 16th, 2015 at 12:31

    Well that certainly explains that medal

    • jasperjava August 16th, 2015 at 16:52

      Feels strange to provide an illustration for a post by William, of all people…

      • William August 16th, 2015 at 16:59

        *gasp* My illustration didn’t come through?

        • jasperjava August 16th, 2015 at 17:13

          I wasn’t seeing it in my browser. I see it now on my phone. Weird.

          • The Original Just Me August 16th, 2015 at 23:30

            Weird, are you talking about me ?

  7. BigDumbWhiteGuy August 16th, 2015 at 13:49

    When is Israel going to stop sleeping in mommy and daddy’s bed and grow up?

  8. thinkingwomanmillstone August 16th, 2015 at 17:10

    If you say anything that isn’t in favor of giving more aid and weapons to Israel or is critical of the policies of the Israeli government towards the Palestinian and other Arab citizens, you are an anti-semite (You know something so outrageous as condemning them for shelling schools) At the same time, if you call Israel a theocracy, you are told that you are wrong. You can’t claim it is a secular democracy and at the same time claim any criticism of Israel, is anti-semitism. Well, you can, in fact, do that, but you prove yourself to be the blockheaded fool you are.

  9. allison1050 August 17th, 2015 at 04:56


  10. mrbigstuff August 17th, 2015 at 07:14

    Spoken like a true house negro

  11. SmartPatriot August 17th, 2015 at 18:58

    Carson proves that intellect has no bearing on sanity, also if one more conservative claims Obama is somehow”Anti Israel” because he doesnt have a great relationship with “Bibi”, just remember: “Bibi” is a politician, HE is not Israel, in fact until the election his approval ratings were lower than Obama’s were at their lowest here. If one can be “anti Israel” for not liking Bibi, then can I assume that one is also Anti American for not liking Obama? nah, didnt think so….

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