GOP Repsonds to Clinton: Phbbbbllt

Posted by | July 14, 2015 18:00 | Filed under: Contributors News Behaving Badly Politics Tengrain

The GOP Campaigns are on fire!

Yesterday Hillary Clinton gave the first detailed policy speech on the economy.

Now, if you were an opposition researcher and sound-bite engineer working for Y’all Qaeda, you would be in high gear going over her words with a microscope looking for something to exploit; you would feed your campaign’s messaging guru with the magic flaw you found and they would craft a cunning response for the social media team, who would then pump out to the seething masses why she’s wrong and your team is right.

Let’s go to the Twitters to see how Wingnuttia did:

  • Ben Carson —zip, nada, nothing.
  • Bobby Jindal, Boy Exorcist

    This shouldn’t even count as an attempt. That was on speed dial.


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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Tengrain

Fully caffeinated with twice the sugar, unabashedly liberal. Award-winning Americans United blogger, blogs at Mock Paper Scissors, and sometimes at Crooks and Liars.

You can follow @Tengrain on Twitter, or you might see him enjoying coffee somewhere in Seattle at any given moment of the day.

41 responses to GOP Repsonds to Clinton: Phbbbbllt

  1. Warman1138 July 14th, 2015 at 18:22

    Don’t worry about a quick response. It takes time to attempt to craft a set of lies and misinformation as well as gathering media resources to refute logic. The Great Maker only knows what kind of rhetoric the GOP will come up with once they find two brain cells to rub together.

  2. Chris July 14th, 2015 at 18:38

    Republicans know they don’t have to offer intelligent responses anymore in campaigns. With Trump leading two polls now, the GOP realizes their electorate is not capable of higher thought than that required by a new reality show.

    • Hirightnow July 14th, 2015 at 19:27

      He might be too busy to repsond to your post.

  3. William July 14th, 2015 at 21:28

    Clearly the dumpster fire is a sinister plot to distract us from BENGHAZI.
    Nice try Alan.

  4. AnthonyLook July 14th, 2015 at 21:40

    Revisit Bush’s Economic Failed Trickle Down Double Down, that’s the Republican Economic Policy

  5. StoneyCurtisll July 14th, 2015 at 22:17

    Jeb Bush seems to believe that American workers are just lazy and need to work harder…
    As if there is some imaginary malaise among the working class that is holding back the economy…
    Even though we Americans put in more hours, take far less vacation time and are more productive than any industrialized nation on the planet..
    But in the GOP world, that is just not good enough..
    Our laziness make a good scapegoat for the decades of failed “trickle down”
    economic policies.

    • Warman1138 July 14th, 2015 at 22:39

      Let’s start adding it up. Workers are lazy (for not working enough hours), People on welfare are lazy (to look for a job), Disabled people are lazy (not being able bodied enough), Retired people are lazy (don’t want to work past 70), Children are lazy (welfare and child labor laws) Liberals are lazy along with democrats (unwilling to wage perpetual war), Immigrants are lazy (they just want to rape, push drugs, murder and rob) aaaaaaand is anybody left that isn’t lazy according to the GOP?

      • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 00:07

        As for “not working enough hours,” I work the bare minimum to qualify for insurance and pay my bills, plus some video games or beer. Keeps my tax rate lower. It also allows me to qualify for welfare benefits (I haven’t used them yet, but they are there if I need them).

        “Disabled people are lazy.” Some are working the system to benefit themselves to the maximum, and some are genuinely disabled. If you want to make a system, expect people to exploit it to their benefit. I’ve been past the, “anger,” stage and into the, “acceptance,” stage for years.

        “Retired people are lazy.” They are. SS was originally set up to have you retire at the average death age, not to give you a 10-year vacation at the end of your life.

        “Children are lazy,” they have no vote, so the claim is irrelevant, and he should be mocked.

        “Immigrants are lazy.” I would disagree. They aren’t lazy. That said, illegal immigrants are incredibly selfish, as they illegally entering the US to gain access to a system that they do not pay into, without any thoughts about anyone else. There are also the occasional violent immigrants, but I would consider them the outliers, not the average.

        • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 04:00

          I started working 10 to 16 hour days, six days a week, when I was 14 years old. At 60 years of age my body finally and totally broke down. That was 25 years after I was told I would never be able to work again. So, I guess when I started disability at 60, I was just a lazy Bum even thought I qualified in four different areas. I think our system works for the real working people.

          • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 04:07

            You may note that I never claimed that there weren’t legitimate people who use disability payments in the ways it was intended to be used. I simply stated that there are those that abuse it. And there are.

            • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 05:59

              Again I agree with you on this. There is a need for disability insurance as I found out in my case. And yes, the system is definitely abused. The big problem I see is a lack of knowledgeable workers in the SS system to advise the disabled. I totally stumbled through it. I had no idea what I was doing other than I needed help. I have since educated myself and have advised others in how the system works. If disability is needed, then the applicants should be educated and advised instead of run through a complicated system like so many cattle on their way to slaughter by persons who really couldn’t give a shit one way or another.

            • tracey marie July 15th, 2015 at 11:28

              Yet you talk about lying, cheating and stealing for your own greedy little wants.

              • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 11:39

                I’m not lying. Everybody feels depression, and my wife does not want to enter the workforce again. I’m not cheating. The rules are the rules. I’m not stealing. I’ve paid in, and its a service available to those who qualify.

                • tracey marie July 15th, 2015 at 14:43

                  Bullshit, you already admitted you are going to lie and cheat to get her on disability. fu

                  • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 21:43

                    Then I realized I didn’t have to.

        • Warman1138 July 15th, 2015 at 07:29

          You didn’t pay attention to what Shrub had to say lately. Welfare has been under attack since it was implemented for all the wrong reasons. Become disabled and show everybody the wonderful job opportunities awaiting them. Haven’t been paying attention again, recent rhetoric from Walker and his backers wanting to get rid of labor laws including those pesky child labor laws. Democrats and liberal representatives have been accused too many times for decades of being too lazy, wasting time on social needs instead of corporate. Didn’t pay attention to the Trump lately either. End of discussion, get a brain and some memory and a sense of humor.

          • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 07:42

            Welfare has been under attack because people feel that the government is demanding your money on a stranger’s behalf. Pic related explains it more thoroughly.

            Me and the wife have been tossing around the idea of her becoming disabled, just to have more money (I pay in, might as well get it back due to “depression.”

            Child labor laws will never be repealed in the way you are trying to make it out to be. Maybe 14 year olds could operate a cardboard baler. Doesn’t mean children of all ages will be working at sweat shops. Even if it WAS miraculously allowed, the corporations would have their public image hurt too much.

            I’m accusing democrats for being focused on peoples wallets to buy votes. I’m also accusing republicans of being focused on people’s wallets to give rich people a tax break. I can dislike both for entirely different reasons, and like both for entirely different reasons. Pic related.

            • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 07:53

              Forgot second pic.

            • tracey marie July 15th, 2015 at 11:28

              still talking about and bragging that you and your wife are greedy liars who want to steal.

              • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 21:55

                If you are just going to sling around these words, why don’t you prove it?

                I’ll tell you why: because you can’t. You simply hate the idea that I don’t work a 40 hour week because that means you won’t be able to tax me at a higher rate, nor will you be able to tax as much time. You may remember that I argued for a flat tax, whereas YOU argued for a progressive tax. We have a progressive tax, and I am manipulating the rules, without breaking any laws, to my benefit.

                You hate the idea that I can support my wife without her filing for disability, yet that we would file anyways (bringing in another 900 dollars per month from SS alone). Well, guess what? I haven’t been the one arguing for mandatory, state-owned disability insurance. That would be you. I am taking the rules that people like you have pushed on me, and making them work to my benefit (and here’s the real knife twist: it will probably get used on guns, ammo, and trips around the world). But you’re the one who wants cash payouts. Not me.

                The rules that have been laid out are ones that you openly support. Just because I am operating within the rules in ways that you don’t like doesn’t mean I’m breaking the rules.

                Deal with it.

        • tracey marie July 15th, 2015 at 11:30

          You are now bragging about working lazy and low hours so you can steal and abuse the ststem while whining about disabled people being moochers and lazy.

          • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 11:37

            You can whine and complain about the system all you want. Bottom line is that this is the system you want. It’s not the one I want, and I have no problem making the system that I don’t like work for me. I didn’t make the rules, and by being forced to work within them, I will manipulate the system to benefit me to the greatest dollar amount. If you don’t like it, feel free to change it.

            Meanwhile, rather than getting upset about the rules that I have no more power to change than you do, I am instead saying, “My time is too valuable to be taxed at 40 percent. I only have one life, so my job will be a means to an end for myself, not strangers.”

            Deal with it.

      • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 03:53

        There is Jeb, who has never worked a day in his life. Is that lazy ?

        • Warman1138 July 15th, 2015 at 07:35

          Nah, he’s probably worked pretty hard at being a Shrub.

          • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 10:12

            Good Point.

    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 00:06

      I haven’t followed Jeb all that closely (as he doesn’t match up particularly high on my views – Sanders has done better). That said, I don’t think the American workers are lazy. I think they are unwilling to reevaluate their goals and adjust them based on their feasibility. The time when you needed a consultant just to hire consultants is long dead, and if you have a degree in the liberal arts, you had better be MORE independent than those in the STEM fields, because there are a lot of graduates, and very few jobs. You’ll need to make your own.

      • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 03:52

        The U.S. needs to think about throttling back a bit in college degrees and consider Skilled labor trade schools. We are needing far more plumbers ( Not The Joe Type ) electricians, welders, mechanics, machinists, manufacturing assemblers, food preparers and such. We built our nation on the Working middle Class and now we need to rebuild and support the American Worker.

        • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 04:03

          The government has no control over college degrees. They don’t run your life. They simply guarantee loans in the attempt to allow everyone to go to college. This has increased demand, and thus, price has risen with it.

          It’s more the well-intentioned-but-ignorant parents, who grew up in an age where they could spit in their boss’s face, walk across the street, and begin working at their new job the same day. Times have changed, and many older individuals still think a firm handshake and eye contact will guarantee a job in an era where most jobs only take online applications.

          While the unrealistic expectations instilled in the youth is indeed the fault of unreasonable expectations of older generations, it’s difficult for me to feel any anger towards them. After all, it’s not like they gave that advice maliciously. They honestly thought they were giving the best advice they could – they just happened to be wrong.

          I think the solution to this isn’t a government mandate over private post-secondary education. I think a more viable solution would be to revamp the PUBLIC education. They have students from k-12. Instead of focusing on getting everybody to learn trigonometry and what the object of the preposition is, teach them the basics in plumbing, HVAC, welding. Let them see what it’s like to run wire as an electrician. Teach them to do taxes. Give them more of a taste, and let them decide what they like, and go into the trades that they want to!

          • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 05:50

            I do agree with you on many points. I do feel however that basic education is being lost in favor of computer only learning. True that computers are an main stay of our life but we need to know how to do basic math, the English language for communication, and an over view of our history,. What I see is a very strong push into white color jobs with no training of the required skills that keep our everyday life running. The life long occupation worker is rapidly disappearing. We condemn he influx of illegal workers but they are doing the occupations that we are leaving behind. A student out of High school today must get occupational skills or do nothing but manual labor and manual labor jobs are disappearing or you can not raise a family on the wages. We need skilled workers in the U.S. and not just college educated idiots going into politics.

            • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 06:03

              I also agree with some of your points, but I would like to make one exception: I don’t believe that the jobs that illegal immigrants are coming in and taking are jobs that everybody WANTS to leave behind.

              For example, a few decades ago, one could be hired at a meat packing plant, and, with that job, pay off a mortgage, raise a family, and help out with college, all with good, affordable benefits. Today the meat industry is an absolute joke on almost every count, and there are plenty of documentaries on Netflix that provide the information needed.

              If you do not have netflix available (I hate to put sources behind a paywall), let me know, and I’ll do some digging and see if I can get a few of those titles to you so that you can search for them online, but off netflix.

              • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 10:27

                The meat industry is more than a joke. It is an outright disgrace. It used to be you could talk to your butcher and get decent quality beef. Now days it’s old dairy cow and slopped out at any filthy hole in the wall. Reference all of the E coli recalls lately. The restaurants are drowning all of their meat with garlic so as to hide the bad taste and chemicals to tenderize. You can guess that we eat very, very little beef anymore.
                We live outside of normal civilization so no TV. I have had my discussions with both satellite companies and now do only DVDs.

                • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 10:34

                  That’s fair enough. I’m getting ready for bed (I work 3rd shift), but over the next couple of days, I’ll try to get a list of those movies if you want them. Seems like you are pretty well-informed on the health aspect, though. I’ll try to find the movie that states that the largest meat packing plant has to bring in workers from over 200 miles away, because nobody the working conditions are so horrible that nobody in that ever-growing radius will take the job.

                  In return for not getting raided, that packing plant gives up 2 illegal immigrants to the government per day.

                  On a more personal note, in Lexington, NE, Tyson industries has gotten so bad that illegal hispanics won’t even work there anymore. They’ve had to start bringing in African, I kid you not. The apartment buildings they put them up in had to be condemned due to the fact that these guys were making bon fires indoors and throwing their bodily waste into the hallways.

                  There were and are citizens that want to work those jobs, so long as the food quality and food labor is held to some sort of standard, and they are paid for their work.

                  • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 10:58

                    It’s all about the all mighty dollar. And, just shut up and work.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 11:21

                      They only pull what the people – government included – allows them to do. It’s no secret that they are mostly staffed with illegal aliens, and it’s no secret that the food industry from the top down is about as corrupt as cigarettes were in the 50’s.

                      I don’t buy any meat products that aren’t either locally slaughtered (where you can just order it from the farmer), or organic. Not even eggs, milk or butter.

                      And with that, have a good day! I’m off to have a good night’s sleep!

                    • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 11:37

                      There is a local meat packer near by. They have always been top quality and fair price. Now the second generation has taken over. I look at their ham steaks in the grocery stores and their ham steaks look like crap. Very poor and low quality meat. And as far as the price goes, WOW !. I can buy Cooks ham steaks shipped in from Nebraska for about half the price of local and their meat is premium quality. These two products sit side by side in stores but people don’t even look at the difference. I have mentioned this to several people and they act like I am nuts. You should be supporting your local businesses. Well, screw the Greedy locals.

    • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 03:46

      Well said.

  6. rg9rts July 15th, 2015 at 06:18

    I just love the media coverage of the announcement…

  7. TuMadre, Ph.D July 15th, 2015 at 10:56

    I completely agree. There are people employed by the state that receive a salary to help you register in programs, and still don’t have the first clue about how to actually help. This is a massive failure on the state, and while I acknowledge that it would be far too late for many people now, I can not help but think that a private insurance company offering this insurance (with an opt-in process) would make the process easier (if less lucrative).

    This is not me arguing for privatizing disability, but at minimum, you would think that they could bring in a couple of private insurance experts in to help create a formula that makes navigating the process easier for both the people who need it, AND the workers who are supposed to advise.

    • The Original Just Me July 15th, 2015 at 11:44

      Administering the programs is not all that hard. But, you have to hire and educate the people who do it. If you hire your brother’s first wife’s sister-in-law’s live in, you get what you get. One person I dealt with does not have a High school diploma and they are doing complicated government paper work applications. Go figure why we have problems.

  8. illinoisboy1977 July 15th, 2015 at 10:59

    I’d like to see all that “foreign aid” money to rich countries stopped. I have no problem sending aid to poor nations, to feed the hungry, but Egypt and Saudi Arabia don’t need “aid” from us. I’d also cut off aid to any country that professes a disdain for us. If you don’t like us, we’re not going to send you any more money. How do you like us, now?

  9. amersham46 July 15th, 2015 at 21:03

    Start by flat taxing the 1%ers ,,, balanced budget

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