Carly Fiorina Treated Like A Serious Candidate On ‘This Week’

Posted by | July 12, 2015 15:30 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion Politics VegasJessie

George Stephanopoulos introduced Carly Fiorina as a viable Republican Candidate for President on “This Week” on ABC.  She proceeded to decry income inequality, and still claims that, unlike Hillary Clinton, she’s “at least accomplished something.”  Carly was perhaps the biggest failure in the tech industry, yet she is given a pass on her dismal business acumen as well as her own previous failed California Senate Campaign.

FIORINA:  Well, I think income inequality is a huge problem.  And let’s look to the state of California where I lived for 12 years, liberal policies have been in place for decades, and yet 111 billionaires, good for them, the highest poverty rates in the nation, the exodus of the middle class, the destruction of industry after industry.  Now they’re destroying agriculture in California.

The truth is, Hillary Clinton’s ideas create more income inequality.  Why?  Because bigger government creates crony capitalism.  When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you’ve got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code.  So, she made to cry income inequality, what I will continue to point out is the fact that every policy she is pursuing will make income inequality worse, not better, crony capitalism even worse, not better.  And meanwhile, we will continue to crush the businesses that create jobs and middle class families.

The woman who received an unbelievably generous $40 million golden parachute after her disastrous tenure at Hewlett Packard is griping about income inequality?  Fiorina is notorious for firing tens of thousands of HP employees and offshoring jobs.  She is also discussing the destruction of California agriculture without mentioning the very substantial drought, because she would never admit there’s man-made climate change to blame.  It’s laughable that Stephonopoulos gives her airtime with the hope that this woman will make it on stage at the GOP Debates.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

12 responses to Carly Fiorina Treated Like A Serious Candidate On ‘This Week’

  1. NW10 July 12th, 2015 at 15:33

    But but but Stephanopoulos is a CLINTON SHILL!!!!!!

  2. Larry Schmitt July 12th, 2015 at 15:48

    She will get a swift dose of reality once the primaries actually start. Probably before that, when she realizes working people aren’t willing to donate money to her. Anyone can claim to be a serious candidate 16 months before the election.

  3. robert July 12th, 2015 at 16:30

    40 million $ parachutes at corporations suggest you and the company have plenty of skeletons in the closet and neither side is saying anything.

    As for carly winning the nomination ? No chance in hell

  4. Roctuna July 12th, 2015 at 17:59

    I hope she keeps using that “accomplished something” line. That is a world-class straight line set-up for the Hewlett Packard punchline.

  5. The Original Just Me July 13th, 2015 at 00:09

    Why is it that every Election Cycle there has to be at least one totally stupid female candidate on the Republican ticket somewhere ?

    • bpollen July 13th, 2015 at 05:18


      • The Original Just Me July 13th, 2015 at 05:47

        When you look back over some of the female Republican Candidates of the past several elections, it makes the breeding process real scary.

        • bpollen July 13th, 2015 at 05:54

          There’s been a bit of a strange vibe from the black R candidates too. Maybe it’s a devious plan to make the white “viable” candidates look better. Kind of like the woman who goes out with ugly friends to look better by comparison.

          • The Original Just Me July 13th, 2015 at 07:25

            There is no doubt that the Republicans are trying, in a subtle way, to broaden their follower base. This is just common sense and good politics. But, they seem to be attracting some real radicals in the process. Most of these are coming from the Tea Party movement. Although, inviting in the Tea party seemed to be a good idea at the time, it is having a disastrous effect on their original party. I feel, and much to my dismay, that the Republican party is imploding and is on a death track. We need both Conservative and Liberal/Progressive Ideals in our society and government. but, this needs to be a harmonious and co-operative meeting of the minds.

  6. arc99 July 13th, 2015 at 11:53

    Can we please officially put to bed the lie of the “liberal media”?

    What Fiorina does not tell you is that thanks to a relatively new measure for documenting poverty, things like the cost of housing, the cost of medical care, the number of recipients eligible for cash benefits or credits but not getting them, and the cost of commuting to work are taken into account. The supplemental poverty measure started as an initiative under the administration of President Clinton in 1995 and implemented by the Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    The new measure is a more realistic number as it takes into account the fundamental free market reality that the more DESIREABLE a location is, the more expensive the real estate, and consequently the more expensive it is to live there, greatly impacting the poorest citizens.

    The poverty measure which Fiorina claims to care about is a direct result of the vaunted free market which her ilk would have us believe is the answer to all problems. Note the preponderance of blue states on the list of the top 10 poorest states using the more comprehensive measure.

    These states are desirable places to work and live. The cost of living in those states reflects that reality. The numbers show that the right wing mantra that free market solutions will lift us all is horsesh*t. And of course, neither Fiorina nor the sycophant interviewing her made any mention of what should be done differently by government when a booming state economy still leaves many people living in poverty.

    California is #1 on the list of poor states under the revised measure because Democratic control has made this state a great place to live and work. Increased demand vs static supply means costs of living go up. Why not talk about why California is such a desireable destination for so many people.

    Liberal media my a$$.

    In fact, of the 10 states with the highest increases in poverty under the supplemental poverty measure, eight also had among the 10 highest costs of living. Further, in seven of these states, the relative cost of renting an apartment was also among the 10 highest nationally. The two states with the largest increases in poverty under the supplemental measure — California and Hawaii — were also the top two states in terms of the cost of renting a home.

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