Study: Connecticut Gun Control Laws Saved 300 Lives In Decade

Posted by | June 13, 2015 17:00 | Filed under: Good News

A 1994 requiring Connecticut residents who wanted guns to pass background checks, take safety courses and get licenses has been credited with saving hundreds of lives.

Although critics decried the plan and argued it failed to address the black market, a 10-year study conducted by Johns Hopkins University and the University of California, Berkeley have virtually silenced the naysayers.

A study released in the  American Journal of Public Health on Thursday conclude that the law cut gun homicides by 40 percent between 1996 and 2005. They estimate approximately 296 lives have been saved in 10 years.

Researchers compared Connecticut to 39 other states who didn’t have similar gun permit regulation. They also used that data to create a mathematical model of what Connecticut would look like without the legislation in order to reach those figures.

Daniel Webster, one of the authors on the study and director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, dismissed critics who said criminals would still get their hands on guns. He argued that the law made it harder for guns to enter the black market in the first place, driving up the price.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

2 responses to Study: Connecticut Gun Control Laws Saved 300 Lives In Decade

  1. Red Eye Robot June 13th, 2015 at 19:45

    The overall effect is debatable. CT’s murder rate dropped as the nations rate dropped. ( the murder rate started to fall in 93 ) the year this law went into effect CT had 150 murders, the following year they had 158 by 2002 they were down to 84 then up the following year to 112 A staggering 35% increase in 1 year. ( Can we chalk that up to this law?), murders dropped to 100 in 2004 and steadily rose to 106 in 2009 before making another huge 25%leap to 133. Dropping to 117 the year of Sandy hook. 2013 had 86 murders still not as low as 11 years earlier in 2002 CT Has 1 murder per 41,814 citizens while neighboring VT. Which doesn’t even require a permit to carry a concealed handgun has 1 murder per 62,663 citizens or roughly a 33% lower murder rate.

    • rg9rts June 14th, 2015 at 03:27

      Hey Gary !!!How’s it hangin???

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