Rand Paul: U.S. Shouldn’t Accept Iraqi Refugees Because ‘We Won The War’

Posted by | May 14, 2015 01:00 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

The Kentucky senator and presidential candidate says America should not accept Iraqi refugees.

While speaking with Iowa-based radio host Jan Mickelson yesterday, Paul criticized efforts by the U.S. and the United Nations to settle Iraqi refugees in the country. Mickelson was even more sweeping, attacking efforts to settle Muslim refugees in general.

“We won the war in Iraq, why would we be giving political asylum to people to come from a country where we won the war?” Paul asked. “It’s one thing if you’re trying to escape Castro or trying to escape communism in Russia or Vietnam or somewhere else or China, I can understand asylum, but when you win the war, why would you give people asylum? And if the 60,000 coming here are friends of the West, wouldn’t you want that 60,000 to be in Iraq helping to form a better country over there?”

He continued: “If you let the better people, the people who like the United States leave and come here, then aren’t you diminishing the numbers of folks that would make that country a better place to live? So I think the whole idea of resettling 60,000 people from Iraq over here was a mistake. But I also think that the refugee program as well as the student visa program are some of the highest risks for us to be attacked.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

10 responses to Rand Paul: U.S. Shouldn’t Accept Iraqi Refugees Because ‘We Won The War’

  1. tracey marie May 14th, 2015 at 01:13

    We went in and slaughters over 150,000 Iraqies that were innocent of any attacks or aggression towards America. We destroyed the country and destabilized the region, so tell me rand, what did we win?

  2. Obewon May 14th, 2015 at 01:43

    Oh! Rand! Too many unregulated U.S. guns in Iraq, former Iraqi U.S. secret agents being gunned down by death squads, that you and your paranoid supporters are so xenophobic about! And if the 60,000 coming here are friends of the West, wouldn’t you want that 60,000 to be in Iraq helping to form a better country over there?” Tell him they’re Iraqi’s on a Christian pilgrimage seeking blessings from Rand’s Aqua Buddha.

  3. katkelly57 May 14th, 2015 at 02:00

    Rip Van Rand was asleep for 8 effin’ years?
    I wish I could just walk up to these jagoffs and bitch slap ’em all.

  4. robert May 14th, 2015 at 11:55

    How can you win a Undeclared war rand paul

    are you still thinking you have a chance in 2016 ?

  5. Annie May 14th, 2015 at 13:15

    We won that war?

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