Law Bans Discrimination–Against Atheists

Posted by | May 3, 2015 16:00 | Filed under: Politics Religion

A law in Madison, Wisconsin bans discriminating against atheists.

In what is believed to be the first statute of its kind in the United States, Madison banned discrimination against the non-religious on April 1, giving them the same protections afforded to people based on their race, sexual orientation and religion, among other reasons.

It’s hardly surprising that such a statute would originate in Madison, an island of liberalism in a conservative-leaning state and the home of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. But the ordinance’s author, Anita Weier, said it didn’t arise from an actual complaint about alleged discrimination based on a lack of religious faith.

“It just seems to me that religion has spread into government more than I feel comfortable with,” said Weier, who left the council after the statute passed. “It just occurred to me that religion was protected, so non-religion should be, too.”

She said it also had nothing to do with what was happening in Indiana and Arkansas, which rolled back their religious objections laws amid heavy criticism that they were meant to give legal cover to people who cite religious reasons for discriminating against gays.

Although there was no dissent when the City Council passed its new statute, some question the need to protect non-believers in liberal Madison from discrimination in the areas of housing, employment and services. Among them is Julaine Appling, the president of Wisconsin Family Action.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

3 responses to Law Bans Discrimination–Against Atheists

  1. whatthe46 May 3rd, 2015 at 16:27

    its pathetic that anyone needs to even have this on the books. first of all, how can you tell whether or not someone is an atheist or not? and why in the hell should anyone care? ““It just seems to me that religion has spread into government more than I feel comfortable with,” said Weier,…” duh!

    • tracey marie May 3rd, 2015 at 16:29

      I believe it was done to show how silly these laws are, it was a poke in the eye to the theocrats. IMO

      • whatthe46 May 3rd, 2015 at 16:47

        gotcha. that makes sense. because you can’t tell.

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