Rubio Leads

Posted by | April 24, 2015 00:00 | Filed under: Politics

Marco Rubio is leading the Republican field and polls as the best chance Republicans have to defeat Hillary Clinton according to a Quinnipiac poll.

The results of the poll were released on Thursday, and included all likely presidential candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties.

Rubio scored the highest amongst Republican, or Republican leaning, primary voter respondents against all of his competitors with 15 percent.

Former Gov. of Florida Jeb Bush received 13 percent of the votes to come in third, with the undecided taking the second spot at 14 percent.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker took fourth place, accumulating 11 percent of the votes.

In the “no way” list, Bush received the highest percentage of voters saying they would not support him with 17 percent. New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie came in second with 16 percent, and Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky took third place with 10 percent.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

7 responses to Rubio Leads

  1. granpa.usthai April 24th, 2015 at 18:07


    the ‘ole Klown Kar is starting to stutter alive.

    Romney still @ 47%?

  2. fancypants April 24th, 2015 at 20:45

    the undecided taking the second spot at 14 percent.
    very understandable…..

  3. AnthonyLook April 25th, 2015 at 03:04

    The first official Clown Car Two flavor of the month. The interesting part of this will be how long between flavors before the elimination comes and who’s next. My bet is on Paul to be next and to be just as quickly eliminated, then comes the foreign born fanatic who shut down the American government Cruz who will eliminate himself with his own words. After him, the late joiner Romney will have once again miscalculated his own importance and quickly stir the bowels of hate of the GOP birthr racist base and his early elimination will put the fear into the hearts and souls of plutocrats and corporations alike; Jeb is the next.

    • rg9rts April 25th, 2015 at 05:30

      They are already squabbling and name calling each other.. so much for the RR dictum ,,,never speak ill of a fellow republican

  4. fahvel April 25th, 2015 at 04:03

    an english bull dog in a marathon against whippets could be in the lead a second or two at the starting line.

  5. rg9rts April 25th, 2015 at 05:28

    That is an honor I wouldn’t really brag about…given the choices

  6. Chris April 25th, 2015 at 16:34

    Way too early to predict where this is headed.

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