Romney Again?

Posted by | April 19, 2015 07:36 | Filed under: Politics

James Carville says if Jeb Bush loses New Hampshire “they’ll get Romney back in the race.”

“Jeb Bush has to win New Hampshire. It’s a must-win for him, because he will lose Iowa. You’ve got to win one of them, particularly if [you’re] considered to be something of a front-runner,” Democratic strategist James Carville said at a panel discussion in February celebrating the New Hampshire primary’s upcoming 100th anniversary.

“I will go further,” Carville said. “If Jeb Bush loses New Hampshire, they’ll get Mitt Romney back in the race” — a reference to the GOP’s 2012 nominee, who briefly flirted with the idea of making a third bid for the White House.

So far this election cycle, Bush has made only two swings through the state, compared with a half-dozen or more by such likely rivals as Christie, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former technology executive Carly Fiorina, Paul and former New York governor George Pataki.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

31 responses to Romney Again?

  1. John Tarter April 19th, 2015 at 08:42

    Hillary again?

    • William April 19th, 2015 at 09:02

      I’m pretty sure the posting is about the GOP nomination, but your obsession is duly noted.

      • John Tarter April 19th, 2015 at 09:12

        The same question about the Dems front runner is appropriate. Why are you folks recycling a loser, the candidate that was rejected by her own political party? Perhaps only a rejection by the entire nation will finally remove her from the public scene forever.

        • jasperjava April 19th, 2015 at 09:16

          Typical right-wing attitude: “Silver medallist is the First LOSER!”

        • William April 19th, 2015 at 09:19

          Why are you folks recycling a loser, the candidate that was rejected by her own political party?
          You DO understand that Hillary hasn’t been nominated yet right?….
          But, your obsession is again noted.
          (I love the way you try to take a story about the GOP candidates and make it about Hillary). Typical Fox fed sheep, with a Hillary obsession.

        • OldLefty April 19th, 2015 at 09:19

          People could say that.
          They could also say that she is the most qualified, she is the most admired woman, she polls ahead of everybody and she is running.

          Perhaps only a rejection by the entire nation will finally remove her from the public scene forever.

          That’s what WE say about about EVERY GOPer who is constantly grifting and bloviating on the MSM.

          Wm Kristol, Huchabee, and Cheney come to mind.

        • anothertoothpick April 19th, 2015 at 10:49

          Have you had a peek at the poles lately?

          Let me save you some time.

          Here is Hiliary. And here is the republican clown car.

        • arc99 April 19th, 2015 at 11:04

          The same question is appropriate only if you also ask why the GOP recycled a loser from 1976, the candidate that was rejected by his own political party.

          That candidate was Ronald Reagan who secured the nomination on his second attempt in 1980. So I assume that since Hillary Clinton has embarked on the same strategy as President Reagan, since Clinton is in your eyes a recycled loser, then Reagan is also a recycled loser? Or are you simply giving us yet another example of what incredible hypocrites you right wingers are?

        • Dwendt44 April 19th, 2015 at 13:39

          Perhaps it’s because a Democratic runner up is still better than the best (?) the Republicans can offer.

        • granpa.usthai April 19th, 2015 at 14:19

          I did my ‘splaining earlier.
          Hillary lost the NC primary because voters such as myself realized at that time that POTUS2B2X Obama had a more stable approach to cleaning up GW’s mess. It were the RWNJ radio fanatics that was pushing for Hillary’s nomination – in the belief that Johnnie could ‘handle’ a real woman (seeing as to how they had lost complete control over the Alaskan Shriller) and were almost as disappointed as they were when POTUS OBAMA trounced Romney quite thoroughly in 2012.
          no matter. Those of US who were torn between Hillary and Barrack in 2008 are UNITED behind Hillary now. It’s the policies not the gender.

          Please keep trying. It’s become quite humorous to watch grown ups ranting and carrying on in trite little tantrums ’cause they don’t get what they want for the moment. And now, for the moment you’ve been holding to:

          BENGHAZI !!!!

          (and how the RepubliCON controlled Congress has wasted kazillions of dollars, time and effort on NOTHING – A G A I N !)

          • John Tarter April 20th, 2015 at 08:14

            And there is also the Clinton foundation scandal, where she used her government position in return for favors. And, shall we not forget her recent E-Mail fiasco. Now, there are also other things like how she shilled for the hated Walmart when living in Arkansas, covering up for the womanizing faux husband over the years, and the many other misdeeds she has been involved in.
            Benghazi and her incompetence there is the 3 am call that she completely flubbed. If she screwed up that bad as the Sec. of State, we surely don’t want her to be running the whole show as President.

            • OldLefty April 20th, 2015 at 09:42

              These are ALL phony, strawmen “scandals”.

              None of these rise to the level of their counterparts in Republican administrations.

              The only difference is the drama generated by , as David Frum called it, “the Conservative Entertainment Complex”.

    • OldLefty April 19th, 2015 at 09:15

      As opposed to, McCain again, and Romney again, and Santorum again???

    • craig7120 April 19th, 2015 at 09:39

      You betcha, we nominate peeps that beat the snot of the gop, I bet you’re tired, of whining.

      Here’s a tip, when your platform would appease the extremists in the Middle East you might want to reconsider killing gay people.

      Now hurry up and denounce the rhetoric from one of your own, shoo little man.

    • fancypants April 19th, 2015 at 09:54

      “I will go further,” Carville said. “If Jeb Bush loses New Hampshire, they’ll get Mitt Romney back in the race” — a reference to the GOP’s 2012 nominee, who briefly flirted with the idea of making a third bid for the White House.
      Im getting a lot of use out of this
      Any thoughts ?

      • Kim Serrahn April 19th, 2015 at 12:09

        Only cause the state won’t let them vote none of the above.

      • granpa.usthai April 19th, 2015 at 14:04

        Hillary 53%
        Romney 46%
        LOSERS always have some loss.

        • fancypants April 19th, 2015 at 17:40

          you give Romney the best results he’s ever seen or may I suggest ever will see

    • granpa.usthai April 19th, 2015 at 14:02

      yep. 2016 then 2020.

      The ‘final generation’ might want to make some plans for a bit farther down the road than what they can grab in the here and now for themselves.

    • Obewon April 19th, 2015 at 16:47

      POTUS Clinton45 in 2016 to 1/20/2025~ has a solid landslide lead. Unlike anyone else. “GOP other” leads your pack with 22% Vs Hillary 60%!

      • John Tarter April 20th, 2015 at 08:00

        Nice dream about the “cold dead fish” candidate. Now, if only the main stream media will ask the questions that need to be asked of her and not provide cover like they did for the Bamster, the voting public will be able to see for themselves who she really is. Too many low information voters will pull the lever for her just because she is a woman.

        • Obewon April 20th, 2015 at 09:22

          You admit your “cold dead fish” Romney lost 3:2 (D) 336 to (R) 206 and via GOP’s mere 47% of the popular vote. And today you’ve got zip in all polls.

          “GOP other 22%” leads your pack. Vs Hillary 60%! LOL!

  2. Carla Akins April 19th, 2015 at 09:50


  3. anothertoothpick April 19th, 2015 at 10:36

    The republicans are going Absolutely Ape.

  4. dave-dr-gonzo April 19th, 2015 at 10:49

    Looks like I’ll have to start printing the “Re-Defeat Romney” bumper stickers after all!

    • fancypants April 19th, 2015 at 10:57

      are you sure you want to make that investment beyond the year 2020 ?

    • granpa.usthai April 19th, 2015 at 13:59

      another media ‘landslide’ in the making?

  5. Jonas Grumby April 19th, 2015 at 10:54

    I disagree. Way too difficult to get him in at that point. And he brings absolutely nothing to the table and will piss off RWNJs more than Jeb. What they WILL do however is prop up Jeb and with PACs go after whatever little freak does win Iowa and NH. The ONLY think important about those two States is the narrative. And with the GOP establishment controlling the narrative, it won’t be seen as that big a deal.

  6. rg9rts April 19th, 2015 at 11:04

    I guess he’s been hiding in the clown car’s trunk

  7. granpa.usthai April 19th, 2015 at 13:57

    when Romney is the best of the best that the GOP has to offer, they’ll throw him back in. The radical teabaggers can’t even get behind one of their fellow teabaggers candidates – it’s another GOP melee , typical tactics of the GREEDY BISHOP in the 1980’s when he was out and about crashing and burning US Manufacturing businesses, shipping ’em off to China, exploiting human misery there and accumulating vast amounts of personal wealth deposited in offshore banks.
    This is EXACTLY the type of situation the sleaze bag thrives in. Melee, confusion, desperation, exploitation and final annihilation.

    He’ll be back in the running!

    Miss Annie’s talking pony has already told him to.

  8. illinoisboy1977 April 21st, 2015 at 15:16

    Please, not Mittens! I’d rather see Cheech and Chong in the White House, than that Mormon… Um… I mean, Moron!

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