Washington Times Editor Shows His Sexism And Homophobia

Posted by | April 14, 2015 16:00 | Filed under: Contributors Opinion VegasJessie

Women in Combat

In an article entitled, Women At War And The Enemy Is Us, Wesley Pruden, editor emeritus of The Washington Times pretty much sums up Republican intolerance in one scathing editorial.  The purpose of the piece, which began with a flippant mention of Hillary, complained about gay wedding cake and gay pizza in Indiana and spoke spitefully about male “brides,” was to disparage the whole idea of women serving in combat.

Most men would stipulate that in many ways, perhaps most, women are superior to men, but just not at lifting weights, running a five-minute mile, scaling a burning seven-foot wall, or surviving the squalid and violent misery of killing other men. If they were, we might already see lady linebackers and female free safeties roaming the Redskins backfield.

Of course he mentions the team that has the most offensive name to a certain indigenous American population, the Redskins, because he’s a “patriot.”  He also isn’t too aware that women can run a five minute mile and plenty, unfortunately, have been killed in combat.  He’s thinking more about the quintessential Republican woman who is the dutiful wife, who would never question her husband and isn’t capable of doing much more than running a vacuum. Times have changed and so have the tactics of warfare, but Pruden is living in the 1860’s just like the rest of the G.O.P.  But women have successfully endured boot camp:

There will always be the need for young men and women who are willing and able to run to the sound of imminent danger and many, to their death. Nations need this. You need this. It is a horrible thing, but the sanctity and security of every nation on Earth requires young men and women capable of doing this.

The most important single thing to know about boot camp is that it is 100 percent designed to reprogram children and civilians into warriors. It places within them a sense that they are expected to do important things, far more important things than could be expected from other 18-year-olds. This is all happening during one of the most intensely stressful periods of your life, when you are kept isolated from contact from your family and friends and taught that everything you were before entering the Marines was weak and lacking any real value until you too are a Marine.

Pruden continues with his disparaging remarks about radical feminism.  He even states that women who are in the Marine Corps are not eager to be sent into “the meat grinder,” so why even mention this non-issue.  As he puts it,

The debate over women in combat doesn’t go away, and probably never will until a combat regiment with a lot of women in it gets badly chewed up, leaving a lot of female body parts lying about.

Nobody is denying the difficulty of being a soldier, but there are thousands of brave women who have endured boot camp and are serving the corporate oligarch-controlled military with honor.  The purpose of this article was to tell women to know their place, while showing liberals the futility of causes that just irk the chauvinistic, sexist and homophobic editor of a trashy conservative rag.

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: VegasJessie

A resident of Las Vegas Nevada, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma as a Political Science major. Very motivated to get people to participate in the electoral process.

16 responses to Washington Times Editor Shows His Sexism And Homophobia

  1. raypc800 April 14th, 2015 at 16:10

    So the above is suppose to be an example of journalism, wow journalism has gone way down.

  2. MarcoZandrini April 14th, 2015 at 22:05

    How do you know when a rwnj’s wife has an orgasm? She doesn’t so you can’t!!!

  3. Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 00:56

    Why aren’t there any female linebackers in pro football?

    • rg9rts April 15th, 2015 at 04:44

      Sometimes your comments go beyond stupidity

      • Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 13:36

        In other words, you are not prepared to deal with the issue that I raised.

        • rg9rts April 15th, 2015 at 14:15


          • Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 14:53

            This article is about women serving in combat. There are clear similarities between that issue and the issue of women competing against men in rough sports such as football. I would be interested in comparing and contrasting women in combat with women in sports. If you are not interested in having that discussion, then the appropriate response is no response. Calling me an imbecile does nothing to promote anyone’s understanding of the issue raised in the article. So why do you participate in this forum (i.e. Liberaland)? Are you simply looking for affirmation of your existing views? Or are you interested in exploring the issues in a mutually respectful manner, with an eye toward better understanding a diverse range of viewpoints?

    • 1riven2 April 15th, 2015 at 06:43

      what sane woman – no, person, would want to be a linebacker? There are southern peckerwoods with more savvy than you.

    • Budda April 15th, 2015 at 09:05

      Why aren’t you a linebacker in pro football? After all you are a male, right?

      • Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 09:48

        Why does it matter that I am male? Are you suggesting that there are biological differences between men and women that affect their ability to do certain jobs?

    • arc99 April 15th, 2015 at 15:21

      I don’t think your question is relevant unless you are aware of an otherwise qualified woman who was prevented from trying out for the NFL due to some arbitrary rule on the gender of players in uniform..

      I do not know of any women who are 6’3″ tall weigh 245 lbs and can run a 40 yard dash in 4.4 seconds. Rest assured, if such a person ever does become known, I doubt the NFL would pass special rules preventing her from trying out for a team. With the recent retirement of all pro linebacker Patrick Willis, my beloved 49ers would love to have such an athlete.

      Excluding women from military combat based on nothing other than their gender is an antiquated relic of the 19th century. If the woman can do the job, that is all that matters. I am personally unmoved by predictions of women coming home in body bags as if those fatalities are somehow worse than the same fate befalling male soldiers. Anyone coming home in a body bag is no more or less of a loss than anyone else.

      You don’t need to be qualified as an NFL linebacker in order to serve in combat. Otherwise, 5’9″ 150lb men would be automatically excluded as well.

      Why aren’t there any 5’9″ 150lb linebackers in the NFL?

      Hopefully that will put your rhetorical question into proper perspective.

      • Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 16:53

        “If the woman can do the job, that is all that matters.”

        I have said the same thing many times, to many people. I completely agree. I would not want anyone to restrict my daughter’s options due to her gender.

        But in practice, there appear to be some jobs that few men and zero women can do effectively. Linebacker is one example. Navy Seal is probably another.

        So the issue of whether to permit women in these jobs is moot. There are simply no examples of women who can do the job.

        How else can you explain the fact that there are exactly zero female linebackers in pro football? You said yourself that the NFL would be glad to sign a woman who could outperform a man.

        There are 150 million women living in the US. Perhaps 30 million of them are in their prime athletic years. Even if women linebackers were one in a million, we could expect to see about 30 of them. But we have exactly zero. Not even one in 30 million. Which is pretty much the same point that the Wash Times editor was making.

    • arc99 April 15th, 2015 at 15:30

      btw, UFC women’s bantamweight champ Rhonda Rousey is 5’7″ 135lbs. Check her out in your favorite search engine if you are not familiar with her accomplishments.

      Then ask yourself a simple question. You are in a foxhole in combat in a life or death situation. Who would you prefer to be watching your back, Ms. Rousey or DNesh DSouza?

      • Robert M. Snyder April 15th, 2015 at 16:59

        In a foxhole, I would want the person who has the best combination of physical and mental abilities, which might be a woman or a man. But if I were conducting a Navy Seal raid, I would want someone like a young Jesse Ventura. There are simply no women who can perform physically at that level. If there were, we would have female linebackers.

  4. rg9rts April 15th, 2015 at 04:44

    When was the last time he scaled a 7 foot wall without a 9′ ladder..

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