Ready For Hillary Derangement Syndrome?

Posted by | April 13, 2015 08:00 | Filed under: Bob Cesca Contributors Opinion Politics

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton officially announced her candidacy for president on Sunday in a well-assembled video designed to establish The Folks as the centerpiece of her 2016 campaign.

Matt Yglesias broke down the video by the numbers:

Number of people in Hillary Clinton’s announcement video besides Hillary Clinton: 38.

Number of women: 20.

Number of people of color: 13.

Number of women of color: 7.

Number of non-Hillary Clinton speaking roles: 13.

Number of speaking roles for non-Hillary Clinton women: 8.

Number of speaking roles for people of color: 7.

Number of speaking roles for women of color: 5.

Number of same-sex couples: 2.

Number of seconds until Hillary Clinton first appears: 91.

Number of seconds with Clinton talking or onscreen: 37.

Number of references to career readiness: 2.

Number of references to motherhood: 3.

Number of references to school or college: 2.

Number of references to inequality: 1.

Number of concrete policies mentioned: 0.

Number of times the name “Hillary Clinton” is spoken: 0.

Bottom line: this is not a video that Clinton would’ve released eight years ago. Why? Clearly because it’s been eight years since 2007, when the political climate, the Democratic field, the Republican field and the roster of top-shelf issues were completely and totally different.

Think about where the country was in 2007. We were still ensconced in the Iraq surge, same-sex marriage was largely illegal across the country, we were experiencing the initial warning signs of the economic collapse, the GOP was getting ready to nominate a Vietnam War veteran, Clinton herself had not yet served four years as Secretary of State, and a soon-to-be Democratic rock star named Barack Obama had just entered the race with a state-of-the-art new media machine backing him. And that’s right off the top of my head. Consequently, Clinton’s priorities and tactics will be different. They have to be.

One thing that hasn’t changed, however, is… CONTINUE READING

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca is the managing editor at The Daily Banter ( and a Huffington Post contributor since 2005. He's worked in journalism since 1988 as a print writer/editor, a radio news anchor, a digital media columnist/editor, a book author and blogger. He's the co-host of the Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show podcast and a Thursday regular on the syndicated Stephanie Miller Show. He's appeared on numerous other radio shows including the John Phillips Show and Geraldo Rivera Show in Los Angeles. Bob has been a commentator/analyst on the BBC (TV and radio), MSNBC, Current TV, CNN and Sky News. Following him on Twitter: @bobcesca_go

15 responses to Ready For Hillary Derangement Syndrome?

  1. CHOCOL8MILK April 13th, 2015 at 10:04

    Got my microwaveable popcorn ready. Should be interesting on The Alan Colmes Show when the nut jobs call in about this.

    • granpa.usthai April 13th, 2015 at 13:25

      his die is cast.
      he’s set.

      and I don’t doubt that Alan is sadistic and cruel enough to exploit it for all the $$$ he can make. Not to mention the irritation it will inflict on the GOPs.

  2. Suzanne McFly April 13th, 2015 at 10:43

    On Morning Joe they had a right winger female senator (cant remember her name) and they asked her about what she thought about the Hilary video. She yammered about how there was nothing about where she wants to take the country and what policies she supports. She said if Hilary wants to be taken seriously, she needs to let us know what approach she will take to lead our country and in this video she didn’t present her positions. They then showed a video of Rubio in a windy video (could barely hear what he said, they had no wind screen) and they asked the rwnj how she felt about Rubio’s chance and she claimed he is the next Obama….in other words, she believes because there is very little of Washington experience with Rubio, she thinks this will now work for a Republican candidate. How can these people take themselves seriously and what reasonable person will take them seriously?

    • granpa.usthai April 13th, 2015 at 13:20

      white evangelical sexist racist who will forget that Rubio is a light skin Hispanic (most likely with a WHITE FLDL) kinda like they did when the GREEDY BISHOP Mormon made his FAILED run against the people’s choice.


      you said “reasonable person”

      all blushes (kinda cute for an old geezer gasping at the thought of an upskirt)
      no, no, no -erase that.

      I understand what you’re saying – my mistake, sorry.

      • Suzanne McFly April 13th, 2015 at 14:17

        I used the term reasonable because I am hopeful, some say I am a pollyanna, but I prefer to think positive and hopeful while at the same time prepare myself for the worst.

    • Chris19741949 April 13th, 2015 at 18:46

      For the past 6 years, the pubbies have claimed that the President, a first term Senator, had no experience to be President, and ad nauseum after that pounding on the experience thing. Now there are at least three (who can keep up with them) first term or early second term senators on the pubbie side who are running for President…and they all have the right experience? Does the word “hypocrisy” ring a bell, pubbies?

      • Suzanne McFly April 13th, 2015 at 19:06

        These types do 360’s all day long. I cant keep on who stands where or for what in the republican party.

  3. jasperjava April 13th, 2015 at 11:43

    Are we ready for Hillary Derangement Syndrome? We’re friggin’ used to it. It’s been pandemic on the Right since 1992.

    23 years ago. Seems like yesterday.

  4. cecilia April 13th, 2015 at 12:57

    I’m looking forward to “Hillary Derangement Syndrome”.

    It’s going to be HI-Larious.
    Every sexist piece of fecal matter will show off his true anti-women views in full, living colors.

    And I’m going to sit here, point and laugh

    • granpa.usthai April 13th, 2015 at 13:28

      you think it’s funny to watch GOPs suffer daily aneurysms?

      well – stop hogging all the popcorn!

      • cecilia April 13th, 2015 at 14:18

        oh, we have LOTS of popcorn!

        and I’m happy to share

  5. granpa.usthai April 13th, 2015 at 13:22


    new GOP chant.

    • granpa.usthai April 13th, 2015 at 13:34


      …heads exploding on air
      as they pull out their hair…

      anybody that can carry a tune feel free to help me out here, please!

  6. William April 13th, 2015 at 18:38

    Let the games begin

  7. labman57 April 13th, 2015 at 20:40

    You can practically see the fear oozing out of the pores of the Republican Party over Clinton’s official announcement.

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